
Bloody Ransom

syndicate x norad confrontation


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
03-10-2024, 11:08 AM (This post was last modified: 03-10-2024, 08:28 PM by Sephiran. Edited 1 time in total.)

Utilizing Kaino’s navigational skills and allowing her to guide them into the foreign domain, Sephiran led his band of heathens into the southern region, with their Norad prisoner in tow. Before leaving the Moor, they’d all adorned their battle gear and coated their weapons in venom- readying themselves, should this encounter turn into a full-out war. Of course, Sephiran was prepared to indulge in bloodshed, should the alpha of Norad deny him his crown. He fantasized about it really- a crude, satanic grin pulling at his lips, daydreams of an all-out war running wild in his mind. The ultimate climax of a distraught father sprawled across the mutilated remains of his child, the mangled bodies of his pack mates scattered behind him.  It was so fucking exhilarating- arousing, even. Which made the fervor boil hotter in his abdomen.

They arrived at the borders of the Cedar Falls around mid-morning, exhibiting a show of force with their domineering and hostile appearance. Of course, Sephiran took his place in front of his band, the Norad prince standing beside him, close enough to be sliced by his obsidian blade, if need be. For now, the boy was uninjured, thanks to Kaino - which Sephiran didn’t completely understand, but he’d dwell on that later - and he’d been commanded to remain quiet during the altercation. Once everyone was settled, Sephiran raised his muzzle to the sky- demanding the presence of Norad King.


Code by Sea
Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - GoldHomebodyTeacherBest BudsDouble Master1K
Samhain 2022
03-10-2024, 11:16 AM
Aresenn stood tall and composed among his bandmates, his sharp eyes taking in every detail of the unfamiliar territory that surrounded them as they made their way into the Aspen Dam. The crisp morning air was filled with the refreshing scent of damp earth and newly blossoming foliage, but it was also tinged with a heavy tension that seemed to cling to everything around them. His senses were keenly attuned, picking up on the heightened emotions and anticipation radiating from those who had elected to travel along. They were all ready for whatever confrontation lay ahead, their determination and readiness palpable in the charged atmosphere.

With Sephiran taking the lead, Aresenn held his ground behind the Saxe brute. Vigilant and alert, the band’s united front a force to be reckoned with. His piercing amber eyes constantly scanned their surroundings, searching for any signs of movement or hidden dangers. Every muscle in his body was coiled like a spring, ready to react at a moment's notice to any sudden movements or acts of aggression from either side. Despite the unrelenting tension in the air, Aresenn maintained a stoic demeanor, his expression giving nothing away of the anticipatory bloodlust raging within him. The weight of their mission hung heavy on his shoulders, but he stood tall and resolute, prepared to face whatever lay ahead. The ultimate refusal by not allowing any sort of reverence show as they faced their first potential adversaries head-on. Suspicion gnawed at the back of his mind, but he pushed it aside, focusing instead on mentally preparing himself for any conflict that may arise. Yet deep down, he held onto the waning hope that diplomacy would prevail over violence- if only it could be that easy.

"Aresenn Praetor"


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

3 Years
03-10-2024, 11:55 AM (This post was last modified: 03-10-2024, 06:36 PM by Kaino. Edited 2 times in total.)
Once the band was called together and informed of the situation, the excitement in the air was palpable. It thrummed
through the air with an electric crackle. This was important. Their unity was important. The Syndicate would appear
at the borders with all of their brute strength and might on show. Even the women were fierce, perhaps more so than
the men at times. Norad would shake in their fucking fur before the day was over.
Kaino had kept Nolan, the boy, away from Sephiran, knowing damn well how her cousin operated. She knew that he
was suspicious of her since she hadn’t wanted to let him return the boy in pieces. Truth was, Nolan had something
that she wanted. None of these other heathens were avid readers. The boy would come upon more books in the future
and dammit, she wanted to read them. And so, as Kaino led the way towards Norad’s border, she told Nila to keep
him close at the back of the congregation.
The group arrived at the edge of Aspen Dam and then Sephiran called for the leader of Norad. Kaino had told the boy
that they were just escorting him back to his father as a group to keep him safe. Danger afoot and whatnot. She’d
given him a sack of books and some snacks and Nolan seemed to be happy as a clam. That was all good and well for
Kaino. The kid had grown on her. As they waited for the boy’s fathers to arrive, the Syndicate spread out to to show their
numbers. Kai took her place behind and to the side of Sephiran, near enough that Nolan could see her.

