
I'm gonna make you wish that you’d stayed gone

Mercury, Ezra, Sephiran (and Kaino if desired)


"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (877)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
03-21-2024, 06:42 PM (This post was last modified: 03-21-2024, 06:42 PM by Artorias. Edited 1 time in total.)

Set immediately after the Norad exile...

Anger was the fuel that drove the obsidian and sapphire brute forward out of Hallowed lands and into the domain of what had once been their friends. Fury burned like coal in a train engine in his core, smoldering in amber eyes as he led his group through the gap of unclaimed space between their lands and what had once been Norad. The Aegis marched with purpose, determination in every stride. He knew there was only so much he could do in this situation, but gods be damned, he was going to do as much as he could to mitigate this wrong where he could. He would not sit idly by while another good pack fell to the scum of the earth. With his Commander and Councilor at his side, the Aegis led the way straight up to the borders of what had once been a friendly pack, stopping just short of the scent markers that defined the borders. Already the acrid smell of fresh piss was starting to cover up the scents of Beauregard and his family—and above it all, the familiar and revolting stench of Sephiran Saxe hung in the air, mixed with about a dozen other stinks blended in. Artorias' nose crinkled up in disgust. Fucking mongrels, all of them...

Piercing eyes scanned through the trees as he sought out any movement, any signs of life or presence of the invaders. They could not simply waltz into the lands without declaring war on the group, and they had no just cause to do so. As much as he liked Beauregard, Norad had not been an official ally, and thus the Hallows would be the unjust aggressors in any counter invasion. As much as Artorias detested Sephiran, there were still laws of nature that had to be observed. The scents of the intruders was still strong, and since it had only been a short time since the Norad wolves had fled these woods, it was a safe assumption to believe they were still here. Not getting any immediate signs of the invaders, Artorias looked back at his friends and spoke to them in hushed tones for their ears alone, "We are here to draw lines, not to spill blood. But do not hold back if they turn to violence first." He had shown too much mercy to Sephiran already.

Artorias threw his head back and let loose a goading howl, demanding Sephiran make himself known. If the egotistical bastard didn't take the bait, then he was an even bigger cad and coward than he expected. But Artorias doubted that he would back down from a direct challenge to his "authority". Then he waited, claws scratching at the loamy earth as sharp eyes scoured the trees for signs of the boy king.

"Artorias Carpathius"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
03-21-2024, 07:14 PM
Mercury had witnessed packs fall before. Both the pack of his birth, and the first one he had joined after their death. The Hallows was a strong pack, but underneath Mercury's exterior, he could not deny that coiled fear. He did not want the Hallows to fall. He would do anything he had to to keep that from happening. So he well understood Art’s feelings, as they faced what was left of the pack known as Norad. He had not known its wolves, but he mourned this loss all the same.

At Art’s quiet words, he nodded briskly. “Understood” he told his lord, taking his place at Art’s side. He would defend the pack that had become his ally, and he would fight alongside Artorias in any battle the man wished. When Art raised his voice in a summoning howl, Mercury joined his voice to the call.

[Image: dg62nk4-76f92f5f-869b-474b-8882-b89098d6...nlMae_v5_o]


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
03-22-2024, 08:01 PM
He and Syanna had only just settled back into their room in the castle and he was just getting back into the swing of being a pack wolf before his first task as a reinstated High Councilor was put on his plate. This Norad pack was completely unknown to him since it had fromed in the time he was away, but now it seemed he would never have the chance to know it since it apparently was overtaken by someone who Artorias clearly had a distain for. Even though Ezra didn't know this Sephiran character from any other stranger, his best friend's opinion of him was all he needed to know. Art requested his presence for this meeting and Ezra didn't hesitate to join the march toward the overturned pack's borders to back up his friend and alpha for whatever happened.

He stood on the opposite side of Art from Mercury and also gave him a nod at his instructions for how to handle this meeting. "Of course," he said quietly in agreement before turning his icy gaze forward toward the claimed territory ahead of them. Mercury joined in on the summoning howl, but Ezra held back and kept quiet at Art's side. He didn't want to tip off this would be alpha on how many wolves were waiting for him at his border just yet. If he thought there were two he might potentially bring two with him to try and over power them if things turned south, but Ezra would be there to surprise them and keep the fight even. Only time would tell to show what kind of brute this wolf really was.

