
Lucky Strike



5 Years
Extra large
09-21-2013, 08:09 PM

His father had survived. Argent had survived. His aunt had survived. Everyone was fine. Though admittedly a bit bloodied and bruised, they were all intact and alive, which was what really mattered. He had tried tending to Sendoa the day before as best he could, but of course he was no healer. The most he had done was clean up her wound with his tongue, but that wasn't doing much. Anyone could do that. After bringing her back to a safe den, the titan had left his aunt to her own devices, allowing her the rest that she needed in order to recover more quickly. But she had been on his mind all night and most of the day. He had tried to give her as much space as he could, but he just couldn't stand to be so far from her. In the short time that he had come to know his aunt he had grown quite close with her, closer than he would ever get with his father and he wanted to try and conserve their relationship as much as he could.

Unable to resist the pull to Sendoa, the titan would finally give in, abandoning his patrol to head back to the den he'd set her up in, movements cautious as he approached the mouth of the den, massive head ducking beneath the rock, icy gaze dancing across the shadows of the den, locking in on his aunt's figure, unable to tell if she was awake or asleep. Aunt Sen? he called out gently, waiting to see if she would stir.



09-21-2013, 08:19 PM

Admittedly the both of them had been on her mind for some time, Isardis for being injured whilst battling, and Taurig for cleverly avoiding battle and tending to her so affectionately. He had shown himself a man without shedding a drop of blood - and before this battle she had not thought such a thing possible. It had awakened something in her that she wasn't certain of, but nevertheless it had not been easy to get the boy off of her mind - him or his father. She would sit fuming in the den he'd put her in, fuming because of the red-eared woman who had put her here. Sendoa was a fighter by blood, and no one had the right to tear her so viscously that she had to be stowed away for her own safety.

Her body was stiff due to the awkward way she was required to lay for her own comfort. She rested on her uninjured right side, her left foreleg drawn up near her chest so that she didn't stretch the torn flesh near her armpit. Where Chrysanthe got off attacking such a strange area, she would never know. Though Sendoa had very much prevailed, she knew that Chrysanthe had only narrowly been beaten - even if she didn't want to admit it. Her tail curved with the contour of her back right leg, tapping restlessly every now and then when her mind wandered to what she should be doing - which was, anything but this.

His voice would split the air, resulting in a smile upon her lips. He hadn't forgotten his injured aunt. Sendoa would rally her strength and lift her head slightly, being careful to prevent any unnecessary movement of her wound. ?Taurig,? she murmured in a dark and affectionate tone, beckoning him to her so that she would not have to be alone - pining for either he or his father's company. A chuckle would ring out. ?I'll have none of that 'Aunt Sendoa' business, call me Sen, or Sendoa, or just about anything else.? She knew he was her nephew and she would never deny him in that way, but something about calling her 'Aunt' seemed awkward to the Sentinel. Her tail tapped the earth gently. ?How is it out there in the real world?? She hated being trapped in the dark dungeon of despair. It seemed wrong to win a battle and be forced to live in such a state.




5 Years
Extra large
09-21-2013, 08:38 PM

He would wait for several moments at the entrance, his soft murmur echoing in the den. He could see the rise and fall of his aunt's chest and the way she held her left foreleg against her chest, trying to avoid stretching it out. He felt horrible that he had to confine his aunt to this den, but it was for the better. She wouldn't help herself heal any faster if she was constantly on the move. Taurig was more than happy and willing to help take care of Sendoa. She was always the one trying to protect others, he though it time that she be taken care of for once. Though he knew it was probably the last thing she wanted right now. He would feel just as restless as he was sure she felt if he were in his position. But it was for the better. The more she rested the faster she would heal and the faster she would be back on her paws. She just had to be patient.

His voice would reach her ears and he would watch as she lifted her head with considerable effort, a smile twisting her dark lips as she called out to him, beckoning him to her. Not one to disappoint, the Overseer would move past the entrance of the den, his eyes glinting with amusement as his aunt emphasized that she much preferred her name without the attachment of her relation to him. His own chuckle would rumble in his chest as he approached her, pressing his forehead to her own as he reached up towards her ear, tugging on it gently with his teeth. Duly noted Sen. He would rumble, allowing his body to fold in on itself as he lowered himself to the cave floor, forepaws brushing against Sendoa's, ears perking at her question. Boring as always.