Despite being absolutely adorable, Kaino is an adult character that indulges in adult situations. Viewer discretion advised.
[Image: fGJURoI.png]


"I'll be a good Girl in Hell"

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (405)

Master Intellectual (375)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years

TeacherWinnerHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Pride - DemisexualPride - BisexualPride - Demisexual
Double MasterWordyStudentBest BudsHomebodyRapid Poster - Rainbow
03-10-2024, 11:59 AM

The Aspen Dam, a vale of plains and trees, far from the lands they usually haunted. Only one other time had she come so far across the landbridge, but this was to be the beginning of the pack she had sworn her allegiance to. Her monochromatic fur was obscured by a set of armor, and her eyes burned with an intensity that spoke of unwavering determination, and plenty of bloodlust to boot. She was a creature of cruelty, her fierce will ready to face whatever opposition they met. Easily she prowled alongside her bandmates, her lips twitching as she fought to maintain her hard exterior. Her senses were alert, guarded and on standby to unleash herself if given the command. To her right, she held back a chuckle at the steely expression on Aresenn’s face, really – he had to be positively boiling underneath that facade. Or maybe his rationality was obsessing over the details.

At the head of their strategy lay the alpha's child, a young wolf pup who had strayed too far from the safety of his pack, and had taken the proverbial candy from a stranger. Oh that lovely Kaino. And what a foolish child. Were children raised with weak parents always so naive? So trusting? Where was the hardship, the survival instincts? The boy seemed more of a guest than anything. Absinth knew that their actions would invite the wrath of their enemies, and their allies, but she also knew that if this was the weakest pack in the lands, they would concede by force – or suffer numerous deaths. She didn’t really mind either way, if this went the route of smooth blackmail or hostile takeover. More fun for her.


m o o d b o a r d 
Absi is a mature character. She's very vulgar and volatile. Discretion advised.


The Syndicate
Effendi- Dhaka

Master Fighter (360)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La La
03-10-2024, 12:07 PM
When Sephiran informed him of Kaino’s ploys, Rhazien was both irritated and proud of his sweet niece's devious little act. She’d done well to kidnap the alpha’s son on her own - though, he wished she would have at least consulted him first, seeing they were both politicians - but it was far too late for that now. Because of her ruse, the band was forced to put themselves in a vulnerable position - follow through and anticipate bloodshed, or cower in the shadows of the Moor and hope this alpha didn’t seek vengeance. Of course, Rhazien didn’t foresee the latter. He knew of the grandiosity that raged inside of his nephew, and the bloodlust that compelled him to march his band to Norad’s borders. Sephiran was ready to meet resistance with tooth and claw- an all out war, if the Norad king wished it. And as his confidant, Rhazien would follow in tow- ready to risk his life, if it meant appeasing the young Sultan. This was his brother’s dream, after all, and Rhazien would see it through until his last day.

As they approached the borders of Norad, Rhazien pulled his grizzly coat tighter over his shoulders- caressing his obsidian-plated fangs with his tongue, musing of the taste of blood splashing across his pallet. Of course, they would see if diplomacy prevailed over bloodshed- and if it didn’t, Rhazien was ready to fight alongside his kin and their peers. Even Absinth seemed equally ready for a hostile takeover. Shifting his gaze to Sephiran and the prisoner, Rhazien studied them for a moment- taking in the primal aggression oozing from his nephew, which brought on a wave of pride. Then, he turned to survey their surroundings- muscles tensing beneath his pelt, readying himself to launch an assault at any given moment.  

"Rhazien Saxe"
Caution: Rhazien is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.
Assume his companions, Zemir and Zemra, are present in his threads unless specified otherwise.


