
water princess



Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Intermediate Healer (50)

2 Years
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Pride - Demisexual
03-19-2024, 05:47 PM (This post was last modified: 03-20-2024, 05:14 PM by Mélisande. Edited 1 time in total.)
m é l i s a n d e

she's awoken. like a butterfly born just minutes ago, she was fresh in this world of boreas. by fate she would later name it; forgiving her hard & faulty journey and all it took to end up here. so from her previous lay and slumber, the small melisande began her proceedings. dainty legs collecting her form as she stood to a pathetic height- reddish orbits confronting her path with weariness.

midday offered her some warmth from the occasional nips of bleak wind. her agenda was a simple one: find wolves. albeit friendly wolves would've been ideal.. but truly any would do for the crimson fae. her naivety was ripe and her eyes were youthful but by luck, she never seemed to tarnished. or perhaps, it was her determined personality that refused to darken. as she saw it through with sincerity and that hopefully, it would guide her to the right home.

it's then she's met by a harsher scent. a loud one: one that was left by someone who wanted to be known. "Alpha.." she whispered to herself. suddenly then, many scents sprung from over the marker. immediately mel halts, not daring a toe over the apparent borders but instead stands with her chin momentarily lifting upwards to release an effeminate howl of arrival. listening then with erect ears, she hears the trickling creek further down. glistening eyes curious as she awaited the leader. face relaxed and kind: mindful of her manners with a lowered tail.

"talk" "think"
table by scarlet/art by nelsa



2 Years
Extra small

Pride - Gay
03-20-2024, 01:35 AM
Art & Code by Rex 2023


Iki was doing what he did best today. Lazing about and chewing up anything he could. Though his tail wagged at everyone that passed him. His aunt had made him a rank and he couldn't be happier that he got to be the bestest friend in Ethne.

His ears perked and he stopped mid chew as a foreign howl caught his ears. Oh! Yay! Aunt haydee said he was to be the greeter in Ethne! It was time he got to do what she had made him a rank for!

Excitedly he snatched up his bone and made for the border. His pace faster than he normally moved in his excitement. He might make anew friend! His paws were like thunder and his overweight form crashed through the underbrush. He wasn't quiet he knew. It was a good thing he wasn't a hunter.

He arrived and his tail was already wagging a mile an hour behind him as he panted. Hedropped his bone and flopped before the other on his side of the border, legs out straight and forelegs between them. His face showed his happiness easily. His mouth opened and he dropped his bone. "Heya! Welcome to Etne! I'm Ikuchi the HospitalitySquadron! Wanna be friends?" his voice was animated and showed his excitement for his new job. Aunt haydee was gonna be there soon and be so proud of him.


"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
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ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
03-20-2024, 05:01 PM
Since the failed raid against the Raiders Hollow, Haydée has been carefully tending to the new wounds that grace her face. The stitches that had been applied to her torn right cheek and brow pull with every subtle movement of her features and the young woman often has to take the herbs that the healers had prescribed to dull the almost constant ache they give her. Thankfully, the wounds on her neck are finally settling into scars and they no longer are a source of pain.

Along with the scars, Hay’s mind has turned on its self and she now second guessing every choice that she makes. In her den, candles flicker, lighting up the darkness as she shuffles through a few papers. There is always work to be done as an alpha and the young woman is constantly learning things each day. A call from Cattail Creek pulls her from the information that is laid out before her and she is quick to organize the sheets before standing and moving to leave.

Hastily, Haydée moves through the tunnels that lay behind the falls, momentarily pausing to blink away the dark spots in her vison as she is deposited out into the sunlight. With a swiftness born of her smaller size, the young woman lopes out to the creek, only slowing when the familiar coat of Ikuchi comes into view. With a warm smile on her lips, the young woman joins the pair just Iki greet the stranger and the Leader’s emerald green eyes gaze lovingly down to her nephew as she happily says, “Thank you, Ikuchi. Great job on your greeting!”

Joy lifts her features as she bends to gently nuzzle the yearling’s head with affection before she turns her full attention to the red wolf that waits outside their borders. Everything about Haydée is open, relaxed, warm, and friendly as she greets the woman who is only slightly taller than herself. With a respectful dip of her head, she says, “Hello. I am Haydée Kedieo, Leader of the Ethne. How may we be of help?” They do not appear threatening and the fact that they respected the pack boundaries tells Hay that they are a courteous sort of wolf.

The warm smile never leaves her lips as Haydée talks with the pair.

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.



Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Intermediate Healer (50)

2 Years
Extra small

Pride - Demisexual
03-20-2024, 05:45 PM (This post was last modified: 03-20-2024, 05:46 PM by Mélisande. Edited 1 time in total.)
m é l i s a n d e

her call is answered swiftly; evident of an active and lively pack. mel is pleased and evermore so to see an excited wolf greet her first. a tri-colored wolf: one of the smallest melisande has ever seen. it's green eyes denoting their youth, perhaps a yearling. contagious enthusiasm was the best; & she gladly reciprocated it with a lowly tail wag of her own and a soft grin. with not much but a feathered nub wiggling as she shifted her weight side to side and flattened her ears. licking her maw some as she gave a small whine of agreeableness; a whistle almost as her torso moved with her playful stomps. "Of course little one!" she giggled, admiring the other and their expressive heart as they rolled & dropped their bone.

already, melisande seemed to find a sense of compatibility here. unforced and authentic to it's cause. it's then her garnet orbits spot yet another arrival. painted in umber strokes: easy on the eyes with a complimentary emerald gaze. this one seemed related to the smaller wolf, and to her surprise, Melisande was larger than both. Relaxing a bit now, melisande listened and watched as the two familiarized. only then, would the red fae speak in turn. "I am Mélisande. Pleased to meet you Haydée Kedieo." she mirrors the bow then lifts her head, her face pleasant and relaxed while offering a kind smile. "I wish to join your pack, Ethne. I am not from around here. I've found your home by fate so to say." she chuckles effeminately. "If you will have me of course."

"talk" "think"
table by scarlet/art by nelsa


"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
03-29-2024, 03:27 AM
A warm, inviting smile is on the small Leader’s lips as she looks from her nephew to the stranger, her stance open and relaxed. While the stitches that keep her right cheek and brow closed have Haydée feeling self-conscious, the genuine joy and pleasure of meeting someone new has etched itself on to her soft, gentle features. Ikuchi lays between them and the young woman lovingly chuckles at the excited youth as she comes to a stop next to him.  

Kind emerald eyes turn to the stranger, noting her submissive stance that is given as Hay introduces herself. Head bows in respect as the young woman offers her own name and, as she straightens back up, eyebrows lift slightly at the request. Pain sparks to life along her brow as the movement tugs at the delicate stitching but the young woman has no time for it and the smile blooms into a beautiful excited expression.

Dipping her head in acknowledgement, the small Leader raises a paw, flicking her wrist in a simple invitation for Mélisande to cross the invisible borders and join her and Ikuchi within Ethne’s lands. Once the red woman has joined them, Haydée warmly says, “You are more than welcome here, Mélisande, for as long as your heart desires. Ethne is a family pack and we are either related by blood or simply have chosen each other as our family. Now, before you decided on anything, there are a few rules I think you should know.”

Head cants slightly to the side as Haydée talks, the kind smile never leaving her features, as she offers up information, “Everyone that joins must be accepting of others because every individual you will find within Ethne is unique and we strive to celebrate those differences. No matter what religion they practice, species they are, or beliefs anyone has, everyone is welcome in Ethne. We also believe that love is love and you are free to love whomever your heart desires. We are a kind bunch who will defend each other no matter what and we will not be pushed around.”

Gaze hardens for a fraction of second before returning to the welcoming, warm pools that have been. For a moment, Haydée thinks about how full the pack is getting and considers that Ethne may need to claim another land soon. The Leader offers the woman some time to digest the information she given before saying, “If you are willing to accept all of that, then you are more than welcome to join us.” With many of the important aspects covered, Haydée thinks that she has given Mélisande enough information to form her own opinion on whether Ethne is the right fit for her.

If the red-hued woman decides to walk away from them now, there would be no hard feelings or ill will on the part of Ethne because Hay simply wishes for the red woman to find her happiness… wherever that may be. Looking down to her nephew, Haydée joyfully questions, "Did I leave anything important out, Ikuchi?"

OOC: Permission to skip Ikuchi this round was given by Asena

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.



Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Intermediate Healer (50)

2 Years
Extra small

Pride - Demisexual
04-03-2024, 09:23 AM
m é l i s a n d e

with a soft gaze, Melisande listens closely, keeping her body language appropriate to the conversation. this leader was admirable, genuine and sincere. their face pleasant to view albeit stitched. but why? who would ever want to hurt such a kind alpha? although new to their home, Melisande felt undeniable feelings of protectiveness emerge outwards. a sense of belonging nurturing her skills forth and giving her a reason to stand along with ethne.
the alpha continues on, speaking of their morals and beliefs. all of which delighted Melisande furthermore. this place was perfect for her. "Absolutely I accept miss haydée. Thank you." she hummed with subtle joy as she stepped forward with a kind smile before following them further inside the territory. she was home.

-exit Melisande w/haydee & ikuchi

"talk" "think"
table by scarlet/art by nelsa

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1. water princess Cattail Creek 05:47 PM, 03-19-2024 11:28 PM, 07-31-2024