"Ezra Adravendi"


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
03-24-2024, 03:49 PM

His wolves had combed through the Cedar Falls and the Aspen Dam, finding no stragglers or any valuables worth taking. Tsk. All this trouble of running them out of their lands and creating another enemy, with no Sidi to claim or treasures to steal. But they’d obtained a kingdom, nonetheless, with no bloodshed required. Which in truth, left the young sadist disappointed and festering inside his own skin. But of course, he could satiate himself later - having seen Aurelia on the sidelines of their intrusion, which made him wonder why she thought she belonged with the commoners of their group. She was a Sidi, and he'd take his time reminding her of that later.

Instructing the group to make one final pass around the territories, Sephiran regrouped with Kaino and Rhazien. He’d start disclosing his plan of moving their pack elsewhere- having just revealed the new location, when two voices rang out at the borders. Sephiran recognized the first immediately- Artorias, the father of Talyssa, who’d run him off from his daughter after engaging in a battle. Sephiran hadn’t thought of the male or his daughter in months- hadn’t considered he would arrive at their claiming of Norad so quickly. Still, he couldn’t deny the disdain that rose up from his stomach- bubbling like venom in his throat, leaving a sour taste in his maw. What the fuck did he want. Starting to slink off on his own, Rhazien and Kaino were quick to intervene- advising that it would not be wise to respond to the call by himself. And so, he’d allow them to accompany him- the trio moving towards Artorias and his friends at a swift, even pace.

Emerging from the tree line, they were met with not two, but three wolves- Artorias being the ring leader, with two male wolves in tow. Sephiran’s immediate response was to growl- the low, guttural sound resonating from his chest, his head lowering to align with his spine as he glared at the azure behemoth. He hadn’t changed at all since their initial encounter. Moving to take a step forward, he is interjected by his uncle- a reminder to not make another enemy so quickly. And so, Sephiran stops, subduing his urge to lunge at the male's throat out of malice. Waiting to hear why Artorias arrived with two, battle-ready wolves at his side.

He was interrupting their celebration, after all. 

"Sephiran Saxe"

Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.


The Syndicate
Effendi- Dhaka

Master Fighter (360)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La La
03-24-2024, 03:59 PM

In truth, Rhazein as surprised at how smoothly the invasion had gone- he’d expected there to be at least one straggler, or even a warrior refusing to abandon their post. But the Norad wolves had cleared out before their group descended into their lands, searching for valuables and strays that needed collecting. Perhaps the Norad king had been anticipating an event like this- he’d done a good job at escorting his members to safety, which meant The Syndicate had no prisoners to claim. Hmpf. Rhazien enjoyed pillaging and bloodshed as much as the next guy- still, he was impressed with their ability to take over a pack with no bloodshed involved. Because he was also passionate about politics and intellect.

Regrouping with Sephiran and Kaino, they were being advised on the Sultan’s immediate plan for relocation- but their discussion was cut short when two wolves started calling at the borders, demanding the presence of their group. Or rather, Sephiran. Rhazien’s gaze shifted to Sephiran, and the change in the male’s body language was alarming. He looked infuriated. Like he recognized whoever was at the borders. Fuck. Maybe they’d have to spill blood after all, if someone seeking revenge had jumped the gun so quickly.

Stopping Sephiran from immediately rushing to the borders, Rhazien proposed an ultimatum. And although Sephiran hesitated to accept it, he trusted his uncle. Good. Shifting his eyes to Kaino, he shoots her a silent warning- let’s not make this worse unless we have to. She was receptive to it, of course- she’d come up with the ploy of using a ransom over a full on invasion, after all. Glancing between the three of them, and signaling their readiness. Rhazien falls in pace beside the younger wolves, interested to see this Artorias Sephiran described to him.

