
Happy Birthday, times twelve

All the Britorias kids’ birthdays ♥


"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (877)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
01-09-2024, 09:43 PM

Another year had come and gone. Another year of days filled with play and laughs, smiles and love. A year of lessons and bonding, a year of growth and exploration. A year of family. Artorias looked around the Great Hall, decorated with the flowers they had harvested from the castle gardens before the turn of the season and colorful swaths of cloth acting as streamers. Winter in Auster meant it was the birthdays for pretty much all of the Carpathians; it also meant their eldest litter were not full grown adults and their youngest were yearlings, moving into their adolescent years. It was a time of celebration and love, cherishing who his children were becoming. One promise Artorias had vowed when his first pups were born and one he swore he would uphold for all his days—none of his children would ever know a birthday like what his first birthday had been.

After verifying all of the decorations were set and the big birthday breakfast had been made and laid out across the table for the whole family to feast, Artorias was satisfied things were set for the kids. He waited beside the family table at the head of the hall, the canvas-wrapped and ribbon-tied gifts for their second litter hidden just out of sight beside his mahogany throne. One by one he began to set the presents out in front of each of his children's usual places for them to find when they came up to the table. Now everything was ready for them! Once Briar came to join him in summoning their children, Art gave his beloved wife an excited grin and a quick kiss before lifting his head to the sky and calling for the Carpathian horde to come get their breakfast—and for his youngest to get their first birthday surprises.

"Carpathius Family"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.


The Hallows
Lady of Cinder

Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

6 Years

How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Ooh La LaSamhain 2022LegendaryPride - DemisexualTeacher
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3VengeanceCritical Fail!Ice Bridge Explorer1K
01-13-2024, 12:37 AM

She had been hard at work preparing a feast of a breakfast that morning and while she hardly ever liked getting up this early, their children's birthday surprise was more than worth it. She knew that this was only their second year doing this, but she quietly hoped that this was a tradition that would stick. The fact that their oldest was now a whole two years old and their second were a year old... it was so surreal and exciting all at once. She laid out all kinds of foods across the large table where they usually had their family meals–a wide variety of cooked meats, eggs, berries, and roughly shaped biscuits left barely any empty space left across the center of the table. Just as she finished setting the table, she saw Artorias placing the gifts at their second litter's usual places and she smirked a bit at the few of them that were wrapped but were still very obvious in what they were. Solaire's gift was especially humorous since there was very little that could be done to disguise a gift like that, but it was adorable that Artorias had tried to wrap it all the same.

With the decorations, food, and gifts all in place she settled in next to Artorias, returning his grin and kiss with some of her own. She could never really shake the bitter sweet feeling she had at these events, but truly she was just happy that they were able to do this for their kids. She and Art both had their own soured birthday memories growing up so it was important to them both that every one of their pups was celebrated and had a chance to feel as special as they already were. She leaned into Artorias' side as he howled for their children and she waited eagerly for them to arrive, her tail wagging gently behind her.

"Carpathius Family"


The Hallows
Rookery Ranger

Advanced Hunter (100)

Advanced Navigator (105)

2 Years
01-14-2024, 05:48 PM

With a little groan, Clove opened her sleepy, monochromatic eyes. It wasn’t her parent’s call that woke her first- but the sunlight trickling in through the curtains of the window, as it spread across her face and into her vision. She might have rolled over and gone back to sleep, because she wasn't much of an early bird. But today was much different than every other day- it was her birthday.

Mother and father had told them they would have a surprise waiting for them in the morning. It had been hard to fall asleep that night- much like a child on Christmas Eve, she had tossed and turned, waiting for the hours to pass. And now that it was morning, and dawn had brought in some sunlight to wake her up. Clove shot up from bed, wiping the sleep from her eyes and stretching out her legs. That’s when Father released his howl, calling them all downstairs, which made her move faster. Rushing over to her mother’s vanity, she quickly brushed her pelt, rubbed on some clove scented perfume, and rushed out of the room and down the stairs. She was so excited, she didn’t even think to wake up her brothers and sisters. She just wanted to see what Mom and Dad prepared for them!

Running through the coridore, and pushing through the doors to the Great Hall. Clove was overtaken by the beautiful decorations that covered the room corner to corner, and the huge spread of yummy foods. Her eyes were lit with child-like wonder, jaw hanging open as a delighted smile pulled at her lips. Wow, wow, wow! Her eyes scanned the room slowly, taking it all in, before falling on her parents who were at the head of the table. "Hi Mom, hi Dad!" Padding over to them, she rubbed herself against them both- bumping her head affectionately against theirs, nuzzling them with her snout. “This is amazing!” She beamed, looking up at them with genuineness in her eyes.

