




Master Intellectual (240)

Advanced Fighter (90)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - Polysexual
01-12-2024, 06:07 PM

In a pretty little plain dotted with rocks, the God wandered with thoughts most chaotic. He had been in a trance for the last few days, haunted by flickers of emerald eyes. He was in agony, unfocused – only briefly coming back to himself to take notice of his surroundings. The landscape seemed peaceful with ponds and green grass, but beneath the beauty, the ground told a grim tale – it was stained with blood. Setekh, with his eyes of molten rock and insanity, grinned at the thought of all the lives lost here, humming to himself of gore and loss. He scented the air, but found nothing familiar to him. Only the mingling of differing wolves, some of packs and some of loners. Nothing of importance to him.

His fur was an extreme contrast to the scenery as he moved with grace and confidence; befitting the station he was born into. As he navigated blood splatter and the occasional bone or two, he suddenly stopped in his tracks, and his face erupted into an expression of profound thrill. A battleground was meant to be used. Would not some unknown soul come, if he called for a challenge? With a laugh, he threw his head back and sent out a call, one that was mournful and angry. He could wish all he wanted for his beloved daughter to show up, but her punishment would come in time…

"He Speaks" | 'He Thinks' | The Madness

Rated R for mature themes, gore, violence, and abuse.


The Syndicate
Effendi- Dhaka

Master Fighter (360)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La La
01-22-2024, 12:20 AM
The last time Rhazien was here, he’d been battling the cackling woman whose fighting style was rather… idiotic. He remembered the skeleton armor she wore so clearly, and those azure, beady eyes that poked out from it. She’d head-butted him, bitten his neck, and even kicked him with her hind legs. Her little trick at the end left a sour taste in his mouth as well- how she’d let him push her down, only to use the momentum to kick him forward and over her completely. Again, he found her battle style to be witless and corny- but, it was also just foreign to him. He was used to a clashing of bodies, teeth raking into each other, blood splattering, bones cracking, and flesh being decorated in scars. He didn’t necessarily have a grudge against her. But he wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to battle her again either. If she had such an odd way of fighting, he might as well anticipate that he might face something similar in another unfamiliar opponent.

These thoughts lingered in his mind as he entered the battlefield, initially traversing along the borders, before making his way towards the heart. The first time he’d been here, he hadn’t paid much attention to the scenery- but now, he find it quite ironic. Rolling hills, scattered lakes, the occasional splatter of old dried blood. It was eerily serene, for a place where death occurred.

Coming around a bend, Rhazien noticed there was a familiar scent in the air. One that was strong, fresh, pungent. Indicating there were many sources of the smell lingering off in the distance. Hyenas. He’d only encountered them once or twice before- nasty scavengers, bigger than coyotes, and far more troublesome. Picking up his pace, he attempted to move back to the outskirts of the battlefield, knowing it would be quite a challenge to barge into the hyena clan alone and unarmed.

But suddenly, something else caught his attention- a call somewhere in the territory, mournful, angry, begging for someone to come and initiate a battle. And, behind the blood-thirsty brute Rhazien was, he simply couldn’t help himself. If someone wanted a fight, he wouldn’t hesitate to oblige. Spinning on his heels and loping through the territory. He noticed that the scent go hyenas was becoming stronger as he closed in on the wolf who beckoned for a challenger.

He saw the pristine, ivory silhouette on the horizon- ethereal in appearance, yet there was an uncanny aura radiating from the male. It didn’t detour Rhazien one bit- muscles flexing beneath his pelt, shoulders rolled forward, as he approached the male directly. He couldn’t place a paw on it, but something about him was… familiar. “Looking for a batt-“ Before he could finish his sentence, a hyena raced into the clearing. Bolting directly at him, teeth bared, laughing at them, through a series of short, giggle-like taunts. And behind it, were two more.

"Rhazien Saxe"

Caution: Rhazien is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.
Assume his companions, Zemir and Zemra, are present in his threads unless specified otherwise.



