
Oops! Ouch!



The Hallows

Expert Healer (135)

Advanced Fighter (110)

2 Years
Dire wolf
02-21-2024, 05:45 PM (This post was last modified: 02-21-2024, 05:46 PM by Solaire. Edited 1 time in total.)
The plants he helped his aunt with in the green house weren't the only plants he was interested in! He loved all of the different kinds of greenery and foliage that grew all over Auster, but he especially loved the berry bushes that grew in the grove. There were so many kinds of plants that could be used to heal and treat all sorts of ailments and injuries, but only a handful of them seemed to produce food and that made them extra special! He had his sights set on a strawberry plant that he had found near the border of the grove and he hoped he could dig up and transplant up into the gardens near the castle where he had started his second pumpkin patch especially for Dovleac. The capybara was a ravenous eater and while his companion's favorite food was most certainly pumpkins, he seemed to like a bunch of different fruits and plants too so he hoped having the berries more readily available would give Dovleac more options!

The only problem was he didn't really know how to move a plant... He knew how in theory, but it was his first time trying it himself. Which also meant that trying to use the small shovel that he had borrowed from Aunt Gwyn was a little awkward and unwieldy at first–so much so that his first enthusiastic down swing of his head to drive the shovel into the ground ended up jabbing the pointed end of the trowel right into the side of his foreleg. He immediately dropped the shovel with a hiss of pain, his ears folding back as he held up his leg to get a better look like muttering "Ow ow ow ow ow..." to himself. It wasn't a super deep gash, but it was certainly bleeding as if it was. Well, this was going swimmingly...

"Solaire Carpathius"


Raiders Hollow
The Scion

Master Healer (245)

Master Fighter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

1 Year
02-21-2024, 09:07 PM

From the bushes, multi-colored eyes watch. Okay, so she wasn't supposed to be here. Artorias had told her as much. 'You can keep showing up,' he said. It had hurt the girls feelings, but she hadn't admitted it, nor would she ever. Still, despite the Hallows alpha saying that she couldn't visit, here she was. If they didn't see her, they wouldn't know she was visiting, right? Right!

Siduri watched the blue boy as he fiddled with plants. She wasn't very good with plants until after they were picked and processed. Sid could smell the sweet tang of the strawberry bush though and was jealous for a moment. Man, she could go for some strawberries. Looking away for a moment was all that it took. The boy hissed and Sid's eyes zipped back to him. Blood trickled down his leg as he oww oww oww'd. Well... shit.

She was supposed to remain hidden but she couldn't very well let him bleed. Not when she knew what to do about it. Creeping from the bushes, Siduri came up behind the boy. "HELLO THERE, YOUNG SQUIRE" she coughed slightly, knowing that she was weird sometimes. "Hello, uh... I can fix that. Can I fix that?" She pointed to the satchel around her neck then flipped open the flap to show him the herbs and whatnot inside. "I do healing things," she said proudly... and maybe a little smugly.


The Hallows

Expert Healer (135)

Advanced Fighter (110)

2 Years
Dire wolf
02-21-2024, 10:37 PM
As Solaire was examining the gash on his leg, he completely missed the intruder that crept up behind him–at least he did until a loud, odd greeting from behind him startled him and made him jump. His hackles bristled as he spun around to face her, limping a bit to keep from putting pressure on his leg. "Uh... hello?" he said uncertainly, blinking with surprise at the smaller, multi-colored wolf. Even though this definitely wasn't someone that was a part of the Hallows, he remembered the pale girl from the ball that his sisters put together. She had a really unique appearance so it wasn't hard to remember spotting her talking to Ember and his mom for the brief moment that he was at the ball. Okay, so she wasn't a complete stranger, but she was still basically a stranger to him.

When she told him that she could fix that he glanced down at his leg and then back up to her. "Yeah?" he questioned, watching as she pointed out the satchel she was carrying and peeked inside when she opened it to show him the herbs and supplies she had with her. He knew he could just walk back up to the castle and have his aunt bandage him up, but he'd like to not interrupt what he was doing for that long if he could avoid it. "I mean... if you don't mind that'd be really helpful," he said as he held his foreleg out for her. "I know a lot about herbs!" he insisted, suddenly realizing that with all of the training he had been doing with his aunt he should probably be more prepared like she was. "I just uh... I haven't really had much practice with actually healing anyone yet." He made sure to pay attention to what she was doing as she did it, trying to compare her technique to what Aunt Gwyn had done the few times he saw her patching someone up.

"Solaire Carpathius"


Raiders Hollow
The Scion

Master Healer (245)

Master Fighter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

1 Year
02-21-2024, 10:47 PM

Well, she'd made a grand first impression. The boy spun and Sid noted that his fur was bristled. She grimaced, but tried to plaster a smile overtop of it which more than likely just made her look deranged. Siduri, for as verbose and social as she was, was also very bad at being social and verbose.

The boy seemed interested in the fact that she could fix him up and, when she flashed him the contents of her satchel like some shifty drug dealer, he perked up and exclaimed that he knew about herbs. "Ahhhhh," Sid nodded, dropping the flap on her bag. "A fellow healer, maybe?" He confirmed that he hadn't healed anyone yet and the girl tilted her head in question. "Do you want to?"

Sid motioned him to a nice little spot in the shade and settled down, sifting through her pack for a little bladder of clean water, some bandages and a few different herbs. "I'm Siduri, by the way. You can call me Sid."


