
And now for a brief intermission




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
03-15-2024, 10:40 AM

If there had been one face she hadn't expected to see at the challenge for Valta's claim it was her little sister. It was a pleasant surprise to be sure, but hardly the environment that would allow for them to catch up after so many months of Mariah and Malico being away. As soon as the challenge had concluded and the spectators began to scatter, she began to move away from the battlefield, asking Mariah to come with her for just a moment so that they could speak properly. She didn't go far, just to the edge of the battlefield where the barren, battle torn land began to transition back into the evergreen forests that surrounded the nearby mountains. Once they were away from the thick of things she paused and turned to Mariah with an affectionate smile.

"It's so good to see you," she said fondly, leaning in to nuzzle Mariah's cheek. It felt like she had been gone an impossibly long time, but also like she had just left. As she stood back a bit to look over her sister she was glad to see that the young woman she had allowed to go off with their brother to seek out training and learning was looking well and more matured since they had last been together. "How have you been? Has your trip been productive?" she asked curiously, eagerly waiting to hear about the wolves she had met and all of the things she had learned. She did wonder where Malico was, but she certainly didn't expect the two of them to be glued at the hip so it wasn't all that surprising that she found one without the other.

"Avacyn Mendacium"



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

03-16-2024, 03:12 AM

As the challenge for Valta's claim unfolded, Mariah found herself swept up in the intensity of the moment, her senses keenly attuned to the sights and sounds of the battlefield. Amidst the flurry of activity, she was surprised yet heartened to catch sight of some of her relatives-  Avacyn included- amidst the spectators. The unexpected reunion filled her with a rush of warmth and recognition, momentarily dispelling the tension that hung in the air. However, in the end, it did make sense that the Matriarch would want to be around to witness the grapple for leadership.

When Avacyn approached and invited her to step away for a private conversation, Mariah readily followed, eager for the chance to reconnect with her sister away from the chaos of the challenge. As they reached the edge of the battlefield, Mariah returned Avacyn's affectionate smile, feeling a swell of love and gratitude for her sister's presence. "It's good to see you too, Ava," Mariah replied, reciprocating the affectionate touch with a gentle acknowledgment of her own. The familiar touch of her sister's muzzle against her cheek brought a sense of comfort that she had missed during her time away.

Mariah took a step back, her eyes taking in the sight of Avacyn. A smile lit up her face, genuine warmth seeping through her words. "I'm doing well, thank you," she spoke with a hint of enthusiasm, her voice carrying like music. "It's been quite the journey, full of challenges and triumphs. I've learned more than I could have ever imagined during our time away." She paused, her eyes sparkling with excitement and flecks of contemplation as she reflected on all that she had experienced in the past couple of seasons. "I've met some remarkable wolves, and have been taught some remarkable things. The training has been invaluable— and certainly worth the time investment." A sense of pride swelled within Mariah as she spoke of her experiences, grateful for the opportunity. “Malico and I were considering departing for the Hallows, but it appears as if the decision is being made for us.” Mariah hoped that Kotori would walk away victorious from the challenge. However, even in the event that he did, she imagined that he and his pack would need time to recover, and would appreciate not having to entertain guests in that time. The last thing she wanted to do was overstay their welcome.

Taking the moment to transition their conversation, she couldn't help but make her own inquiry. "How are things back home?" She asked lightly, thinking about the potential for everything she might have missed.

"Mariah Mendacium"



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
03-18-2024, 06:35 PM

Avacyn had never truly been worried about her youngest siblings while they were away on their journey of learning and self discovery–all of their family was more than capable of handling themselves and she had sent them to packs that she knew and trusted–but any lingering concern or curiosity about them was relieved as Mariah expressed how well she was doing and all of the incredible things she had learned. Seeing the way Mariah smiled as she spoke made all the time she had spent without her siblings around her worth it. She picked up on the fact that her sister must have been in Valta all this time as she mentioned the idea of departing to move onto the Hallows and while she was certainly surprised that Mariah and Malico had been gone for so long and had only just now considered moving on to their second destination, she wouldn't question their pace. Anything in the realm of healing was out of her depth so she didn't know how long it took to really gain a mastery over that sort of thing. As long as she was still getting something out of being in Valta then it was worth the time she spent there.

