
Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice... you can't fool me twice




Beginner Fighter (0)

Intermediate Healer (30)

7 Years
Dire wolf

02-12-2024, 05:26 AM (This post was last modified: 02-12-2024, 10:20 AM by Requiem. Edited 1 time in total.)
T o say that Requiem was displeased with the way life was going would be a gross understatement. This was the second time now that Lurid had up and abandoned him out of nowhere—the third if you counted her initial running off with Alastor only to disappear for years afterward. But this time, things were worse... His mate had been pregnant with their children—with his children—and she had just up and vanished once again. No signs of blood, no traces of a struggle to make him think something had happened to her. Just gone. For a while after, Requiem had lingered around the den he'd built for her in the Fern Gulley, but when she didn't return after half a season, he reasoned she must have abandoned him and gotten herself killed. It wouldn't have been the first time Lurid's poor judgment had gotten her into predicaments before, only this time she hadn't had him to save her ass.

S o here he was, back to square one once a-fucking-gain like he had been when she'd let Mirovis fall carelessly to the wayside. The titan of a wolf prowled through the evening prairie, his crimson coat which would have been a standout against the greens and browns of the territory now more masked in the fading light of twilight. The summer season was warm and agreeable for many animals, himself included, and most importantly all the prey animals that made this place home. His stomach growled as he followed the trail of a deer, stalking after it and practically salivating. Down wind and low to the ground, the dire brute crept through the underbrush towards the small herd of deer, using the approaching night to blend his darker coat in with the growing shadows. Piercing argent eyes followed the ungulates' movements as they grazed and prepared to bed down for the night. For one of them, this would be their last night.

R equiem slunk closer to the herd, moving from brush to rock as he went. He was no expert hunter, but he knew enough to keep himself alive. Once he was within striking range, the wolf lunged after the closest deer, keeping quiet until he was airborne and launching at his prey. He grappled with the deer with a snarl, sharp fangs immediately going for the jugular. The panicked deer bleated in terror and began to buck and flail, trying to kick the wolf off of it. Blood pooled on Requiem's tongue as his teeth found purchase, tearing into flesh. Ahhh, what a relieving sensation! Req refused to let go, biting into the deer's neck again and again, tearing away more flesh as he relished in the bloodlust, releasing all of his pent up frustrations and anger at his circumstances out on the prey animal.

T he deer did manage to buck him off with a kick to the wolf's side, but not before taking a substantial amount of damage. Requiem fell back to the ground with a grunt, watching with furious eyes and a sadistic smile as the bleeding animal tried to flee. "You won't get very far, my friend," the crimson brute purred after the deer, rolling to his paws and taking a moment to let the dull ache in his side fade before he would follow the trail of blood to his inevitable meal. And when he did find it... ohhh, he was going to enjoy the kill!

"Requiem" | "Latin"

Warning: Requiem is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.



Master Navigator (240)

Advanced Fighter (65)

4 Years

Samhain 2022
02-13-2024, 11:02 PM

The question she always seemed to be chasing an answer for was what was she doing? What was her goal? She wasn't someone that felt like she always had to be working toward something, but to have no focus at all and aimlessly wandering without any kind of anchor didn't really feel like her style either. At least when she had been exploring the world a bit her own personal goal was to see more of the world outside of the island she had been raised on and the lands Elysium owned. There was no much else out there that she had never seen and that had been her goal–to see if there was anything else more exciting than what she already had. There had been plenty of pretty sights and landscapes to see, but ultimately she had met up with her mother and returned to Boreas in the end. She didn't necessarily want to live with her family permanently again, but she had missed at least being close enough to visit from time to time.

No she was adrift again, wandering between Ashen and Elysium and trying to figure out what her next goal was. She spent some time with her parents, went to visit her older siblings, and was now drifting back to Ashen once more. Since it was getting late as she wandered through the prairie she had begun looking for somewhere she could bed down for the night, but before she could the sound of a scuffle near by and the bleating panic of a deer caught her attention and made her gaze snap over toward the sound. Someone or something was on the hunt, it seemed. She paused where she was standing, a bit on high alert just in case the predator that was hunting the deer wasn't the friendly type. Before she could identify what was hunting the unfortunate deer, the unsteady and rushed thumps of hooves hitting the ground began to get louder, the scent of blood coming with it. The shape of the deer in question became more clear as it drew closer, seeming to not notice her in its panic or perhaps it was so close to death's door that it couldn't quite see where it was heading.

