
Fruition of dominion

pack meeting


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
03-21-2024, 02:13 PM

Although Sephiran had anticipated the altercation between The Syndicate and Norad would result in some bloodshed, it didn’t. The former king had laid down his armor, surrendered his kingdom, and fled the territory with his pack members in tow. By the time he’d circled the perimeter, and his heathens descended into Cedar Falls and Aspen Dam, there were no stragglers to be found. In fact, there wasn’t much to be found at all. The pack held no treasures, no women no pillage, no pups to abduct and morph into Sidi. It was disappointing. Still, they’d achieved their goal- Kaino having used the boy as leverage, gifting the rights of alpha male to Sephiran in exchange for the boy's safety. And so, after they’d thoroughly combed through the territories, he led them back across the land bridge, making their way to Boreas.

He led them back to Druid’s Moor, instructing them to collect their items and prepare for a journey back to the north. Of course, this added to the confusion- surely his brood was wondering why they hadn’t resided in Norad’s existing territories, given they ran them out of it. But Sephiran had a plan- he always had some ploy up his sleeve, hiding his intentions from even his uncle and most trusted confidant. Because this was a test of loyalty. Would these wolves continue to follow Sephiran in his pursuits, even if the goal was unclear? He could very well be leading them into danger. Would the unknown cause them to defy him? But of course, his group of heathens were as loyal as ever- fueled by the bloodlust that had brought them to Norad’s borders, vowing their loyalties to their Sultan time and time again.

It took some time to reach the northern region. His pack members grew fatigued by the persistent traveling, as Sephiran gave them little time to rest. But it was worth it, in the end. They’d arrive at The Polar Sound just as dawn broke the horizon- that all too familiar landscape of lush forestry, waterfalls, steep faces of slate mountain ranges, and of course, the ocean inlet and rocky beach - materializing in front of his eyes. He’d never felt it before- the sudden, throat-gripping emotion that bubbled up from his belly, one that made his jaw clench and his musculature tense. Overwhelming pride and adoration.

This was home.

He’d allow everyone to settle for a few hours of rest, while he worked on marking the territory with his scent. Rhazien joined him, the two discussing plans of strengthening the pack for the rest of the fall season. Once he felt content, Sephiran would return to the rocky coast, taking a seat on a large boulder and peering out into the horizon. He’d never really noticed it before- but there was an island off in the distance- a massive rock face that mirrored the size of The Polar Sound, littered with greenery that must be a forest. At that moment, Sephiran made a decision. They’d be claiming that island too.

Pulling himself from his rumination, the Sultan then tipped his head back and summoned his pack forward. Wanting to discuss the merits of their claim, and present an opportunity to his wolves.  

Code by Sea
Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.


The Syndicate
Effendi- Dhaka

Master Fighter (360)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La La
03-21-2024, 04:25 PM

Well, the overtaking of Norad had been quite a pleasant experience. Rhazien was proud of his wicked little niece for orchestrating such a vile ploy, having seen it to fruition and gifted her cousin a kingdom to rule. And, to complete such a feat with no physical violence- why, she was almost as conniving and cunning as he was! Each time he recalled the events, his chest swelled with pride. If only his brother Kaiden could see his daughter now. Mission complete, and with little effort from the band members. Rhazien considered this a marvelous outcome.

Following in suit with Sephiran and his desires, Rhazien followed every command- including traveling back to the northern region. Damn, it was a long fucking journey. By the time they reached The Polar Sound, much of their group was fatigued- himself included, but Sephiran didn’t allow him time to recover - each of them fading into the abyss of the territory to rest for a few hours. Of course, he was instructed to join Sephiran in his border patrol, and he complied despite how tired he was. The two of them conspire together, coming up with tactics to increase their strength in preparation for their pursuits.

And then, Sephiran was content. Guiding him to the ocean inlet, where he would summon the pack before him to debrief on the recent events. Taking a seat near Sephiran, and already aware of the rank he will be granted. He waits in silence for the rest of the group to arrive.  

Caution: Rhazien is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.
Assume his companions, Zemir and Zemra, are present in his threads unless specified otherwise.


The Syndicate
Effendi- Köle

Master Hunter (270)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

4 Years
Large species
03-21-2024, 05:18 PM

Having run into Sephiran near The Wall, Azoula had already made the journey back to the northern region several days before he did. And because of that, she wasn’t worn out like the rest of the pack was. Entering The Polar Sound, she was brimming with energy. Instructing Laney and Mila to stay close, meeting the other Sidi of the pack, and moving into the abyss of the domain to find the perfect place to harbor the Sidi. So far, a few locations had stood out to her- a channel of caves on the western face of the mountain range, and a labyrinth of underground dens near the oceanside. She’d need to consult with Sephiran later, given she was following his every command- oh, how angry the young Sultan would be, if she decided without him.

