
Euphoria, My Old Friend



The Syndicate

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

3 Years
01-12-2024, 07:44 AM (This post was last modified: 01-12-2024, 07:45 AM by Kaino. Edited 1 time in total.)

Alongside Sephiran, Kaino had scouted the land that the band intended to claim for the season. The area seemed perfect, but there was one little problem. They weren't the only ones to find perfection in the snake-riddled landscape. A rival band, smaller than the Syndicate, was attempting to push their way in. Kind of like an, "I saw it first" deal. It was obvious that the wolves in question had no idea who they were dealing with. Whether or nor they saw it first was irrelevant. Whether they could hold it against Kaino and her crew? That was what mattered.

Having collected a pair of wolves from the band, Kai and co. set off towards the plains. She didn't think it would take much more than the three...four? Three? of them. The heads thing... Did one count as a single entity or a duo? Perhaps she would ask later, but for now there was business to attend to.

The summer was in full force and the day was a scorcher. The clouds overhead provided a bit of cover, but it was still balls ass hot. Humid too. It was kind of funny. The season hadn't been too hot, but the world decided that today, of all days, it was going to roast the vast expanse of plain. Each step brought puffs of dry dust ghosting up into the air as though the trio...foursome were a herd of horses or something. The humidity in the air and the darker clouds on the horizon made it look as though they might be in for a summer storm. It would be a nice break from the heat of the day and would serve to tamp down the dusty earth for the journey back to the group.

Far off in the distance, the first rumble of thunder met the fae's dark purple ears and a grin tugged at the corners of her maw. She was ready for some rain. As though her thoughts were received by the universe, a heavy gust of wind came from behind the Syndicate wolves, taking dust and debris along with it. It would take their scent forward as well. Hopefully they wouldn't have to go hunting for the other band and their scent would draw the undesirables out into the open.

Though the darkest of the clouds were still a distance away, the first spattering of rain began to fall from the sky. Kaino didn't bat an eye and continued forward. Up ahead, she could see motion in the long grass and, a moment later, a quartet of wolves emerged into a patch of shorter grass. It would serve the perfect arena for the upcoming battle. The enemy wolves taunted and threatened, but Kaino only continued to smile, that smile growing as the distance between the two parties grew smaller and smaller.

Once silver paws hit the edge of the short grass, Kai launched herself forward. The smile turned into a snarl as the woman collided hard with the nearest wolf. Teeth sank into the neck of her enemy, ripping and tearing at the stretchy flesh there. Her opponent squealed in pain and tried to spin so that it could get the advantage. Kai spun as well, staying just out of reach. As the pair danced, she readjusted her bite, leaning into the other wolf so that her canines could puncture deeper things. More vital things.

The sounds of separate battles rent the air in a cacophony of yelps, growls, snarls and squeals. In accompaniment, the thunder rolled hard and the wind roared as though wanting to join in the fray. Sprinkling rain turned into a downpour, the scent of scorched earth now wet filled the air with an earthy, pungent smell that was overshadowed by the rich tang of blood. It poured from the wound in her enemy's neck, coating the bob-tailed fae's face and chest with thick, dark claret.

Pain in her hip forced Kaino to release her prey and spin. The fourth wolf in the group had come up behind her and had landed a bite. With blood thick on her tongue and adrenaline running full bore through her veins, Kaino acted. The teeth in her hip hurt, but it also connected her to the enemy. Planting her paws, Kai leaped backwards into the mouth of the wolf. Catching it off guard, the wolf stumbled, releasing its hold. Kai was on it in an instant, biting into its throat, chest and belly in a flurry of attacks. The first wolf, torn and bleeding profusely, was creeping off with its tail between its legs. Smart. Probably smarter than the rest. Still... not smart enough. She'd get to that later.

Paws planted against her chest and pushed Kaino backwards. Detrimental to the one laying prone. The action pulled at the tender flesh of the wolf's stomach. All it took was one long canine to pop through the protective wall of belly. The force of the fight brought the wolf's stomach cracking open just like the once-dry earth around them. Innards spilled onto the short grass, mixing in with the rain. The bastard had essentially eviscerated itself. Kai took a step back, maw open and panting. Mint and ice eyes watched as her opponent squealed, thrashed and died. Flicking her tongue over her bloodied lips, Kaino turned to see how her band-mates were faring. If necessary, she would come to their aid, but she had a feeling that she wouldn't have to.

