
Show me what you got!




Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
03-25-2024, 02:05 PM

Soo… Norad had come to join them. Bellamy was disheartened to hear that the wolves that had diverged from their pack had encountered such trouble, but there were evils in the world without a doubt. The Raiders were one concern… but this… Syndicate that had taken Norad, had removed a family from their home… Bellamy felt anger bubbling in her belly for them. She didn’t believe that such wolves would simply remain quiet for long.

They would come looking for supplies, just as the Raiders had. And when danger knocked upon her door again, Bellamy wanted to be ready. She wanted their wolves to be ready. She was giving her daughter some space to work things out, but the old wolf knew she could not remain idle much longer. Training and lessons were needed.

There were children that had come with Beauregard, his family, an adopted girl named Bellatrix, and a litter that he and his mates had found. It is the eldest girl that Bellamy wishes to work with now. Walking to a section of the falls that is open land away from the den sites Bellamy tilts her muzzle back and calls for Bellatrix, hoping that the girl won’t mind a good nature spar with her.

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.



Master Fighter (280)

Advanced Hunter (65)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

2 Years
Toy size

Pride - Bisexual
03-30-2024, 11:05 PM
Bellatrix Ravenwood

Trixy was far from idle. Since the claiming of her home in Norad and the violence of the Syndicate's threats, Trixy had an anger and a need to right the wrongs deep in her heart. She hadn't seen Gav yet since they moved into Ethne, but she did vow to find him and see if they couldn't hang out again.

At the moment when a call rang out for her, she was quietly watching her sibling playing. She was on edge with one still missing and with the way Nolan was treated when he was returned. Beau had swore they would protect those that needed it and she had silently taken it as her vow as well. She barked at Frank as he stopped from where he was allowing her siblings to ride him around and climb all over the reindeer.

It was an unsaid agreement between her and him. Both moved to the place the call had come from. She stopped, her vest strapped on and dagger in its sheath on her vest about fifteen or so feet from the black and white woman, her head canting to the side. Frank was at her side easily. She'd never met the other woman but the way she looked and smelled made her certain the woman was somehow related to both Haydee and Gavaroche. "Hi, im Bellatrix, or just Trixy if ya like. What can I do for you, um... sorry I don't know your name?" it felt weird to not introduce herself as Norad's princess. But what else was she? She knew what her lot in life was. She was going to bring back Norad and make those bullies understand that she was not gonna be walked all over.

Say come on and show the world who you really are



Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
03-31-2024, 07:04 PM

Bellamy would not need to wait too long before the tiny girl showed up. She was smaller than her children… about Gavroche’s size. Heh, that was fitting! She couldn’t help but smile as seeing the other pixie. She was battle ready, decked out with a vest and dagger as her weapon and defensive accessory. Sure enough this was Beauregard and Tanelan’s daughter. She bore a look that spoke of confidence and strength despite her smaller size, and the reindeer next to her seemed to be a capable fighting companion. Bellamy felt Whiskers pad up beside her, the grayed badger chuckling softly as the girl asked for the older wolf’s name. “You could call her trouble,” The badger jokes, a soft chuckle leaving her lips.

Bellamy rolls her eyes at the jest and keeps her attention on the girl as she speaks. “Bellamy Kedieo. I’m Haydee’s mother and the founder of Ethne.” The woman shifted her stance, rolling her shoulders forward as she lowered her head to align with her spine. Her tail raised, the fur of her hackles being raised. Ears pinned and eyes narrowed, her expression serious as she spoke once more. “I heard of the fall of your pack, and understand that Beauregard hasn’t really been able to train you much… so I’d like to test your skills and figure out where we need to pick up training.” The woman gave a small smile.

“Ethne may not seek to act against the Syndicate outright, but if danger comes knocking we’re going to want to be ready, right?” Her small faltered… what was different from her fighting that Raider girl… and sparring Beauregard’s daughter? Other wolves around her? She shook her head. No… she needed to focus… it wasn’t going to happen again. It… it couldn’t happen again… "Err... first move is... yours..."


Bellamy vs Bellatrix for spar
Round 0/?
Age: Over One Year
Size: Extra large
Build: Light
Offensive Battle Accessory: Bone dagger
Defensive Battle Accessory: Snow leopard cape
Companion 1: Tasmanian Devil, Male - Battle - Boosted
Companion 2: American Badger, Female - Battle
Mutation 1: Mane - Defensive
Skills: Master Fighter & Master Intellectual
Specialty: Berserker

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.