Either way, with the deer coming right for her she decided to give the hunter a bit of an assist–even though she doubted they really needed it since the gash across the deer's neck already looked deadly enough. She got down in the grass and waited for the deer to get within striking distance before leaping out and grabbing its back leg between her jaws. The already struggling prey animal toppled over fairly easily and floundered on the ground a bit while she pinned it to keep it from trying to get back up. Soon enough it succumbed to its wounds, finally bleeding out and falling still. Well, whoever started this hunt had done quite a number on this thing. She looked up and around, expecting the hunter to be shortly behind their prey, and sure enough her two-toned gaze landed on a crimson red, older male with dark points and dappling throughout. "I'm guessing this is yours?" she asked with a chuckle as she backed off from the downed deer, not wanting him to think she was trying to take it from him.

"Rusalka Alondra Klein"



Beginner Fighter (0)

Intermediate Healer (30)

7 Years
Dire wolf

02-14-2024, 12:26 AM
R equiem followed the trail of fresh blood across the dry grasses of the prairie, that delicious metallic tang of copper leading him like breadcrumbs through the forest toward his prize. The deer had a surprising amount of stamina still left in it, as it had gotten over the next small hill before the scent of blood began to get thicker and stronger on the air, signaling that he was getting closer. Cresting the hill, Requiem was surprised to find his kill being stood atop by a smaller wolf—a young merle fae—holding it down as the prey animal gave its last feeble twitches of life before it expired. Brows raising above his argent and ebony eyes, the dire brute prowled down closer to her, moving with graceful and deliberate strides. Was the girl a poacher trying to steal his kill, or was she offering up unsolicited aid? Well, only one way to find out...

D rawing near, Requiem met the young fae's mismatched eyes with his own silver pools, studying her for a moment as she made a light joke and retreated from the carcass. Oh, but she was such a lovely little thing to look at... Young, nubile, curves in all the right places... Knowing that she wasn't a poacher he was going to have to slaughter cast the skinny little missy in a new light to the brute, and suddenly his hunger for something far more primal was tantalized. How long had it been since all of his hungers had been sated? Perhaps if he played his cards right, this wouldn't be his only appetite satisfied tonight. A charming smile flashed across Requiem's muzzle as he regarded the young woman, chuckling in his low baritones with her. "Was it my being covered in blood that gave it away?" he joked back with her, running his pink tongue over his snout to clean away some of the blood spatter that had hit him when he'd struck the deer.

R equiem strode up to the dead deer, analyzing his kill for a moment. It was a sizable doe, with plenty of plump meat and fat to easily feed both wolves. Glancing back up at the beautiful stranger, Req gave her a disarming lopsided smile and waved to the deer with a giant paw. "Would you like to share with me? You did help bring it down, it's the least I could do to thank you," he spoke in smooth, almost purred tones with accents of his Latin accent peaking through his words. Requiem sat with the deer between him and the fae, inviting her in to share a meal with him. She didn't look malnourished by any means, meaning she could either fend for herself or someone was looking after her, but it was also dinnertime and he doubted she'd want to spend her night hunting for her own food. Bringing his jaws down to tear into the carcass, Requiem began to pull apart the deer's torso, ripping into its abdominal cavity to reveal all the choice tender meats and organs within, offering them to the lady first. "Does my lovely assistant have a name?" he asked her while he ripped hungrily into the doe's chest in search of his favorite part.

"Requiem" | "Latin"

Warning: Requiem is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.



Master Navigator (240)

Advanced Fighter (65)

4 Years

Samhain 2022
02-14-2024, 12:45 AM (This post was last modified: 02-14-2024, 12:47 AM by Rusalka. Edited 2 times in total.)

She could tell from how the male was studying her as he approached that he was looking to see if she was trying to take his kill or not, but once she stepped back and gave him plenty of room he gave her a smile and returned her joking with some of his own. Whew, at least she didn't land herself in a fight she hadn't intended to be in. In all honesty she had hardly noticed the blood across his muzzle and chest with how deeply red his fur was and the dim light of the evening moon, but now that he was close enough for her to pick up on some finer details of his ruggedly handsome features she could see how the fur around his mouth was wet and clumped with blood. "That'll certainly give it away, yes," she agreed with a chuckle.

Even though she hadn't explicitly helped bring down the deer in hopes that he'd share the meal with her, she was pleased when he made the offer regardless. "How could a turn down an almost free meal?" she asked with a little grin and stepped a bit closer before she settled on her haunches while he began to tear into the freshly killed doe, exposing its meat and organs for them both to feast on. She had eaten a good meal before she departed Elysium so she wasn't ravenously hungry by any means, but now that the fresh kill was in front of her she was definitely reminded of the fact that it was time for dinner.