And having him call the pack together for a debriefing was the perfect moment to propose her findings. Sidi weren’t required to attend pack meetings- in fact, it was discouraged most of the time. She’d warned Mila and Laney of this, instructing them to stay behind in the forest while she attended the meeting.

Walking along the stone beach, her movements are silent, fluid, and predatory. Much like a large feline, as she stood out among the dogs gathering around her. Despite her views on wolves and mutts, she was subservient to the Saxe family. Having kneeled before Sephiran when she arrived, inflating that narcissistic ego of his. And then, she sat off to the side, waiting to see how this meeting would progress.  


Caution: Mature themes accompany this character.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

3 Years
03-22-2024, 08:25 AM

Kai was still a little worse for wear after being trampled by a herd of wildebeest, but her pride was too much of a thing to allow the woman to wallow. Of course she'd play the pity card for Nila, being dramatic and soaking up the attention that the Sidi woman lavished on her, but that was different. That was Nila's job. It was also one of the little games that they played together. Kaino wouldn't dream of showing that mask to anyone other than Nila.

When the call came, the purple and grey fae rose and made her way towards the common area where Sephiran and some cat already waited. Though her eye was no longer swollen shut, it was still bruised and a little squinty. Her ribs were still pretty bruised as well, but one wouldn't be able to tell unless they knew the woman well enough to realize when she was moving in a more tender, careful manner.

The bob-tailed lady pulled up a piece of earth, angling herself so that she'd be able to see every wolf in the congregation. Then she lay down on her belly, forepaws drawn up against her chest for comforts sake. After giving Seph a nod, she waited and watched as the rest piled in.


Despite being absolutely adorable, Kaino is an adult character that indulges in adult situations. Viewer discretion advised.
[Image: fGJURoI.png]


"Devil has my ear today, I'll never hear a word you say."

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (275)

Master Healer (260)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - DemisexualRapid Poster - Gold1K
03-22-2024, 11:17 AM

As the pack settled into the territory of The Polar Sound, Caedes remained vigilant, his focus sharpened on Sephiran's every move. Despite the weariness that weighed on the group after their arduous journey, Caedes stood firm, his loyalty inherent – after all, he was a Saxe through and through.

With keen eyes, Caedes scanned the pack for any signs of doubt or discord, his emerald gaze piercing and probing for any hint of weakness.

When the summons came, Caedes wasted no time. With a composed demeanor and calculated steps, he made his way to the meeting, his determination palpable. He greeted Sephiran with a respectful nod, acknowledging him as the new Sultan, and shared a meaningful glance with Rhazien, silently conveying his readiness to enforce any directives during the gathering.

Among the weary faces, he noticed his sister Kaino, still healing from her recent mishap.

Approaching her with a measured look of concern reserved only for her, Caedes gave a clinical observation of her still-healing injuries, silently asking if she was alright with a quirk of his brow.


Caedes is a mature character, viewer discretion is advised.
Unless otherwise stated, assume he is not wearing his feathered skull mask.


The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (130)

Expert Navigator (140)

2 Years
03-24-2024, 02:30 PM (This post was last modified: 03-24-2024, 02:40 PM by Cifarelli. Edited 1 time in total.)

How long had Cifarelli been gone? He'd lost count over time. Having left in the dead of night without a hint of hesitation. Too much plagued his mind. The heaviness of change resting on his weighed shoulders carried him away from the Saxe family. Something he wished had not taken place. Which is why his paws were barely at a rushed gate the moment he crossed over marked territory. Easily slipping through the underbrush and towering trees. The shadows were his cover to sneak into the area without being noticed. Merizi resting around his neck as per usual. Now nearly grown after weeks of good eating. She felt more powerful than ever. Her vein now dripping from sharpened fangs whenever she struck a prey. Even Cifarelli had watched such a scene with full attention.

Their gaze fell over the lands in silent appreciation. His brother surely picked a good place to claim. Even though he hated the cold, he could not do much about it. Lips slipping into a light smirk of some sort. A dead fox between his jaws swinging from his movements. His real present is hidden not too far behind them. The black plague told the woman to remain behind. To hide her scent until he called her forward. Hoping silently that both would grant him less punishment. A sharp look back at her, he stepped from the shadows. Leaving her behind. It didn't take long before he came into full view of them all. Everyone slowly gathered one by one to listen to their newfound leader. Each one was far more different than the last time he'd seen them. Cifarelli knew there would be backlash. In their eyes, he was an abandonment. Perhaps maybe even worse.