Master Intellectual (240)

Advanced Fighter (90)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - Polysexual
01-24-2024, 11:18 PM

Setekh was writhing in anticipation, his fur on edge, his blood aflame – and then a caller came knocking. The ivory prince cast his gaze to the approaching opponent, seeking to size him up with an amused expression. It was a man, larger, heavier set; a handsome one at that. This made the God shudder briefly, his mind flickering to the last time he had male company… Ah. The stranger’s eyes were of amethyst and emerald and his musculature was… something to be greatly desired. Setekh stifled back a giggle at the sight, adjusting his posture to suit his focus on the man. Unbridled lust escaped his molten gaze, but Setekh did not care - this was no woman. There was no flowery speech or nuances to be had here.

’Looking for a batt-’ The stranger's sentence hung unfinished, annoyingly disrupted by the sudden intrusion of a hyena. The laughter of the approaching predator echoed through the air, a disturbing symphony of taunts, truly. Before Setekh could react, two more hyenas joined the chaotic scene, their laughter intertwining with the tension that already hung thick in the air. Perhaps the ambush had been meant for him alone, with his dark caller being a… casualty of war, of sorts. But these beast did not know him, they did not know Setekh Inferos. He would not be bested by a pack of mangy mutts.

Setekh's molten eyes narrowed, a low growl escaping his throat as he threw himself into a position beside his handsome stranger immediately; against the advancing hyenas. What an icebreaker. His skull tilting, eyes seeking those imperfect amethyst with a gleam of mischief and entertainment. “I would venture to say this meeting is cursed,” The familiarity of the situation gnawed at the edges of his consciousness, an elusive memory that he could not place in the heat of the impending battle. What was it? “So, why not set it in blood. Hmm?” The otherworldly man grinned, a wink aimed at the charcoal and ebony man he so wished to properly meet.

Without uttering another word, Setekh's instincts took over. With a swift and fluid motion, he lunged at the lead hyena, teeth bared and claws outstretched. The clash erupted into a frenzy of fur, teeth, and primal growls, as his battle with the hyena unfolded with an intensity that matched his gaze. He snapped viciously, as the cackling increased tenfold with Setekh’s own laughter. He met the hyena head on, teeth making contact with the facial tissue, the muzzle, his fores coming to wrap around the neck and twist so that he could crash down atop the creature.


"He Speaks" | 'He Thinks' | The Madness

Rated R for mature themes, gore, violence, and abuse.


The Syndicate
Effendi- Dhaka

Master Fighter (360)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La La
01-27-2024, 09:26 PM
In his initial approach, Rhazien caught the libidinous shimmer in the man’s volcanic gaze- which he found to be unusual, being it came from another male. Only, he wasn’t the the most masculine creature Rhazien had met- in fact, the subtleties in his lean musculature, and the way he moved was quite… androgynous. It was an oddity to the Saxe brute- something he would not find pleasure in exploring, if given the chance. He may have had a way with women. But men? He was hardly interested.

He shifted his gaze towards Setekh’s as he pivoted to stand beside him, eyeing the male for a few seconds, as pools of amethyst and emerald bore down into those of fiery lava. Inky lips cracked into a sly smirk, a single brow-raising, as he met the male’s mischief with a roguish smile. Flashing those obsidian-plated, serrated fangs of his. “Now you’ve got my attention.” He retorted, before turning to the hyenas barreling towards them. Rolling his shoulders forward, raising his head high, readying himself for the mutilation of the mutts.

While Setekh lunged for the first hyena, Rhazien took off towards the other two. Meeting them head-on, barreling into whichever one he reached first. Using his shoulder as a battering-ram, slamming into the hyena’s chest, while his jaws snaked towards its throat to ensnare its trachea. Teeth snapped at his nape, dull claws lashed at his chest. But Rhazien ignored the annoyances. Flexing his jaw, using his serrated fangs to carve through flesh, digging deeper, and deeper, until crack! He bit through the cartilaginous tube, and dropped his bloodied victim onto the ground. It was still twitching, becoming nothing more than a heaping pile of musculature and fur. One that would decay over time- if Rhazien didn’t eat the fucker first.  

