
Black and Gold



09-19-2013, 10:50 AM
She didn't want to cause her pack to panic, or burden her members with problems that were her own. But Glaciem had challenged for Liberty, and then taken Gideon - they were an enemy and there was no way around it. The alpha wanted to keep the pack informed that they shouldn't approach members from the ice pack, nor let anyone from it near Valhalla. The less they knew about their territory and the wolves there in the better.

The woman also wanted to assign some hunters and warriors. Meili was their only hunter beside Ashtoreth, and Chrysanthe knew that it wasn't fair to expect her to do all of the hunting alone, or even expect her to flourish when she had no others to train with. No one had managed to come to her requesting a rank to train under, and so she would assign them with her member's abilities and personalities in mind. If any wanted to switch from one to the other after being promoted, she would have no qualms about it - but she hoped they would give their new ranks their all beforehand.

The alpha would train her warriors, and she planned to help Ashtoreth with the hunters in gaining experience and skill in the craft. Perhaps a digamma would be named at the end of all of this.

Tilting her head back she would call for all members of Valhalla. Everyone that could make it was expected to be there.


09-19-2013, 11:01 AM

She had been waiting anxiously for the return of those who had been at the battlefield, wanting to hear what had happened. Would everyone return, would some not, how badly injured were they? Not only that but she felt the very strong need to apologize to Chrysanthe, she didn't mean to put them in further danger by just being a spectator.

So when the call rang out she was already gone, not waiting for her father, just wanted to get to the woman as soon as possible. Paws carried her quickly over the Valhallan territory, mismatched orbs focused on the path ahead of her. Was the Alphess fine? She hoped so.

Within minutes the girl slowed to a walk as the woman came within sight, wounds bleeding on her face and body, it made Seraphine cringe a bit. "Miss Chrysanthe!" She called, voice a bit shaky as she stopped just a few feet away, her head level with her shoulders. "I'm so sorry for going when I shouldn't have, I just wanted to watch from a distance a little bit." Her eyes were wide, gulping. "I would like to make it up to you, to help in anyway I can. Please." Her voice was full of worry, sorry, and guilt, but also determination to fix her error. "Is everyone okay?"

She knew the mistake she had done and wanted to try fixing it by helping the woman out whichever way she possibly could. Chrysanthe wanted her to heal anyone injured, she would learn how to use herbs. Hunt, she would, become a warrior, she definitely would.




6 Years
09-19-2013, 11:05 AM

Azalea could feel the winds of change upon Valhalla. They were on the verge of war. Even with Isardis critically wounded, she wouldn't be so foolish as to say that they had won and there would be nothing more. Argent had won all rights to Gideon, he was now a hostage in the north lands, and Chrysanthe had lost against Sendoa leaving the dark female part of Glaciem.

Valhalla had nothing to bargain with, except perhaps Liberty if Isardis even still wanted her. She knew her aunt would not make such a trade, though. Valhalla had numbers but at current they were losing the battle. As her aunt's call was heard far and wide, Azalea was not surprised by the sound. Her gut instinct told er this was coming and now her gut instinct told her that this would not be an easy meeting.

With a sigh she rose, heading off to meet her alpha as she was sure all others were doing as well. She merged onto a well traveled path, following it to where Chrysanthe was found. Amber eyes held a shadow in them, she was not herself. A light trot carried her to Chrysanthe to which she stopped, nodding. "Chrysanthe," Her name was all she could muster, not sure what else to say. How did one sooth a wolf who had been parted from their mate? In one way it would be easier to cope if Gideon had been killed, his fate would have at least been known then. Yet here they sat, unknown of what horrors might be falling upon their king.

Azalea hesitated before her aunt from only a moment before moving off to the side, turning to face the same direction as the blue eyed woman. She seated herself easily, a sigh escaping her.



09-19-2013, 11:12 AM (This post was last modified: 09-19-2013, 11:13 AM by Ryker.)
White toed paws brought the yearling towards the call of Lady Chrysanthe. The young brute had been aware of the trouble stirring before but now he could be registered as clueless. So many things were happening that he didn't have time to react to anything now. He knew not of when his father would resume to teach him more of whatever he shall learn. Even now he felt as if something was wrong when his sister was home and safe now. Where was his brother? And...his mother? She was close,somewhere, he could smell her on his father. Only but once did he catch her smell ever so recently. And yet his father waved off the conversation with a change of topic. Was everyone mad? What was Ryker missing?