Which is why he tucked his tail. Belly brushed the ground as he approached his brother. The gift of the fox now lying at his brother's paws. No words were spoken. Head now tilted in submission. Though the entirety of the display made his skin crawl. A low growl bubbling in his throat caused Rizi to look in his direction. His tongue flickered out in mild confusion. Her master had never done such a thing. Even on their travels. He stood tall. Fangs bared in dominance. Now, he looked... like prey. And to this, she waited to see what would unfold. Cifarelli gazing only at the earth below.


The Syndicate

Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

4 Years
03-24-2024, 03:00 PM

Cierzo's heart fluttered nervously as she observed her keeper from the safety of the underbrush. Her eyes, once vibrant, now dulled by the pain of her brother's death she still felt was a dream within a nightmare. She was a shattered spirit. She had been broken, and the pieces still lay scattered within her. Yet, she understood that obedience did not require happiness or wholeness.

The insignificant girl remained crouched low, her slender frame hidden amidst the foliage, clinging to the sole directive her brother had entrusted to her: to survive.

Even if it meant being used.


Cierzo is a mature character for good reason, expect the worst.
Do not read if sensitive topics disturb you.


The Syndicate

Expert Intellectual (140)

Beginner Healer (0)

2 Years
03-24-2024, 05:51 PM
All of Kaino and Sephrian’s scheming ways had payed off for them, they now had an official pack to call home. And the boy had lived through the terror thankfully. Nila was still cautious around her lover. Watching her with a secret bit of unease. Something she had locked away after Kaino had returned home trampled and all of Nila’s love and worry had ached in her heart at the sight. Regardless of Kaino’s darkness, Nila still loved her. Still wanted her healthy, so she’d shoved all doubts and negative thoughts down as she cared for her.

But then sephrian called for her and Kaino was up and moving. Nila watched her delicately, watching her slow careful movements. And that made the earthen woman follow her into the belly of the beast. Walking on Kai’s heels she made sure she looked the part of obedient Sidi. When in reality she only cared about making sure Kaino was okay. And if anyone tried pushing Kaino today. Nila would throw her own body in the way and take the beating if it meant Kaino would be okay.

As Kaino sat amongst her kin, Nila saddled up next to her, sitting with her head bowed low as she was trained to do. Only her tail touched Kaino now. A tether for them both. One for Kaino to know she was there, and one to keep Nila’s anxiety at bay.
Nila is rated 3-3-3, TW to anyone threading with her.

Kaino has permission to Join in any of Nila’s Threads as her Master.

[Image: Ns0L0GC.png]


The Syndicate
Effendi- Muqatil

Expert Intellectual (155)

Master Fighter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

2 Years

03-24-2024, 06:08 PM (This post was last modified: 03-24-2024, 06:10 PM by Ely. Edited 1 time in total.)
Elysia had never been more proud of her cousins. They now had an official pack, and that meant they could finally settle down in one place. And she could go out and explore the lands without worrying that she’d lose track of her family. She wasn’t thrilled however to have to travel back up north where it all began, so far from her pretty pirate boy Scald. It would mean long travels just to visit with him.

But in the long run, it was perfect. She had packed up her and Ze’s makeshift den for the last time. Because now, they were home. And she could claim an official den as theirs. She had been poking about the available spaces when Sephiran’s call Rang through the air.

Dropping her task she eagerly took off at his summons, slowing her pace as she neared she let her eyes flicker over the assortment of body’s that had gathered before she had arrived. And that’s when she saw an all to familiar scarred frame. With a smirk she made her way towards the man. “Awww Tally Marks, it’s so good to see you again. I do hope you took your own advice with that bear. We don’t need your sexual tension making the other men grumpy around here” she teased before she shot him a shit eating grin. And then turned to plant her ass across from her dear uncle Rhazien.

“Hello Rhazien” she practically purred as she gave him a hooded gaze before turning her full attention to Sephrian.

"Ely & Ezekiel"


The Syndicate

Expert Fighter (225)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
03-24-2024, 06:08 PM

the Saxe woman tries to hide her wince as she steps into the meeting, dragging that poisonous gaze over her gathered…well, packmates, she supposes. how impossibly odd. how deliciously wonderful. Yarra has to admit, using that boy was a stroke of genius on Kaino’s part - even if Yarra thinks her cousin has a bit of an overinflated head. her ego could fill rivers. biting back a wince, she manages to keep a relatively even gait as she weaves through the crowd, though her wounds still ache and pulse in process. that devil man would pay. keeping a bored expression on her face, Yarra lowers herself into a careful seat, adjusting herself surreptitiously, and glances up at her brother.

well, Seph looks suitably self-satisfied - but for once she can’t even blame him. he’s scored them the very empire they’ve always dreamed of, and she intends to defend it til her last breath. they’ll build from the ruins of that pathetic pack and erect a glorious, bloody future on its bones.



