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08-31-2013, 01:23 PM (This post was last modified: 10-11-2013, 02:16 PM by Taurig.)
The pretty little wolf was out in the middle of no where having an epically good time! She was just about to turn one year old, so she decided she better start acting more mature. Which totally meant taking adventures right! Resnera treaded through the snow on top of the sand and smushed her toes into it giggling. Her head popped up then in an excited movement when she realized she hadn't really been paying attention to what was around her. Bright blue eyes scanned the horizon and every knook and cranny she could find.

Satisfied that no one was there she went back to playing in the snow. She rolled about in it creating little snow wolves! Wouldn't it be great if there was more snow where she was from? Of course it would! Who could disagree with that. Stretching out in the snow, she made sure to work her aching muscles from her long journey. She had never been this far away from home, but obviously sneaking away from Daddy was worth it.

Flipping over onto her stomach, she jumped up to her feet. Resnera was one of those wolves that could make even the most ridiculous actions seem fluid and lovely, just like a ballerina. Really though her playing in the show was not the actions of a dumb blonde so to speak, but of one who wanted to experience everything and anything with her time here on earth.

A pleasant smile graced her lips as she was about to move on with her adventuring, but she stopped in her tracks when an unfamiliar scent graced her nostrils. "Oh," Her bright blue eyes went wide and she would have blushed if she could, "You didn't see that did you?" Not really knowing where the scent came from she seemed to be talking to no one in particular.



5 Years
Extra large
09-25-2013, 03:10 PM

Once again the King was out and about, patrolling his kingdom, when a commotion just outside his borders caught his attention. The titan would halt, ears flickering this way and that way, trying to pinpoint the origin of the sound. It wasn't coming from the heart of the territory, so that meant that it had to be coming from the outside. It probably wasn't such a good idea to be heading outside of his territory, but he felt relatively safe. There hadn't been any signs of an impending attack or any threats to be heard of, so it wouldn't be too bad for him to wander out for just a little bit, just to see who this little creature was.

Ebony limbs would pull the King away from his borders, nostrils flaring as he hunted for the scent of the wolf responsible for the commotion. A rogue female scent caught his attention and the titan would move towards it, icy gaze coming across the ebony figure of a young she-pup as she romped around. The babe would rise to her paws, azure gems widening as she realized that the Cobalt King had been witness to her antics. I did indeed little one. Are you lost?

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10-08-2013, 08:46 PM

"I did indeed little one. Are you lost?" Resnera let out a breathe. She surely didn't look very much like a grown up playing in the snow. But this little she-wolf was much too gifted when it came to getting out of tight situations. Maybe it was because she was in them so often?

Flashing a brilliant smile at the older wolf with both her maw and her eyes she giggled. "And now that you've seen how much fun it is you should try it!" Her tail wagged and she cocked her head at him. Knowing she couldn't wait for him to decide whether he wanted to try or not, for the answer would surely be no with these serious types, she looked for a new plot of snow.

Finding a suitable patch of untouched snow she plopped down in it and yelled over at him, "Here, you need the right set of instructions! Come watch!" Hoping he would take her advice she started to make the PERFECT snow wolfie. "First you wiggle like this." She made sure she didn't flail around so as to skew the lines she needed. "Then you put your legs out like this and wiggles some more." A happy smile appeared on the she-wolf's face. How could he not think this was fun?! "But the most important part is your tail, make sure you wag it in sweeps instead of thumps."

When she was finished she hopped up and shook out her pretty black coat. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth happily and she smiled at him, her eyes absolutely sparkling. "Now it's your turn!" She brushed up against his shoulder, trying to guide him to the most perfect large patch of fresh snow. Resnera conveniently left out the part about her being lost.




5 Years
Extra large
10-11-2013, 02:16 PM

And now that you've seen how much fun it is you should try it! The babe ignored his question about being lost, instead trying to steer his attention towards the little designs that she'd been making in the snow, encouraging him to watch her before he tried to make his own. The king would comply, willing to play along with the girl's little game if it meant that he would be able to help the young girl once this was over. Icy gaze was riveted to her ebony, ivory spotted frame as she demonstrated how to make the designs in the snow. It appeared relatively easy. He could do this no problem.

