



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (270)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
03-20-2024, 10:32 AM (This post was last modified: 06-23-2024, 10:02 AM by Scylla. Edited 21 times in total.)
Week of June 18 - 24
Single Alpha
Other: Added Revenant and Morendo to the roster.

Week of June 11 - 17
Single Alpha
Other: Added Cerberus to the roster.

Week of June 4 - 10
Single Alpha
Other: Redid entire pack page and added Barghest to the roster.
Scylla should be seen as a very adult character who will indulge in acts that others may find graphic and uncomfortable. Steer clear if you don't like this sort of thing.
[Image: vF1xS6t.png]



03-20-2024, 10:32 AM (This post was last modified: 06-05-2024, 08:27 AM by Nyx. Edited 8 times in total.)
Valta - Activity Check History

Week of May 28 - June 3 fail, did not meet post or edit requirements
Single Alpha
Other: Must list something pack-related done each week (archiving, roster edits, pack info edits, etc.)

Week of May 21st - May 27th pass
Single Alpha
Other: submitted posts to archive on pack land

Week of May 7 - May 13 pass
Single Alpha
Other: Updated Alliances on pack page

Week of April 30 - May 6 fail, did not meet post or edit requirements
Single Alpha
Other: Must list something pack-related done each week (archiving, roster edits, pack info edits, etc.)

Week of April 23 - 29 pass
Single Alpha
Other: submitted to archive threads on pack land

Week of April 16th - April 22nd pass
Single Alpha
Other: archived threads

Week of April 9 - 15 failed
Single Alpha
Other: Must list something pack-related done each week (archiving, roster edits, pack info edits, etc.)

Week of April 2nd - April 8th pass
Single Alpha
Other: updated news on valta info

Feb 27 - April 1 paused due to pack challenge judging

Week of February 20th to February 26th pass
Single Alpha
Other: added to pack news

Week of February 13 -  19 pass
Single Alpha
Other: submitted request to add pup to pack

Week of February 6 -  12 failed, did not complete post or edit requirements
Single Alpha
Other: Must list something pack-related done each week (archiving, roster edits, pack info edits, etc.)

Week of January 30 - February 5 pass
Single Alpha
Other: Mentioned the raid on valta site page news

Week of January 23 - 29 failed
Single Alpha
Other: Must list something pack-related done each week (archiving, roster edits, pack info edits, etc.)

Week of January 16 -  22 pass
Single Alpha
Other: Submitted request for rank promotion for Satira

Week of January 9 - 15 failed
Single Alpha
Other: Must list something pack-related done each week (archiving, roster edits, pack info edits, etc.)

Week of January 2 -  8 pass
Single Alpha
Other: Put in maintenance request for promotion of pack member

Weeks of December 19 -  January 1 pass for holidays!

Week of December 12 - 18 pass
Single Alpha
Other: Added on to pack relations

Week of December 5 - 11  pass
Single Alpha
Other: archived threads

Week of November 28 - December 4 pass
Single Alpha
Other: Promoted Nao

Week of November 21 - 27 pass
Single Alpha
Other: adding new wolves to pack (in maintenance)

Week of November 14 -  November 20
Single Alpha
Other: Adding wolf to pack

Week of November 7th - November 13th pass

Single Alpha
Other: Archived pack land threads

Week of October 24 - October 30 fail, did not complete post or edit requirements
Single Alpha
Other: Must list something pack-related done each week (archiving, roster edits, pack info edits, etc.)

Week of October 17 - 23 pass
Single Alpha
Other: Submitted edit to char ranks

Week of October 10- October 16  pass
Single Alpha
Other: Updated pack news.

Week of October 3-  October 9 pass
Single Alpha
Other: Archived threads. Removed Tove from Valta.

Week of September 26-  October 2 pass
Single Alpha
Other: Promoted Khranbari to Raitas and switched his rank.

Week of September 19-  September 25 Absence paused due to absence
Single Alpha
Other: --

Week of September 12-  September 18 pass
Single Alpha
Other: Added Dunkan to the pack roster.

Week of September 5 -  September 11 pass
Single Alpha
Other: Added Varushka to the pack roster.

Week of August 29 -  September 4 pass
Single Alpha
Other: Went through pack page to clarify and edit spelling.

Week of August 22 - 28 pass
Single Alpha
Other: Added Khranbari to the pack roster.

Week of August 15 - 21 pass, free week due to alpha change
Single Alpha
Other: Must list something pack-related done each week (archiving, roster edits, pack info edits, etc.)