"Yes, unfortunately it seems that it is," she agreed when Mariah mentioned how the decision to leave had been made for them, glancing briefly past her sister at the battlefield behind her. Even if Valta remained standing after all of this she would still feel better knowing Mariah and Malico had moved on to the Hallows to know they were somewhere secure. Her attention returned to Mariah and a gentle smile returned to her lips when she was asked how things were back home. "Things are well. Uncle Deimos and Ikigai welcomed their first litter very recently–I'm sure you noticed them back there," she said with a bit of a chuckle. She could only imagine the scolding their uncle was going to receive for bringing their very young pups to a bloody challenge like this one. "I've decided to name one of their daughters my heir, but I'm waiting to do that until they turn a year old. I don't want to intrude on their childhood with responsibility the way mine was."

She would never resent her mother or how her upbringing was handled–she took too much pride in what she was selected to do for that to happen–but she could learn from mistakes and keep them from repeating. "There's been a bit of movement in the ranks... Albion was named my advisor and Scylla is our new Master Warrior," she added as she tried to think of anything that might have moved or change in her sister's absence. "It's been fairly quiet, thankfully. I know that hasn't been the case for a lot of packs these days so I'm counting my blessings." With the mention of their upper ranks and the wolves that currently held them, it did bring to mind one of the main reasons why she had allowed Mariah to go on this journey in the first place.

"I do still hope that you'll return one day soon to be our Master Physician," she mentioned, not wanting to make a hard deadline for her sister, but still wanting to remind her of what was waiting for her. "I'm sure Irilyth would have no problem holding the position for as long as we need her to, but Fia is the only one of our family that holds any of the Master ranks and she has been gone even longer than you have..." A little frown crossed her lips at the thought and she sighed softly, giving her head a little shake to clear it. "Please take as long as you need, but just know that I would love to have you both back sooner rather than later."

"Avacyn Mendacium"



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

03-24-2024, 10:00 AM

Mariah's smile remained serene as she listened to Avacyn speak about their homeland, her mind flashing back to memories of the familiar sights and sounds. A pang of regret for missing this significant moment with her family tugged at Mariah's heart. Her eyebrows raised in surprise at the news that one of Avacyn's pups had been chosen as heir. The weight of such a responsibility was clear, and Mariah couldn't imagine the inner turmoil it must have caused Avacyn to make such a decision. Yet, she had chosen to spare the girl from carrying the burden too soon, allowing her to experience a normal childhood. Mariah nodded, impressed by Avacyn's wisdom and compassion. "A thoughtful choice," she commended. One that might be thankless in the end, but was far more impactful than Avacyn’s successor would ever realize.

Avacyn mentioned the rearranging of leadership ranks and Mariah's curiosity was piqued. Albion taking on the advisor role and Scylla as Master Warrior? It appeared that changes had indeed taken place in their pack. "Seems like Elysium is in very capable hands," she remarked, though a small tinge of regret crept in at not being there to witness it all firsthand. As Avacyn delved into the duties of the Master Physician, Mariah felt the familiar weight of responsibility settle upon her once again. She had always been driven by her studies and passion for healing, but the thought of stepping into rank still gave her pause. Yet, this was why she left home - to prepare for this moment. To serve Elysium in the only way she felt she was capable of doing. Her sister's encouraging words stirred up a sense of purpose, reminding her of the reason she came to Valta. Mariah's response was measured as she spoke, her voice barely above a whisper but resolute. "I appreciate your faith in me, sister," she said with a slight smile. “I’m nearly ready … There is one more healer that I’ve heard quite a bit about in the Hallows that I would like the chance to study under.” Her unwavering gaze met Avacyn's, conveying her strong resolve. “Once that’s done, I will bring everything I've learned home." She felt a rush of determination, the kind that only came from knowing that one was days away from fulfilling their long-awaited purpose.

Avacyn’s frown at the mention of their other sister, Fia, bothered Mariah ever so slightly. She had not seen Fia in so long herself, and she too was concerned about her well-being. "I do hope our dear Fia is well," she mused, her voice barely above a whisper. She studied Avacyn's expression before making a firm declaration. "But rest assured, I will make my way back home and fulfill my role as Master Physician to the best of my abilities. Consider it a promise." Mariah finished, hoping that her words provided Avacyn with whatever reassurance she needed.