And once they shared their sentimental moment, Clove would take her place at the table, where she usually sat. Immediately noticing the small box that was wrapped with a beautiful bow. Placing a paw on it, she fumbled it around a bit- trying to get an idea, of what could be inside. But she knew she had to wait for everyone else before she opened it.

Giggling, she looked out across the table, contemplating what she would eat for her first course. Hopefully her siblings would be here soon so they could eat!  



The Hallows

Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

1 Year
Dire wolf
01-14-2024, 06:50 PM

Nelu was already wide awake, tidying up his work area from the experiments the night before that had kept him up late in the night. He was getting the hang of firing pottery and now came the fun of experimenting with glazes. However, that would have to wait for the time being for he needed to acquire a few minerals and pigments before the experiment could proceed.

He understood that today was the day he and his siblings were born, but he didn't really know what to make of it other than he was now a yearling and there was to be a celebration. He glanced in the mirror, noting the clay stains in his fur. Well, that wouldn't do. Nelu started washing up in the basin, pausing only when he heard his father calling them downstairs. Ahhh yes, there was a surprise as well, he had almost forgotten. Nelu dried his paws and headed down the stairs to the banquet hall at a steady, even pace. When he arrived it was to see a richly decorated room and spread of foods. A gift for each pup was placed at their usual seating spot.

"Good morning, Mother, Father, Clove." He said, dipping his head in greeting to each of them in turn. He moved to take his seat, examining the gift that laid on the table before him. "How are each of you this morning?"


The Hallows

Expert Healer (135)

Advanced Fighter (110)

2 Years
Dire wolf
01-16-2024, 10:17 PM
Solaire had already been awake for a while since he was so used to getting up early to do his gardening first thing before everyone else got up, but he didn't go out to the garden that morning. No, he excitedly waited in his new room, fussing over his potted plants while he waited for their parents to call them down for their surprises. He knew it was the day for celebrating their birthday and he didn't want to be elbow deep in some plants or all dirty when they were ready for them to come join them for the party. Otherwise he knew his mom would make him go wash up first and he didn't want to miss out on any of it! Just as he was starting to get antsy with Dovleac watching apathetically from his bed, he heard his dad call for them and he hurriedly put down his watering can so he could trot out of the room and down the stairs.

He walked into the grand hall right behind Nelu and he looked around with a grin at all of the decorations and the absolutely delicious looking food that covered the entire table. It looked amazing! But what really caught his eye was the large, oddly shaped gift that sat at his place, sticking out and taking up a section of the table on either side of him too. Blinking with surprise, he took his seat in front of it and tilted his head as he examined the shape of it. It was long, like a sword, but what were the big things sticking out on either side at the end?! He looked up excitedly at his siblings and parents, just barely containing himself as he waited to be allowed to open it.

"Solaire Carpathius"


The Hallows

Novice Hunter (15)

Beginner Navigator (10)

1 Year
01-20-2024, 03:31 PM
Silas had recently moved from the family rooms, having summoned enough courage to finally do so. He was still timid and unsure of himself, but every day he was getting better. There was an excited spark in his eye that promised of great things to come in his future. Silas had plenty of time to mature, and he needed that time. He did feel nervous about not meeting the standards his parents set out for him, and that morning the fear remained. However happy the celebration should be he still felt nervous as he slipped from the bedroom and made his way downstairs at their call.

The aurora marked boy made his way to the hall, preceeded by Clove, Nelu, and Solaire. He waa never the fastest of the siblings, but he made his way all the same. He had a timid smile on his features as he greeted his family, giving his dad a deep nod and giving his mother a kiss before he took his place. All the while having a hard time keeping his gaze from the gifts that were wrapped up nicely to the side while he enjoyed the scents of breakfast.

Ember Carpathius

"I'll be the fire that dries the flood"

The Hallows
Head Scholar

Master Fighter (295)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
02-08-2024, 04:31 AM (This post was last modified: 02-08-2024, 04:32 AM by Ember Carpathius. Edited 1 time in total.)

The first sound Ember heard that morning was her father's call beckoning all of them down to the Great Hall. Before that, the girl had been sound asleep, still breaking in her new bed in her new room all the way up on the top floor of the castle. Ember liked it up there; it was quiet and private and her room had a spectacular view of the ocean! Sleeping on her own also meant she could sleep in as much as she wanted—which had 100% been her plan until her father had woken her up. Grumbling sleepily, Ember rubbed her eyes and sat upright in bed. What on earth could dad want this early? For crying out loud, it was her birthday and she was gonna sleep as long as she wanted- wait, it was her birthday!