The Hallows

Expert Healer (135)

Advanced Fighter (110)

2 Years
Dire wolf
02-21-2024, 11:01 PM
"Well, I will be one day," he agreed when she asked about him being a fellow healer. He didn't really feel like he could call himself a healer just yet, but he was learning more about it all the time! He mentioned how he hadn't healed anyone yet and she questioned him, asking if he wanted to and without hesitation he nodded in agreement, saying, "Yeah! Of course!" Reconsidering for a moment he added, "Well... I mean, I don't want anyone to get hurt, but... If someone did get hurt then I want to be able to help them!" He didn't like that he made it sound like he was waiting for someone to get hurt so that he could heal them even though what he meant was probably obvious. Still, he didn't know her so he felt like he needed to over explain himself a bit to be sure.

She motioned for him to follow and he did just that, joining her in the shade and settling down so that he could lay his foreleg where she could easily get to where he had shoveled his own leg. She pulled out water, bandages, and herbs, all the usual stuff that it made sense that she would need for a small wound like this. She introduced himself and he silently scolded himself for not introducing himself yet, but to be fair she did catch him very much off guard. "Nice to meet you, Sid. I'm Solaire, but you can call be Sol." He turned his attention back to what she was doing for his leg, thinking through the steps for himself. "So I guess we have to clean it off first, right?" he asked for confirmation, knowing the grime on a shovel probably wasn't good for open wounds.

"Solaire Carpathius"


Raiders Hollow
The Scion

Master Healer (245)

Master Fighter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

1 Year
02-21-2024, 11:20 PM

At the boys insistence that he'd love to heal someone, Sid whipped a knife from her pack and grinned. He quickly reiterated, stating that he didn't want anyone to get hurt and the girl frowned a bit. "Oh. Okay." Yes, she had been willing to bleed for him all in the name of science. Well... with her plans thwarted...

The boy gave his name as Solaire and Sid giggled softly, murmuring "Sid and Sol" under her breath. Short names were fun. And they both started with S which made it extra fun. She did love her words.

Sol suggested that they wash the wound first and Sid nodded. "Yep, first we wash. You need to make sure that you don't trap anything nasty in there like dirty or rocks. Otherwise it can take your wound a long time to heal." Gently, Sid poured the clean water over the wound, holding Solaire's much larger foreleg in one little paw. Once she was sure that it was clean by giving it a thorough inspection with her good eye, Sid patted the wound lightly with a square of clean fabric.

Sitting Sol's leg down gently, Sid grabbed the herbs. "We have willow bark if you think you need it for the pain. There's also feverfew." Reaching into the bag, Sid brought out a little jar with a piece of oiled skin stretched overtop. "I think this will do just fine though. Can you tell what's in it?" Peeling back the top, Sid held the jar out to let the boy give it a sniff.


The Hallows

Expert Healer (135)

Advanced Fighter (110)

2 Years
Dire wolf
02-21-2024, 11:40 PM
Sol grinned a little when Sid confirmed that they did need to wash out the cut first, glad that he was at least remembering the steps correctly. He made sure to hold still while Sid poured the water over his wound, washing away the specks of dirt around it and the blood that had pooled around it as well. The bleeding had mostly stopped now, thankfully, but it was still kind of a mess from that initial injury. This certainly wasn't the first time he had been clumsy and gotten himself hurt so he knew how to be a good patient so he held very still and turned his foreleg so that the wound was facing up for her to see and examine. She patted it dry, making him wince just a bit as she touched the wound, but nothing he couldn't continue to sit like a rock through.

Now that the wound was ready to be treated, she listed off a couple of herbs, starting with willow bark for pain and feverfew for well... fever, he assumed. It didn't really hurt much now so he didn't really think he needed something for pain right now, but he did definitely need to put something on it to help it heal and keep it from getting dirty while he was working on this strawberry bush. She pulled out a jar and held it up to him, asking if he could tell what was in it. He leaned his head down and gave it a good sniff, trying to dig through his memories of working in the greenhouse to see if anything in particular came to mind from the herbal, slightly floral scents. "There's aloe for sure, but..." He paused again, sniffing. "I'm not sure what the other thing is... Marigold? Dandelion?"

"Solaire Carpathius"


Raiders Hollow
The Scion

Master Healer (245)

Master Fighter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

1 Year
02-21-2024, 11:53 PM

Sol sat like a champ, barely flinching at all when Sid was messing with his torn skin. The entire time that she was working no his wound, Siduri kept stealing glances at the boy. He was pretty cute. Girls were supposed to think boys were cute, eh? Well, she meant it this time. Solaire had a very nice face. Yes. She liked his face quite a bit.

After Sol sniffed the concoction in the little crock, he made his guesses. With a smile, Siduri gave her head a little shake in the negative. "No, but those are both good ingredients for healing." Dabbing one pink padded toe into the mixture, Sid began lightly smearing it on the wound. "It's a mixture of aloe, which you got right, feverfew, which helps keep wounds clean, and goldenseal which does the same." The more things that one could mash into something that carried out the same purpose, the more effective it would be.

Once the goo was smeared on the wound, Siduri wrapped it in clean cloth bandages. She was sure to wrap it tightly enough that it wouldn't slip free, but not so tightly that it cut off his circulation. Sid sat back, inspecting her work, head tilted just a smidge to one side so that her good eye did most of the work. She could see out of her left eye despite the pupil being blown like an inkblot, but the vision was cloudy. With a satisfied nod, the girl began putting the supplies back into her pack.

"Keep it clean and dry. Talk to your healer to have it rebandaged if you need to." Her work finished, Siduri turned and started to walk off. Couldn't have Artorias finding out that she was here, now could she? At the last minute, the girl turned back around, stalked up to Solaire and gave him a surprise kiss right on the lips. Then, with a squeal of girlish laughter, she turned and bolted disappearing into the bushes from whence she came.

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1. Oops! Ouch! Wildberry Grove 05:45 PM, 02-21-2024 10:13 AM, 03-31-2024