
Cider for the Soul

Solo Seasonal



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

03-08-2024, 02:51 PM

As the golden rays of the morning sun crept over the horizon, they cast a warm glow over the forest. The trees were ablaze with vibrant hues of red, orange, and yellow, as autumn had painted its canvas across the landscape. Mariah stood at the edge of Monument Rapids, the roaring river before her a stark contrast to the tranquil woods that enveloped her. The air was crisp, carrying the unmistakable scent of approaching fall on its breeze. The ground was littered with fallen fruits, now bruised and broken after reaching their peak ripeness and tumbling from their branches above. It was a picturesque scene that captured the essence of the changing seasons in all its glory.

Mariah's gaze swept over the abundance of ripe fruits that surrounded her, each one bursting with vibrant colors and tempting scents. The fiery hues of fall leaves shone through the trees, casting a warm glow on the tableau before her. A spark of inspiration ignited in her mind as she considered all the possibilities for these delectable offerings. Why let such valuable treasures go to waste when she could transform them into something truly special? With a determined set to her jaw and a glint of determination in her eye, Mariah resolved to create a fall-themed beverage that would not only warm her spirits but also pay homage to the bountiful season before her.

With a graceful fluidity, Mariah's paws carefully scooped up the fallen fruits from the ground, her keen senses quickly determining their ripeness. She felt the smooth, round shape of apples, the slightly oval form of pears, and even the small, plump berries that had managed to cling on well into late season. Their vibrant colors were very much enticing - deep reds, bright oranges, and rich purples all intermixed in a colorful display. Mariah knew that these fruits held the key to a beautifully flavored beverage, one that would tantalize taste buds and leave a lasting impression on those who dared to try it.

Gathering all of her carefully selected ingredients, Mariah eagerly began the task at hand. With a skilled touch, she crushed each fruit with precision and care, combining them in a large pot. A small amount of water was added to aid in extracting the juices, releasing a tantalizing aroma that wafted through the air. Carefully placed over an open flame, the pot bubbled and simmered with the vibrant colors and flavors of the fruits blending together into a mouth-watering concoction. The sweet and tangy scents mingled and danced around as she tended to her creation, excitement building for the final result.

The fruits bubbled and simmered in the pot, releasing a tempting aroma that filled Mariah's small kitchen. With a careful procision, she added some of the honey that she had gathered earlier from the nearby beehives, watching as it dissolved and sweetened the mixture to her liking. The makeshift wooden spoon swirled slowly through the pot, allowing the flavors to meld together into a decadent blend. The liquid gradually thickened into a rich, fragrant concoction, teasing her taste buds with its sweetness and warmth. Mariah couldn't help the satisfied grin at the delicious creation she had crafted with her own vocation.

As the minutes ticked by, Mariah moved with practiced precision as she poured the liquid through a delicate piece of cloth. The material strained and separated the pulp from the pure juice, dripping steadily into a waiting container. With careful movements, she set the container aside to cool before bringing it to her lips for a hesitant sip. The refreshing taste danced across her tongue, a perfect balance of sweetness and tanginess. She couldn't help but feel a sense of pride of creating something so pure and delicious.

The flavor was sublime, with a subtle kick of spice lingering on the taste buds from the slow simmering process. Mariah's lips curled into a contented smile as she savored her creation. She had skillfully crafted a fall-inspired beverage, utilizing the harvested fruits of autumn to concoct something both delectable and comforting. Each sip evoked the cozy feeling of crisp air and changing leaves, making it the perfect autumn treat.

As she settled into her comfortable seat by the crackling fire, Mariah savored each sip of her delicious beverage and breathed in the invigorating scent of the raging river beside her. The flames danced and flickered, casting a warm glow on her face as she gazed out at the lush forest surrounding her. She felt a profound sense of contentment, knowing that she had taken full advantage of the season's abundance and turned what would have been wasted resources into something truly special. And as the sun continued its ascent in the sky, painting the treetops with a glistening golden light, Mariah knew that this wouldn’t be the last time she concocted something of this nature.

810 / 800 words

"Mariah Mendacium"

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1. Cider for the Soul Monument Rapids 02:51 PM, 03-08-2024 11:16 AM, 03-11-2024