Besides all of that it was Autumn now, his birth season alongside his siblings. Perhaps he could be called a yearling now but he had always felt a bit more mature before then.Did he greet this birth-season with a smile and celebration? No, just a shrug would roll off of his shoulders. No corners of his lips would go up nor down. This is how it was supposed to go...and this is how it will stay.

Walking up to the area where others he supposed would gather other than the few there already Ryker gave a quiet respectful greeting of a dip of the head before sitting down on his haunches. Wait did he do for others to come and for his father and sister to show.Even if his sister didn't show he would wave that off too. After all, she had been gone long enough to have him get used to her absence. Something bubbled up inside of him, something that didn't feel right. He felt anger...but still didn't want to have that emotion inside of him. But why did they have to all go off as if it didn't affect him and their father? Didn't they all care of what they thought of it? No notice? mention? Sure, just run off and tell no one and come back and pretend everything was alright! With a flick of his tail Ryker cleared his throat before perking up his white lined ears. Looking up did his aqua blue and emerald green flecked gaze look around waiting for another figure to show that he knew well.

Maybe she would come, it would take a big deal of stress off of him. After all, Ryker hadn't even seen his sister yet. Only words came to his ears of her return. Looking back up at Chrysanthe it seemed like she had a great deal on her mind too. What was going on? everything was all jumbled up. All Ryker could do was hope for it to all clear up soon...



6 Years
09-19-2013, 11:19 AM (This post was last modified: 06-13-2015, 08:26 PM by Alamea.)

The ivory girl stepped lightly through the tall grasses; no real destination in mind, just wandering, determined to learn the lay of her new home better; that is until she heard the call. Eyes widened. They had returned? Alamea stopped a moment to figure out where the call had come from. Then she started towards it, picking up her pace some as she drew closer. She wasn't the first to answer her alpha's call, but she certainly wasn't going to be the last.

Concern flashed across her face as she laid eyes on Chrysanthe, it seemed the battle had left her beaten, but at least she had returned. Rose orbs scanned the other wolves, expecting to see Gideon among them; after all he had gone off to face the new leader of Glaciem with his mate? hadn't he? Concern once more bubbled up in her. Shouldn't he have been here to deliver the news along with Chrysanthe. Somewhat agitated she settled upon her haunches, kneading the ground nervously as she looked at her alpha, waiting for an answer to the many questions running through her head.



09-19-2013, 11:20 AM
Claire Aobhinne

Claire had not chosen to make her way towards the battlefield, respecting the wishes of her Alphas that only their chosen wolves would attend the fight. This meant that she knew little of what happened; she knew only that Isardis and Chrysanthe had fought for Liberty. She did not know who had won, or of any of the other fights that had occurred on the Battlefield on that day. So when the howl came, Claire reacted instantly. She was in her paws in an instant, loping towards Chrysanthe.

When she arrived, several other wolves had already made an appearance, though none of her family had managed to appear just yet. Surely they would soon enough though, right? She was also disappointed to note that Demonio had not yet appeared, but he would come soon enough, right? And Seraphine was there already. Claire inclined her head in the direction of the rapidly growing pup as she settled down, gazing solemnly at Chrysanthe as she waited for the female to speak her piece.

Whatever had happened, Claire herself was loyal to Valhalla, and perhaps soon she would speak to the Alphess about becoming a warrior. She wished to fight for her new home.



09-19-2013, 03:12 PM

She was a fool, a coward, a disgrace. She had seen her alpha and members come back from the battle, most of them bruised and bloody, but mostly Chrysanthe. She looked around for Gideon, but he was no where to be seen. Where was he? She pondered the thought as she made her way toward her alpha's call. Of course she expected a meeting, everyone was anticipating the results of the battle. Slowly but surly, she took small steps toward her target. She could only wonder what was going to be said, and what was going to happen to her. Surly if she had lost, the ghost would have taken her already, right? She sighed heavily, baby blue eyes scanning over those who had arrived before her. She made her way toward Chrysanthe, ignoring any snark looks anyone could be giving her. All she cared about now was the safety of her alpha. "Chrysanthe..." She said in a whisper, one loud enough for only she to hear. Her eyes filled with sorrow, and her head dipped down. She felt so guilty, so horrid. All of this was her fault. Chrysanthe had been the closest thing to a mother she had since Aislyn died, and she put her in grave danger. She didn't know what to do with herself anymore.