Once her breath was caught, Kaino moved forward with a little saunter in her step. Her first opponent was bleeding out just on the other side of the short grass. The wolf begged, apologizing for intruding on the Syndicates territory. It begged for mercy. Mercy? She would grant the wolf mercy. Kai jumped, jaws wrapping around the throat of the dying wolf. It barely put up a fight as she ended its life. She hadn't allowed it to suffer. She hadn't allowed predators or scavengers to come through and eat it while it was still alive. She was a merciful god, right?


Despite being absolutely adorable, Kaino is an adult character that indulges in adult situations. Viewer discretion advised.
[Image: fGJURoI.png]


The Syndicate
Effendi- Muqatil

Expert Intellectual (155)

Master Fighter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

2 Years

01-27-2024, 05:01 AM
Ely had heard the whispers through the group, to be ready to move, that the polar sound was not their official home, that she’d soon need to be packing her own belongings. But she’d barely heeded the talk, until her dear cousin Kaino had come to collect her for a trip. One that Sephrian had approved of. She wasn’t fully filled in, but she knew the gist of it. She was aiding Kaino in battle today. One that would help secure the Syndicate’s next temporary residence. And if it had been approved by Sephrian there was no way Ely was going to turn down the offer. So she followed Kaino Closely, allowing the silver woman to lead the way. Ely, having been born in the summer heat, didn’t mind one bit traveling through the plains on a hot day. It was actually far more preferred than the snow and cold she’d been dealing with over the winter.

She could smell it in the air, the warm musky scent of a storm rolling in, as the clouds began to grow darker. She didn’t bother to worry about it, instead she stayed directly to kaino’s right side, flanking her until they came to a slow steady pace.. She watched as the other wolves began to sneer and taught them. And all she could do was lick her teeth, she wanted blood. But she waited, Kaino was in charge today. So until she made a move or gave the signal Elysia was to wait. She stared at each opposing wolf, drinking them in. Looking for the perfect target. Oh she couldn’t wait to sink her teeth into their flesh.

Ely didn’t let out a battle cry as she watched Kaino lunge, instead she snapped her gaze to the enemy. It was play time. With a twisted grin of her own, ely followed suit. Springing forward using the advantage of her smaller size, she targeted a wolf a bit larger than herself. She could hear the other fighting nearby,but she didn’t let it avert her focus. She had to trust that the others could hold their own. That they didn’t need her help. So, she narrowed her eyes on her target. Circling him like dancing partners. She was looking for any opening, any sign of weakness. And then it was there, as he stumbled a bit on clumsy footing. The smaller woman jumped with jaws splayed. Aiming for his exposed neck. Teeth tore through flesh as the sounds of his pained screams only delighted the girl more.

Rain pelted down on her, the dry ground greedily drinking in the water beneath her feet until it couldn’t hold anymore. Dusty ground turned to slick mud as the battle raged on around her. Her fur clung to her body within minutes as the other wolf jutted his shoulder into her throat forcing her to release him. Snarling they clashed again, bites were exchanged and elysia breathed heavily as she pushed forward, landing a blow to his face. She felt his eye pop beneath her teeth, oozing into her mouth, with a viscous yank she plucked it from his skull. She watched as he fell to the ground, rolling in the mud screaming in pain.

With a sick laugh, she spit the ruined eye at him and stalked closer. Looming over him like the shadow of death. She didn’t wait for him to get up to fight or to beg her for his life. No, she waited until he rolled towards her his throat exposed. Lunging at him she latched her teeth to the vital point. Sinking her teeth deeper into his throat she ripped her head back,taking his jugular with her.

"Ely & Ezekiel"

Individual Word Count: 617
Group Word Count: 1632

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1. Euphoria, My Old Friend Serpent Plains 07:44 AM, 01-12-2024 05:18 AM, 05-01-2024