Emerging from the tree line, they are met by three wolves- all battle ready, apparent by the weaponry and armor strapped to their bodies. They were all closer in age to Rhazien than Kaino and Sephiran- a simple observation, that didn’t particularly matter. His assessment of the group was quick but thorough- analytic gaze capturing the important details of each man. All three dire wolves. The dark azure male being Artorias, based off Sephiran’s brief description- a man who looked irritable and disgusted, with a huge sword strapped across his back. The second, a man of equal stature, with bracers on his front two legs. The third, having antlers and armor with metal spikes. They looked experienced and ready to retaliate.

Sephiran went to step forward, fueled by inexperience and rage- but Rhazien casually stepped in front of him, not shielding the male but wanting to stop his advance. “Greetings, gentlemen.” He croons, lips pulling back into that suave, dashing smile of his. Serrated, steel-plated fangs shimmering inside of his maw. “Welcome to The Syndicate.” Although it sounded like a jest, Rhazien was being genuine- they’d approached the temporary home of their heathens, and he wasn’t going to respond with outright aggression unless they needed to. These males had purposely stopped at the borders too- not initiating an invasion, despite demanding Sephiran to the borders. Rhazien wanted to know why. Were these allies of Norad, perhaps?  "I can't imagine you've come to congratulate us." A short pause. "Friends of Norad?" Straight to the point, this situation didn’t require cryptic words or metaphors. If his suspicion was correct, they were probably here to declare themselves as an enemy.

Caution: Rhazien is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.
Assume his companions, Zemir and Zemra, are present in his threads unless specified otherwise.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

3 Years
03-24-2024, 04:17 PM

Things had gone just as smoothly as Kaino had hoped they would. The Norad leader had cleared out quickly and had left... not a lot behind. How did a pack even call themselves a pack if they didn't have anything to protect? At least there were some herbs and things that Caedes could utilize. Kai had found a fur or two worth saving. She sent Nila to sift through the other dens while meeting up with Sephiran and Rhazien.

Kai flashed her uncle and cousin a smile as they came together, but the smile faded around the edges as a call rang out. Who in the hell? Norad coming back to complain? The look of fury on Sephiran's face said otherwise and Kai sighed. And here she thought today would go off without a hitch...

Still fully armored, Kai followed the two big boys as they made their way to the border. When the second trio came into view, a little huff of amusement left the woman's nares. No, not Norad at all. They did look as though they meant business, however. Seph looked as though he meant business too, but Rhazien stepped forward, taking the spotlight. That what they were here for, after all.

The lavender and smoke fae stepped up as well, giving the trio of strangers a winning smile. Having a pretty woman handy was often helpful in situations like these. Kai's fluffy bunny tail swished back and forth merrily. She didn't say anything yet since Rhaz had taken the lead, but she would speak up when necessary.


Despite being absolutely adorable, Kaino is an adult character that indulges in adult situations. Viewer discretion advised.
[Image: fGJURoI.png]


"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (877)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
03-26-2024, 04:20 PM (This post was last modified: 03-27-2024, 04:34 AM by Artorias. Edited 1 time in total.)

Each second that ticked by following his and Mercury's calls felt like an hour, time passing in an eternity as suspense built around the quiet, desolate forest. It was all Artorias could do to keep from pacing back and forth while they waited, keeping his eyes on the alert for any signs of movement. Would Sephiran show up or would he chicken out and stay hidden? The Aegis sincerely hoped the manchild would at least have the boldness to back up his bravado and come face him like a man, but maybe that was giving the bastard too much credit. No words were said by any of the Hallowed wolves while they waited for the confrontation. The waiting really was the worst part of an impending clash...

There was a sound of foliage giving way to weight from nearby, and then there he was, emerging from the tree line like he owned the whole damn forest. Sephiran Saxe. Artorias' eyes immediately lit up with hate when they fell upon the violet brute, his jaw clenching to keep from baring his own fangs as soon as he saw the wolf. Seeing him brought back a slew of volatile and revolted memories and emotions, but Artorias held himself in line for now. Sephiran, it seemed, did not have that degree of self control, as he immediately began to growl and advance towards them, making his intent for violence clear. Artorias could have thanked the gods that it was going to be this easy... the Saxe boy was going to just hand him an excuse to end his miserable existence. Artorias' eyes narrowed, leering at Sephiran as his head turned, reaching for his sword, ready to draw his weapon and strike his foe down.

