
Feelin like a big dog

seasonal solo


01-31-2024, 02:06 PM

The sun had set a while ago. The corgi man was watching the tides, they rose calmly here. The rain was holding off for now it seemed. He liked that fact. He could possibly catch some of the crabs here that scuttled about mindlessly. Well most would see it as mindless anyway. He didn't. He saw the purpose behind all their movements. There were what seemed to be thousands of crabs, out to find food, homes and mates in the night air. It wasn't cold yet, which was a bonus.

His paws were positioned strategically with every step. His steps were slow, body a missle ready to explode to catch some of the crabs. This would be the dinner he would chose tonight. He didn't like killing anything he could domesticate, so this was his alternative. Fish would keep his coat in top condition and the crustaceans were in that category. But first he had to catch some.

His body was lowered even more than normal, his belly kissing the ground as he moved forward. He was ignoring the small crabs pointedly. They wouldn't be worth the calories he would lose catching them. He wanted big ones. His eyes found one in moments scuttling along from one tide pool for the next. His ears stood upright, almost touching. His herding skills being called forth now to catch his dinner instead of herd a sheep into its pasture. He'd herded cattle as well so this should be a cakewalk. His movements stilled as he got ready. His eyes zeroed in on the crab. He was focused, ready and waiting for the perfect chance. He inched closer, a poised pistol ready to fire. He just needed to wait for the crab to be in the center of the land, away from water so he wouldn't miss.

As the world seemed to hold its breath for him his moment came. His Paws churning up rock and sand as he took off. The land ate up beneath him easily even though no one would believe someone his size was that fast. The corgi was going for it though. Mouth aimed for the crab and he was able to easily clam down on the crab and catch it. He clenched his mouth as the crab tried its bet to pinch his mouth. He ended it swiftly then. He'd need at least one or two more to make a meal though.

He almost practically pranced back towards where he started. He dropped his crab there and turned around to do it again. His body movements fluid as he started crouching and moving once more. The crab population wouldn't be hurt with him taking these two so it was easy pickings tonight. He did this for more than just his life though. He would one day be in charge of a flock or herd again, so this was for his future charges as well. He would sleep on a full belly tonight, he was sure of it.

He just needed to pick one more crab. His eyes scanned the beach, looking for another of decent size. His body dropping into a down stay as he looked. His vantage wasn't great but he would find one easily enough. His eyes cut to one at the edge of a tide pool. That would work. His mouth lifted in a grin. He had this. He could do that. The tide was out so the pools weren't that deep. His body raised as he moved towards it as quietly and slowly as possible. His tail was held up and still even though he wanted to wag it furiously in joy. He was going to be a successful crab hunter he knew it. Add that to his resume. His body stopped as his chosen crab moved and turned. He couldn't let it get away. But he also couldn't risk it seeing him and beelining it for the ocean. If it hit the waves and surf he would never catch it. He waited, patience was the key. He'd been taught patience since he could toddle. It was beaten into his head. When he was sure the crab was settled again he took off towards it.

His paws once more churned up the ground and his breath was in pants. The crab started moving as he got close. But it was too late for the crustacean. Much like with the first he clamped his mouth on it. This time his hold was tighter from the beginning as he aimed to kill it without it fighting him. It was bigger than the first though and his mouth barely fit over its rough shell. But he had it so it was time to move back to the first one. He pranced his way back to his cache of crab. Now all he would need to do is cook them. There was some driftwood so that wouldn't be an issue. He had his prizes though. He stacked them on top of each other and picked them up before moving to be at a spot on the beach that wouldn't be caught in high tide. He didn't fancy a swim again.

-exit to cook hims foods-

Heart made of glass, isn't it lovely

word count: 863

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1. Feelin like a big dog Hermit's Cove 02:06 PM, 01-31-2024 05:33 AM, 05-01-2024