09-19-2013, 03:32 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Ashtoreth's attempts at losing herself within her duties was proving futile, though the cache of readily available meals was beginning to pile up more noticeably. It was mostly small game, things she had managed to catch on her own that were of a decent size to make a quick meal, but she had thrown herself so fully into her work that there was beginning to be plenty enough to go around. It made her feel good at any rate, productive even if her mind was still not wholly into what she did. At least now she felt herself fulfilling her job a little better than she had before.

She tried not to think about the fact that she was still somewhat distracted by her dearest and longest friend. Or the fact that his closer presence in her life was making it that much more difficult to ignore him. Unspoken feelings still ran through her but cowardice and fear made her bite her tongue. Later, she would tell herself, later I'll tell him. When the time is right. But no such time had yet presented itself and a knowing voice in the back of her head casually wondered if such a time ever would.

Small paws carried the petite grey wolf away from the cache of prey she had been collecting in the central den site of the pack, determinedly keeping her mind clear as she considered where she might search next, when Chrysanthe's call made her halt and turn to stare momentarily in the direction her voice had come from. Having been comfortable not getting too acquainted with the dealings of the pack's leaders - she was no diplomat and therefore of no help to them outside of her hunting skills - Asthoreth was mostly in the dark regarding the challenge and all the critical implications it meant for Valhalla as a whole. So blissfully naive and confident that her leader had done what she had intended when she had set off to defend poor Liberty against her challenger, the little grey wolf quickly set off to attend the meeting.

In what felt like no time at all, she was there upon their outskirts, tail wagging in friendly hello for any who might glance her way as she walked among those already gathered to take a seat somewhere in their midst. She smiled as her gold and purple eyes scanned those seated and waiting, quietly assuming Leon would show with time, but as she glanced toward her leader the happy expression faltered just a little. Whoa. Had the fighting gotten a little out of hand? The sight of the injuries to her Alpha's face made the slightest of uneasy turns within her stomach - a bit of her natural and worsened queasiness for battle and its effects returning - but trying not to bring attention to it she spared her leader a slightly nervous smile before lowering her head respectfully and sitting herself down to wait for the news to commence.


09-19-2013, 04:20 PM
White lined ears received the call. Perking up as the sound reached them did it register for Thane to follow. Lifting himself off of his legs that folded before into a sitting position he was up. Aqua blue eyes blank, no emotion shown through except what showed inside. He did not know what to do now, she was back but had forgotten. How would he ever explain to them? How could he even make himself believe it? So many questions buzzed through his mind. The brute wanted to break down for once, he wanted to curl up into a ball and wake up finding everything better. Of course everything didn't work that way.He had to pick himself up...there was no one here to do it for him anymore. He couldn't even falter for a moment for the sake of Ryker and Resnera. He still had yet to find his son Ravine as well. But they were slowly coming back...slowly.

With a sigh his dark gray limbs brought is paws one in front of the other. Scenting his pack-mates close by he decided to let his thoughts subside until they came back once he settled. Walking into the area he spotted one of his sons. Of course Ryker would show, he hoped the same for Resnera. Maybe even Ookami? He didn't even know, she might not remember this either. Flashing a friendly smile and nod towards Ashtoreth as he passed the male made his way towards his son. Giving the same respectful nod not noting her wounds he sat down beside the boy. Leaning over to touch his nose atop his son's head Thane knew he couldn't hide it any longer, she was back. Her scent wafted off of him but not too strong. Watching others arrive Thane silently waited for Chrysanthe to speak. Looking next to her expecting to see Gideon this made Thane think. Why would he not be here? He did not let himself think anything but all he felt was that something back had happened at the fight. Keeping his aqua blue gaze back onto his son he wondered when he should properly start training him.