The sudden realization snapped Ember awake in a heartbeat. Shoot, she was going to be late! Clambering out of bed, the leggy yearling girl hurried about trying to make herself presentable and not look like she'd just woken up two minutes ago. A smoothing of her ruffled fur here, a little spritz of perfume, and her tail... oh gods, her tail was a sight. All long and unkempt, just like her mother's but looking more like a heathen's. Ember groaned in frustration as she furiously brushed at her tail, barely making any headway before just giving up and deciding she was presentable enough. Then she was out the door, sprinting down the hall, and all but falling down the stairs, all the while internally swearing and hoping she wasn't keeping everyone else waiting.

Rushing up to the doors of the Great Hall, Ember skidded to a stop and took a moment to catch her breath and compose herself. Then, doing her damnedest to not look like a hot mess that had just raced downstairs, she trotted briskly into the hall, all smiles to her waiting family. Everyone else was gathered, save for her eldest siblings and Vendrick. Oh thank the gods, she wasn't the last one here! "Bună dimineața, familie!" she greeted her siblings and parents with chipper glee, taking her usual spot at their family's table beside Clove. As soon as she hopped up into her seat, Ember was struck by two things: the amazing breakfast spread their mother had prepared for them, and the very obviously sword-shaped gift wrapped in fine cloth laying on the table before her. The adolescent girl gasped in shock, glancing around at everyone else's wrapped gifts, her long tail wagging furiously as she looked to her parents. "Can we open them? Pleeeeease?"


Artorias and Briar may enter any of Ember's threads while she is under 2 years old.



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Intermediate Intellectual (50)

1 Year

02-14-2024, 04:33 AM

Sleep still heavy in his eyes, the boy was... maybe not the most with it, first thing in the morning. The noise of his siblings in the kitchen hadn't initially been enough to drag him from dreamland. Listen, he hadn't quite been late to breakfast, but he was lagging behind the rest of them.

It leads to a sheepish look to the rest of them as he sleepily stumbles to join everyone else at the table, cowlicked fur still wild over his brow. Disheveled and yawning, but cracking a smile too. "Morning," it's all he manages before another yawn sweeps over him. Grinning, taking a seat among his family. While the boy had been a bit reclusive, it's nice to be surrounded by all this warmth and noise. They'd really all made it here, all made it to a year. How cool.

And there were presents to open. So much to take in, first thing in the morning. Ven doesn't even know where to start!


"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (877)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
02-17-2024, 03:11 PM

One by one the Carpathian children came filing into the great hall, each birthday boy and girl greeted with a loving smile and a tail wag from their sire. The first one in unsurprisingly was his littlest, the dire wolf father greeting Clove with an affectionate nose boop to her forehead as she nuzzled his forelegs. "Good morning, Clovie! Happy birthday, sweetheart!" An amused smile touched Art's lips while he watched Clove take her place at the table and immediately light up upon seeing her gift waiting for her. Then came Nelu to join them, greeting them all in his usual manner of formalness, followed closely by Solaire. Artorias returned his son's bowed head and smiled at his boys, now almost fully grown to his full dire-sized height to where Art could look his sons in the eye. "Good morning, Nelu, Solaire, and happy birthday, lads! I'm doing very well! Are you excited for your special day?" he asked his son, tail all awag with joy for his now yearling pups. After the boys got settled, Artorias noticed Silas coming quietly into the hall, meeting his auroral son with a loving smile. His sweet Silas had always been the most reserved of the bunch, but he'd gotten a lot better as he got older. Artorias returned his son's bow and even snuck him a little boop on the head with his snoot when he walked by, unable to contain his boundless affection for his children, he was so proud of them all! Some time passed and Artorias looked at the door awaiting his last two children's arrival. A skittering of paws brought Ember into the hall with a boisterous greeting in Carpathian for them all, followed by the pleas to open their gifts. Art chuckled and gave Ember a playfully scolding look. "Once everyone is here, we can open gifts," he told her, looking back to the door just in time to see Vendrick finally making his way in, greeting his last child with a chipper, "Good morning, Ven!"