That did not come to pass as another wolf emerged, this one an equally large all-black brute, who moved forward to stop Sephiran's advance—probably the wisest decision he'd seen any Saxe make—and speak on behalf of the veritable tyrant. Artorias held firm, a mere blink away from drawing his sword, not trusting any of the wolves on the opposite side of the border. Did he relent and relax or did he draw and let the chips fall where they may? The arrival of a third wolf, this one a smaller, dainty fae clad in violet and ash gray, made up his mind for him. He would not be the first to initiate violence. Artorias relaxed his posture, returning to standing upright as he leered at the three wolves, all who bore the same scent—the same pack, and maybe even the same family? Just how many fucking Saxes were there? The ebony brute greeted them, far too casual and trying to be charming. He was clearly the face of this group. He introduced them as the Syndicate, and now Artorias had a name for his enemies. The Syndicate. He would make sure they were well known by the rest of Ardent, but not for the reasons the group would hope for.

The nameless brute presumed correctly that they were not there to congratulate them, but Artorias did not respond to him right away. Instead, his fiery gaze turned to Sephiran once again, boring into the brute as he lingered behind this other wolf. "It seems you don't listen very well, Sephiran." Artorias shot at the usurper, not bothering to wait for a response before setting his gaze on the wolf that had done all the talking for them thus far. "There is nothing here to congratulate you for. You stole a home from a family, a pack from good wolves." Again Artorias' eyes turned to Sephiran, a judgmental and contemptuous glare smoldering in their amber depths. "But you didn't even have the balls to step up and challenge Beauregard for his pack like a real wolf. You hid away like a coward, you kidnapped a pup and threatened his life, you wormed your way around to steal what you wanted. How proud your group must be of their new alpha, the king who behaved like a snake instead of a wolf."

Artorias returned his focus back to the black brute. The fae had said and done nothing of consequence, so he felt no need to address her. "I take it you're Sephiran's diplomat since you're speaking on his behalf, so I'll see if you can understand your situation better than he can. Sephiran tried to rape my daughter and I warned him to leave these lands and never show his face again. I gave him this warning from the flat of his back in the dirt with my blade to his throat." He should have just killed Sephiran there and then and spared the world his continued existence. Artorias raised his head, tail coming up to align with his hips, not asserting dominance but showing he was not backing down nor treating the Syndicate as equals. "Norad was our friend—and you're lucky that's all they were. Had we been allies, then you'd all be dead right now. Unfortunately, natural law forbids me from delivering justice." It was only by that thin stroke of good luck for the Syndicate that they hadn't fucked around and found out. Had Norad been part of their alliance, Artorias would not have hesitated to march his wolves across the border and cut down every wolf they found with Sephiran. As it was, he had no grounds to initiate violence. The first stroke of war would not fall by his paw.

"I'm here to deliver a warning to you, the last one you're ever going to receive. Leave Ardent. Leave and never return. Your ilk are not wanted nor welcomed here. If you choose to stay, you will be hunted. Each and every Syndicate member will be marked as an enemy by the Ashen Empire, and the moment any of you step a paw out of line against any member of the alliance, you will all die." Artorias was making it crystal clear that he was not playing any games and he was no longer showing any mercy. Sephiran had wronged him and his family, wronged the Armada, and now had wronged their friends and neighbors. The Aegis would have no qualms putting an end to the Saxe bloodline to preserve peace. He would not permit another unchecked evil to fester in these lands so long as he lived. "Have I made myself clear?" Burning gaze once more locked to the ebony brute, waiting to see how he'd respond. He at least seemed the most rational of the three. How would he take to hearing his fearless leader had already been bested and spared by the Aegis once before? Artorias seriously doubted his warning would be heeded or well received, but that was the purpose of this confrontation: to see where the Syndicate stood. Would they learn their lesson or were they prepared to make enemies with half the world?