09-19-2013, 04:30 PM

It didn't take a genius to sense that something was amiss. He felt it in the atmosphere, the tension that was carried like the heavy calm before a storm. He growled out to no one as he sat atop his rocky perch. It had been a quiet day, but not the kind that he enjoyed. Just days after his acceptance into the pack, he was still trying to familiarize himself with the pack lands. He had yet to meet any of the others in the pack besides Erani and Cormalin and that alone didn't sit right with him. The lands had felt empty and he had wondered where exactly the pack members could be.

It was then that he heard the call. He recognized the authority in the voice, though he had yet to have met the Alpha for himself. He didn't waste any time. He roused his large frame from its sun-bathing rock perch, stretched out and straightened himself leisurely. He shook himself out, from black snout to black banner and flicked his ears, trying to locate the sound. Once fixed at the point of origin, he roused himself into motion. He traveled swiftly over the terrain, limbs fluid in motion as he followed the added scents on the wind. A twinge of slight nervousness began to blossom in his gut, as he begin to close the gap on the gathering. He heard voices and knew he was close. This was now the point of no return. He had merely been in the packlands for minutes and the Beta had ranked him as a Gamma. A warrior for the Valhalla. He sniffed the wind and tasted the scent of blood and a dark emotional climate. What the hell am I walking into now? His brow furrowed in thought. He knew the smell of blood. He'd fought his share of fights in this six cycles of life.

The large black wolf emerged into the clearing, his amber eyes quickly taking in every detail before him. There were nine wolves already present and he knew not one. Not a single one. The black behemoth slowed his pace to a halt and sat himself just outside of the main group. He was keen to observe his new found pack. He lowered his haunches to the ground, saying nothing and like a shadow trailed every move with his eyes. So then, these are to be my pack members..I wonder if they think me an intruder? The thought touched a slight smirk at his maw, but it quickly faded when he glimpsed the female Erani had told him was the alpha. She was injured and looked as though she carried a heaviness, a burden that looked grave indeed and he truly began to wonder what exactly he had stepped into. He knew nothing and part of him almost wished for it to stay that way, for the thought of someone attacking his pack was causing his vision to be tinted with red. He dipped his crown only slightly out of respect for the other pack members and the alpha. He was not one to cause much of a stir, but he was always involved when it came to his pack, though he might not have looked the part of attentiveness.

The alpha looked battle scarred and he saw no signs of her mate, of which Erani had also informed him off. This was all strange indeed. He had trailed in behind a smaller grey she-wolf and he studied her carefully. He watched her shift from wagging tail to uneasiness as she gazed upon the alpha. Yes. It must be so. His intuition screamed something was off though he knew not a single detail. He remained on his haunches, serious eyes studying everything. This is going to be a baptism by fire... And he was braced and ready for whatever was to come.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think


09-21-2013, 04:13 PM

Valhalla had been antsy since the queen and several high ranking members had left to the battlefield. Chrysanthe had told the entire pack that she was going to challenge Isardis for Liberty's freedom and the white knight had only hoped that his queen could be strong enough to take on the Ice king and bring back the young girl with her valhallan title in tact. He had been rather restless in his den, pacing outside of it, waiting for the call that would signify their return to come across the land. And it did. Demonio's heart leapt into his chest at his best friend's voice, his powerful limbs stirring beneath him almost instinctively as he moved towards the call, knowing that Seraphine was either already there or on her way. And he was right. He spotted his daughter's familiar figure as she stood a few feet from the injured queen, speaking to her. Worry creased his features as his dual-colored gaze danced over the gathering of wolves, noting Claire's familiar dark figure among the crowd. He moved towards them, taking a moment to brush a gentle nudge against the dark woman's figure before moving towards Chryanthe.

Chrysanthe, thank god you're alive. It probably wasn't appropriate for him to do given that he was of a lower rank and he was in front of a pack gathering, but at the moment he didn't care. His best friend was hurt. Moving towards her injured side, the white knight would tenderly kiss her wounds, cleansing them until they were free of dirt, nuzzling the queen gently before he would move away from her side, giving his daughter a passing kiss and a stern look that said well talk later before he moved towards Claire, turning himself around to face his queen, his shoulder pressed against hers as he gave her a sidelong glance, a gentle smile curling his ivory kissers.