"Mariah Mendacium"



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
04-01-2024, 07:55 PM

Avacyn gave her sister a grateful smile as she commented on how thoughtful her decision to hold of on officially naming the heir she had chosen from Ikigai and Deimos' children had been and how the pack was in good hands. More often than not she feared she was making all of the wrong decisions and failing to live up to the lofty expectations she had put on herself so it was nice to hear that she might not be doing as poorly as she thought. There was plenty that she could have done better, but there was also plenty that she had done right and hopefully it all would balance out to an acceptable result in the end. That was all she could really ask for.

As she brought up the position that had been promised to her sister, she could see the weight her sister felt at the responsibility that was waiting for her, but to Mariah's credit she responded with an assuredness that Avacyn was proud of. If it was possible for her to shoulder all of the responsibility so her siblings would not have to feel any of it she absolutely would, but she was always grateful when they were willing to step into their own and help her care for the pack that their mother had begun. She nodded with understanding as Mariah mentioned having another healer in mind that she wished to study under in The Hallows before she would be ready to return home. She had also heard about the exceptional care that wolves received from the healers within The Hallows so she could agree that was a worthy reason for her to stay away for a bit longer.

The promise that she would return once her learning was done did ease her worries some and some of the tension in her shoulders relaxed as she gave Mariah a resolute nod. Fia's continued absence was worrying, but it also made her fear that all of her family that strayed from home might never return. She walked a fine line of wanting to keep their family together and strong while still allowing them the freedom that they craved. She didn't want to start denying their requests to roam, but it almost felt like her leniency was starting to be abused. Avacyn trusted Mariah's promise though and she smiled with a soft, relieved sigh. "Good. I hope you find everything you're hoping to learn and more. I can't wait for you to come home, but I know your time away will be worth it." With a bit more seriousness she added, "I know there's been a lot of unrest among some of the packs these days with all of the raids and challenges, so if something like that happens while you're in The Hallows promise me you'll come straight home? Auster is much father and harder for me to keep an eye on than Valta was so I might not be able to be there like I was today."

"Avacyn Mendacium"



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

04-12-2024, 07:16 AM

Mariah took in Avacyn's words, her gaze flickering with a mix of gratitude and resolve. "Thank you, Ava," she murmured, her voice soft but overflowing with emotion. "Your faith in me means more than you could ever imagine." As she prepared to embark on her journey to The Hallows, Mariah couldn't help feeling a mixture of excitement and trepidation. She longed to learn from the skilled healers there, but also felt a sliver of fear at the unknown challenges that lay ahead. But above all else, she was determined to grow and improve - for herself, for Avacyn, and most importantly - for Elysium, The weight of her own responsibilities settled on her shoulders- she couldn’t even begin to imagine how Avacyn must feel at times. But for herself, she welcomed it as a challenge to overcome.

At the mention of the unrest among the packs, Mariah's heart tightened in her chest. She knew too well the damage and pain brought about by these confrontations. It was precisely why she was determined to become a better healer. She wasn’t capable of defending Elysium like the members of her family could. She had to be able to adopt a skillset that would make her useful in other ways. And she wanted to be able to provide to the best of her abilities. Avacyn’s plea for Mariah to return home if danger arose had her nodding solemnly. "I promise," she responded, her voice unwavering with resolve. "If danger approaches, I will make my way back home swiftly.” Hopefully, it wouldn’t come to that.

She sat quietly for a moment, allowing silence to wash over them as she savored this moment of quiet camaraderie. She knew all too well how fleeting such moments could be, and she cherished it with all her heart. "And Avacyn," she finally said, her voice firm despite the softness of her tone. "I want you to promise me something too. Don't bear all these burdens alone. You're not alone in this, remember that." She couldn't begin to understand everything that was going on in her sister's life. But it wouldn't surprise her if the Matriarch was carrying a lot of weight on her shoulders to shield it from others. Right or wrong, that was just the type of individual she perceived her sister to be.

"Mariah Mendacium"

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1. And now for a brief intermission Northern Mines 10:40 AM, 03-15-2024 02:43 PM, 06-07-2024