When he offered her first choice of the prey she gave him a grateful smile and leaned in to pull off a piece of tenderloin before settling on her stomach with the meat between her paws to eat. Her pale gaze lifted to meet his again as he questioned her for her name, replying, "It's Rusalka, though I usually go by Ruse." His mannerisms and tone were all very charming and smooth with a bit of an accent of some kind making his words sound slightly different than what she was used to. Even though it was fairly obvious that he was at least a couple of years older than she was he was handsome and quite suave. Even though she was still young she was far from the inexperienced, naive girl that had moved into Elysium so that she could stay close to Cerberus when her father had dissolved his first pack. She could tell that he was laying it on a bit thick, but she couldn't say that she minded. "And you, mighty hunter? What's your name?" she questioned in return, her tone teasing and a little smirk lingering on her lips.

"Rusalka Alondra Klein"



Beginner Fighter (0)

Intermediate Healer (30)

7 Years
Dire wolf

02-14-2024, 03:57 AM
T he pretty mottled fae accepted his invitation to share dinner with him with a sweet little smile of her own and settled in with him as he rent open the flesh to give her first dibs at the goodies within. In truth, Requiem was holding back on being overly charming and flirtatious with his lady companion, dropping the occasional compliment or charismatic tease only every so often. The art of seduction was just that—an art form that required subtlety and finesse. It was a game; a game where if he played well he would win exactly what he wanted. This girl was no whore to be bought or bedded with a few cheap words. Req could tell that just by a glance at her. No, she was a far greater prize to be won if he was willing to play the game well.

T he fae introduced herself as Rusalka, going by Ruse, and Requiem gave a thoughtful rumble as he sampled her name in his mind. "Rusalka," the dire brute purred, enunciating her name so he could taste it like he were tasting a fine wine. "Thank you for helping me tonight, Ruse." Requiem's paw fished around in the deer's chest cavity for a moment longer until his paw found the thick heart within, a triumphant grin on his lips as he ripped the muscle out and took a grateful bite out of it, savoring the flavor of fresh ungulate blood on his tongue. While Ruse devoured the tenderloin, she asked his name in turn, earning her a slightly bloodstained smile from the gargantuan brute. "Requiem. Enchanting to meet you," he replied, giving a tip of his snout to the pretty fae. "Although if you wanted to keep calling me mighty hunter, you won't get any complaints from me." Another amused chuckle rumbled deep within the depths of the dire wolf's broad chest. Little did she know his hunt was far from over yet...

A s the sun disappeared more and the stars and moon came out to bathe the world in silver light, the more Requiem's silver-toned eyes would seem to shine in the twilight, subtly roving over Ruse's form with great appreciation. She was a svelte and attractive young fae, and her fur seemed to shine in the evening light; a lovely piece of eye candy that was delightful to look at. She had clearly come from good breeding, and although she didn't have a pack scent on her, it was clear that she had been well cared for throughout her life. An alpha's daughter, maybe? Oh, the idea was so deliciously salacious to the lecherous brute. Being the kind of man he was, there was no consideration in Requiem's mind for whatever their age difference might be. So long as she was out of her yearling seasons, all was fair in love and war. "So do you usually make a habit of helping strangers and sharing meals with random brutes, or am I just exceptionally lucky tonight?" asked Req with an amused half smirk on his muzzle while he finished devouring the deer's heart, moving on to tearing into the animal's rib meat with a wet gnashing of fangs.

"Requiem" | "Latin"

Warning: Requiem is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.



Master Navigator (240)

Advanced Fighter (65)

4 Years

Samhain 2022
02-14-2024, 11:32 AM

It was hard to hold back a little grin that pulled at her lips at the way the rougish stranger said her name. "Happy to help," she assured him at his thanks. Although she adored her siblings who had been her partners more often than any other chance encounter had been, there was just something different about how other men approached her and spoke to her that she liked. Her brothers–especially Cerberus–wanted to protect her and still treated her a bit like she was still the little girl they had known growing up. Other wolves she encountered on her travels had a different approach and it made her feel far more like the grown fae that she was. Requiem introduced himself with a sly comment about continuing to call him 'mighty hunter' that made her chuckle with amusement while she continued to work her way through the tenderloin she had chosen for herself. "Mighty hunter it is then," she joked, her tail wagging gently against the grass behind her.

While she enjoyed her dinner she couldn't help but watch while Requiem dug around in the doe's chest cavity. Before she could ask what he was hunting for so intently he yanked out the animal's heart victoriously. She blinked with surprise and watched as he devoured the organ as if it was the most delicious food he had ever been given. She had never seen someone specifically seek out the organs to make a meal on–and most certainly not a heart–but to each their own, she supposed. Quickly she realized that while she was watching him he was also looking at her, feeling his bright silver gaze roam across her. The feeling made her face flush slightly, but she focused back on her food with a little smirk at the corners of her lips. She certainly hadn't started out this night hoping that she'd find someone to spend the evening with, but now that the possibility was in front of her she didn't think she would turn the opportunity down either. Sure, perhaps he was at least as old as her father, but... they were both adults so did it really matter?