Talk like this


09-22-2013, 01:11 AM

Things were bad. Really bad. He could feel it in the air in Valhalla. Something had gone wrong; but what? Chrysanthe's summoning howl sent Gael charging in her direction, the organ in his chest beating at a frenzied pace. What had happened? He skidded to a halt at the edge of the meeting, cerulean gaze assessing the gathering. His sister was there, as well as Chrys though not entirely unscathed. He could see the ugly scratches across her face. She was injured, but she was alive. That was the best that he would've hoped for. There other members of the party were surely not to far behind. But would all of them return?

The young Adravendi moved through the growing crowd of Valhallans, moving his way towards the front of the group to where he was standing before his aunt and sister. I'm glad your back home safe Chrysanthe. would come solemn words as he took a step back, haunches folding beneath him as he seated himself, awaiting to see what news his aunt would present them with.

Talk like this


5 Years
Athena I
09-22-2013, 05:17 AM

Meili could feel the shift in the air over the last several days, the change in everyone's attitudes. The leaders of the pack had gone off to meet Glaciem's challenge, but no certain word had returned as to what all had happened. Everyone was worried for their pack members and wanted to know what all had happened. It wasn't a huge surprise to the little huntress when she heard Chrysanthe's howl ring out across the territory. She had expected a meeting when it all was said and done. Meili stopped everything she was doing and turned to head toward the call in a quick trot, seeing the already fairly large group of wolves there gathered around their Alpha. She spotted Gael up at the very front of the group. It was understandable, Chrysanthe was part of his family after all. Meili settled for lowering to her haunches in the back of the group, waiting patiently to hear the news of what had happened in the fight and what they should do now.


Thank you Yumpy!



10 Years
Athena I
09-22-2013, 05:30 AM

Oh, everything had certainly gone wrong that day. One fight after another, challenge after challenge, with Valhalla being victorious only in the fight for Liberty. Cael had kept to himself the last few days, hiding himself away in his and Imena's den. The whole affair had been hard on the druid, the sense of death on the battlefield hard enough to handle without the added worry for Chrysanthe and the rest of his pack mates. Being with Imena had helped tremendously, however. Having the gray fea at his side and enjoying their new found love had done more good for the healer than he could ever imagine.

His ears flicked as the sound of his alpha's call met them, pulling him forward out of the den. He didn't really want to go, to hear about more fighting and war that was sure to come, but he knew he must. This was his home and he wanted to defend it as much as any other member of the pack. He trotted forward with Elva at his heels, arriving at the meeting in no time at all. He looked around, noticing Imena hadn't arrived just yet. He spotted Claire, however, and smiled. At least his closest sibling was here. He came up to sit beside his sister, brushing his shoulder against hers. Elva set herself down between his forepaws and he chuckled quietly at the little fox before turning his gold and sapphire gaze up to Chrysanthe.



09-23-2013, 05:24 PM (This post was last modified: 09-23-2013, 05:24 PM by Vyvienne.)
OOC: Assuming she?s in Valhalla? Idk.
Quote:She arrived silent, a chocolate beast of a girl who did not speak, but instead observed through her acidic gaze. She looked all around, wondering which ones of these were hers and which ones were not. Who was her aunt? Who was her uncle? Vyvienne knew not the closeness of her relations to Valhalla, and so she sat by herself, watching and observing, saying nothing at all while she waited to hear the reason for the summoning. She was too little to be of much importance, since she was not yet big enough to fight and spar, but in due time she would grow into a proper size, and then she would be a sight to be feared.


09-23-2013, 06:22 PM


She was late! She had been returning to the terrirtoy when she had heard the call. But of course she had been as far as possible. She broke into a run, legs caring her across the landscape as fast as possible. When she had arrived, others had already gathered, but it didn't appear as though she had missed anything. Attmepting to quiet her panting, she seated herself amongst the crowd. Eyes settled on Chrysanthe. How had the battle gone? Then she noticed the absence of the second Alpha, Gideon. Why wasn't he here? He wasn't suppose to fight so surely he wasn't hurt. Something had to have happened. Worry began to crease her features, she was desperate for answers. What was happening? What was going to happen? Was everyone ok? She snapped herself out of her panic, settling down and trying to remain calm. It would help no one if chaos broke out. Haunches pressed into the earth, toes flexed, scratching the ground, audits stood at attention, twitching every now and again with quiet nervousness.