Master Fighter (280)

Advanced Hunter (65)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

2 Years
Toy size

Pride - Bisexual
04-01-2024, 12:42 AM
Bellatrix Ravenwood

It was no secret that Trixy was tiny but held an attitude like she was queen of the world in the way she moved. So she wasn't a leader, well so what? Didn't need to be one to know what and who she was.

The devil at the woman's side spoke and she used her white paw to stifle a giggle. If this lady was trouble, then her and her siblings must be catastrophes. She looked kind enough. Then the lady spoke. Bellamy Kedieo.... wasn't that Gav's last name too? She must be his grandma or something.

Then she went on and Trixy's face wrinkled a little with anger. Fall of norad? Norad was still alive regardless of where they lived. "We didn't fall, that pack of fucking scumbags bullied my daddy by threatening my baby brother's life and the lives of our pack mates. They deserve everything that's coming to them and then some. And im gonna make sure they know the Ravenwood's aren't going to sit idly by while they bully their way into getting everything they want."

She let her anger at the syndicate sink fully into her voice and told Bellamy exactly how she felt about it. She'd fought bullies before, but this time it was different. She'd take on the entire pack alone if she had to to get the message through their jerkwad brains.

She understood what the woman wanted though and she gave a smirk as she leveled her own head to be even with her spine and narrowed her eyes. When first move was announced as hers she gave the woman a cheeky grin before drawing her dagger and flinging it quickly, aiming to throw it close enough to the woman to distract her and throw her off but not aiming to hit her. Then she was off, circling the woman and closing the distance between them. Her toes dug in and she launched like a loaded gun. She was small so to reach any part of the woman she would have to jump.

Her jaws aimed to land upon the left side of the woman's neck while her back paws aimed to plant on the ground beside the woman. She could see Frank in her peripheral going for the woman's companions, aiming to keep them out of the battle with his bulk, hooves and antlers. He might be small for a reindeer but he was still bigger than the woman's companions.

Trixy was set to try her damndest to show this woman that she'd fought and had brains where she lacked size and brawns.

Say come on and show the world who you really are

Bellatrix vs Bellamy for spar
Round 1/2
Age: over 1 year
Size: Toy size
Build: Light
Offensive Battle Accessory: Dagger
Defensive Battle Accessory: Leather Vest
Companion 1: Reindeer, Male, Battle
Mutation 1: Rhino Horn (Offensive)
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Beginner Hunter
Specialty: n/a



Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
04-08-2024, 06:09 PM

The time to talk was over, though the girl had offered Bellamy some words to reflect on. Bellatrix was angry about what had happened to her family, and rightfully so. Hell, were Bellamy in her place she too would seek retribution… but she understood why Beauregard did not. At least, why he didn’t yet. The woman would remain steadfast, unflinching as the dagger flew close by. Bellamy had seen many things, weapons, fangs, and claws come flying at her. A weapon flying her direction wasn’t enough to make her jump - the angle had been off. She was ready, braced into the ground to receive the attack of the younger wolf.

While the reindeer went to deal with Ears and Whiskers her two companions rallied and worked together to bite and snap in his direction. They would work together to counter him.

Trixy would aim for her neck and Bellamy allowed her this, but only because the girl holding onto her would be the plan. Bellatrix was small, needing to lunge for whatever she could get. Bellamy sought to counter into her attack by sweeping her foreleg out and over to pull the girl into range for a bite. The eye on that side closed however, the bite to her neck smarting a bit more than she expected.

Bellamy vs Bellatrix for spar
Round 1/2
Age: Over One Year
Size: Extra large
Build: Light
Offensive Battle Accessory: Bone dagger
Defensive Battle Accessory: Snow leopard cape
Companion 1: Tasmanian Devil, Male - Battle - Boosted
Companion 2: American Badger, Female - Battle
Mutation 1: Mane - Defensive
Skills: Master Fighter & Master Intellectual
Specialty: Berserker

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.



Master Fighter (280)

Advanced Hunter (65)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

2 Years
Toy size

Pride - Bisexual
04-08-2024, 06:34 PM

Bellamy let her get a bite on her neck and Trixy grinned a toothy grin at this. Even as a paw came to clutch at her and hold her Trixy didnt shrink from what she was doing. Instead she moved. Her jaws clenching to hold on tighter if she wasn't just yanked off, and her paws aimed to brace on the woman's nape. Her body then pulled inall of one swift motion. Bellamy's teeth grasping her tail but trixy wasn't releasing. Instead her eyes narrows as her head jersey with the upward motion of her body.