Her gaze refocused on his as he questioned whether she made a habit of doing this kind of thing and she smirked while she reached over to take another helping of meat from the doe. "I guess today is just your lucky day," she replied, giving him an coy, innocent smile that eventually gave way to a more sly grin. She definitely wasn't someone that was searching for a new partner every night by any means, but while she was out on her own she had definitely embraced the more more carefree, pleasure motivated side of herself. Helping him with his kill was just something that fell into her lap, so to speak, but staying for dinner for a bit of company was slightly more purposeful. She enjoyed the attention and not having to really hunt for herself. "I'm kind of surprised someone like you is out here all alone," she commented conversationally. It didn't seem like there was any trace of a pack mixed in with his scent and any other lingering scent of another wolf was stale at best if there was any at all. That wasn't a definitive answer to anything, of course, but an observation none of the less. "Usually its the less handsome and charming brutes that I bump into during my travels."

"Rusalka Alondra Klein"



Beginner Fighter (0)

Intermediate Healer (30)

7 Years
Dire wolf

02-14-2024, 08:08 PM
T he casual banter between the two wolves continued innocently enough, though the more time passed between them, the less innocent it was becoming for the brute—and likewise it seemed so for the fae as well. Rusalka gave him a coy smile, a sweet look that flattered her lovely features before it gave way to a more adult grin, her pink and blue jewels flashing with the mischief of toying with him. Requiem liked a fae that could keep up with his banter, and doubly so when they were enjoying it as well. It made the game all the more enjoyable to both of them when he eventually won, because he would be winning this one. She replied that today was his lucky day and Req would certainly agree with her. He had gotten lucky to stumble upon this gorgeous little femme out alone in the wild lands!

R equiem returned her sly grin and chuckled under his breath as he finished stripping another rib of its meat, running his tongue over his lips to clean the blood away from them, all the while keeping Ruse's mismatched gaze with his. The two wolves were mutually watching one another, staring as if entranced, and although he could not know her motives his own were far more salacious than he was letting on. Still, he did not attempt to hide his appreciation for her attractiveness, practically fucking her with his gaze while they ate, silver eyes roaming across her feminine form. The fact that she was several years younger than him never even entered his mind. He didn't see some child that needed supervising. He saw a beautiful and mature young woman, and that was what he treated her as. Req couldn't know what her home life was like, but what he did know was that she seemed to be basking in this attention he was giving her and how he treated her, so he would continue to do so, leveraging this advantage in their game of seduction.

R use made a casual comment about his solitary nature and how that surprised her, earning her a thoughtful rumble from the massive crimson brute as he cleaned another rib of its meat. Then a remark about her usually encountering much less handsome and charming brutes and that pulled a hearty laugh from Requiem. "Maybe this is your lucky night too," he said, shooting her a playful wink and a suggestive grin. He was testing the waters, getting a little more naughty and risqué with his remarks to see how she responded to them. Nothing overtly lecherous—not yet. The game had to escalate at its own pace. "Well, thank you for your compliment. Coming from a gorgeous fae who could pull any brute she desired, I'm flattered."

R eq stretched out his body, letting his muscles flex for a moment as he relaxed sprawled out beside their kill, finishing up his meal with a chunk of flesh from the doe's tender underbelly. "Sadly for me, I've been on my own for a while now. I had a companion for a time, but she's fucked off somewhere on her own." Requiem rolled his eyes and waved a paw off as if dismissing the sour thoughts. Whatever. Lurid was probably dead by now and there was no use in crying over ghosts. Not when there was such a vivacious and alluring lady right here with him. "And what of yourself, Rusalka? Out here wandering the wild lands alone, or should I expect an angry family or jealous boyfriend to come beat me up at any moment?" Another roguish grin split Req's maw, flashing those pearly fangs to her as he continued with his sarcastic humor. She seemed to enjoy it, and it was more of his true nature than he usually showed to anyone—especially to his prey.

"Requiem" | "Latin"

Warning: Requiem is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.



Master Navigator (240)

Advanced Fighter (65)

4 Years

Samhain 2022
02-14-2024, 08:39 PM

His playfulness and slightly suggestive response to her questioning just showed that his line of thinking was clearly following her own. His compliment earned him another sly grin, chuckling softly in response while she went to work licking her lips clean and cleaning away any stray blood from her paws, restoring the pale fur back to its previous state. Truly she would have been shocked if a lone brute like himself didn't try to at least hit on her, but if he had a partner of some kind waiting for him then perhaps that would prevent him from doing more than a slightly flirtatious comment. That's why she had been testing the waters in her own way, probing for a bit of information to see if he was actually on his own like she was or not so she knew better what to expect from the rest of her evening.

