
easy does it



Master Fighter (250)

Master Navigator (275)


4 Years
Dire wolf

Island HopperExplorerRapid Poster - Silver1K
02-27-2024, 10:48 AM

Ronan knew he was walking a fine line here, he wasn't out to make a pest of himself, but he doubted it would come across that way. After all, he'd crossed the land bridge knowing it had only one destination, but as long as he remained on the bridge and didn't set a paw over their boundaries-well, even then he was still pushing it. That whoever held domain over the island was well within their right to tell him to get lost, and then some.

Still, as he approached, he couldn't help but note what a sight to behold it was. Other than one of the islands with human ruins, this was about the largest he'd seen. Vast and sprawling, with steep, mountainous terrain and a blur of brown and green as trees spread out as far as his eyes could see. It would make good hunting here, he thought, as he breathed deep, capturing the faint scent of some sort of herbivore dung. The kind of animal that just went wherever and whenever it needed to, no thought for cleanliness.

Ronan came to a standstill, his gaze following the jagged landscape, flitting up and down with the slopes. A lot of wolves seemed to live here, it almost felt...rude, like he was trying to poke his nose into someone's den.

table coding by bunni ♥
[Image: PzMsxDx.png]



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
03-03-2024, 07:18 PM

Avacyn trotted swiftly out toward the land bridge that connected their island to the mainland at the warning of one of her ravens that there was an individual standing on the strip of land, seemingly remaining on the "outskirts" of the island. Considering that Elysium also laid claim to the lands that this bridge connected too this male was truly walking a very, very fine line by being where he was, but from what Loqui had reported the man didn't seem to be moving from where he had posted up on the bridge so she tried to not jump to conclusions. It only took her a few minutes to get within eye line of the bridge from where she had been near the island's central lake and then she spotted the blue male that was marked with swooping markings of orange. His coloring was far from the most notable feature of him, however, given the extended growths from the back of his forelegs that looked somewhat leathery like bat wings.

She should have probably been more concerned about the possible intruder, but as soon as she noticed the pointed wing-like mutation on the stranger she was suddenly more curious than she was concerned. The unique and the unusual was always so valued and sought after in her family–how could she not be interested in someone with a trait she had never encountered before? Still, she knew she had to at least pretend to be the stern alpha she was supposed to be so a slight frown pulled at her lips as she approached him, eyeing him with a critical and suspicious gaze. "Unusual for someone to be practically within our territory without announcing themselves," she pointed out as she stood across from him on the shore. "My name is Avacyn Mendacium, Matriarch of Elysium. Who are you and what brings you to our borders?"

"Avacyn Medacium"



Master Fighter (250)

Master Navigator (275)


4 Years
Dire wolf

Island HopperExplorerRapid Poster - Silver1K
03-12-2024, 02:39 PM

He breathed deep, beyond the well-marked borders and pine trees he caught the scent of fresh water. A lake maybe? He didn't think it was a pond, cause they tended to have a more earthy smell, maybe because they were shallow, the mud thicker at the bottom? He didn't have too long to continue his musings, as someone had sniffed him out, no doubt questioning his presence. Fair enough.

She traversed the terrain with ease, paws moving with practiced perfection, knowing each slight incline without needing to check her footing. The purple lady was direct and to the point, he could appreciate that since he had no patience for small talk. The weather was fine though, a little chill in the air but he'd come to expect that in the north.

"I'm an unusual guy." Came his dry response, a little on the nose, even for his own liking. He wasn't here to fuck around, he didn't make trouble as far as he was concerned, it found him whether he liked it or not though. "Really, " he corrected himself, voice deepening a little with the seriousness. "I've just been scouting out the islands of...wherever continent you call this." His right wing flicked out slightly, gesturing to their surroundings. To Boreas in general. "My name is Ronan Reyes, not from these parts at all. Only smelled your borders once I got close enough, wind was blowing in the wrong direction."

table coding by bunni ♥
[Image: PzMsxDx.png]



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
03-13-2024, 03:55 PM

Avacyn couldn't help the slight smirk that tugged at her lips at his dry humor as he declared himself an unusual guy. There was no denying that. She let him explain himself, the man–who eventually introduced himself as Ronan–making it obvious that he was very new to this part of the world. He did confirm that thought outright, but she would have been able to guess that even if he hadn't with the fact that he hadn't even known the name of the continent he was on. Even though she enjoyed the solitude and the defensibility of their island, more and more it seemed to be bringing curious explorers to her doorstep. Choosing any particular area to call home had to have its own set of pros and cons, but this felt like an issue that was very particular and unique to their situation. It did make her wonder if Chimera had the same issue when he was leading Fenmyre from the island in Auster. Perhaps she would have to ask him next time she came across the black and white man.

"The continent you're on is called Boreas," she informed him once he finished explaining himself and after deciding that he hadn't meant any harm in being here. While she couldn't know all of his intentions from such a short interaction, she had grown pretty adept at reading other's body language and mannerisms and nothing he had done so far felt suspicious. Besides, if he did try anything he was just one wolf on the home turf of a whole pack. She wasn't that concerned. "If you travel to the southern tip of Boreas you'll find another larger, longer land bridge that will take you to another continent called Auster." She figured she might as well help him out and give him a bit more context for where he was. She glanced behind her at the island he had been examining from afar and then looked back to him curiously. "Would you like to come in to take a closer look at the island? The terrain is quite varied the further in you go and you can't really get a good feel of it from here."