And then she was finished with her demonstration, claiming that it was his turn now, coming up towards him as her shoulder brushed against his own, pushing him towards another path of untouched snow. The titan would give in, following her lead to the clean snow, frame lowering to the ground as he went through the motions that she was demonstrated a few moments ago, careful as he stepped out of the way of his creation, glancing towards the young girl. Did I do alright?

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10-16-2013, 01:24 PM

Resnera watched carefully as the older wolf played in the snow. Sheesh! She had really been paying attention to her little demo! He was so careful about each move. His way of doing so made it almost seem like no fun at all. Resnera crinkled her nose at him. "Yes of course you did it right! You were so careful how could you not!" A roll of her light blue eyes would be followed with a small innocent frown. "But it's much more fun when you make mistakes, laugh and smile!"

The young girl trotted through the snow to a new fresh patch and flopped over, laughing as she did so. A huge smile planted itself on her face as she wiggled in the snow. Standing up she was covered in the white fluff, and her angel was far from perfect, but a gorgeous smile glittered on her face and her eyes twinkled. "You need to learn how to have fun mister!" Looking more closely at him, Resnera noticed he was not too much older than herself. She cocked her head at him then, "Did you forget how fun works? I could teach you..."

Then snow flakes started to fall from the sky, catching the young girl's attention. Zeroing in on one she tried to catch it on her nose. Her eyes crossed as she concentrated on the small flake. A happy smile appeared on her face as it landed on her nose...and then it melted. She stomped her foot and her eyes narrowed. "Of fooey!" That one defeat didn't stop her from wanted to catch the rest of them though! This time she would forgo her nose however and just use her tongue. It was much more affective this way.




5 Years
Extra large
10-18-2013, 02:57 PM

She was quite the playful little youngster. It had been some time since the titan had been around a yearling or pups for that matter, but he found it rather easy to interact with the babe. She was more concerned with having fun than what he was doing or what he could possibly be thinking of her. The child bounced around from patch of snow to patch of snow, throwing herself at them, each time creating a new wolf angel. It was rather amusing as well as refreshing to watch the girl have fun and not have a care in the world. It must be nice not to have to worry about much except where your next meal was coming from and where you'd sleep for the night. Being young was a good time, but Taurig hadn't grown up like most wolves so there was that.

And then, practically out of the blue, snow would start to descend from the heavens, beginning to cover the cobalt King in ivory powder. The snow seemed to be the best thing in the world for the young girl as she made attempt to catch it with her tongue when her nose didn't work as efficiently. So little one, what is your name?

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10-18-2013, 05:12 PM

When the man asked her her name, she wasn't sure if she should answer truthfully or not. Her mind was sharp though, and so she quickly decided to give him her real name. It would make everyone's life less of a hassle that way. "My name is Resnera Roe Tsarev." She cocked her head at him then. "And what is your name?" The young female flashed a pretty smile at him.

Resnera's eyes roamed over him. He still wasn't smiling. How could a wolf be engulfed in this awesome fluffy stuff called snow and not be smiling? She harrumphed in a very puppy like manner."Well whatever your name is, you need to learn how to have fun. Smile a little you know?" She flashed him a big toothy grin for emphasis and wagged her tail energetically. "I propose that we meet every season so that I can teach you what this fun this is all about. I am an expert after all."

Big blue eyes sparkled with mischief. Oh no, her father would not like this at all. That's why she wasn't going to tell him! "And you always want to learn from an expert." She nodded her head in affirmative. It was logic after all. Who wouldn't want to learn from the very best? Obviously if they had succeeded they can teach you how to succeed as well."Speaking of, would you know any warriors that would want to train little old me? I promise I'll work hard! It's my dream to be the very best, and I know I can be too." Plopping down on her hind quarters she stared at him intently. Confidently, she squared her shoulders and put her chin up in a leadership manner. Now this was an important matter and she would listen attentively.

ooc: Can Taurig not say his title? :P I think it'd be fun if she found out later, like if she snuck out somewhere she wasn't supposed to be at some point lol Not like THAT ever happens, psh!
