
It's oddly easy to see through it


09-19-2013, 11:30 AM

The large brute was having no trouble getting through these mucky lands, as it seemed. His light brown fur shining against the darkness, aside from the few black markings that took over him. His black tail, mask on his face and right ear. While his other ear and paws were darker brown like a mud splash. His eyes, within the black mask a unsettling blood shot red color. Many wouldn't guess he was merely a year old, while turning of age next season, there was always a surprise up such a large brute's sleeve. Though he wasn't an evil one, he could be if someone pissed him off. Hajime wanted himself to be in a position of power simply because he wanted to benefit others along with himself. Though he had no desire to join and raise ranks with the current packs.
He snorted a little, Allen his uncle had wandered off somewhere leaving him in this place. Hajime wasn't too thrilled about it, but there wasn't much else he could do anyway. He perked his ears as the muck crawled up his paws. The sooner he got out of this place the better. At least his cat like movements were making it so that it was easy to maneuver this difficult place. It was clear he had gone through some intense training for that possibility. Wolves were limited to movements due to their spines, Hajime made the most of his body movements.



09-19-2013, 09:15 PM
Her pale body weaved in and out of the horribly dull trees. She stuck out like a sore thumb within the dim forest. Everything was dead and broken. She was quite spooked, due to the fact she lived most of her life within a more snowy area. She enjoyed the snow, it was so clean. Antoinette was a very clean woman. Her body rarely showed blemishes. She was the image of purity. No man has soiled her and her body was seriously a temple. Her Albinism let her live up to such an image. She lacked any color except a gentle pink that poked through her pristine white fur. Her nose was a soft pink, as well as her eyes. The woman was something else, especially because she was a Dog in a Wolf world. The German Shepherd was normal size for her breed but much smaller then a regular sized full grown Wolf. They towered over her, but her spunk overpowered size by far.

The unremarkable figure of Antoinette slithered through the souless forest before her pale eyes caught a form. She eyed the small Wolf with curiosity. It's dark earthy fur. The smaller size made her believe it was a yearling. Her delicate form moved closer when her eyes met his. A false yet sweet smile was forced upon her pink lips as french vocals were let forth, "Greetings, sir!" Her voice was chipper and hidden beneath a french accent. With a bow of her head would come more lovely tones, "I am Lady Antoinette."


09-19-2013, 10:14 PM

Hajime stopped when he heard the dog. He had heard stories of other canines from his uncle and mother, but had never met one. Let alone, an albino. He had heard stories of a giant cat, but never a canine as small as this one. His black tail flicked. His light colored brown coat fixated on turning towards her as his red eyes glinted against her white coat. He was quiet surprised, and even more so intrigued. The boy lowered his head in a respectful bow.
"Hello my dear, my name is Hajime. You're I take it?" Hajime said in a polite tone. When it came down to it, he could be a gentleman. He was just nice sometimes, he could be the most viscous wolf you ever met if you pissed him off enough. His black tail flicked, as he looked at the dead tree's. What was a girl such as herself doing in a place like this?



09-20-2013, 11:36 AM
The woman's gaze was unwavered as she just stared at him. He seemed to be full of confusion. The look within those crimson orbs was something of a daze. As if her voice spooked him in a way. Though, she just stared. Her faulty smile and chipper attitude stayed the same. He then let forth gentle yet baritone vocals for the souless forest to hear, yet they were the only ears to grasp such sounds. She snorted inwardly at such a question. Maybe he was dumb? These moments were the moments when the bitch in her really came out. Her answer was spoke in a rich french accent, furious as ever. "I am a German Sherpherd. A royal breed. A rarity, a divine creature. Do not call me a filthy Dog, I am everything but." She pointed that pink button nose into the air in complete dismay. She sucked in a sharp breath as her smile reappeared.

The woman stared into his red eyes without meaning. Her pale orbs still seethed in rage, but her expression of happiness stuck onto her pure being. "Now, Hajime, I do believe that is how you say it. Yes, well, what brings you to this desolate forest? I was just passing when I noticed you. I do hope you aren't one of those icky Wolves that enjoy blood and such." Her nose crinkled as she spoke. The woman hated gorey stuff.


09-20-2013, 01:17 PM

Hajime was a bit surprised by her attitude. It made him feel rather uncomfortable for only a few seconds at that. He had only asked a question. What was the difference between her and a dog anyway? Weren't dogs just a generic name to the many breeds as humans had called them. His black tail fluttered behind him as his cat like movements changed sitting and curling his tail around his back paws. German Shepard must have been her breed name, and she was an odd color of it as well. He raised his head. "My apologies, you couldn't expect me to know, I have no come across someone like you Antoinette." Hajime apologized. Hoping she wouldn't hold it against him too much. After all, he was fairly clean unlike a lot of creatures, the boy was considered a king in his uncle's eyes after all.
Though she soon kept the anger down, and asked him a different question. This made him relax a bit in her anxious state. Lowering his ears against his skull then raising them again. "I'm exploring the lands to get a better hold of where everything is. No, I'm not a blood thirsty mongrel no need to worry. The most blood I see is when I eat as of late." There was one time he killed his brother, there was a lot of blood then. But, he had done it to protect his mother, it wasn't out of blood lust. Hajime wasn't a killer, unless he felt it was needed. Lives in the balance were key in these kinds of situations. He looked around the quiet forest though. Wondering why such a creature as this one was here.
