
Words playing me deja vu Like a radio tune I swear I've heard before

Tarnish, Modesty, Gilgamesh



Expert Healer (170)

Master Fighter (260)

2 Years
Dire wolf

ScarredCritical Fail!OverachieverSamhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
02-16-2024, 01:50 PM

Fate was a funny thing… It often put you on a path you weren’t expecting, and Rivin certainly hadn’t expected to be walking back to the territory of the Raiders after what had happened… But… Her green gaze shifted to the boy at her side. Modesty and Gilgamesh’s son, Tarnish, had been seen heading in the direction of the Hallows, far from home. Even now Rivin questioned if following him had been the right thing to do… but… she couldn’t just ignore him for fuck’s sake. He wasn’t even a yearling yet, and though she wouldn’t admit it out loud, when she had treated his sister Calliope, she realized she had developed a softness for the kids of the Raiders. They were her family… little siblings to look after in a way. A soft sigh left her lips.

“Listen, Tar…” Her words were gentle. She had already scolded him with the Hallows… and the poor boy had gotten so overwhelmed, having a panic attack before passing out. Her ears fell, keeping her gaze on him as they walked through the gulley toward the beach. “Wolves make mistakes, not one of us is perfect. It is natural to be hurt when you realize you made a mistake, to be frustrated with yourself, and feel like you’re not good enough…” The healer offered him a small smile.

“Take that feeling, take that mistake, and use it as a reason to grow. Learn from it, work on your skills, and learn to better yourself. That is the difference between being a disappointment, and a wolf who will learn true strength. I know you got this kid, so keep your chin up, okay?” Her green gaze shifted ahead, the gulley’s soil beginning to mix with sand. That is where her pace slowed, a flare of anxiety rising within her gut.

At least Tarnish’s face had been treated, though finding the proper herbs had been a task. It would be good for Sakana to do a once over, since he had more herbs available. Her supply had been left behind when she left, not even a chance to gather her shit. With a soft sigh, Rivin tilted her head back, calling for the Raid King and Queen to come get their son.

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Rivin has two companions - a bobcat and a wolverine. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.


"The Audacity™"

Raiders Hollow
Raid Queen

Master Navigator (306)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Dire wolf

Wordy1KRaiderDream WeaverTeacherStudent
Double MasterSamhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
02-16-2024, 05:54 PM


Modesty had been checking on the short shaggy cows when the call went up. Her brows drew down for a moment, why would Rivin be calling to be let in? Oh, that was right. She frowned as her stomach twisted. That wasn't expected at all. She grumbled a low growl at herself. She had been short, and rash, and all the things she gave Gilgamesh the most shit for. She owed the girl an apology in the least.

Making her way across to the black sand beach, she kept her head and tail level with her spine, flagging a wave at her back to show she came in peace, her gait was loose and steady, there was no red-haze charging to be done on this day. Though she did fix her son with a hard stare of disappointment, it looked like a lesson had been learned in some form or other at least. “Rivin,” She greeted the woman with a hesitant tip of her head. Modesty looked... visibly ill, her ears turned half back and her lips pulled tight against her teeth. It was clear that whatever she was about to say was bringing her great distress.

“Thank you, for bringing Tarnish home. I owe you an apology... There it was. If she could change colour with the sick feeling in her stomach, she would be greener than a grasshopper in this moment. “I acted rashly and took my... emotional dysregulation out on you disproportionately. It had been a trying day but that is no excuse.” Her ears were flat against her skull by the time she had finished, her head low and chin stretched forward, the closest to a peace offering she'd ever offered anyone. “I am, truly sorry, and would extend a personal welcome if you ever wished to return.” She gave a full-bodied shake to dispel her discomfort now that was over with. “Not that I would do so, were the tabled turned, I acknowledge I am petty like that.” She answered honestly with a self-depreciating grin. “But if we can't be ourselves in our homes, are we really at home?”



Raiders Hollow

Master Fighter (305)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

1 Year
Extra large

02-17-2024, 05:06 PM

Tarnish woke when the neared the border of the Obsidian Beach. The first thing that hit him was the pain. He yowled as it hit him, wincing before realizing he was being carried by Rivin. What the hell had happened? It took a moment but soon he was able to able alongside her, albeit slowly and painfully. Shame and embarrassment hung over him, weighed his shoulders down. He had some grand idea of going into the Hallows, of fighting and winning that monstrously large yearling and proving to everyone he was a capable fighter. That he was capable of defending his sister and of being a raider. Instead he'd lost again, proving nothing other than his total lack of skill.