"Devil has my ear today, I'll never hear a word you say."

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (275)

Master Healer (260)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - DemisexualRapid Poster - Gold1K
03-10-2024, 12:08 PM

Caedes stood among his kin, a massive obsidian figure marred by scarring among the gathering of wolves. Some Saxe, some unknown to him. No matter. There would be time for that later. Within their new pack and titles. His muscles were tense, flexing beneath his pelt – ready to be unleashed. He had been gathered by his uncle, Rhazien, and called upon once the plan was laid out. It was clear: to use their hostage and force the alpha to choose between his pack and his son. Caedes had laughed at the idea, a cold gleam in his gaze as he thought of the priceless expression they would see soon enough.

He was prepared to be an instrument of ambition, ready to heed Sephiran's every command without question. His pride lay not in leadership, but in his ability to execute orders with ruthless efficiency. It had been drilled into him by his mother, it would not fail now. Caedes understood his role in their scheme. He would be an enforcer, brute force behind their machinations, ready to strike fear into the hearts of their opposition. His loyalty to his cousin and family was unwavering, his determination to succeed matched only by his readiness to be used as a weapon of war.

As they set out towards their target, Caedes felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins. This was his moment to shine, to unleash the full extent of his power in service to his pack. With Sephiran and Kaino guiding their every move, Caedes knew that victory was assured, and he would stop at nothing to ensure their dominance over their rivals. If this ended without bloodshed… he would be desperate to seek it out elsewhere. Absolutely ravenous for it. His body moved gracefully despite his size, following the others like a predatory shadow until the time was right.


Caedes is a mature character, viewer discretion is advised.
Unless otherwise stated, assume he is not wearing his feathered skull mask.


The Syndicate

Expert Fighter (200)

Expert Hunter (165)

3 Years

03-10-2024, 02:59 PM
The day had finally arrived when the band would become a pack and Zeke could barely contain his excitement. Most of the Syndicate have armor, weapons, and companions and, as they swiftly cross the lands that separate them from the pack that they will be taking over, their entire might is on full display. His own, newly acquired obsidian dagger is housed in its dark scabbard and attached to the left shoulder of his bone-spiked black leather chest piece. Yes, they are a fearful sight to behold and not one to be taken lightly.

A war is coming to Norad’s door and, while he would much rather just take the pack by brute force, those that make the actual tactical decisions in the band had decided to try a different track first.

They arrive at Norad’s borders without incident, Nila keeping their bargaining chip in the back, away from the bloodthirsty eyes of Seph and the rest of the band which is probably for the best.. Ezekiel fans out with the rest of the group, taking up his position with a word; his stance imposing and dominant as they quietly wait for the Norad King to arrive. Oiled leather creaks softly with each small moment he makes, the tension and excitement clogging the air and make a heady scent that stirs more than just the man’s heart.

This was going to be fun.


Ezekiel is considered a mature character. All warnings apply to his threads.



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Intellectual (10)

1 Year
03-10-2024, 03:01 PM

Time had passed since the boy had first arrived with Kaino to read as many of the books that she had as he could and Nolan had started to worry that his fathers were starting to get worried about him. Thankfully, the pretty lady and all her friends had agreed to take him home since it was dangerous for a pup to travel so far by himself.

With a sack filled with books, several snacks for the road, and a promise to bring Kai more books whenever he could, the group set out for Norad, all those that accompanied him, armed and ready to fight off any threats that might find them.

The entire trip down, he sticks close to Nila at the back of the group, quietly telling her about the stories he had read and how much fun he has had. They eventually arrive at Norad’s border and he stops beside Nila, casting a questioning look up to her as the leader of the group calls out for his dad.

Without fuss, the boy goes where she directs him, understanding that they probably want to talk to his dad before he goes home to tell him all the fun they had and explain why he had been gone for so long.

"Nolan Ravenwood"


The Syndicate
Effendi- Muqatil

Expert Intellectual (155)

Master Fighter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

2 Years

03-10-2024, 03:10 PM (This post was last modified: 03-10-2024, 03:10 PM by Ely. Edited 1 time in total.)

