
Midnight Firelight [Fiadh]



Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

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6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
04-02-2024, 09:28 PM (This post was last modified: 04-02-2024, 09:30 PM by Ardyn. Edited 1 time in total.)
Ardyn Adravendi

The black flame padded through the plains, patrolling mostly out of habit after so many years being born, raised, and ruling here. He’d been taught to rule, and yet, he couldn’t deny that the break had done him good. He felt lighter, more rested, and refreshed. The resentment that had been building toward his own pack was still a thorn that pricked at him, and yet with time, that would ease.

It was the dead of night, and he idly wondered where Tel and her family were by now. She’d hung back to guide her father and brother, so they had parted ways, with him going on ahead to see what all had transpired since their departure.

Those who had remained had done a decent job maintaining the wall and huts. The wall hadn’t been built to fall apart under the pressures of time.

He needed no torch; the moon was quite bright, and even had it been a new moon, the flare of fiery light, golden-white at its brightest, in his own fur as the air ruffled his hair lit the pathway decently enough to see by.


Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Labhair an Sean-Teanga." ----  "Hear" ---- Think

Ardyn's family (Red, Aurielle, Siblings, Valhalla) are allowed to crash threads, regardless of private tags.

Ardyn at first glance is as black as can be imagined with a raven sheen.

Closer inspection proves that he shimmers in fire tones in every hair on his hide right down to his lashes.

More obviously, he glows like a bed of coals and flames with every movement and brush of fur. His tail is usually wagging, so blazes like a torch.

His adult teeth are in and his saber canines have grown to their full length (see profile). His mane and tail hair have grown to full length, as well as being lightweight and easily buffeted by breezes.

A look at his front paws will give the impression of hands, with his dew claw dropped low and lengthened into a functioning thumb, and his toes elongated into fingers. He has retractable, solid black cat-like claws on every paw.

Ardyn has developed a glowing mast of intricate markings in fire and ice colors over his face, symmetrical over the last seasons of Year 17 (see profile for details). During hunts or raids/sieges, he will smudge them out with black soot to cover the glow, otherwise, they are bright enough to note at first direct glance at his face. Not all his artwork currently portrays the mask markings.

He is also often bedecked in beads, small bells, feathers in blues, ribbons and braids thanks to the Ooze Event of Halloween 2021, and the Coathanger item that he got. The accessories generally are seen most in his mane and tail hair. He removes the brighter items and bells for hunts or battle.



Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

3 Years
04-03-2024, 07:37 AM

It was not at all typical for Fiadh to roam in the deepest depths of night, and yet she did. When she attempted sleep, restlessness seized her and she had little choice but to appease it. She held no path in mind, wayward and aimless as she trekked into the folded wings of night. As luck should have it, moonlight cast its influence on all below it, providing her enough visibility to work with - but had it not, she would have not mourned as a world explored by touch and feel was refreshing in its own right.

The moon alone was not the only occupant of the sky's canvas. She almost missed the first shooting star, only shifting her gaze in the direction of its detected motion in time to catch its fiery tail. Fiadh's ears pressed forward as she watched its descent followed by its twin, whose trajectory matched with a little deviation. Curiosity took hold and she corrected her course to follow the direction of the star's path. She knew she could not truly find where it fell, but it didn't keep the childish hope from welling in her chest as her steps quickened into a lope.

Unfamiliar terrain spread on all sides of her every step of the way, but the tenderheart did not let that dissuade her. She forged ahead until the faintest glimmer of fire stopped her in her tracks. Fiadh skidded to a halt as another appeared in her path - he had merely been going about his way, but to the woman, it seemed as though the ill-fated star had come to roost upon the earth. The Star walked on four legs as evidenced by the cut of moonlight, but his sparking fur drew her eye immediately. She openly observed him for a few quiet moments, caring not if she was or was not noticed, with ears pricked and head canted ever so slightly to one side.

While she had hoped to find a star at the end of her search, the more logical parts of her brain that told her not to eat poisonous things insisted it was a fool's errand. She implored her critical thinking for rebuttal and although it offered fathomable reasons for why the Other was not a star, she cast them away.

This was A Star and she knew it. There would, as of yet, be no swaying her - even as he smelled of wolf and earth, she instead detected stardust.

"Lugh himself could burn no brighter," she said at last by way of acknowledging him, her Irish accent woven warmly into the lilting words. She pressed forward to close more of the space between them until she was within a conversational distance of The Star. "Do stars walk th' earth often here?"

"Common" & "Irish"

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1. Midnight Firelight [Fiadh] Vericona Plains 09:28 PM, 04-02-2024 12:49 PM, 07-16-2024