The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - GoldHomebodyTeacherBest BudsDouble Master1K
Samhain 2022
03-24-2024, 08:27 PM
The wintry taiga of Boreas unfolded before Aresenn and Absinth as they descended into the wide valley. Sheer rock faces rose on either side, a thousand meters or more, running for fifteen kilometers to meet the great northern ocean. A very familiar narrow canyon at the southern end offered a descent to the valley floor, a sheltered haven teeming with life. Freshwater waterfalls cascaded down from the steep faces of slate, feeding a mix of short grasses and lichens that carpeted the valley. After heavy rain, dozens of temporary falls dotted the cliffs, their waters rushing to join the sea below. The valley, protected by its stone slopes, stood out as a lush oasis amidst the unforgiving northern landscape.

As the first rays of morning light crept over the horizon, Aresenn and Absinth followed a different path back to the Polar Sound. The journey had been long and challenging, but far more intimate then trailing behind a band of raving maniacs high off their most recent conquest. But finally reaching their destination filled Aresenn with a sense of relief that washed over him like a warm embrace. It had been many seasons since they had last set foot in the north, yet the landscape still held a strong familiarity that stirred a deep sense of home within Aresenn's heart. The crisp air, the snow-capped mountains, and the rugged terrain all reminded him why he loved this place so much. He knew not everyone would hold the same affinity for this place. But for him, this was pretty well where it had all started.

Sephiran's call echoed through the forest, beckoning them back to the pack- and they arrived just in time to hear it. It didn’t take long to locate the assembly. Several were already gathered before the Sultan. It still felt weird identifying him as such. Though it wasn’t in Aresenn’s nature to mingle- he cast a glance at Absinth. Inviting her to accompany him off to the side, or notifying her that’s where he would be with a flick of his chin should she need him if she wanted to converse with the others. Once he had claimed a space for himself, he lowered himself to his haunches, waiting for Sephiran to begin.

"Aresenn Praetor"


"I'll be a good Girl in Hell"

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (405)

Master Intellectual (375)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years

TeacherWinnerHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Pride - DemisexualPride - BisexualPride - Demisexual
Double MasterWordyStudentBest BudsHomebodyRapid Poster - Rainbow
03-24-2024, 08:47 PM
As Absinth and Aresenn arrived into the wintry vastness of the north,the sight of the familiar valley as far as they could see was a welcome one. It had been far too long. Who wouldn’t miss the place crawling with polar bears? Oh the bloodshed, and the memories. Walking alongside her fiery brute, Absinth's ears perked at the call of Sephiran, a mischievous grin spreading across her face as she shared a knowing glance with Aresenn before they hurried off.

Approaching the gathering of their newfound pack, Absinth trailed Aresenn's lead until her gaze landed upon the familiar figures of Elysia and Yarrabelle, her favorite wicked women. Sending each of them a personalized smirk, Absinth's attention then shifted to Rhazien, eliciting a disdainful sneer from her lips. Buzzkill. That face. With a flick of her tail, she made her way to join Aresenn in his secluded corner of restraint, a silent acknowledgment of her intention to avoid stirring up any trouble. Nestling into the space away from the main group before the meeting commenced, Absinth watched on with a delighted expression on her face.


m o o d b o a r d 
Absi is a mature character. She's very vulgar and volatile. Discretion advised.



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
03-24-2024, 09:19 PM
As the gathering of wolves congregated around Sephiran, Aurelia lingered at the outskirts, her silver and charcoal fur blending seamlessly with the shadows cast by the towering trees. She had been quiet during the return trip, her thoughts consumed by the prospect of returning to the healer's den she had painstakingly restored. Each step away from it felt like a tug on her heartstrings, a reminder of the comfort and familiarity she had found within its walls, and how excited she would be to return to it.

And it was almost exactly as she had left it. A few of the stray herbs that she didn’t have space to take with her had scattered on the floor. But that was a quick fix. It took a little cleanup, but after some work, it was as good as new. However, when Sephiran's call rang out commanding the pack's attention, Aurelia hesitated. Part of her wanted to ignore it. To hang back to the safety of her den, to lose herself in the solitude of her own company. But another part of her knew that she would much rather face him out there than have him come looking for her here.