Now that they were all gathered, it was time for the ceremonial embarrassing of his children by being an overtly loving father! Clearing his throat, Artorias began to sing the customary birthday song for his newly minted yearlings. "La mulți ani pentru tine, la mulți ani pentru tine! La mulți ani Ember, Clove, Silas, Vendrick, Nelu, și Solaire! La mulți ani pentru tine!" Artorias sang for his children while in the rafters overhead Corbin and Eira cawed and cheered for the yearlings. Now that the customary humiliating had been accomplished, Art beamed at all six of his little (or not so little anymore) loves with pure fatherly affection in his fire-toned gaze. "My children, you have all done amazing things in the first year of your lives, and today you start your next steps in your journey as yearlings. As adolescents, you will begin to find your places in the Hallows, learn who you are and become who you want to be. Your mother and I are both so incredibly proud of you all, and we love you each with all our hearts and souls." Artorias' gaze moved across each of his children, lingering on each pup for a few moments of affection. Ah, but they were patiently (or impatiently) waiting to open their gifts, as Ember was already starting to claw at the wrappings of hers. Art chuckled and rolled his eyes. "Okay, okay, I won't make you wait anymore. Go on, iubirile mele, open them up!"

Artorias watched on proudly as his yearling children began to unwrap their gifts, some more like feral animals than others (Ember). Clove’s gift opened to reveal a long, thin mahogany box. Inside lay a beautiful necklace made of pure gold. The thin chain held a gold pendant that showed the same swirls of Damascus patterning as the rare Carpathian steel many of their family possessed. The gold pendant was shaped into the flame sigil of the Carpathian family and studded with fiery orange sapphires, with a larger royal blue sapphire in the middle of the pendant. "Now you can start your own jewelry collection like your mother," the sire wolf playfully teased his littlest girl. "The flames are the sigil of our family. Like the eternal fire burning in our hearth, our family will last for eternity." Clove had never wanted any Carpathian steel, but her love for jewelry had inspired Artorias. He had spent hours working the forge refining the technique he used to smelt the ripples of Carpathian steel into gold, but eventually he had nailed it. His little Clove was worth it and he hoped she loved her gift.

Nelu’s gift was quite large, and when the bulky packaging was unwrapped it revealed a pristine set of black leather armor. The cuirass was reinforced with extra padding for protection and straps at the joints to permit more nimble movement. Around the throat, a thin steel plate gorget would shield the neck from fatal blows. It was identical to the armor Artorias wore, a more royal look to the standard Hallows armor to signify Nelu’s status as a prince. "Now you’ll be ready if any more Raiders decide to try and test you," he joked with a lopsided grin. "Try it on! We can adjust the fit to make sure it’s comfortable for you." Safety was paramount to the Lord of Cinder when it came to his children. No expense would be spared to keep them safe.

Solaire’s gift was the largest of the bunch, and the most obvious for what it was, save for maybe Ember’s. The giant axe-shaped package could only be one thing. When his son unwrapped his gift, the glistening Carpathian steel double-bit head of the battle axe was the first thing revealed. The steel gleamed in the morning light, revealing the rough matte finish with streaks of polished steel cutting through the finish like rain falling down a windowpane. The handle was made of polished dark walnut and the end had a pommel of sharp Carpathian steel like a spike on the end. Artorias exchanged a look with Briar, knowing his mate had been worried about gifting their son such a massive weapon when he had asked for one. He trusted Solaire to be careful though. "With great power comes great responsibility," he cautioned his son all the same, just to be safe. "We can start practicing with your new weapon right away to get you familiar with it, but do be careful swinging it around, son." For all their sakes… They didn’t need a repeat of Thorn.

Silas was his special boy, and as such, Artorias and Briar had prepared an extra special gift for him. The boy had shown tremendous growth in his self-confidence, but sometimes it was nice to have a safety net to fall back on, a lifeline to yank in case you needed it. That had been the inspiration behind Silas’ gift. Inside the wrappings was a sturdy brown leather bracer, polished and embossed with vine-like designs. Built into the bracer was a compass—but it was no ordinary compass. The compass had two dials that shifted and turned as the bracer moved, a red arrow always pointing north and an orange arrow always pointing toward the Grand Hearth in Hearthstone. Artorias did not pretend to know how the compass worked, just that it did. "Now you’ll always be able to find your way back home, no matter where you go." Artorias smiled at Silas, hoping this would help encourage the lad to feel more confident to go adventuring and hunting.

