
Melt Into Me



The Syndicate
Effendi- Dhaka

Master Fighter (360)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La La
03-24-2024, 12:36 PM

With each day that passed, things were starting to settle down in The Syndicate. Major tasks had been completed, valuables had been sorted through and hidden away, and they’d even obtained a herd of livestock to manage. No one had come pounding at their doors, and Sephiran hadn’t moved to terrorize another pack - but that was only a matter of time. A few days prior, the Sultan warned Rhazien of his upcoming ploys- wanting him to train their subordinates vigorously, to gear them up for a winter battle. Of course, the thought of bloodshed and war enthralled him- he’d grown up in that environment, after all. But he wouldn’t deny this fleeting period of downtime- meaning, Rhazien wanted to engage in other pleasantries- particularly, those of the flesh.

Medulla had been such an obedient girl- following him every time the band moved, laying in wait while he and his family built their empire, and satisfying him on those long, sleepless nights. Panting and moaning filling every inch of his den, her supple, feminine body keeping him warm. In truth, he didn’t consider her to be his Sidi - he may have been a leering, vulgar man who loved fucking whores as much as the next sleaze - but Rhazien saw Medulla as more of a mate to him. He’d never fancied the idea of Sidi, despite his family’s customs; he preferred a challenge, an equal, someone who would tremble in the wake of his supremacy but adore and obsess over him all the same. And Medulla, she fit those characteristics well- having begged him to take her under his wing, if only to satiate her own loneliness and his depravity.

And today was no different. As dawn broke the horizon of The Polar Sound, Rhazien nuzzled Medulla awake, requesting her to accompany him to the oceanside island. Of course, she’d never deny him- her compliance ignited a wave of satisfaction, and he’d place a slow, passionate kiss on her lips before heading out of the den. Leading her away from The Polar Sound, swimming beside her as they ventured off onto the isolated island. Once they arrived at the shore, he’d pull himself onto the ebony rocks, grabbing her by the scruff and pulling her up beside him, if she struggled. Then, he’d motion for her to fall in pace beside him- wanting to circle the perimeter of the budding forest. Silence surrounded the space between them- Rhazien wanting the tension to build, needing her mind to run wild with thoughts and emotions, before he’d speak to her. "Medulla," He called her name, savoring it on his tongue. It tasted so sweet. “How have you been faring?” He was genuinely curious, wanting to make conversation.


Caution: Rhazien is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.
Assume his companions, Zemir and Zemra, are present in his threads unless specified otherwise.



3 Years

Pride - Pansexual
03-27-2024, 10:54 PM

the last few months had been...tumultuous, to say the least. uncertain. unpredictable. even...frightening, at times. and also, without a doubt, the most wonderful of her entire life. she spent her days encircled within the stronghold of his arms, lost in a heady concoction of pleasure and heat. it was almost like a trance of sorts, one cast by the tantalising masculinity of his scent and the glinting depths of his eyes. sometimes entire days would pass without scarcely a notice from the tawny fae, her only memory his low voice and a carnal pleasure ricocheting up and down her spine. and although the difference between her life now compared to even a few seasons ago was enough to make her head spin, she wouldn't trade it for a thing. after all, she had a home and a pack now. she had him. and he had her. oh, did he have her. if someone were to split her open at this very moment, they'd find only Rhazien Saxe in place of blood and bone and organ. they'd find him carved into every inch of her, a brand only deepened by every fuck and kiss and tender word. it was bliss, pure and simple. she knew Rhaz wasn't the alpha of their new pack, of course, but in her eyes he was so much more: her master. her god. the holder of her heart. the father of her future children.

her everything.

so when he awoke her that morning, Dulla rose with a delicate yawn and followed dutifully in his wake, letting him guide her through their new territory. it was, admittedly, a little cold for her at times, but she would endure any discomfort if it meant keeping Rhaz at her side. the island he led them to was a strange place, surrounding a basin of ice rimmed by craggy teeth. Dulla eyed it dubiously as she fell into step beside the Saxe man, letting their pelts brush together in her hunger for contact. Rhaz was a silent present beside her, and she couldn't help the increasing swirl of thoughts knocking against the walls of her skull. she could never read the man beside her, something she found both thrilling and frustrating. today, of course, was no different; Rhaz's question caught her by surprise, and it took her a moment to catch her bearings. "i'm...faring well, my love." she hesitated, uncertain as to where she should voice her thoughts. the last thing she wanted was to burden Rhaz with something inconsequential. finally, she said, "your family...they intimidate me, i admit. i don't think i fit in with them." it'd been a source of great insecurity for the fae, to see Rhaz's ilk and to know, intrinsically, that she didn't belong.