Aurelia released a soft, resigned sigh as she padded forward with graceful yet hesitant steps. Her paws sunk into the soft earth, leaving subtle imprints in her wake. She kept her gaze lowered, avoiding the curious stares of her packmates should she have earned them as she searched for her place among the assembly.

"Aurelia Veratti"



3 Years

Pride - Pansexual
03-25-2024, 03:50 PM

after such a long time spent stagnant, the last events of the few months had left Dulla’s head spinning. it seemed not long ago that she was meeting Rhazien for the first time on that beach, and now she was searching for his scent as she entered the meeting, carnelian eyes darting uncertainly about the clearing. the sight of so many unfamiliar faces had her stomach tightening, anxiety twisting them her into tense knots that only Rhazien knew how to unpick. speaking of which…

Dulla perked up as her eyes landed on the large man, admiring the strength and power radiating from his every small movement. it was startling, really, how much she’d grown to depend upon him. he was the first thing she thought of in the morning and the last face she saw at night, nestling into his fur and letting the husky masculinity of his scent roll over her. even now reeked of him, and something desperate and primal within her basked in it. let them all know how thoroughly he owned her. head low, Dulla blended into the crowd, letting her new pack swallow her up. she sat somewhere near the outskirts, ensuring she could keep Rhazien in her line of sight. in truth she wanted to nuzzle up to his side, but she had enough sense to understand that his place was at the head of this new empire, and hers…hers was whenever he wanted her.





The Syndicate

Expert Fighter (200)

Expert Hunter (165)

3 Years

03-25-2024, 04:02 PM

The pack had been surrendered without a fight and all the blood Ezekiel had been expecting, no anticipating with a deep, gnawing hunger, had amounted to nothing. They had been a pack of cowards and fled as such, abandoning everything they had owned as if they had never even been there. He had followed Sephiran, stayed in the middle of the group as they trekked back first to the moor and then up to the North at a wild pace until they were back where it had all begun.

The crisp air helps to revive the fatigued man as they set foot in the sound and a thrill zips through the heathen to think that this might be his home. Eyes dart over to his sister as they gather before Sephiran, armor and weapons still in place as the male draws them all in together for their first pack meeting. Exhaustion lingers in the edges of his mind but he does not miss the look that El gives Rhazien.

Jealousy turns his stomach sour and he diverts his attention away, knowing that she allowed to be with whoever she wishes but he cannot help but feel possessive of her. Turning his attention to Sephian, the Ezekiel waits to hear what the Sultan has to say before stalking off to take his anger out at on predator.

"Ezekiel Saxe"

Ezekiel is considered a mature character. All warnings apply to his threads.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
04-06-2024, 04:20 PM

ooc: acknowledging each wolf entering

One by one his brood would show their faces- a steady stream of bodies that moved in silent determination, their faces set in grim resolve that boasted their fervor. Azoula was the first to appear, bowing down before her Sultan and conveying both her deference and loyalty as his appointed Effendi-Kole. He’d offer her nothing more than a glance, acknowledging her presence before his gaze shifted to the others. Kaino was next; her appearance taking Sephiran by surprise, as she was injured to an extent - the flesh around her eye inflamed, and her gait unsteady as she sank down onto her belly. Cocking his head slightly, he roves his gaze across her body- searching for clues, questioning the source of her injury. Had a Norad wolf retaliated against her? His tail twitched behind him, giving insight to the accusative thoughts swarming in his mind - her concerning state, acting as the catalyst.

But he’d have little time to dwell on it - more wolves were emerging from the forest, their arrivals marked by an aura of malevolence, a palpable shift in the atmosphere heralding their presence. Caedes next, and following after was… Oh? Just the sight of his brother set the Sultan on edge- a surge of hot, searing anger rising from within, sweeping away his stoic expression. His eyes, once filled with camaraderie for his bother, blazing with fury and disdain- toes flexing to claw against the stone, each muscle fiber beneath his pelt alive with energy, pulsating with a primal display of prowess. He’d vanished into thin air, left their band without permission, and hadn’t shown his face at the Norad takeover. To Sephiran, this was an act of betrayal- not only as his brother, but to his role as Sultan.

And if it weren’t for Cifarelli’s gesture of submission and appeasement, communicating deference and his desire to minimize conflict and willingness to yield. Sephiran may have leaped down from his perch, and maimed the brute to serve as a warning to the others. Do not betray me. Standing tall and erect, his posture exuding superiority and confidence, there is a subtle tilt of his chin and a slight puffing of his chest- his expression radiating an unmistakable aura of authority and disdain, as he glares down at his brother and the girl he’d brought as a gift. The tension between them is palpable, slicing into Cifarelli’s flesh in a single, silent warning. Sephiran would be seeking him out later. With a dismissive nod, he motions for Cifarelli to take a seat on the sidelines, before shifting his gaze to the next set of arrivals.