"Artorias Carpathius"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
03-28-2024, 08:51 PM

Mercury knew Artorias well enough now to read the subtle change that came over him at the sight of Sephiren. He knew the animosity ran deep, and for good reason. The Hallow was a pack that built, and this was a wolf that tore things down. There was no future with a wolf like Sephiren, no stability. He knew the type. They burned hot, and they burnt fast. They didn’t live long, but they left disaster in their wake. Those like Art would be the ones to put it all back together again. That was the greatest difference between them.

As the purple wolf approached, he felt the tensions rise, the spark of violence almost striking in the air. He didn’t move, but held his relaxed, ready stance. Ready and able to move and strike in a heartbeat, but not yet. Not until they made it worth his time. He wasn’t here to start anything, but he’d be more than happy to finish it.

He was running support, and he let that role fall over him with ease. Listening as Artorias’ reasonable voice filled the spaces between them. A warning was delivered, and it was a just one. There were many, many wolves that would fight for the stability of this land. Art spoke with the voice of many.


[Image: dg62nk4-76f92f5f-869b-474b-8882-b89098d6...nlMae_v5_o]


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
04-07-2024, 11:22 PM

There was no denying the searing hatred that Sephiran and Artorias held for one another- the tension between them palpable, a metaphorical black hole capable of swallowing everything in its proximity. It's a visceral reaction, an overwhelming surge of animosity that drowns all reason and rationality. If it weren’t for Rhazien and his control over the young tyrant, this very well may have turned into a bloodbath- both Sephiran and Artorias were victims to their resentment, which threatened to fester and poison until there was nothing left.

But Rhazien, being the skilled puppeteer he was - a manipulator who blended seamlessly into the electrifying tension, with an air of unassuming confidence - held Sephiran at bay. Though, the rage boiling within the male was evident, heightening with every word Artorias spat at them- mocking his means of obtaining a throne, calling him a fucking coward. The growl that resonated from his chest morphed into a guttural snarl- animosity seeping from every pore, filling the air with a surge of pungent testosterone.  A visceral reaction to the taunt. Those emerald and amethyst eyes alit with fury, lips curling into a sneer of disdain. His breaths became sharp, forming jagged gasps, each inhalation enhancing the flames of anger that threatened to consume rational thought. In that moment, Sephiran almost gave into his anger- toes flexing to grip at the soul, fantasies of shoving his way past Rhazien and lunging for Artorias’ throat convulsing in every corner of his mind.

And Rhazien must have felt the shift too- he flicked an ear back at Sephiran, giving another reminder to keep his fucking cool. And so, Sephiran kept himself at bay- leaning on the edge of his seat, every muscle fiber alit with energy- pulsating, and begging for release. Even at the accusation of trying to rape his daughter, Sephiran bit back the words that threatened to spew from his maw. Acidic and putrid, leaving a bitter taste on his tongue. But finally, he’d heard enough from the male- the threat towards his family, as Artorias attempted to forbid them from existing in Ardent and threatened to hunt them down if they did not comply, acting as the tipping point. Moving forward to stand beside Rhazien, Sephiran exudes an unmistakable aura of disdain. His eyes glaring at Artorias, chin subtly tilting, as he commands his attention away from Rhazien.

Mirroring Artorias’ body language, Sephiran makes his unwillingness to yield known. “Then The Syndicate will be an enemy of the Ashen empire.” He says, unwavering in his determination and steadfast in his resolve, disinclined to back down despite the odds piling up against him and his brood. “And should you seek vengeance, any acts of violence against my kingdom or its members will be returned tenfold.” Again, he was unyielding, refusing to bow to the pressure or succumb to Artorias’ threats. If he wanted to declare them enemies, so be it- but if the male pursued his threat of trying to annihilate his family, Sephiran would reciprocate the violence tenfold. He would wage war against Artorias, and he would make sure to defile and pillage every single thing the man held dear. "Have we made ourselves clear?" A threat returned with a threat; only, Sephiran made it known he was not acting on his own accord. He had a force behind him, an army ready to be unleashed at will.