"Rhazien Saxe"

Caution: Rhazien is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.
Assume his companions, Zemir and Zemra, are present in his threads unless specified otherwise.



Master Intellectual (240)

Advanced Fighter (90)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - Polysexual
02-07-2024, 12:31 AM

Setekh's muscles rippled beneath his snow-white fur as he grappled with the snarling hyena. The scent of blood and sweat filled the air, mingling with the wild cacophony of their primal struggle, and the ivory God’s own laughter between every snap and bite. With each twist and turn, Setekh's movements were a testament to his predatory prowess, his every sinew honed for this moment of violent confrontation. He was trained well, and while he enjoyed a bit of masochism – there was a reason his pelt held no imperfections thus far.

The lead hyena, undeterred by Setekh's ferocity, fought back with equal savagery. Its jaws snapped dangerously close to Setekh's throat, its powerful limbs slashing and clawing at his flank. But Setekh was equally undaunted, his resolve unyielding as he continued his onslaught.

In a swift and calculated maneuver, Setekh seized the hyena's muzzle in his powerful jaws, his teeth sinking deep into the creature's flesh. With a fierce growl, he twisted his body, leveraging his weight to bring the hyena crashing down beneath him. The force of the impact drove the air from the hyena's lungs, its desperate cries muffled beneath Setekh's assault. Locked in a deadly embrace, Setekh and the hyena thrashed and rolled upon the blood-soaked earth, each refusing to yield to the other. Their struggle was a chorus of violence from each and desperation in particular from the hyena.

But as the moments stretched into eternity, it became clear that Setekh held the upper hand. With a final surge of strength, he swapped his grip, making purchase upon the jugular and tightening his grip, his jaws clamping down with lethal force. With a guttural snarl, he delivered the decisive blow, ending the hyena's life with a swift and merciless bite.

As the life drained from the vanquished hyena, Setekh stood victorious amidst the carnage, his breath coming in ragged gasps. His eyes were wild, body shuddering in the aftermath of the kill. With a giggle, he cast his gaze skyward, his piercing eyes gleaming with feral intensity, and utmost pleasure. He was soaked in blood, and it felt amazing. As he slowly focused on the present, his molten gaze surveyed the blood-soaked battlefield before him. Attempting to find his handsome stranger, he would be pleased to see the success of the other male. As expected.

But a low growl sounded from behind him. Whirling around, he found himself face to face with another hyena, its eyes gleaming with feral hunger. Setekh braced himself for another round of battle, his senses heightened and his instincts razor-sharp. With a snarl of defiance, the third hyena launched itself at Setekh, its jaws snapping with unrestrained aggression. Setekh met the attack head-on, his teeth flashing as he fought to maintain his advantage. He slammed his chest into the hyena’s, each rising onto their hinds as they grappled. But Setekh was done with the games. He wanted to properly greet his companion, after all. So he struck out with a paw, thwacking it against the hyena’s muzzle, causing it to wince and shut its eyes from only a moment, and that was all it took for Setekh to gain control.

In an instant he lunged to the throat, just as he had done with the first. His jaws found the hyena’s throat with a guttural growl, a flailing of limbs to be seen as they tumbled onto the ground. He wasted no time in ripping out the creature's throat. A smile plastered on his face as he watched blood squirt out with every breath and cough from his opponent. He would swallow the chunk of meat in his maw, the coloration of his eyes practically swirling within their sockets as he gazed down at the carnage of his own creation. “Oh love, poor love. Look at all your blood. Ahhh~ It’s like a flood.” Setekh grinned, forgetting all around him, as he lowered himself unto his fallen quarry, his body trapping the beast as it confusingly writhed below him – not understanding what was happening. Setekh’s paws moved to sooth the area around the wound, sensually, disturbingly, massaging more and more blood out from the mortal injury. His body, feminine yet masculine at the same time, twitched giddily above the hyena as he watched the light fade from its eyes.

"He Speaks" | 'He Thinks' | The Madness

Rated R for mature themes, gore, violence, and abuse.

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1. MAD HATTER The Battlefield 06:07 PM, 01-12-2024 01:40 PM, 05-15-2024