
Two can play at this game

Predator fight



Expert Fighter (195)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

1 Year
01-18-2024, 01:40 AM
The older she got and the taller she became the more difficult it was to sneak and hide the way she used to. It was usually her favorite game, but now she couldn't just hide in the middle of a bush and expect no one to see her the way she could when she was a tiny pup. With just a season between her and her first birthday she was a few inches still from what her parents at least expected to be her full height and while she noticeably shorter than her brothers she was still taller than most of her sisters. Sometimes she almost wished she was as little as Whisper since it would be so easy to be sneaky and hide then, but then she thought about trying to fight like her father and grandfather while being that small and she was suddenly glad that she was a little on the taller side.

Still, all of her "practice" at being a spy came in handy sometimes–like when she was wandering around through the woods and spotted a pair of lightly spotted shapes moving through the woods. Her ears perked as she was immediately on high alert, stopping mid step while her sapphire gaze scanned the trees to try and pin point where that movement had come from. Finally she saw them–a pair of bobcats slinking through the trees moving from one cluster of bushes to another. It looked like they were moving deeper into the territory, probably looking for their food stores if she was going to hazard a guess. She frowned and immediately began to crouch and follow after them, quietly moving around behind them so that they wouldn't see her and being sure to stay down wind. While she didn't like hunting like her father did that didn't mean that she didn't listen to his lessons. She stayed far enough back that they likely wouldn't notice her, but was close enough that as soon as she spotted someone else that could back her up she could ambush them.

"Wynter Fatalis"



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Intermediate Healer (30)

2 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KPride - Aromantic
02-16-2024, 02:24 AM
Art & Code © Rex/Witchdogtor DO NOT USE WITHOUT PERMISSION
Grimoire had sent him out to collect some herbs to use for tonight's dinner, and Ansem was glad to go out for once and just...think and be alone. Or so he thought. He had collected one part of the herbs Grim had requested, but he was still missing a couple of the others, so he set out to the nearby woods to find the rest. Thyme and oregano...that should be easy enough to find, right? He swore he had remembered seeing them around here once upon a time, so he searched the woods trying to figure out where he had seen them before. Unknown to him, he was walking toward the bobcats and his cousin, the scent of the rosemary he had in his jaws overpowering and hiding the scent of the two felines that had trespassed into Armada territory. He was more focused on his herbal task, and not so much on his general surroundings. It wasn't until he spotted a bit of movement at one point when he glanced up, but he wasn't sure if he had actually seen something, or if it was just a trick of his mind. He stood there, carefully scanning the woods, but didn't see anything out of the ordinary. Shrugging, he returned to his task, slowly drawing closer to the line of potential fire...




Expert Fighter (195)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

1 Year
02-18-2024, 12:22 PM
As she crept behind the bobcats, she kept glancing up ahead of where they were heading, trying to figure out what their goal was. She suspected they were trying to get to the pack's store of food, but she had a hard time believing the felines would be so willing to go that deep into a packs' territory. Regardless, she knew they had to be chased off, she just needed some backup. She got what she was looking for in the form of her cousin who happened to be walking right toward them, unaware of her or the bobcats it seemed. He paused for a second and she hoped maybe he had spotted at least her as she crept past a cluster of bushes, but he continued on, walking right toward the bobcats that were crouched within a large shrub. She got as close as she dared get without risking alerting the predators too soon and then sprung out from her hiding spot, calling out to Ansem, "Heads up! Bobcats!"

The felines immediately sprung out from where they were hiding, one of them trying to run and the other coming right for her. She growled and puffed up in response, baring her teeth at the cat. Its partner seemed to catch on to the fact that its friend had stayed to fight and turned back to help, going toward Ansem and leaving them with one bobcat each. As the cat in front of her swung a large, rounded paw toward her, she flinched backward to dodge it, catching a glimpse of its sharp claws as they flew past her nose. Before the cat could get away she lunged forward, catching its foreleg between her jaws. It yowled in response as she yanked on the limp and tried to pull her opponent to the ground, but instead the nimble cat hit her cheek with its opposite paw, making her yelp and release the cat's leg as it scratched her across her cheek.

"Wynter Fatalis"

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1. Two can play at this game Mile-High Woods 01:40 AM, 01-18-2024 06:34 PM, 07-29-2024