Week of August 8th - August 14th pass
Single Alpha
Other: Edited pack page to show change in leadership.

Week of August 1 - 7 fail, did not complete post or edit requirements
Single Alpha
Other: Must list something pack-related done each week (archiving, roster edits, pack info edits, etc.)

Week of July 25 to July 31st   pass
Single Alpha
Other: archived threads

Week of July 18 - 24 pass
Single Alpha
Other: Must list something pack-related done each week (archiving, roster edits, pack info edits, etc.)

Week of July 11 - 17 pass
Single Alpha
Other: archived threads

Week of July 4 - 10 fail, did not complete post or edit requirements
Single Alpha
Other: Must list something pack-related done each week (archiving, roster edits, pack info edits, etc.)

Week of June 27th -  July 3rd pass
Single Alpha
Other: requested threads archived on pack land

Week of June 20 - June 26 fail, did not complete post or edit requirements
Single Alpha
Other: Must list something pack-related done each week (archiving, roster edits, pack info edits, etc.)

Week of June 13 -  19 pass
Single Alpha
Other: Archived posts

Week of June 6 - 12 pass
Single Alpha
Other: Adding Mojito to pack

Week of May 30th -  June 5th pass
Single Alpha
Other: archived threads

Week of May 23 - May 29 fail, did not complete post or edit requirements
Single Alpha
Other: Must list something pack-related done each week (archiving, roster edits, pack info edits, etc.)

Week of May 16th -  May 22nd pass
Single Alpha
Other: Added member to pack - Ochitsuki

Week of May 9th - May 15th pass
Single Alpha
Other: updated pack relations - tojo kai

Week of May 2nd -  May 8th pass
Single Alpha
Other: archived posts on pack land

Week of April 25th -  May 1st pass
Single Alpha
Other: removing mort from pack

Week of April 18th - April 24th pass
Single Alpha
Other: Updated pack webpage -> relations

Week of April 11th -  April 17th pass
Single Alpha
Other: archived posts

Week of April 4th -  April 10th pass
Single Alpha
Other: Made small edits to pack page on relations

Week of March 28th -  April 3rd pass
Single Alpha
Other: Archived files

Week of March 21 - 27 pass
Single Alpha
Other: archived thread

Week of March 14 - 20 failed
Single Alpha
Other: Must list something pack-related done each week (archiving, roster edits, pack info edits, etc.)

Week of March 7th - 13th pass
Single Alpha
Other: Promoting pack member

Week of February 28th - March 6th pass
Single Alpha
Other: archived thread

Week of February 21st -  February 27th pass
Single Alpha
Other: Edited pack page - recent event notes

Week of February 14th -  February 20th pass
Single Alpha
Other: removed threds from pack land

Week of February 7th - February 13th pass
Single Alpha
Other: Promoted 2 members of the pack

Week of January 31st -  February 6th pass
Single Alpha
Other: Archived threads

Week of January 24th - 30th pass
Single Alpha
Other: submitted in maintenance to change rank of a member (aia)

Week of January 17 -  23 pass
Single Alpha
Other:Added Cinaed to pack

Week of January 10 -  16 pass
Single Alpha
Other: Added member Sanna to pack

Week of January 3 -  9 pass
Single Alpha
Other: Updated allies listing

weeks of December 13 - January 2 Pass due to holiday!

Week of December 6th -  December 12th pass
Single Alpha
Other: Added Rank to pack and 2 new members

Week of November 29th - December 5th failed

Week of November 22nd - November 28th pass
Single Alpha
Other: Added Insomnia to relations on pack page

Week of November 15th - November 21st pass
Single Alpha
Other: Edited relations in pack info

Week of November 8 -14 failed

Week of November 1 -7 pass
Single Alpha
Other: Archiving threads

Week of October 25 - 31 pass due to event!

Week of October 18 - 24 pass
Single Alpha
Other: archived posts in valta land

Week of October 11th - 17th pass
Single Alpha
Other: edited valta page (closed bold tag) and submitted to archive threads

Week of October 4th, Tuesday - October 10th, Monday  pass
Single Alpha
Other: submitted maintenance to archive threads

Week of September 27 - October 3rd pass
Single Alpha
Other: Added news on website - Valta party starting

Week of September 20 - 26 pass
Single Alpha
Other: Updated relations to show Ashen as allies

Week of September 13 - 19 pass - warned for linking posts improperly
Single Alpha
Other: updated pack page/archived threads