"Avacyn Medacium"



Master Fighter (250)

Master Navigator (275)


4 Years
Dire wolf

Island HopperExplorerRapid Poster - Silver1K
03-14-2024, 11:14 AM

Boreas huh? Ronan made a thoughtful noise in his throat, taking in the new information and stowing it away. Using it to help fill in the gaps of his little mental map, this place no longer labelled by a large question mark. It was also good to put a name to the southern region he'd briefly explored, Auster. Easy enough to remember, as were the general directions.

Avacyn was quite forthcoming and though Ronan could be rather closed off, he appreciated that she wasn't like him. Funnily enough he was a bit of a hypocrite in that regard, but no one was perfect. Least of all him, after all the things he hadn't wanted to do. Her offer was unexpected though, the surprise plain on his face as his features softened almost, head tilting a little to the left, ears not quite so stiff.

The view was impressive enough from where he stood, the rising slopes and fir trees that covered the majority of the terrain, but she was right. He was in effect on the outside looking in, his mind filling in the gaps with assumptions when faced with questions of the unknown.

"Hmm, that's generous of you. I'm curious about your line of thinking, aren't you concerned this could come back to bite you at some point?" Because he felt like it needed to be acknowledged aloud. "I'd appreciate it though."
table coding by bunni ♥
[Image: PzMsxDx.png]



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
03-20-2024, 05:13 PM

She noticed his obvious surprise and she did appreciate the follow up question he asked about whether or not she was concerned that her offer to show him around the island might have repercussions down the line. In a way, the fact that he was asking at all made her feel all the more confident that he didn't have any ill intentions. Unless he was playing a very long game, she felt like anyone with genuinely bad intentions would have either walked in regardless of the borders or would have readily accepted her in order to get in and not give her a reason to second guess her choice. It was a valid question, but in asking it he actually put her more at ease.

Avacyn gave him a little smile as she answered, "No, I'm not too concerned. I'm not so delusional as to think that we are the only wolves to have ever been on this island so I know the layout of our home is not secret. Instead, I just focus on making sure our warriors are always prepared to face a threat should it ever come to our doorstep." She gestured for him to follow her and turned back toward the center of the island where she had come from, taking him down the well worth paths through the evergreen trees that covered a majority of the island. "In truth, I feel like we utilize a fairly small portion of the island regularly," she shared as they walked, passing through a bit of forest with looming, jagged peaks rising in the distance. "It does mean that there is still plenty of wild land to hunt from without having to go to the mainland if you're willing to deal with the cliffs and mountains."

It didn't take long for the large lake that dominated the middle of the valley to come into view along with some of the things the pack had built up around it–most notably a garden that stretched over one of the few pieces of flat land in this area and a set of sparring rings toward the opposite side of the lake. She brought him to the beginning of an old dock that stuck out over the water, some of the wooden planks broken and missing. "This was one of the reasons why my mother originally chose this island to found the pack on. Despite being surrounded by ocean, we always have a plentiful supply of fresh water. The fishing here can be pretty plentiful too depending on the time of year."

"Avacyn Medacium"



Master Fighter (250)

Master Navigator (275)


4 Years
Dire wolf

Island HopperExplorerRapid Poster - Silver1K
03-26-2024, 07:39 AM
She'd thought it through and Ronan could respect that, surface judgements were often superficial at best and rather frustratingly he'd met one too many wolves who coasted through life on snap decisions alone. Not that they tended to live very long, mind you. He supposed if nothing else, he was still adjusting to the concept of claiming such large spaces, not one territory but several. Avacyn of course seemed confident in her packs ability to defend what was theirs, but he didn't expect anything less than a show of strength. A level of ease that suggested everything was in paw, as it should be.

He followed beside her, perhaps a couple of steps behind as she led the way, his gaze roving over the landscape with more clarity and intent than his initial sweep. It was rather scenic, and he hummed in acknowledgement of her explanation, ears tilted forward to listen with care.

Standing by the dock, he agreed that the ocean formed a natural defensive barrier, it only made sense to take full advantage of that. But from what he'd surmised most pack borders were unfortified. To him it seemed like such a strange concept-except to dwell on the fact the threats he was used to, the danger he was familiar with didn't seem to lurk here. That to wax on about things that didn't seem to exist here would make him out to be a fool, in all likelihood.

"What sorts of threats do you expect?" He asked then, looping back to an earlier comment she'd made.
table coding by bunni ♥
[Image: PzMsxDx.png]



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
04-01-2024, 08:23 PM

Ronan was an attentive listener as she began to give him a brief tour of this part of the island and explained some of the notable features about it. He seemed as interested in the landscape and its terrain as she might be one of her crafting projects. It always interested her the things that others found as an interest or a passion even though she knew some were driven to learn about certain things simply based off need rather than desire. It sounded like he was from somewhere very different than Boreas or Auster so getting familiar with the land he found himself in was likely top of his priority list.

He questioned what kind of threats they expected here on the island and she replied easily, "A combination of other predators that are drawn here for the deer and mountain goats that like to reside in the denser forests further into the island and other wolves–either from competing packs or loaners that think they can slip away with our resources." For the most part she was confident that they could handle whatever threats landed in their laps, but it was still nice to have somewhere like their island that only had one easy access point. "We still encounter some of those threats at the borders of the lands we've claimed on the mainland, of course, but having the island allows us a bit of a sanctuary. It's easier to guard the one access point at the land bridge than it is a whole open border. It's not impossible to swim to the island from another point, but that's usually enough to deter most scavengers at least."

"Avacyn Medacium"

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1. easy does it Alias Island 10:48 AM, 02-27-2024 06:36 AM, 06-24-2024