Rumors had spread that Kaino had kidnapped a child, not just any child. But the child of pack leaders. To help secure a pack for sephrian and the family. It hadn’t been rumor long when Sephiran had confirmed it for the band and ordered them to “escort” the child home. But she knew better. This was to be a show of force, a declaration of intention. She had been ready the moment the orders had left her cousin’s mouth. Sporting her new leather armor, one a color of leather and metal spikes, the other a leather bodice that covered her spine, connecting to her collar and secured to her back legs and underbelly, she was the epitome of a warrior.

Taking her place with her family, she made the trek to Norad’s borders. The child in tow, babysat by a Sidi she didn’t recognize. Not once did she speak as they walked, her mind focused on the battle that was sure to follow once they arrived. Focused. That was all she could be. Obediently she followed Sephrian’s silent directions.

As Sephiran stopped she took her place beside her uncle Rhazien. Casting her brother Ezekiel a comforting glance that told him that they were prepared for this. And then she turned her gaze to her uncle offering him a sly smile and wink before turning back to the task at hand. Steeling her features into one of cold unfiltered indifference. Her muscles tensed as she could do nothing but wait now.

"Ely & Ezekiel"


The Syndicate

Expert Intellectual (140)

Beginner Healer (0)

2 Years
03-10-2024, 03:11 PM
Nila had been so thrilled when Kaino had brought the boy home with her. Granted she hadn’t known right away. In fact it took her stumbling upon the boy to even know. But he was the sweetest little thing ever. She found that when Kaino was away that having him to look after had taken the ache away from Kaino's absence. The boy was keeping her on her toes in the best of ways. She didn’t want him to leave. If she could keep him forever she would have.
But Kaino had explained that he was a bargaining chip for her family. The thought alone had churned in her stomach. She didn’t want any harm to come to him. She’d shield him with her own body if she could. Because his childish innocence and joy was beautiful. And she didn’t want to think of it being ripped away from him the way her own had been.
So the day that she was stuck following behind the saxe horde at his side she could help the thick guilt building in her chest. Faking a smile the whole trip she stayed attentive to him. Listening to his babbling with as much enthusiasm as she could until the group came to a stop. That guilt hit her like a brick wall. Her throat felt constricted as she glanced down at the naive boy at her side. She watched as the boy left the safety of her side to join Kaino and sephrian as he called for the boy’s family. And she couldn’t help the tears that began to well in her eyes.
Nila is rated 3-3-3, TW to anyone threading with her.

Kaino has permission to Join in any of Nila’s Threads as her Master.

[Image: Ns0L0GC.png]


The Syndicate

Expert Fighter (225)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
03-10-2024, 04:59 PM (This post was last modified: 03-10-2024, 05:00 PM by Yarrabelle. Edited 1 time in total.)

Since news of Kaino’s acquirement had reached her ears, Yarra has been restless with energy, something itchy and desperate writhing beneath her pelt. the scent of phantom blood clings to her nostrils, and every few moments her jaws snap open and closed, snapping through the air as though closing down on ligament or bone. she trails at the rear with thinly veiled impatience, tail lashing through the air like a whip, narrowed gaze glued to the foolish boy’s back as she imagines the carnage he’s about to inadvertently cause. the thought is a wonderfully twisted one. will he suffer as he grows, tormented with the knowledge he’s brought the downfall of his pack? she grins to herself, anticipation caressing her spine with electric fingers. the foundations of their empire will be planted upon the ruins of this pitiful pack, and she will laugh into the flames and fashion a crown from it’s ashes. long live the Saxe.




Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
03-10-2024, 05:08 PM
Aurelia stood among the Syndicate band, her presence begrudgingly accepted as she observed the scene unfolding before her. She had been dragged into this display of force against the Norad pack, her reluctance palpable in the way she carried herself. The tension in the air was thick, suffocating almost, as the Syndicate made their presence known at the borders of Norad. Her gaze swept over the assembled wolves, noting the fierce determination etched into each face, the anticipation of conflict simmering beneath the surface. It was a sight to behold, in its own twisted way, as they stood united in their readiness for whatever awaited them.