By the time Artorias looked at Ember, the girl was already tearing into her obviously sword-shaped gift like a whirlwind, earning her another chuckle and shake of the head from her father. Ember was incorrigible, but her enthusiasm to get her sword reminded the Lord of Cinder of a younger version of himself. The moment the wrappings were pulled away, the gleam of silver steel flashed in the morning light. The sword was shorter than the Lord of Cinder's, better balanced for his smaller daughter and lighter weight with its thin blade. The blade itself was polished to a mirror-like luster, with intricate wording in Carpathian etched into the steel down the center of the blade. The hilt and pommel were shaped like a raven's head and wings extended, all made of rippling Carpathian steel, and the hilt was wrapped in supple black leather to match its scabbard. "I chose this blade specifically for you, fiica mea. Carry it with honor and take care of it." He had no doubts Ember would be responsible, for she so loved the Carpathian steel weapons.

Vendrick's gift was the most different from the others. Instead of a wrapped present, a small leather satchel sat in his place. Inside, two raven feathers lay hidden, one a jet black and the other a snowy white. As soon as his son took them out, Artorias chuckled and gave a sharp whistle. From the rafters above, a young male raven swooped down to land on Vendrick's shoulder, regarding the wolf with a curious avian tilt of its head. The raven was covered in black feathers everywhere except its wings, which alternated black and white feathers back and forth in a continuous pattern. "This is Rareş. He's the eldest of Corbin and Eira's chicks, and the fastest flier of the bunch. And now, he's your faithful companion to share your adventures with." Artorias smiled at his son and his newest companion, glancing up to his own ravens in the rafters as they watched their son passed over to Vendrick with pride and joy. The Hallows was renowned for its ravens, many of them stemming from his own loyal companions, and now Vendrick would share in the family tradition. Just as the next generation of Carpathians ventured forth into the world, so too did the next generation of ravens with them.

With all the children's gifts given, Artorias just basked in the bliss of the moment, sharing this special moment with his family. After a few moments, the Lord of Cinder turned to Ember and Solaire, the two of his offspring who had received their special family weapons. "Do you two have names you'd like to give your new weapons?" he asked them with a curious tilt of his head. "It's tradition for Carpathians to name their weapons. Dusk has Whisper, Ciaran has Windrunner, your mother has Memento. What would you like your weapons to be called?"

"Carpathius Family"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.


The Hallows

Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

1 Year
Dire wolf
03-02-2024, 03:01 PM

Nelu nodded in response to his father asking if he was excited for the day. He was, at least as excited as he tended to get which was still relatively calm. Once everyone settled his father began to sing and Nelu tilted his head to the side curiously but soon gathered that this was some sort of tradition and so he settled down and just listened, wondering how such a tradition got started. When Artorias had finished he gave a short speech and then in was time for the pups to open up the presents.

Nelu examined his gift with his paws for a moment before he started to unwrap the gift. He worked precisely and efficiently at his unwrapping until he revealed his gift of black leather armor. It was a lovely piece of craftsmanship and he ran a paw over the steel gorget. He looked to his mother and father with a smile. "This is wonderful craftsmanship, and a most excellent gift. Thank you, very much." He examined a bit further before stepping away from the table and working to put it on. Samiri scrambled up his leg to help assist with adjustments. Though a scholar foremost he appreciated the gift, especially after his run in with the raider boy. He wanted to be able to help protect his family and the wolves that were given rest here.


The Hallows
Rookery Ranger

Advanced Hunter (100)

Advanced Navigator (105)

2 Years
03-24-2024, 02:36 PM

After greeting her father, she took her place at the table. One by one, each of her siblings arrived for breakfast- and one by one, Clove smiled at them and said good morning. Almost bouncing around in her seat, brimming with excitement and anticipation. She could hardly hold herself back. What was in the box! Touching it with a paw, pushing it around, and hearing something shuffle around inside. She did her best to remain patient, nearly bursting at the seams when their father addressed them all. Singing them happy birthday, which nearly brought tears to her eyes, Her parents were so thoughtful- she was lucky to have them.

And then, father gave the ok to open presents! With a gleeful squeal, Clove grabbed her gift and opened it with ease. Inside, was a beautiful, handmade necklace that was similar to the one she borrowed from her mother- a thin chain of pure gold, with a pendant that had swirls of the Damascus steel woven into it, and being shaped into the flame sigil of their family. It was studded with fiery orange sapphires, ones that reminded her of her father’s eyes; and a large royal blue sapphire in the middle. Her little jaw dropped, eyes sparkling with wonder as she held it up with a delicate paw- showing it off to her siblings, if anyone was watching, before holding it close to her heart and looking at her parents. “It’s so beautiful, I adore it! Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!” She was so overjoyed, and appreciative of the gift. And it was so meaningful, that the first item in her collection was something her father made just for her.


Thread Move Log
Thread Forum From To
1. Happy Birthday, times twelve Amron's Castle 09:43 PM, 01-09-2024 08:26 AM, 05-07-2024