Until finally, the entirety of his pack would congregate at his paws- eager to be molded into his weaponry, to serve him in his pursuits. Even Aurelia showed her face, keeping to the sidelines and remaining silent. Sephiran made a note to visit her later- to instill his new expectations into her. Ezekiel was the last to arrive, having settled in near his sister and turning his attention to his Sultan. Sephiran’s gaze sweeps across the pack one last time, and with a nod, he signals the beginning of the meeting.

ooc: meeting starts

Silence fell over the assembled wolves, before his guttural voice sliced through the clearing. “My heathens,” He begins, addressing them as a whole. “Today marks the fruition of dominion- our rule as The Syndicate, over The Polar Sound and Ardens Glacies.” His gaze settles on Kaino- a gleam of appreciation for her blazing in his eyes. “In the face of uncertainty, you’ve proven your resolve- united in purpose, unwavering in your loyalty and determination.” His voice carried a weight of gratification, his gaze sweeping across the faces of each wolf to acknowledge their contributions and strengths. Shifting back to Kaino and Rhazien, he reveals his first point of the morning- rewarding them with ranks. “For your efforts, you will be named my Emira.” He says, speaking directly to Kaino, appointing her as his beta female. And to Rhazien, he appoints him as the pack's lead diplomat. “And Rhazien, you will be our Effendi-Dhaka.” Nodding to his uncle, he doesn’t wait for a response, before shifting to the tigress in the crowd. “Azoula, you will serve as our Effendi-Kole.” Waiting a few seconds, he continues with an explanation for the rest of the group, wanting her purpose to be known and understood. “She is our Sidi handler- all concerns regarding your Sidi, are directed to her. She will ensure their survival and groom them into submission.” She’d been the Effendi-Kole back in Saffron, and already knew the expectations. She’d fit well into the role beneath his rule, no doubt.

Progressing the meeting, Sephiran delved deeper into the topic of ranks- to clarify them to the wolves who weren’t from Saffron. “The Syndicate will have one Sultan- myself. Beneath me, is the Emir and an Emira- betas who directly serve me. Kaino is my appointed Emira, but the role of Emir is unclaimed. I encourage one of my capable males to challenge for this.” His attention shifted to the powerhouses of the group, particularly Aresenn and Caedes- gaze focused and attentive, fixed on the object of anticipation with unwavering intensity. Waiting for the first sign of fulfillment, as he silently demands one of the males step forward and claim the role.

Continuing, he addresses the pack as a whole again. “Beneath the Emir and Emira are leads, referred to as Effendi: Effendi Haakim, lead physician. Effendi Sayd, lead hunter. Effendi Muqatil, lead militant. You must be an expert in these areas, before you may challenge for the role. Don’t waste my time.” A single warning, palpable with an undercurrent of disdain towards weaker wolves. If the challenger was not a master in their role, Sephiran forbade them from trying to claim a lead rank. “The rest of you will be Ghazi- subordinates expected to fulfill the mundane tasks that provide for our kingdom.” There was no pride in being a Ghazi- in the Saxe world, it meant you lacked drive and fervor. “And beneath the Ghazi, are our Sidi- slaves whose roles are to satiate our depravities. You may share them, or claim one as your own- but my Sidi are off limits.” A low, guttural growl accompanied his words- he’d made it known before, but he reiterated it now. Aurelia was his alone to command; interfering with her, was be punishable by extreme measures. Aresenn and Absinth knew that well. His growl tapered off, though the stern, intense expression on his face remained- lips pressed firmly, as his ears flicked forward.

Before opening the opportunity for rank challenges, he progressed to the next topic to be addressed- politics. Of course, one pack and alpha, in particular, came to mind- eliciting a surge of adrenaline and testosterone, lips curling into a sneer of disdain. “But before we delve into rank challenges, we need to discuss our standing with other packs.” The air was crackling with intensity, as the Sultan struggled to contain the raging fire burning within. Threatening to singe anything within its proximity. “The Hallows, led by a male named Artorias, has declared us an enemy against the Ashen Empire. This includes the Armada, and other packs. I will be sending our diplomats to investigate the extent of this alliance, to gather information to prepare ourselves for war.” A short pause, as his tone sharpens. “Until we’ve enhanced our forces and fortified our defenses, do not engage with these wolves; but if they initiate violence, show them no mercy. Adorn yourselves with their pelts, litter our borders with their corpses, hang their heads on our walls.” These were Rhazien’s words, not his. But the threatening undercurrent of his words was palpable- he wouldn’t give another warning to his brood. If he discovered one of his members had defied him, there would be dire consequences. They needed to be stronger before they marched back into hells domain- even if Sephiran wanted to march into The Hallows and skin their alpha alive. That’s what Rhazien instilled in his mind, following their altercation with Artorias at Norad’s borders- and he trusted his uncle's guidance, because it hadn’t steered him wrong yet.