At least they could agree on one thing.

There would be no mercy.  

"Sephiran Saxe"

Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.


The Syndicate
Effendi- Dhaka

Master Fighter (360)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La La
04-07-2024, 11:33 PM

My, was the tension between the two groups electrifying and palpable; creating a surge of energy you could feel in your skin, clawing its way down your spine until each hair fiber stood erect from its magnitude. And the anger emanating from Sephiran, was a searing heat against his back- he didn’t even have to look at his nephew, to know he was festering with rage. His animosity charged the atmosphere with the raw intensity of fury, and Rhazien feared he was unable to hold him back much longer. Especially with the way Artorias was speaking to them. Accusatory, seething with disdain, not making physical moves to initiate a bloodbath but his choice of words was a catalyst nonetheless- and enough to draw out a deepening snarl from Sephiran, in which Rhazien flicked an ear to remind him not to bend in the face of a threat.

Because that was the brute’s way of keeping the reins on the embodiment of evil, as Rhazien knew Sephiran was a labyrinth of depravity and madness- capable of unleashing hell into the lives of those around him. Having helped raise the boy, and being a product of the nefarious Saxe upbringing himself, Rhazien had become a chameleon of sorts- possessing a magnetic charisma and a calculating mind, scheming stratagems designed to manipulate and control. Not even his nephew was spared. And so, he’d picked Sephiran’s brain long enough to know his triggers- using reverse psychology, to keep him at bay. And so far, it was working.

At least, until Artorias started threatening their family, claiming he would hunt them down if they did not turn tail and flee. Rhazien had kept his disarmingly affable expression, up until this point - that suave, gleaming smirk morphing into a thin, pressed line. Sephiran had been pushed to the limit, having stepped forward to stand beside Rhazien, unyielding and steadfast in his resolve. His words caught the older brute by surprise- he’d expected Sephiran’s singular ounce of patience to break. But instead, he stood his ground and reciprocated Artorias’ threats- aligning himself with his family, ready to ignite a wave of destruction if it meant keeping them safe. For most of his life, Sephiran had been quite selfish, fueled by his insatiable appetite for self-gratification and lack of empathy- but now that he had a group to command, a kingdom to protect - he was starting to change. Oh, how Rhazien wondered what Apollyon would say about his son now.

But these musings would be saved for another time- they had three, battle-ready males thirsting for blood right in front of them, after all. And so, Rhazien would take the lead once more- leaning subtly towards Sephiran, feeling Kaino gravitate towards them as well - uniting them as a collective power, and a force to be reckoned with. “Straight from the Sultan himself,” Rhazien begins, referring to Sephiran’s words. “It seems we’ve become an enemy of the Ashen Empire.” What exactly that meant, Rhazien did not know- but he would be finding out soon. He was their diplomat, after all. “Though, perhaps if we had met on different terms,” Despite the current situation, he still upholds his beguiling charm; honeyed words slipping through his relaxed jaws, sincerity accompanying his tone. “You’d come to realize, we aren’t so different.” He was referring to their fundamental instinct to protect the ones they love, even if that meant destroying the world in the process. The resolve to move the heavens and earth to keep them safe. “We are wolves, after all. Survival is in our nature. It stems into our very core; an innate impulse we are all born with.” A short pause, as he aligns his gaze with Artorias’, allowing pools of amethyst and emerald to melt into those of smoldering amber.  “And just as you proclaim your willingness to ‘hunt’ our family.” He motions towards Sephiran, who is still standing taught in his resolve. “We’ve made it clear we will stop at nothing to ensure our blood flourishes in these lands.” Ahh, there it was- his proclamation that the Saxe group wouldn’t be leaving Ardent. Not now, not ever.

Rolling his shoulders forward, Rhazien released some of the tension in his upper body. If Kaino didn’t have anything to say, he’d initiate a dismissal of the three men at their borders. “Gentlemen.” He’d say, giving them each a nod, and saving Artorias for last. Peering into those amber eyes, furrowing a brow in a subtle, hardly noticeable manner. My, that sword was something. Truly, Rhazien couldn’t help but wonder, how an interaction between himself and the male may have transpired, under different circumstances. But alas, fate had intentionally set them as enemies, and that was something Rhazein could come to terms with.