His head was still foggy but he realized Rivin was talking to him. He tried to take in the words but the pain made it difficult to respond and the rawness in his heart from the earlier explosion of emotions made it hard to respond. Especially since he wasn't entirely sure he had made a mistake. Well, not entirely. He messed up in the fight he saw that now, maybe he'd messed up picking on a larger, more experienced opponent but as a young raider that was often going to be the case when going on raids. Tarnish lacked the energy to reply and instead sat quietly to wait for his parents, a sense of fear starting to grow in his gut.

He heard movement and looked up to see his mother arrive. Disappointment filled her eyes and he swiftly looked down at his paws, unable to keep up the gaze.

Raider Brats



Expert Healer (170)

Master Fighter (260)

2 Years
Dire wolf

ScarredCritical Fail!OverachieverSamhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
02-17-2024, 05:12 PM

But then Modesty came. Rivin looked upon her with her green gaze, a bit of the guilt at the extreme anger she had before. The woman had greeted her, but her features told the story that what she had next wasn’t going to be easy for her. She was surprised to hear that she was owed an apology, a look that reflected on her face as it came out. Well, if Modesty owed her an apology… She owed the same. “I owe you one too.” She confessed, but she would let Modesty continue without further interruption. It was only once the woman had finished that Rivin gave the slightest nod.

“I agree with you. Though as Raiders, we’ve always been a bit dysfunctional. We’re the reason they put fun in it though.” A small smile on her lips at that joke. “But, you should really thank Flurry too, for me coming back. Not that I could let Tarnish go on alone, but she came to speak to me. She’s a good kid, a good friend.” Her gaze softened. “When it is time for you guys to pass the mantle, I know you made the right choice of heir. I’d follow her any day.” A compliment to the girl, and to the parents for their choice.

“I want to come back. The raiders are my home and… admittedly I let my own anger rule me. Both as I walked away from the meeting and after… For that, I’m sorry too.” She frowned. “I… struggled with the choice. I was angry enough that if I stayed to hear you speak, I would have lashed out… and I respected Gilgamesh far too much to do that, even if I didn’t agree with how he handled things regarding Jack.” Her ears fell a bit. “Not one of us in the Raider’s is perfect. We all have our quirks and problems… but we work together, no matter what. That is what makes our pack strong.” And there was one more thing to address.

“...and honestly, how could I hold the anger you and Gil had against you after hearing what caused it?” Her expression softened, turning a touch sorrowful. “I saw Sid’s injury at the meeting, but I didn’t want to get in Sakana’s way. What happened to her… should never have happened to a kid… and I’m sorry I wasn’t there to help protect her.” She lowered her gaze. “...and I know Jack showed mercy to an enemy… but perhaps he had a reason for doing so… I don’t know the opponent he fought, but with him fighting raids, leading one and winning fights, it strikes me as odd if he did so without one.” She lifted her gaze back to Modesty.

“So… If I might be bold enough to ask this of you… please just talk to him. He is a good man, and cares about this pack. This is our home, both of ours.” A plea to at least try. That was all she was asking.

But that was a later problem. Her gaze flicked to Tarnish. “Tarnish took on an opponent that he shouldn’t have.” She neglected to mention the Hallows out of sympathy for the boy. His mother would be livid. “I patched up his face with what I could find, though it wouldn’t hurt to have Sakana take a look. It may need stitches, but it should heal.” She offered him another small smile, if he looked her way to see it. “He’s got heart, Modesty. A great Raider in the making.” Gentle encouragement for him too.

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Rivin has two companions - a bobcat and a wolverine. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.


"The Audacity™"

Raiders Hollow
Raid Queen

Master Navigator (306)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Dire wolf

Wordy1KRaiderDream WeaverTeacherStudent
Double MasterSamhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
02-23-2024, 10:06 PM


Modesty allowed Rivin to say her piece and nodded in acknowledgement. Jack was on her list of wolves to talk to, but Gilgamesh had the stronger relationship with him, so perhaps it would be better coming from him, after all, raid matters weren't really her forte. “I leave raid matters to Gilgamesh, but if I happen to run across him, I'll be sure to check in.” She nodded to emphasise that she had taken the feedback on. “That being said, things will be different from now on. We have to get serious if we want to take a fourth territory. We all need to work together to get there.” She gestured back toward the Isle. “Tell me though, is it healing that catches your heart more or fighting?” Both were of use to the raiders, but she didn't want to shove anyone in a pigeonhole they weren't perfectly comfortable sitting in.

As for Tarnish. “And you, did you learn your lesson, or do I need to spell it out for you?” They were their father's children too, much to her chagrin. Her tail waved to show she wasn't nearly as displeased as she sounded. He was still alive, that was all that mattered.