Rolling his shoulders forward, his jaw relaxed from its rigid set- breaths, once rapid and shallow, starting to depend and slow. “I will need volunteers to join Rhazien as diplomats in this pursuit- to gather information about the packs in these lands, and choose our first raid target.” Again, his gaze sweeps the crowd- eyes urging someone to fulfill the expectation, assuming one of them has a readiness to respond to the task. “If no one offers, I will choose participants.” He made it known, that this wasn’t an option; someone would be accompanying Rhazien in this pursuit.

With a deep, guttural rumble, Sephiran closes the first round of this meeting, following with a single command before he falls silent. “Anyone who wishes to challenge for a rank, may do so now.” The Sultan straightened out then, shoulders squared and chin held high, projecting a sense of command and control. His eyes scanned the group with focused intensity, conveying a silent expectation for their participation. Or did they want to writhe at the bottom of the ranks like maggots?  

ooc: rank challenges, volunteers to investigate other packs / choose a raid target is encouraged & opened up to everyone now!

Code by Sea
Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

3 Years
04-07-2024, 04:13 PM (This post was last modified: 04-07-2024, 06:10 PM by Kaino. Edited 1 time in total.)

Caedes was the first to show concern for her appearance and, as he shot a pointed look at her, the woman gave a small nod to alleviate his fears. She would be fine. Nothing was broken, she was just sore. The look of concern that Sephiran gave her was less expected. It warmed her purple little heart a bit. Just like with Caedes, she didn't want Seph to worry. One silver paw uncurled from her chest and she gave a gentle gesture, telling him not to worry.

Once everyone settled in, the meeting began. Kai was surprised to see that Cifa had decided to show his face again. Once he'd run out, she expected him to stay gone just as she expected anyone to stay gone after abandoning the group. Even with some eye candy in tow, Kai imagined that Cifa would be sporting some new wounds soon.

Sephiran addressed everyone, making eye contact with the lavender and smoke fae to bestow a rank upon her for her hard work and cunning. The corners of Kaino's maw pulled up just a bit and she nodded her thanks, mint and ice eyes closing momentarily. She gave her bobbed tail a little swish as it rested beneath Nila's. A silent 'look at me all ranked up and stuff,' though she made no other gesture towards the Sidi woman while out in public. Kai remained quiet while Sephiran spoke, only taking her gaze from him when he opened the floor for challenges. Who had balls and who was as castrated as a Sidi male? As an afterthought, she added, "I'll continue scouting out the locals, of course." She'd been doing it the whole time anyway. No reason to stop now.

"Kaino Saxe"

Despite being absolutely adorable, Kaino is an adult character that indulges in adult situations. Viewer discretion advised.
[Image: fGJURoI.png]


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - GoldHomebodyTeacherBest BudsDouble Master1K
Samhain 2022
04-07-2024, 05:57 PM (This post was last modified: 04-07-2024, 06:03 PM by Aresenn. Edited 1 time in total.)
Aresenn watched with sharp interest as Sephiran briefed the pack, his eyes darting between each wolf as they were assigned new ranks and tasks. The air buzzed with an intense focus and determination radiating from each Syndicate member - or so he assumed. When Sephiran caught his gaze while mentioning Emir, Aresenn simply gave a confident nod in response. He was a man of action, always ready to follow orders and enforce them without hesitation. Though he may not be a master in one specific skill, he was adaptable and willing to take on any task at hand- whenever was needed at any given moment. He was more than capable. Perhaps even more so than any of Sephiran’s immediate relatives. It was likely they were all about to find out.

As Sephiran finished his speech, Aresenn immediately began strategizing. He knew that obtaining intel on the other packs was vital to secure their position and expand their influence. As soon as there was a break in the conversation, he stood up confidently and cleared his throat to speak. "I can assist in gathering information as needed," Aresenn stated lowly, exuding confidence and determination. Taking another breath, he calmly declared, "And I challenge for the rank of Emir," his voice carrying across the clearing with undeniable authority should he face any of the other brutes who thought they were more suited to be Sephiran's right hand than himself.

"Aresenn Praetor"


"Devil has my ear today, I'll never hear a word you say."