Even though she had no desire to be here, Aurelia found herself lingering near Rhazien, to ensure that he couldn’t miss her presence after the lecture she had received. She couldn’t help but watch him closely, noting the subtle tension in his muscles, the steely resolve in his two-toned gaze.

As the moments stretched on, Aurelia's mind churned with a mixture of apprehension and resignation. She knew that violence loomed on the horizon, inevitable and unavoidable. And though she despised the thought of supporting a cause that went out of the way of her own, she would stand among them to drive home their point. Trouble was looming on Norad’s doorstep.

"Aurelia Veratti"



Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
03-10-2024, 07:08 PM

A call rose, and with it the demand for his presence… Beauregard rose, an uneasy feeling in his gut. Gaze shot over to his mate, who had been struggling with depression, and to Bellatrix, fixing them both with a look of seriousness. “Tanalen, you are to take the children, the elders, anyone but Bellatrix with you and leave immediately. I have… a bad feeling of what is to come. This... this is something that bodes worse the raiders. Do not hesitate, do not come to fight… Just please do this, get the others out… I… I will come for you as soon as I can. Ethne, The Hallows, Avalon… all are good places to take them.” He had already been on edge with Nolan’s disappearance, spending much of his time combing the surrounding area for his son. The rain had washed away his scent, and unable to find any other clues to Nolan’s wearabouts, he had been at wits end… he had only been in their hut to rest, to try and gain some energy when the call went up. His gaze then shifted to Bellatrix.

“You are to follow me and not engage with anyone, understand? If your brother is with them, your job is to get him to everyone else once he heads into the lands. Do not let them see you. No arguments - you are not ready to face full grown adults yet. You have been getting better, but I will not see you hurt.” He hates speaking to them like this, with a seriousness in his voice, but this call is different from the last. He does not believe that this will be a bloodless meeting… but better his blood than that of his packmates. Of all of Norad’s wolves to show up to the raid, he had been the only one to win any of his fights. His wolves were not ready for another confrontation, and he would not allow them to be hurt because of his weakness… because he hadn’t built them up.

…and then Beauregard would leave. He just prayed that his wolves would heed him. He could protect himself, but he wouldn’t be able to protect all of them. There was no way of knowing what sort of force he was coming to face.

He arrived to find them in great numbers, almost a dozen wolves standing with his son’s scent near them. Beauregard would not falter, keeping his expression calm even as butterflies wildly beat at his stomach. They have his son... They have Nolan. The realization makes his fur prickle with anger, but Beauregard knows there is no way to fend all of them off. By their expressions, he doubted these wolves were the honorable sort. Beasts and heathens, the lot of them, to use a child as leverage against a pack. Beauregard is angry, but the man will not fight a losing battle against them… and with as many as there were, fighting them would only provoke violence. Nolan could die if he wasn’t careful.

“I am the Artifex of Norad, the man you called for.” His eyes narrow. “Speak your business and terms for releasing my son.” They wanted something, to come with Nolan in tow as they had. But what would they demand of Norad?

"Speech," 'Thought.'
Beauregard has two companions - a bluejay and an arctic fox. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

As his mates, Tanelan and Co. are allowed in any thread Beauregard is in regardless of tag.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

3 Years
03-10-2024, 07:42 PM (This post was last modified: 03-10-2024, 07:44 PM by Kaino. Edited 1 time in total.)

A lone wolf soon arrived, introducing himself as the Artifex of Norad. He looked soft, despite his expression being hard. It was very believable that this man was Nolan's father. He then asked for the terms to release his son, confirming that he was indeed the boy's father. Ah yes, it was all coming together.

Kaino cast a glance towards Sephiran and her cousin gave her a curt nod, her cue to take the floor. The lavender and smoke fae stepped forward, a pleasant smile on her maw. Her tones were clear and precise with a hint of melody to her lyrics. "Artifex of Norad," she used his title giving respect where it was due, but only so much as to give the barest of nods. Soon he would be nothing and Norad would be nothing more than a whisper on the wind. "We are The Syndicate," One silver gloved paw rose, indicating the group of armored and battle ready wolves. "We have indeed come to return your son. Whether or not you meet our demands will affect the manner of his return."