He revealed that he used to have a partner, but she had apparently abandoned him, leaving him to his own devices. That made her head tilt with a little frown, wondering to herself why she would have left, but she eventually gave a little shrug and replied, "Well... her loss, I suppose," with a smirk, returning some of his flirtation with a bit of her own. It already felt pretty clear where their night was heading, but she was enjoying the bit of banter they were having back and forth and the conversation that was revealing some of his humor and charm. She appreciated a brute's handsome looks as much as any other fae, but if he was dull and boring to talk to then that was hardly a fun time. When he returned the same line of questioning to her, asking if he should be expecting any angry family members or a jealous boyfriend to come after him, she laughed lightly and replied, "No jealous boyfriends to worry yourself with. An overly protective father, perhaps... but he's too busy with all of his wives and children to worry about me enjoying myself a little bit." Besides, what her father didn't know wouldn't hurt him.

With their dinner completed, she stretched out as well, reaching her forelegs out in front of her with a pleased groan before she settled back with a content sigh, leaning onto her side and crossing her paws in front of her. "So, Requiem, the mighty hunter and newly lone bachelor... I guess the only question now is whether or not you're going to risk the wrath of my father or not," she teased him slyly, amusement and interest lighting up her dual toned gaze. She wasn't usually this forward in her own advances, but she was enjoying matching his energy and perhaps even pushing it along even further. Her life lacked a direction or any kind of real entertainment so now that she had at least a temporary source of both of those things she couldn't just pass that up. She raised a brow at him curiously with a smirk lingering on her lips while she waited for his response, hopeful that she hadn't been horridly misreading his signals.

"Rusalka Alondra Klein"



Beginner Fighter (0)

Intermediate Healer (30)

7 Years
Dire wolf

02-14-2024, 09:47 PM
R equiem couldn't resist the snarky smug smirk that slowly spread across his muzzle when Rusalka tilted her head and said it was Lurid's loss that she had run away from him. Yeah, it certainly was her loss. Requiem had been nothing but blindly loyal to her from day one and she'd thrown that loyalty back in his face time and time again. First with Alastor, then with Mirovis, now with their pups or whatever had happened to them. That was assuming she had been pregnant at all and hadn't just been manipulating him again like the cunt bitch she was. Silver eyes flashed with cheeky mirth as he looked across at Ruse once more, seeing that sly grin on her pretty face and knowing exactly what was on her mind and where their evening was headed at this rate. The game was almost done now and they would both be getting what they wanted tonight. Another successful hunt for the master predator.

R usalka's answer inspired confidence. As much fun as it would have been to steal her away and fuck some other brute's fae to vent some of the spite and anger his treacherous fiancée had left him with, knowing that there wouldn't be anybody coming to look for her tonight meant they could indulge in one another all night long until both of them were fully satisfied. Plus the idea of pissing off her overprotective daddy by railing his precious little girl brought a naughty smirk to the dire brute's lips. The mention of her father enjoying all of his wives plural and other children did raise a curious brow on his forehead, but those were questions he could ask later, perhaps amidst some pillow talk while they recuperated. As if reading his mind, Ruse gave a long languid stretch of her slender body with a lovely little sound before crossing her paws and fixing him with a sly look as she asked if he was going to risk the wrath of her overprotective father. The brute's eyes lit up and that lecherous grin grew wider. That was all the invitation he needed.

R ising to his paws, the giant brute stood at his full height above the svelte little fae, truly taking in just how much smaller and petite she was. He stepped over the remains of the deer carcass to Ruse's side and craned his neck down as a giant paw lifted to caress her cheek and tilt her muzzle upwards, bringing his snout to within millimeters of her own, the thinnest gap of space separating their mouths to the point where he could feel her breath against his lips. Requiem held there for a moment, teasing her with their proximity and his advances, though he didn't think she'd resist given how their chemistry had led them so far tonight. A trace of a smirk pulled at his lips and Req's paw slowly stroked from Ruse's cheek down the side of her neck, sliding beneath her chin to cup her jaw and hold her ever so close yet just out of range of their lips touching. He breathed in her scent, letting her smell linger in his brain while he took her in. "I'm going to make your father hate me by the end of the night," he purred in deep, husky tones that dripped with lustful intent, revealing a little more of the lecherous brute's true nature. Then he chuckled and let his paw fall away from her jaw as he stood up again, letting her twist in his teasing to rile her up even more.