09-21-2013, 08:47 PM

Never one to verbally deny anyone, she hoped that she wouldn't hurt his feelings - it just seemed weird to call her his aunt. Perhaps it was her physical attraction to him that bolstered the awkward sensation she felt, or perhaps it was because they had only just met a while back. Whatever it was, she knew she didn't like it. Heck, she didn't even call her brother 'brother'! Nor did he call her sister, either. It was usually 'my blue' or something of that nature. Sendoa would smile as he came closer, she could practically feel the earth tremble beneath his paws. He would come and dip his head to her, nudging it and tugging at her ear. A rumble bubbled up from her chest approvingly as he agreed to what she had said. Good, she hadn't offended him.

She chuckled as he said the real world was boring. ?It's got to be more interesting than what's going on in here. I won't be able to stand this much longer, Taur. A day or two more and I'll be going mad.? It was said with only half a joking tone, knowing that it was mostly truth. She wasn't a layabout wolf, never had been in all her life. She would shift her head toward him, keeping it aloft to appear like she had some figment of strength. ?I never got to tell you how proud I am of you,? she remarked, a twinkle in her emerald eyes. ?Even though you didn't fight, you showed good judgement and maturity.? He could scarcely be two years of age, maybe three at best, and yet he was acting more maturely than she had. Had he fought on that day, a war certainly would have broken out that Glaciem couldn't have won. They simply hadn't had the numbers there that were required to win such a battle - though that didn't mean they couldn't win in the future if they prepared well enough. Her neck would stretch, aiming to swipe her tongue along the length of his right forepaw.




5 Years
Extra large
09-26-2013, 04:43 PM

Taurig was big on respect and he just felt more respectful whenever he adressed Sendoa as his aunt, since that she was to him. But it seemed she didn't share the same mind set as him, or maybe she just didn't want to think of herself as old. The thought caused the titan to quietly chuckle beneath his breath, finding it rather amusing that his aunt would think herself as old. She was hardly old at all, barely in the prime of her life. She had a good while before he would consider her old. Sendoa's chuckle would chase away his personal amusement and replace it with her shared amusement. she didn't like being cooped up and he completely understood. It wasn't very fun, but it wasn't like she was missing out on much anyways. I know Sen, I know. But the more you rest, the faster you heal. If you go out now, you'll only make your injury worse and you'll spend even more time lying around than you already have to.

The next words to spill from her ebony jaws would take his breath away. I never got to tell you how proud I am of you. Even though you didn't fight, you showed good judgement and maturity. She was proud of him. His aunt was proud of him. Did she knew how much that meant to him? It was the most amazing thing he could've ever heard in his entire life. Sendoa was proud of him. It couldn't get better than that. Thank you...You don't know how much that means to me... He hadn't fought, his aunt was still proud of him. He would always remember that.



09-26-2013, 05:03 PM

He began to lecture her on the necessity of staying indoors. With a sigh she would nod her head, though only about half of the words reached inside of her cavernous cranium. It wasn't necessary for him to say all of it, but she admired him for his attempt at consoling her. At least he cared enough to check on her, unlike the king who had led her to battle. ?I know, I know..? she would retort when he was through with his parental-like lecture. ?I'll stay inside a bit longer.? Glaciem wasn't the most exciting of lands to begin with, and she had a feeling that she wouldn't miss much if she spent a day or two more in her den. ?So long as you come to visit me,? she would tack onto her earlier phrase. He at least made it more bearable.

He seemed to be taking in her compliment, something that she hadn't even really given much thought about. It seemed to be having more of an impact on him than she could have imagined, and that made a smile crack upon her lips. He assured her that she didn't know how much her words meant to him, to which she nodded and swiped her tongue across his paw. ?You mean something to me, Taurig. That's why I said it.? It was as simple as that. ?Now don't think that means that you can always wiggle your way out of fights - that was a rare occasion, and you probably won't get that lucky again.? The man he'd been set to fight was older and probably more experienced, but that didn't mean she underestimated Taurig. It would have been a tough fight regardless, and she was glad that he hadn't had to face it. Sendoa knew that he would fight one day, more than once - most likely. War was on the horizon, and that meant everyone would taste blood soon enough.