By now Kaino was sure that Nolan had some idea as to what was going on. She didn't want to hurt the kid, but her family meant so much more to her than one boy. This would be the first step in achieving the greatness that the Saxe clan deserved and so she would do what needed to be done and say what needed to be said.

"The Syndicate will accept the immediate surrender of your crown and your lands. Simple as that." A little sigh pulled from the bob-tailed fae and she tilted her head slightly to one side. "Refusal to meet these terms will have your son returned to you in pieces." Brows lifted as Kaino smiled once more, her expression sweet as though she was doing nothing more than inviting one over to tea. "But fear not. You won't have to mourn him for long. If you deny us, you will soon join him, as will the others of your pack once we hunt them down." The woman's voice dropped to a venom-laced purr. "Which we're very, very good at, mind you."

Kaino turned her head, looking to Sephiran with her brows drawn together momentarily. "Immediate surrender of lands and titles or else kid in pieces... am I missing anything, cousin?" With the gist of it being laid out with the eloquence that was so very Kaino, the point was clearly made. Anything else would just be for funsies.


Despite being absolutely adorable, Kaino is an adult character that indulges in adult situations. Viewer discretion advised.
[Image: fGJURoI.png]


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
03-10-2024, 09:22 PM

Seconds felt like eons as they passed- Sephiran growing impatient, which became evident in how he shifted his weight back and forth. His toes flexed, as he dug his claws into the soft earth- fantasizing about the feeling of flesh tearing into shreds between his teeth. In truth, the young tyrant hoped the Norad king would defy him- only to fuel his desire of adorning these lands in blood, in pursuit of slaughtering any who stood against him. His acidic green and amethyst eyes shifted to the prisoner- compulsion eating away at the edges of his brain, as it took every fiber of his being not to slice the boy’s throat out of carnal bloodlust.

And finally, the underbrush in the distance started to rustle- followed by the emergence of a large male wolf, who resembled the pup Kaino had abducted. The alpha, no doubt. He introduced himself as the Artifex of Norad before getting straight to the point- the ransom over his son. Shifting his gaze to Kaino, who’d orchestrated this entire scheme and requested she see it through and deliver him his crown, Sephiran gave her a single nod- allowing her to speak freely, but not in his place - because she aspired to become one of his lead diplomats.

The terms of their exchange were laid out for the Artifex of Norad- Kaino sparing no details, as she made the male’s options quite clear. Surrender, or be slaughtered. Kaino shifted her gaze to him then. Asking if she’d missed anything, in which Sephiran pulled back his lips to reveal more of his saber fangs- the bloodlust rushing through his frame almost inebriating. He leaned in closer to the imprisoned boy- enveloping him with his murderous aura, wanting to ignite a fresh wave of panic inside the helpless father. "All of your possessions stay- they are mine now." A paw rose, and it drew a rough outline near the boy's face- trailing down from his jaw to his throat, where it lingered near the location of the pulsating, arterial artery. His dagger was itching to come out of its sheath- Sephiran wanted to dig the blade straight into Nolan’s face, if only to hear him scream for his father. In truth, the potential of obtaining a kingdom was the only thing keeping Sephiran at bay- he could even feel Rhazien's eyes boring into his flesh, reminding him not to act carelessly.

And then, the clearing was consumed by silence- the next seconds of their interaction becoming the deciding factor of whether or not this boy lived to see another day.

Code by Sea
Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.



Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
03-13-2024, 10:19 AM
Beauregard did not like this. His fur stood on end, gaze flicking over each member of the wolves that had gathered here. When a wolf came to answer him, it was a purple and white furred woman. She gave him the barest of nods, but Beau had never been the sort of man to lord his title over others. She gave a name to the wolves gathered here; The Syndicate. A name that was stored, and he would wait, watch, and listen as she continued to speak. They came to return his boy but there were conditions to his return… and how Beauregard chose to meet those demands would affect how his son was returned. That brought the slightest of growls bubbling in his throat. The man was a father, a protector, before he was an alpha.