S hooting Ruse a wanton and inviting grin, Requiem motioned for her to follow him with a nod of his head, and then once she had stood he put on a display of strength to impress her as he suddenly ducked his larger, toned body beneath hers and hoisted her smaller form up over his back. Still grinning playfully, Req gave her a quick "Hang on, beautiful," and then he was whisking her off across the darkening prairie back in the direction his temporary den was. A short sprint later and the giant wolf was carrying his fae down into a den in the side of a hill that could comfortably fit the pair of wolves. The den was sparse given its makeshift nature, but the sprawling bedding of furs and soft brush was all they would need tonight. Requiem deposited Ruse down onto the bed with a gentle roll, and then he was climbing on top of her, keeping her svelte body pinned down to the bedding with his own massive form. Silver eyes gleamed with a primal hunger in the dark as he grinned down at her like a predator about to savor a meal, drinking in the sight of this sexy fae beneath his body. His gaze devoured her body up and down a couple of times before he finally relented and gave in to his urges, lowering his muzzle to claim her mouth with his own in a slow, heated kiss, large paws braced on either side of her to keep her from slipping away as he gripped at the furs below them. He was going to make the most of tonight and enjoy her thoroughly.

"Requiem" | "Latin"

Warning: Requiem is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.



Master Navigator (240)

Advanced Fighter (65)

4 Years

Samhain 2022
02-19-2024, 12:19 AM

Ruse felt like she already had the answer to her question when she saw how Requiem's grin widened at her teasing comment about her father, but he cemented the thought when he stood and stepped over to where she was laying, looming over her at his full height. It made her heart skip as she looked up at him with a knowing grin, keeping her gaze on his as his paw lifted to her cheek and tipped her muzzle up towards his. The proximity of him and how very close his lips were to meeting hers made her breath catch in her chest, entranced as he cupped her jaw and held her so temptingly close, but kept her from getting any closer at the same time. She thought for certain that he was going to kiss her and kick off this evening together then and there, but instead he made a lustful promise of making her father hate him by the end of the night. That made her grin widen in response, a little shiver of excitement running down her spine. Even though she had slept with a few brutes here and there during her travels she had never come across anyone quite like Requiem and he had a certain air about him that she was already enjoying quite a bit.

She was briefly disappointed as he released her jaw and stood again, but not even a moment later he surprised her again by ducking down and lifting her onto his back as if she weighed nothing. It made her gasp with shock and giggle as she shifted to wrap her forelegs around his neck to hold on to him just before he took off, leaving the remnants of their dinner behind. She didn't know where he was taking her, but there was no complaints from her as he carried her off across the prairie. Wherever it was she knew she was in for a good time tonight. Soon enough he slowed and took her to a den that was inset into the side of a hill, the pale light of the moon and stars suddenly obscured as they went inside. There wasn't much to the simple den besides a bed of furs, but what else did they really need? There wasn't much time to examine her new surroundings as she landed gently on the bedding and her field of view was quickly taken over by Requiem once again. His larger frame pinned hers down to the bedding and she wore a grin as she looked up into the hungry, lustful gaze of her lover for the night. The way he looked at her was so much more primal than what she was used to and there was a little flutter of nerves in her chest that was quickly drowned out by her own heady desire.

She stretched out her lithe body beneath his while he openly admired her, making her feel like more of a sexy fae than she ever had. Her paws traced up over the upper part of his toned forelegs and shoulders, brushing over his chest before looping around the back of his neck, getting her first real feel of the rugged brute above her. She felt the slightly raised ridges of the scars that littered his skin as her claws combed through his crimson fur and it made her all the more curious about this man that had swept her away for what was already turning into a very memorable night. Before she could really ponder it though he finally picked up where he had left off and claimed her lips with his own. A soft hum of delight escaped her as her dual toned eyes fluttered closed and her forelegs tightened around his neck, pulling her chest tighter into his. This was certainly not the way she had expected her night to go, but she was oh so glad she had decided to go after that wounded deer.

- fade -

"Rusalka Alondra Klein"



Beginner Fighter (0)

Intermediate Healer (30)

7 Years
Dire wolf

02-26-2024, 07:23 PM (This post was last modified: 02-27-2024, 05:20 PM by Requiem. Edited 1 time in total.)
O ver and over again, Requiem indulged in Rusalka and ravaged her body with his own, bringing them both to peaks of pleasure until they were spent and satisfied. He vented all of his pent up lust and frustrations out on her, using this sexy fae’s body as he pleased, yet holding himself back from getting too rough with her. He was passionate and primal, but he didn’t want to hurt her or scare her off, so he withheld on going completely wild on her—for now. As he blissfully crashed into the glorious afterglow of their fucking, the dire brute flopped to the bedding beneath them with Ruse still wrapped up in his arms, pulling her down with him and laying her across his chest while they recuperated from their coupling. His broad chest rose and fell with each heavy breath, argent eyes glazed over with pleasure as he grinned up at the ceiling, basking in the aftermath with his lucky find for the night. Gods, he felt so good after getting to blow off steam with Ruse…!