09-24-2013, 05:35 AM
One by one a good portion of the pack would show their faces. Many were worried, and honestly it wasn't too difficult to see that something was wrong. Things were quite possibly going to get a bit rocky from here on out, and she prayed that her members would be able to stick through the mess as a whole. They had numbers, so long as they supported each other, there was little that could tear Valhalla down in its entirety. The woman found herself thinking of her father - wondering what he would do in her situation. But she just didn't know - she only remembered him through peace, and Collision handled himself well through natural disaster, but he wasn't here.

Regardless of those that didn't show, she would speak to those that did. Seraphine was the first, and she looked incredibly worried - but Chrysanthe would shake her head. "Don't fret, sometimes a fight is inevitable."Although she had started the fight for Sendoa, they had challenged for both Liberty and Gideon for little to no reason. "Gideon and I were the only ones that fought, the others are fine." It was something that she was somewhat proud of - the less wounds that her members ended up with the better. Perhaps though if the others had fought she wouldn't be missing her mate.

There was just no way to know exactly where she went wrong.

"Azalea - I want to speak with you after the meeting." She wanted to train her heir, wanted to know just how she felt with the title. The girl was important to her, did she know? Did she understand why she fought for her on the battlefield? The alpha trusted her, more than many others, but she didn't want her hurt. There was a little bit of training she wanted to give her first if she hadn't already started on it herself.

Liberty approached her, and the alpha reached out to her, nosing her cheek when she dropped her head. "This is still your home." She would always belong here, the alpha would continue to fight for her, and although she had a moment of regret with Isardis, she would not blame this girl for anything that was happening or bound to happen.

Demonio showed for this meeting, and seeing the ivory knight nearly made her smile. Despite everything that he had lost, he seemed to be making himself a life here. "Its good to see you too Demonio." She let him treat the wounds on her face for a moment, and although it stung, it was a lot more than she could do on her own. She smiled a silent thank you for the briefest of moments, before he went to sit beside Claire.

When it seemed that no others were showing, she would begin the meeting. There would naturally be those that showed up late, and those that heard the news by word of mouth. It bothered her that her siblings had not shown, and neither had Soliel or any of her children. But she would deliver the news to her family herself if she had to.

"As you all know, the council went to defend Liberty from Glaciem - and we were successful. She remain a member of Valhalla, and hopefully will remain that way. Unfortunately I wasn't able to protect Gideon from being claimed as well - he was taken into Glaciem, and I was unable to claim a member of theirs to trade for him. I will fight for him to return, but for now he is Glaciem's prisoner." She feared that in the future he would not be the last. "Many of you remain without a rank - and I would like to give each of you here a task. For over a season we have needed hunters, and as of now we will need more warriors."

The news that Themisto had given her put a rock in her stomach, but she had to tell them. Although she would gladly put herself alone on the line, she could not fight a war alone. "I... have heard from a trusted source that Glaciem may be pounding the drums of war - on our borders." There was little that she could do to stop it, or further confirm it even. Yet she trusted Themisto, and planned on visiting Seracia shortly after the meeting was over. They could help without bloodying their paws, she had a couple of ideas. "Naturally our sister pack will be involved." Perhaps she would send a runner instead of leaving Valhalla without their only leader... it was the smart thing to do, even if she did want to deliver this news herself.

"I will be sending two of you to Seracia after the meeting." If anyone wanted to step forward and take the job, she would let them.

"Seraphine, Alamae, Ryker, I want you to join Meili as sigma. Work well with Ashtoreth." The five of them should be able to be productive.

"Claire, Demonio, Gael, and Liberty - I want you to train as gammas with me." Much of her family would be added to this rank - her brothers naturally, and Eos, who had managed to best the first Glaciem leader for his throne despite his gargantuan size. She would hold short sparring sessions with each, perhaps they could all learn something from each other.