But charging in against so many opponents would be a deathwish. Beauregard’s fur bristled, but he would not allow his anger to rule him here. They wanted his crown, his lands… a title that had never truly suited him. The last raid with those vikings had proven that he wasn’t meant to be a leader, and his pack wasn’t going to survive if more fights like that were going to happen. While kind, Beauregard had gathered wolves who… were not fighters. Those who had handicaps and his other children. And this wolf seemed to do her homework, threatening not just his son, nor him, but the entirety of his pack should he refuse their demands.

He could hold his own in a fair fight… but Beauregard doubted these wolves were going to fight fair. A man, their leader, was next to add that their resources be left behind. Fine, they were just things anyway… but then… then he dared move to loom over Nolan. A snarl ripped from Beauregard’s lips as he took a step forward, snapping at the man. “A title, lands, and possessions mean little to me in the grand scheme of things, but if you dare move even a hair on my son’s body you can have them when my body is dead and cold.” His blue eyes flashed, shooting toward the woman who made the demands. She wanted conditions? Fine, he was going to counter with his own!

IF your word can be trusted, you leave my wolves out of this, and you will find no resistance. Have my crown, the lands, our resources… But the moment The Syndicate brings harm to any of Norad’s wolves I will turn to retaliate. You may have seasoned fights, but I’m no greenhorn myself. You may emerge victorious, but not before risking your own to be forever marked by my fangs and claws.” Beau’s gaze flicked back to the purple man. “You give me my son, and I’ll strip off my weapon and leg wraps here and now. They will be laid before you as a sign of our agreement. But the boy comes to stand with me first.” He drew in a breath. “...and I’m not foolish enough to run. You’ve enough wolves here to catch both of us before we made it far.” Some additional reassurance for them. He knew the terms… but would they accept his small conditions.

"Speech," 'Thought.'
Beauregard has two companions - a bluejay and an arctic fox. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

As his mates, Tanelan and Co. are allowed in any thread Beauregard is in regardless of tag.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

3 Years
03-13-2024, 01:48 PM

Kaino laughed softly at all of the testosterone bubbling in the air. Men and their blustering, posing, pompousness... Sephiran lacked tact and finesse, instead relying on the threat of violence. The smokey fae, on the other paw, tried to be amicable, agreeable. Yes, they were demanding a heavy price, but if the Norad leader agreed, the transition could be made without bloodshed which would be ideal for both parties. Didn't Rhazien teach him anything?

The alpha of Norad made his threats, promising to return if his wolves were harmed, blah blah blah. Kaino smiled sweetly, mint and ice eyes crinkling with mirth. "I'll fight you myself, if need be. And, if you haven't noticed," A silver gloved paw lifted and she motioned to the scars upon Sephiran and Caedes, "The marks of teeth and claws don't mean much to us. Adds character, don't you think?" She was so damned pleasant. A fucking delight, really. Anyone who said otherwise was lying to themselves.

Once more the Norad leader made his demands and Kaino could agree to them. With a look of confirmation to Sephiran, the woman turned to Nolan and shot the boy a genuine smile. "Go to your father, Nolan. Take good care of those books, eh?" She meant the boy no harm but that couldn't be said for her cousin. It was unfortunate that she'd had to use him, but she'd make up for it in her own way. Already she planned to send the boy more books as she found them.

"Don't try to do anything brave," Kaino warned the former leader with a sigh of exasperation. "Save us all the trouble of dicking around so we can call it a day. Everyone wins. Yay!" Kai cast her gaze towards Sephiran once more. "Anything else before the timer starts, Sephiran?" The wolves of Norad had best be swift with their departure. There were a lot of teeth that wouldn't mind poking holes in flesh today.