The Syndicate
Effendi- Dhaka

Master Fighter (360)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La La
04-14-2024, 09:04 PM

Having gone beyond the rocky outcrops of the shore, the expanse of dark, weather-beaten rocks was behind them now. A winding trail ascending the mountainside appeared, and Rhazien ushered Medulla towards it, signaling his desire to reach the budding forest above. She was hesitant at first, which was expected; it was quite narrow, a slender ribbon of earth winding its way into the rock face. Trees flanked it on one side, and on the other, a steep drop off to the rocky beach below. Tangled roots and undergrowth would try to snag their paws with every step, boulders they’d have to leap over, serving as obstacles. All in all, it was quite hazardous. Would she trust him to keep her safe?

Slowly, they’d start their ascent, Rhazien poking into the labyrinth of Medulla’s mind as he kept her close, sharing his space and sparking a flame of intimacy. And to her confession, he’d release a deep, guttural-sounding vocalization; one that signaled his acknowledgment. Truly, he hadn’t expected her to fit in with his family - she was just too different - a bystander on the outside looking in, observing others who seem to effortlessly belong. It brought her discomfort, and she’d isolated herself because of it; tending to his needs, staying in the shadows, remaining out of harms way.

And that’s all Rhazien could ask of her.

“I see,” He’d say, gravitating even close to her; brushing his body against hers, stealing a glance and flashing that suave, charming smile at her. “I don’t expect you to fit in with them.” He echos her words, to level with her sense of understanding. “You’re here for me, after all,”  Ahh, there it was; that possessive and obsessive undertone, as Rhazien hinted at the metaphorical claws he’d sunk into her. Claiming her as his own. “… right?” Now he’s erring on the side of longing- wanting to spark something inside of the girl -  needing her to show a degree of resolve. Didn’t she love him enough to subdue her worries?

They’d come up to a boulder in their path, and Rhazien would stop and help Medulla over it, if needed; making sure to touch her with a gentle, but pressing touch, to make her want more. More, more, more. “But if you're seeking a sense of belonging,” He’d begin, knowing he needed to offer her guidance; he wasn’t the type of man to propose ultimatums. “I can assist you.” If Medulla truly wanted to find a sense of community in his pack, he would help guide her. Because he knew the hunger for camaraderie very well.  


Caution: Rhazien is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.
Assume his companions, Zemir and Zemra, are present in his threads unless specified otherwise.



3 Years

Pride - Pansexual
05-02-2024, 11:44 PM

his voice and scent surrounded her, enveloping her in a heady concoction guaranteed to assuage her worries and send a fissure of longing down her spine. and the way he spoke of her, like he knew how completely he owned her, how deeply every fibre of him was engrained…it made it hard to think, to breathe without his say so. sometimes it felt like she existed only to please him, but it was a feeling she relished. she was his, he had to know that. “of course i’m here for you,” she murmured, pressing back into his chest. she wanted his scent all over, wanted to stamp his very essence into her pelt so that there was no question whose bed she visited each night. her connection with Rhaz wasn’t anything to ashamed of, after all; it made her giddy, made her glow from within with delight. the fact that she’d caused him a modicum of uncertainty…it twisted something inside her, nausea crawling up her throat. that he’d think to even question her commitment to him, to their new home…

“i’ll go wherever you do,” she promised, eyes hard with determination. she stood before him, staring him down so that he couldn’t look away from the stubborn set of her brow. “i’m here for you, Rhazien. i choose you.”

she lapsed into thoughtful silence as they continued, walking two steps for every one of his. his touch was like a shock of electricity, travelling the length of her body as he boosted over over the boulder. she loved how large he was, how strong. it felt like he could carry her every worry on his shoulders without breaking a sweat, an immovable pillar wrapped in fur. and yet, guilt stabbed at her as she considered their previous exchange, unwilling to worry him with such petty grievances. he was an important man and she was lucky to have him; she shouldn’t pester him needlessly with every tiny concern. no, she promised herself, brows scrunching over carnation eyes, she’d prove herself his equal. his partner in every way.

of course, Rhaz had an inherent kindness within him, a gentleness only she was privy to, so he offered his help to her like it was nothing. offered to make her more comfortable within the pack, despite the many tasks required of him to keep it all operational. Dulla’s heart seemed to melt that bit more, melding into Rhaz’s until she felt like practically an extension of him. so thoughtful, this brilliant man. so exceedingly thoughtful. “i’d like that,” she agreed, smiling up at him. a flush filled her face, urging her to glance away as a shy smile hiked up one corner of her mouth. “of course, no one could ever replace you, love. you’re my world.” the final word is but a breath between them, but it was the unfettered truth. she was his moon, orbiting the entirety of him with helpless devotion, unable to look away for even a moment.




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1. Melt Into Me Ardens Glácies 12:36 PM, 03-24-2024 11:11 PM, 09-05-2024