Caution: Rhazien is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.
Assume his companions, Zemir and Zemra, are present in his threads unless specified otherwise.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

3 Years
04-08-2024, 01:47 AM

Oooo, fancy words and nasty little threats all around. The boys spat at one another, tension thick enough in the air that Kai could close her jaws around it if she wished. Artorias, as he'd introduced himself, told them to leave. He TOLD them to leave. The lavender and smoke fae's lip curled back to flash teeth and she hissed out an audible eesh. Some guys were so uppity, so entitled. It was laughable, really.

Sephiran reacted as Kai had expected, agreeing that they were indeed enemies. Rhazien tried his best to smooth things over, though he wouldn't go against Sephiran's proclamation. It seemed that the meeting was coming to an end. A soft huff of amusement ghosted through the woman's pink nares and she took a step forward. "Hiiiiii, Kaino Saxe" she introduced herself cheerfully, the brilliant puff of bobbed tail flicking back and forth as though she was the happiest little thing on the planet. She was.

"So you're upset because we didn't spill blood?" She gave a cute little head tilt, one brow lifting as she questioned the blue alpha. "I orchestrated this takeover," she informed the trio of brutes. "and I did so in a manner where no one would be injured." Mint and ice eyes stared straight into the fiery orbs of Artorias. There was no fear in Kaino. There never would be. "Norad was weak and far too kind for their own good. The boy was never at risk of injury. In fact, I sent him home with books and treats." The fae's head tilted in the opposite direction as she questioned the man again. "That seems far better than decimating an entire family, which we very well could have done."

Kaino lifted a silver gloved paw, waving at the air between them. "My point is, that our takeover was peaceful though it didn't have to be. We aren't all bloodthirsty." Again she flashed her winning smile, charming little bastard that she was. "We are, however, a family. Just as you are a family. Just as Norad is a family. And we will defend ours if need be." Digging her front paws into the earth, Kai gave a little stretch as though this was just a conversation over afternoon tea. "This continent is big enough for all of us, you know?" Again Kaino's gaze was all for Artorias. "You might come for us, but don't expect that you'll go unscathed. For as kind as we were this time, we won't be if you come against us. Who are you willing to lose over this?" The woman gave him a wink and a smile. They could go to war, but there were always losses. Was Artorias willing to lose the wolves beside him? Was he willing to lose his children? His family? His own life? "Just think about it, 'kay?" She then looked at Rhazien and Sephiran, giving the two big boys a wide-eyed 'what' look before shrugging and looking back over her shoulder. "I hope we don't see one another too soon."

"Kaino Saxe"

Despite being absolutely adorable, Kaino is an adult character that indulges in adult situations. Viewer discretion advised.
[Image: fGJURoI.png]


"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (877)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
04-29-2024, 11:02 PM

Every word the Lord of Cinder spoke, he saw that unbridled rage simmering beneath the surface of his enemy. It was an easily provoked anger, one that would be vicious, but sloppy if it came to blows. Artorias had no doubts that with enough prodding he could use that anger against the foolhardy young wolf if violence became inevitable. Beside the barely contained Sephiran, the ebony brute also lost his debonair attitude, that smarmy smile drooping into a scowl as warnings were issued. The fae just looked awkwardly put off by the entire situation. The response from the other side came swiftly and expectedly as Sephiran stepped forward and boldly declared the Syndicate would be an enemy of the Ashen Empire. The idiot had no idea what he was doing. He had no concept of what a public declaration of opposition like that meant, but it was exactly what Artorias had been hoping for. Well, he had actually hoped for them to submit, disband, and leave, but even he knew that was a far-flung hope with how insufferably stubborn these Saxes were. And with witnesses to attest to the borderline declaration of war, Sephiran had just made himself quite a lot of enemies in Ardent.