Despite being absolutely adorable, Kaino is an adult character that indulges in adult situations. Viewer discretion advised.
[Image: fGJURoI.png]



Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
03-13-2024, 02:09 PM

Her comment had Beauregard snorting. “A man who fights for his life, or the lives of others, won’t be seeking just to leave scars.” That wasn’t to say he wanted to take a life, but the man was willing to do so if he had to. But, the woman seemed to call his “bluff”. As a father, that would be the last route that Beauregard wanted to take. He’d rather avoid bloodshed all together. His gaze flicked over to his son as the woman encouraged the boy over to him, his gaze, his whole demeanor softening. Some wolves might have been angry at the boy’s naivety… but he was just a child. A sweet child who had no idea that wolves might threaten their lives, that they would take everything from them. He would wait til the boy was by his side, gently nosing his cheek.

“You’re okay, Nolan. Head back behind me, get to Trixy. We’re all going to get out of here together… we’ve got some friends in Ethne we’ll go stay with.” His words were gentle, relieved. More than anything he just wanted his son back. But now he was to uphold his part of the bargain. Beauregard removed the dagger and sheath first, setting them on the ground beside him. Next came the leg wraps, somewhat folded before the dagger was moved on top of them. Beauregard would move back away from them, a nod given to both the woman and to the purple man served. “I have given you my gear, as promised.” The last thing he wanted to say before they gave him his timer to everyone out of the pack. Hopefully there would be nothing more, no further headaches from this… transaction as it was becoming.

"Speech," 'Thought.'
Beauregard has two companions - a bluejay and an arctic fox. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

As his mates, Tanelan and Co. are allowed in any thread Beauregard is in regardless of tag.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
03-14-2024, 01:57 PM

Oh, how they’d struck a nerve- the male visibly boiling with rage, as Sephiran leaned in closer to his captive son. Shrouding the boy in his murderous aura, the smirk on his face wickedly manic and depraved. Having this much power sitting in the palm of his paw, was enthralling. The ability to instill terror and rage in the hearts of is enemies. Being the commander of a bloodthirsty force that was ready to kill in the name of their empire. Fuck, thinking about it all turned him on, a shockwave of lust rolling through every fiber of his being.

But not every wolf felt the same about dominion as Sephiran did- this man plainly stating, he cared little for titles, lands, and possessions. He even snapped in Sephiran’s direction, challenging him with a threat. Oh? He gravitated in even closer to Nolan, nearly leaning forward in his seat, waiting with bated breath to see if the man would snap and engage him. The smirk on his face widening, and those hazardous, saber fangs seeming to glow in the low lighting. Yes, yes, YES. His pelt bristled higher, standing more erect, as elation continued to course through him- pulsating and festering within every crevice of the Saxe sadist.

Of course, Kaino was quick to interject- most of the former alpha’s requests falling upon deaf ears. He shifted his gaze to her, trying to decipher what was going on in that cryptic head of hers. And when she instructed the boy to return to his father, Sephiran took a step forward and towards Nolan, to cut him off. Not so fast. Wanting the anticipation to build, needing the threat of death to linger in the space between himself and Beau just a bit longer. His eyes narrowed in on the male, the expression on his face both taunting and frenzied-  one that made it clear that Sephiran was a demented creature. That he found this whole encounter to be exhilaratingly fun. His lips twitching, saliva pooling in his jaws, muscles quivering as he concluded their stand off- allowing the boy to return to his father.

While he consoled the boy, Sephiran turned to Kiano, proving a single nod- one meant to show he was satisfied with her work. And when Beau set his battle gear down on the ground, Sephiran moved his attention back to the man. Kaino had already made it clear Beau needed to clear out quickly- and Sephiran made a point to reiterate that. “I’ll walk the perimeter of the falls a single time.” He says, slowly moving to the right to start the countdown. “And when I return,” He looks over his shoulder then, speaking directly to his group of heathens. “Raid the territory and kill the stragglers.” Shifting his eyes back to Beau, who bluffed about retaliating if they touched any of his wolves. This was yet another threat and a challenge. How fast can you clear out your loved ones? And then, the young Sultan was off- motioning for Rhazien to join him, as he initiated the metaphorical timer of doom.  

Code by Sea
Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.

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