S till holding the slender fae in his powerful forearms, Requiem kept Rusalka pulled tight to his chest, enjoying the feel of her weight and warmth on top of him. Crimson digits combed lazily through the fur of her scruff, almost as if he was petting her while they caught their breaths and rested. Req peered down at the satisfied face of Ruse with a proud grin, playing back through the events of their mating just moments before in his mind. Yep, even at six, he still had it! Rusalka had been an excellent source of venting and an excellent fuck to boot. Watching this gorgeous fae lying across him right now got the cogs in the sinister brute’s mind turning. If only he was able to convince Ruse to stay with him, he’d never have to go hunting around for someone to slake his lusts on. She was a beautiful specimen of a female wolf, perfectly proportioned, young and healthy—everything he could enjoy for a long time to come. Maybe if he played his cards right, his post-abandoning life wouldn’t have to be so dismal…

W rapping his arms tighter around Ruse’s midsection, the dire brute squeezed her in his embrace and leaned his head up to cover her forehead in slow licks to help smooth down the fur he’d disheveled amidst their romping, acting all affectionate and nurturing as he pampered her with a bit of aftercare. No doubt the poor fae would be well worked over and exhausted. Cradling her body with care (and subtle possessiveness) on top of his to act like a giant pillow for her, Requiem continued running his digits through her soft fur, savoring the feeling of her body in his paws. After they had rested, he would continue to use her to sate his appetite and begin his exploitation in full, but for now they would rest. "You're an incredible fae, Rusalka. So do you think I’ve sufficiently pissed off your father yet?" A husky chuckle rumbled in the depths of the massive brute's chest, a roguish grin on his features as he gazed down at her, enjoying having such a pretty young thing laid across him like this. Yeah... he could get used to this.

"Requiem" | "Latin"

Warning: Requiem is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.



Master Navigator (240)

Advanced Fighter (65)

4 Years

Samhain 2022
04-07-2024, 01:43 PM

It felt like the world was spinning when she finally settled onto Requiem's chest, struggling to get her vision to focus while she panted to catch her breath with a floaty grin on her lips. Never would she have guessed that this is how her evening would have gone when she helped him out with catching his dinner and she especially hadn't expected for Requiem to rock her world the way he had. It wasn't as if she had been with dozens of partners or anything like that, but out of the small handful of wolves she had slept with none of them had worn her out or fucked her as hard as he had. She collapsed across his larger form when he was done, feeling as if she was floating on a cloud in her afterglow. The fact that whoever he had been with before had left him even though he could fuck like that baffled her!

The feeling of his claws combing through her scruff pulled a quiet, breathless hum of delight from her, a smile pulling at her lips. As much as she loved the act itself, it was really the afterglow and the attention after the fact that she enjoyed most of all. She liked feeling as if she was their sole focus of their attention–like maybe she could be their whole world, even if the moment was fleeting as it all so often tended to be. When his forelegs wrapped around her to hold her tight and she felt the gentle grooming he left across the top of her head, she couldn't help the genuine smile that crossed her muzzle and the soft, delighted giggles that escaped her. For someone that had been so rough and dominating only moments before, he surprised her with the gentle aftercare he showered her with.

His comment about sufficiently pissing off her father made her laugh and she turned her head to look up at him with a grin. She imagined that her father would hate anyone that even looked at her for too long so if he found out the how many times and how many ways that Requiem had taken her he would likely go into a murderous rage. But that's why she would always make sure she kept her father far, far away from whatever brute she was spending her time with. "Oh, most certainly," she replied with a chuckle, tipping her muzzle up to give his chin a teasing lick. "He'd murder first and ask questions later if he found out, I'm sure." As much as she adored her father, she couldn't give up these kinds of wild nights just to avoid his disappointment. This was just too much fun and felt too good to not seek them out!

"Rusalka Alondra Klein"



Beginner Fighter (0)

Intermediate Healer (30)

7 Years
Dire wolf

04-25-2024, 04:22 AM
J ust seeing how breathless Rusalka was and how thoroughly he had worn her out brought a swell of pride to Requiem, that satisfied, boastful grin only growing on his muzzle. Deep down in his most basic parts, Requiem was two things—a killer and a lover. Seeing how much pleasure he could bring to his lady partners was a high of its own, and in the wake of his second failed reunion with Lurid it was exactly the ego boost he had much needed, to know that he still had plenty of game left in him. Not to mention Rusalka had easily been one of his best fucks he could recount, able to match pace with his more vigorous sex with nothing short of ecstasy. So he lay there with Ruse in his arms, draped across his larger body as if he were her personal mattress, letting her bask in the wonderful afterglow while he tended to her, enjoying each and every sound of delight he was able to pull from her, like plucking the strings of an instrument to create a beautiful melody.

