
oh brother where art thou?


03-10-2013, 04:30 PM

He was not a boy any longer, or at least not in his mind. Maverick was all grown up and was tired of being under the watchful eye of his parents. Adette might be a controlling freak of a mother, but he was a stubborn boy and could not be confined to the borders of Seracia forever. A light rumble of displeasure vibrated in his chest as he thought of her and how she would scold him whenever he decided to amble back home. She always did, why should this be any exception? She hated his freedom, the way he did what he wanted when he wanted. In many ways he was like his uncle Gideon. He'd always approved of his uncle, and his father seemed to at least partially understand his wandering spirit. It was just his condescending mother that was the complainer. She would run to Gerhardt who would eventually have to bring down the hammer on the boy's spirit. He would show them.

He'd left his beloved sister at home, and his moping brother too. He and Valkis had not gotten along like they used to, not since Maverick had begun to change and grow. Valkis had grown more and more sullen as each day passed, and the russet boy was no longer willing to put up with his downer of a brother. Their mother and father were dead, their home was demolished by flames, and it was time to get over all of that. They had to. The three fourths grown boy stalked through the territory, not giving a flying rat's ass who would tell on him for leaving Seracia. No doubt one of the Knights, or even his blessed watchkeeper Loccian would be telling his mother of his departure any minute. He didn't care. Let her come after him, let her try. A smirk crossed his features. Valkis' constantly brooding mood was rubbing off on him.

An interesting field rose up in front of him, blocking the horizon from his view. The field was covered in some sort of odd and rather intriguing vegetation. Maverick cocked his head and approached with caution, not knowing what could lie within these lines of foliage.