Artorias remained unfazed by Sephiran's venom-filled threats of retaliating tenfold against any who harmed his pack. It was a noble declaration, but the Lord couldn't help but wonder how many of those in his pack would back up his willingness to fight to the death if they knew just how many enemies their fearless leader had made them today. It was easy to follow a madman when he was leading you into riches and rewards—but when he promised only bloodshed and death, how many would turn tail or offer him up? The black wolf asserted his support of Sephiran's threats, then surprised Artorias by remarking how they weren't so different. Artorias turned a steely leer over to him, gazes locking once more. "We are nothing alike," he retorted sharply. "My family and my pack were not born from the destruction of another. You celebrate it like a holiday. You are immoral and degenerate creatures if your actions here are an example of who you are. And the second any of you become an active threat to us, the bloodline you seek to propagate will be ended immediately." Not if they stepped out of line—when, because Artorias knew it would only be a matter of time with the Saxes. He'd dealt with wolves like them before. They were insatiable villains, and the only language they responded to was violence.

Then the fae spoke up for the first time since the meeting began, surprisingly sweet and chipper for all the tension going on, though Artorias suspected it was a facade. At least she was kind enough to give her name—Kaino Saxe. She took credit for the usurpation of Norad and even seemed proud of it, insulting Beauregard and his family. "Just because no blood was spilled doesn't mean your intent wasn't there. You held a boy hostage from his family, ransomed him for everything they had. I doubt you would have just let him go if they hadn't surrendered, so you're lying when you say you didn't intend for any injury. You could have left them alone. Your 'alpha' could have challenged Beauregard for his pack the proper way and followed natural law, but none of you did that. You showed a blatant lack of respect, of morals, and if you can't see how your actions were wrong, then you're beyond reasoning with." Artorias could see through her deceit. Her remark about them not going by unscathed if the Empire came for the Saxes earned her a well-deserved scoff and a shake of his head from the Lord. "It wouldn't be much of a fight for us. How many of you are willing to die for an angry child with a superiority complex's pride and temper? How many are you willing to throw away to stay where you're not wanted?" If the answer was more than zero, then she was certifiably insane, narcissistic, or cruel.

It was clear that there was nothing more to be said or done in this meeting. Artorias had done what he had come here to do and he had succeeded. His warnings had been issued; the Syndicate and the Saxe family would not get anymore. Next would be swift, decisive, and brutal retribution. And he'd gotten Sephiran to align himself directly against him and the rest of the Empire. There was work to be done, but in due time, the Syndicate would be facing down the might of all of Ardent. Smoldering amber eyes fixing onto Sephiran once more, Artorias concluded their meeting. "This is the last time any of you will be warned. There will be no more mercy. If you truly value the lives of your family, then leave before your actions lead to their ends, because it's only a matter of time before Sephiran leads you into ruin." Artorias held Sephiran's gaze, refusing to respond to any of the petulant child's barking. How easy it would be to charge the line right now and run him through... But war would not come by his paw. If the packs were to go to war, the Hallows would not deal the first strike.

Artorias turned his gaze away from Sephiran back to the black brute, holding his amethyst and emerald eyes with his own amber optics. He, at least, had been somewhat reasonable. Perhaps he would speak some sense into Sephiran—though that was a long shot. Everyone in that pack seemed to bend and bow to this insufferable cunt's whims and wishes. He dismissed the group with a single word, and Kaino bid them farewell by hoping they didn't see each other again soon. "Oh, I'm sure we will soon enough. Your leader can't resist getting into trouble," remarked the azure brute, giving her a sideways glance. But for now, that was where things would have to be left—until next time. Turning back to Mercury and Ezra, Artorias gave both of his lieutenants a curt nod back toward the Hallows. Artorias cast one last leer at the Saxes before turning to lead his group back to the Hallows. He needed to convene a meeting and tell the world who the Syndicate really was.

- exit unless stopped -

"Artorias Carpathius"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.

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1. I'm gonna make you wish that you’d stayed gone Cedar Falls 06:42 PM, 03-21-2024 08:29 PM, 06-18-2024