I n the quiet of the here and now in the den, Ruse most definitely was all of Req's focus. Nothing else in the world mattered right now beyond this amazing mottled fae. He knew he had to have her all to himself now. Requiem was much too much of a possessive bastard to let her go after how she'd equally rocked his world and gave him something new to lavish his attention on and to slake his lusts and needs with. If all he had to do was give her attention and feed her, well then this was going to be a very easy and beneficial relationship for him to control. The way she giggled as he groomed the soft mussed up fur on her forehead brought out a husky chuckle of his own from the dire brute, squeezing the smaller fae in his strong forearms. Requiem was very much the guy who could go from fucking your brains out one minute to tenderly caring for you the next, as Ruse was currently experiencing firsthand. Quite the perfect partner, wasn't he?

W hen Ruse replied with a laugh and confirmation that her overbearing sire would have murdered him immediately for all the ways he'd ravaged her this evening, all Requiem could do was grin proudly with a devilish gleam in his silver eyes, his debonair, devil-may-care attitude on full display. He happily received her lick to his chin and returned it with a lick to the end of her nose, still slowly trailing one paw up and down her back along her spine while the other continued to comb through her scruff with his claws. "Absolutely worth it," he quipped back with a playful wink to his beautifully disheveled lover, leaning in closer to capture her lips with his own in a quick, frisky kiss. Despite his age, Requiem had the libido of a young brute, and his career of maintaining peak physical shape gave him more than enough stamina to make their nights together very long. But their encore performance could come in a bit. Right now, he had other things on his mind... Staring into Ruse's mismatched eyes with a thoughtful tip of his head, Requiem gave a soft hum, then asked her, "What do I have to do to convince you to stick around for a while with me, Ruse? I'm not ready to stop making your father angry with me."

"Requiem" | "Latin"

Warning: Requiem is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.



Master Navigator (240)

Advanced Fighter (65)

4 Years

Samhain 2022
06-10-2024, 12:56 AM

Ruse couldn't help but chuckle at Requiem's insistance that the threat of death at the hands of her father was worth the excellent round of sex they had just shared. She certainly agreed and she was glad he did too. Even though there was definitely an age gap between them, he had kept up with her and then some though the whole affair and something told her the night wasn't even over yet. Maybe it was how he was still doting on her with all kinds of affections or the way he kissed her while they laid together in their afterglow, but either way he had certainly proven that age was just a number when it came to sexual prowess and libido.

As their lips parted she looked up at him with a floaty happiness, a little grin lingering on her muzzle. Then he surprised her with his question of how he might convince her to stay with him for a while, making her look at him with a curious, lifted brow. She had assumed they would probably spend the rest of the night together at least, but any of her other surprise encounters like this had only ever lasted for a night or maybe two if she was really interested in them. "I suppose that depends on how long you consider 'a while' to be," she replied with a smirk, one of her paws trialing down his chest and stroking along his side absentmindedly. "Are you wanting me for a night? Two? More?"

"Rusalka Alondra Klein"



Beginner Fighter (0)

Intermediate Healer (30)

7 Years
Dire wolf

06-29-2024, 12:52 AM
R equiem could tell his offer had caught Rusalka off guard by the wide-eyed surprised look on her face that replaced her floaty, happy grin and half-lidded gaze. She raised a curious brow at him; was she suspicious of his intentions? He wouldn't have doubted it or blamed her for being cautious. After all, he was still a veritable stranger to her, but his intentions should have been fairly obvious—those intentions had just had him buried within her only minutes ago. He didn't know if Ruse would even consider his offer or go for it. She could very well have been a one night stand kind of fae, but the giant crimson brute hoped that maybe his offer of a consistent fuck buddy and a guaranteed meal ticket might tempt her over. Ruse asked a follow up question of her own: how long did he consider to be a while?

R usalka listed a couple options while those soft paws caressed and stroked over his sides, already reawakening his senses and rousing him towards a second round. All of her options were much too short for his liking. "I was thinking something a bit... longer than two nights," he purred in reply, flashing her a devilish grin back, silver eyes flashing with playful intent. "Y'know, if you didn't have anywhere else to be anytime soon, why not tag along with me? I'll keep you fed, cared for, we keep each other company by day and warm and satisfied at night... We can play it by ear and see how long things go for."

R eq punctuated his words by reaching one giant ebony paw down to squeeze at Ruse's shapely rump. Of course, he had no intentions of letting her go at all, but if he gave her the illusion of an off ramp whenever she wanted, she might be tempted to stay with him—and if she stayed with him, he'd have all the time in the world to charm her and keep her around for his own purposes for good. He just needed her to say yes.

"Requiem" | "Latin"

Warning: Requiem is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.