Her eyes would linger on Rayne, she had been here diligently for a long time. "Rayne - I would like to offer you the position of Theta. You will work alongside Erani to train and prepare Valhalla's healers." She was proud of the other, she had been through much, and perhaps a bit of recognition would do the woman well. "As for our etas, please be sure to have your dens stocked with herbs, winter is coming quickly." There wouldn't be much growing during the cold season, even if Valhalla was located south enough for more mild winters. "We will depend on you should anyone be injured."

With that, she would wait for any others to show, and answer any questions or concerns that Valhalla had. Meeting required a lot of her talking at them, but she had no problem speaking to them should that be what any individual wanted.



09-24-2013, 09:57 AM

collision had come late, but he had also been working on getting things in order. Was Valhalla safe for all of its inhabitants anymore? He didn't know, and a part of him feared it wasn't, but a part of him hoped he was wrong and that all in due time that would come to be known. His muscular frame lifted into the meeting and he brought himself before the leader- Chrysanthe. Of course, he was well aware of her victory over Isardis, for which he was proud of her, and he was also well aware of her loss to Sendoa, and then the loss Gideon faced landing him in the hands of the Glaciem men and women.

The fiend was dispicable, but know he was having hell to pay for his infidelity. Things were changing in Alacritis, and Collision knew that they were shaping the future. War was not a pretty thing, but they would not have been allowed to live in peace forever. Peace was too unstable a thing to be involved with.

He would listen to Chrysanthe, hanging around every word that she spoke, and paying perfect attention to her, she would get his faith and his understanding, but she would also get his query, "If any ranks are not held that involve battling I would like to go ahead and request one. Gideon was family, his being taken is now personal," Family would fight for family. Married in or blood.


09-24-2013, 11:27 AM
Claire Aobhinne

The soft brush of Demonio's fur against her body made Claire jump a little, mismatched eyes locking on his frame as a smile flickered across her features. She was lucky to have found a friend such as the male who stood before her. And if her heart leaped a little when he passed by her, well, that was her business. No one else's. Even her brothers would not know; they seemed to be busy with girls of their own, at any rate. Her thoughts turned slightly sour at that, though in truth, she was happy for Cael, and was glad that he had found someone who could love him in all of his purity.

Demonio and Chrysanthe would converse swiftly, with the white male cleaning her wounds, before he would return to her side, and Claire pressed herself against him as he settled down beside her. Cael made his appearance shortly after that, and Claire found herself seated between her two favorite wolves, and she breathed a soft, blissful sigh as she nudged Cael lightly. "How's it going?" She whispered to him, tail wagging contentedly, though she felt silent as soon as Chrysanthe spoke, giving her full attention to her Alpha.

Joy rushed through Claire's thoughts as Chrysanthe spoke her name. She and Demonio would be warriors! Claire turned a brilliant smile upon her companion, looking purely delighted by this development. "Glaciem's going down," Claire grinned, tail wagging joyously as she sat between her two favorite males.




09-24-2013, 11:38 AM

What the hell was going on? Arella always seemed to be out of the loop, and always late for meetings -- it was no wonder she was utterly in the dark in regards to what was going on. With fervor she headed in the direction of Chrysanthe's call, but found herself getting particularly side-tracked by a rather tempting pile of pretty orange and yellow leaves. A long moment was spent inspecting them, before she realized just how comfortable they were to lay on.

And then she realized what she had been on her way to -- a meeting! Scrambling upright, she headed toward the meeting, realizing that her semi-sister Chrysanthe was already talking when she got there. She caught the hind end of it, which was that Chrysanthe was assigning pack members to particular tasks. Once again, she was left out ... but she knew that was because she hadn't arrived on time. With a sigh she padded forth, tail hanging limply behind her. Arella had never been a particularly proud girl, but she was realizing it was probably time to grow up and do something for Valhalla, for the pack she had grown up in.

"I'll do whatever you need me to do!" She proclaimed somewhat dramatically, her brows furrowed in concentration. She didn't know much about fighting, and only a few things about hunting and healing .. but certainly she could help in some way? Though distractable, she was startling fast, quick on her paws. Maybe she could be some sort of messenger? A spy? Oh, the possibilities made her tail wag and her ears twitch in anticipation!