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (275)

Master Healer (260)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - DemisexualRapid Poster - Gold1K
04-07-2024, 06:45 PM

The heathens gathered before Sephiran, each member stepping into the clearing with a mix of calculation and anticipation. Caedes observed each with a keen eye, his expression unreadable as he awaited his cousin's words.

The revelation of Cifarelli’s betrayal. Caedes had wondered where the male was, and even where Auriga had been — but the answer was obvious. They had left. Sephiran's fury blazed like fire, consuming any semblance of welcome as he confronted the traitor with a primal display of dominance. Caedes's own emotions churned beneath the surface, a mixture of anger and disappointment at Cifa’s absence. But indifference had always served him well, so he regarded his wayward cousin with a detachment befitting his hardened exterior. Only Cifarelli's submissive gesture spared him from Sephiran's wrath, though the tension between them lingered. Caedes knew his cousin would face repercussions for his actions, a reckoning that would come in due time. Not that it was his concern, unless Sephiran willed it so.

Azoula's deference was expected, her loyalty unwavering as she bowed before their Sultan, her role as Effendi-Kole solidifying her position within the pack. Caedes noted the respect in Sephiran's glance, mostly likely for the tiger's role back in Saffron marking her importance here and now. As Sephiran bestowed ranks upon his chosen few, Caedes remained silent but vigilant. He watched as Kaino and Rhazien were appointed to their positions, offering each a smirk in acknowledgment. His sister had done well to earn her rank, and Rhazien had proven to be the mediator Sephiran needed as they strengthened the Syndicate in its youth.

When Sephiran outlined their standing with the Hallows and the possibility of war in the future the obsidian brute felt his hackles bristle, and his maw tingle with saliva at the thought. He was ready. But time would be the deciding factor, and they needed to gain more strength first.

To the hierarchical order of The Syndicate, Caedes listened intently, noting the challenge in his cousin's gaze as the Sultan eyed him briefly for the Emir role. But he waited for the purple brute to finish speaking, emeralds blazing as he gave his full attention. Sephiran ought to have known where Caedes’ heart lied when it came to his interests.

The call for volunteers was a demand, and while Caedes was much more level headed than some of his kin he wondered if there wouldn’t be a more suited brute than he when it came to politics. He mulled the thought over, tail flicking as for a moment he considered using the opportunity to lay his relationship with Mariah under the guise of politics… but that would only be a temporary bandage; and a dishonest one at that.

Sephiran closed the meeting with a command to challenge for ranks, and Caedes stood tall — resolute, his gaze sweeping the assembled wolves with a silent challenge of his own. He was ready to prove himself, to rise through the ranks and serve his Sultan with bloodthirsty loyalty. He saw Aresenn rise to the occasion as well, opting to lay claim to the rank of Emir in the end. With a smirk, Caedes lifted his skull to meet Sephiran’s gaze before he turned to eye the others, his voice rising brutally over the silence. “Effendi Haakim.”

For Caedes, this was the path he desired most, to serve and protect. To heal and to poison. And why couldn’t brutality take a close second?


Caedes is a mature character, viewer discretion is advised.
Unless otherwise stated, assume he is not wearing his feathered skull mask.


"I'll be a good Girl in Hell"

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (405)

Master Intellectual (375)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years

TeacherWinnerHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Pride - DemisexualPride - BisexualPride - Demisexual
Double MasterWordyStudentBest BudsHomebodyRapid Poster - Rainbow
04-07-2024, 07:06 PM

As the meeting unfolded before her, Absinth sat amidst her fellow heathens, her gaze sharp and calculating as she observed the dynamics playing out before her.

Sephiran's commanding presence set the tone for the gathering, and some part of her felt immense pride to be part of the beginnings of what she thought was going to be a wild fucking ride. As Sephiran outlined the politics and the ranks within The Syndicate, Absinth's mind raced with possibilities. While her skills as a fighter were undeniable, she knew that claiming the role of lead militant would not come without its challenges. Yet, the prospect of wielding power and influence on the battlefield stirred something within her, fueling her desire to rise to the occasion.

When Sephiran called for volunteers to join him as diplomats and to challenge for ranks, Absinth's decision was made. She watched as Aresenn stepped forward for Emir, her blood rushing through her veins at the sight, then as the scarred brute, Caedes challenged for lead physician. With a fierce glint in her eye, she stepped forward, her voice ringing out with unwavering conviction. “Effendi Muqatil. Who will try to deny me?” The monochromatic fae declared, her tone steady and confident and absolutely brimming with wicked delight. She regarded the others who had not challenged for a rank with a calculated gleam of her eyes. Let them try to take what she wanted, if they dared.


m o o d b o a r d 
Absi is a mature character. She's very vulgar and volatile. Discretion advised.

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