Raiders Hollow

Master Fighter (305)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

1 Year
Extra large

03-02-2024, 10:52 AM

Tarnish kept his head down as the adults talked, trying to work out what he was going to say but the words just wouldn't come. His head was killing him, his face was on fire. In all honesty he just wanted to throw up and then go lay down in some cool, dark cave til the world ended. Hearing Rivin speak his name made him flinch. Aw, shit, here we go. He swallowed sharply but felt a rush of gratitude toward Rivin for not mentioning exactly where and what he'd been doing when his opponent put him in the the dirt. He looked up at her as she mentioned he was a great raider in the making, his eyes speaking thanks though he said nothing.

Modesty addressed him and he took a deep breath, willing himself to look up at her. He weakly nodded, wincing at the pain. This had been a very painful lesson. "Yes, mom." He'd choose his opponents more carefully from now on… except the rematch with that one Ethne wolf. He wanted that rematch so bad he could hardly stand it.

Raider Brats



Expert Healer (170)

Master Fighter (260)

2 Years
Dire wolf

ScarredCritical Fail!OverachieverSamhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
03-06-2024, 11:34 PM

Modesty’s answer might not have been what Rivin had hoped to hear, but she appreciated the older woman’s honesty. She gave a nod of her own, expression softening as she spoke again. “It is appreciated to be able to lay that on the table to be considered… even if Gil handles that part, I… I just want you guys to know Jack does care for the Raiders too.” She knew that if his actions were seen that severely it wouldn’t be as simple as apologizing and explaining to gain forgiveness. Hell, both of them might always have an eye on them moving forward, but the two of them both cared for the pack they were in and their comrades. So long as they were given the chance to show that, to prove their loyalty, Rivin was sure they could earn back at least some of that trust.

“Change can be good. I helped with the third territory, and I’m more than ready to help doing whatever we need to claim the next.” While she had been happy to assist in the events that allowed the Raiders to expand, she didn’t expect a big deal to be made of it. They were all doing what they were supposed to do as packmates as far as she was concerned. What they were meant to do. It had come naturally, the desire to do more with the pack. It was thanks to Gilgamesh that she had found comfort in that, that she was working on holding her anger back at all. Had the meeting occurred when she was younger, Rivin wasn’t confident she would have been able to hold her tongue at all. She just had to keep working at it. She was flawed, but hell, who wasn’t in some way?

At the question on what she preferred, Rivin let out a chuckle. “I’ve grown fond of the art of healing, and tending to herbs… but don’t let that stop you if you need an extra raider. I like both pretty strongly, and I’ve no qualms about using my fangs, antlers, and claws for the sake of the Raiders if you or Gilgamesh want. Give the word and I’ll be there without hesitation.” Once she had access to those flowers she had been taking again, she could ensure that Caedes didn’t surprise anyone with her presence.. “Love a good fight just as much as the next Raider, after all.” A bit of a cocky grin there. Nothing wrong with going where you are needed, right?

Modesty would shift her attention to Tar and Rivin let her green gaze slide to him as well. The kid had learned, you could hear that in his voice, and read it in his body language. He would be more cautious about what opponents he took on after this. Rivin let her gaze flick back to Modesty. “If it's alright to ask, would you mind if we stopped the serious talk here? At least for the time being. I’d like  Tarnish to go back to rest and be seen by Sakana when he can... as well as see what I can get busy doing. Wandering paws didn’t suit me…” Unless Modesty had a particular task she wanted Rivin to tend to. She waited, trying to show the respect now that she should have been able to have at the last meeting.

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Rivin has two companions - a bobcat and a wolverine. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.


"The Audacity™"

Raiders Hollow
Raid Queen

Master Navigator (306)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Dire wolf

Wordy1KRaiderDream WeaverTeacherStudent
Double MasterSamhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
03-09-2024, 09:04 PM


When Tarnish confirmed that he had learned his lesson so pitifully, Modesty rolled her eyes and threw a paw over her boy to pull him close for a hug and a kiss to the top of his head away from his injury. “That's punishment enough,” she teased with half a smirk. “Just because you can whoop someone's ass doesn't mean you should. Save it for the raiding, we've got plenty on the horizon.”

She lessened her hold on her boy as Rivin continued to plead Jack's case, a small smile on her face as she nodded along. When it came to where she was needed, “We need all the bodies we can get for raiding right now, but once we've made enough of a mark, we can reassess if you'd like to move onto other interests. It'll be important to leave some protectors at home while we raid, just in case. I can't imagine we wouldn't make a tempting target with everyone off making mischief ey?” As for ending the serious talk here, she nodded. “Certainly, go get yourself comfortable, all your things are where you left them.” She turned her attention back to Tarnish, “And let's get you to Sakana. I'm sure his monkey would love more practice with stitching.”


Thread Move Log
Thread Forum From To
1. Words playing me deja vu Like a radio tune I swear I've heard before Obsidian Beach 01:50 PM, 02-16-2024 07:51 PM, 03-18-2024