Her ears folded back and her hackles stood up as a defensive bristle against bites. None of her paws would be on the ground but that was okay right now. Her lips peeled back as her teeth were exposed showing how serious she was taking this. She might not of been the best fighter, because sometimes size was everything in fights but she had the brain power. She aimed to use her nails to clutch and dig in for a hopefully good hold on the woman. If she was successful she would end up with all four paws on the woman's back and not much for her to grab on to.

"Talk, 'Think.'
We're beautiful creatures

Bellatrix vs Bellamy for spar
Round 2/2
Age: over 1 year
Size: Toy size
Build: Light
Offensive Battle Accessory: Dagger
Defensive Battle Accessory: Leather Vest
Companion 1: Reindeer, Male, Battle
Mutation 1: Rhino Horn (Offensive)
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Beginner Hunter
Specialty: n/a



Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
04-10-2024, 07:01 AM

The girl keeps her hold even as Bellamy takes her tail in her maw, and the woman can’t help but allow the faintest traces of a smile pull the corners of her lips up. Bellatrix is not the most effective, but she is using what little edge she has in keeping her hold. Were it a more serious fight, Bells knew she could do serious damage to the girl’s back legs, but that is a discussion for later. For now she can only be amazed at the prowess Trixy has. Fights weren’t just about raw power, as Bellamy knows. It was only by some miracle of the Divinities she hadn’t walked away with serious injuries and scars covering her body from her youth. But Bellamy is not through with her own tricks just yet. The woman suddenly leans to the side that Bellatrix is on and drops down with the intent to roll over the kid, hopefully dislodging her in the process. Well, that or Trixy would let go to avoid being squashed! Time would tell.

Bellamy vs Bellatrix for spar
Round 2/2
Age: Over One Year
Size: Extra large
Build: Light
Offensive Battle Accessory: Bone dagger
Defensive Battle Accessory: Snow leopard cape
Companion 1: Tasmanian Devil, Male - Battle - Boosted
Companion 2: American Badger, Female - Battle
Mutation 1: Mane - Defensive
Skills: Master Fighter & Master Intellectual
Specialty: Berserker

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

The Judge


04-14-2024, 09:17 AM

And the winner is...


BELLAMY must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out.


Attack Roll: 28
Defense Roll: 97
Agility Roll: 93
Perception Roll: 67
Total: 285
Attack[28] + 30% Bonus[8.40]: 36.40
Defense[97] + 10% Bonus[9.70]: 106.70
Agility[93] + 15% Bonus[13.95]: 106.95
Perception[67] + 0% Bonus[0.00]: 67.00
Total[317.05] + 15% Bonus[47.56]: 364.61

Attack Roll: 43
Defense Roll: 55
Agility Roll: 11
Perception Roll: 1
Total: 110
Attack[43] + 70% Bonus[30.10]: 73.10
Defense[55] + 15% Bonus[8.25]: 63.25
Agility[11] + 5% Bonus[0.55]: 11.55
Perception[1] + 25% Bonus[0.25]: 1.25
Total[149.15] + 25% Bonus[37.29]: 186.44



Master Fighter (280)

Advanced Hunter (65)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

2 Years
Toy size

Pride - Bisexual
04-17-2024, 11:04 PM

Find me where the wild things are

Trixy gave a grin as the larger woman started falling. Her maws parted and she pushed off the woman at the same moment. She would be standing while the woman was on the ground. That was the purpose of this was it not? Her bum on the ground in front of the other with her tail in the woman's maw, she gave a giggle. "I think I win, but if I could have my tail back please? I kind of like it where it is."

A grin was given to the woman. She knew she wasn't perfect at fighting, but that didn't mean she wasn't still good enough. As soon as her tail was released she let a bark out and Frank was at her side in seconds. She moved and grabbed her dagger from the dirt sheathing it in one movement. "Sorry didn't think it was appropriate to use my dagger to its full extent to spar a comrade. Daddy would have my ear if I did most likely." she gave her signature grin to Bellamy and a wag of her now wet tail.

Walk, "Talk", Think

Bellatrix Ravenwood
Art by SterlingRaven

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1. Show me what you got! Lazuli Falls 02:05 PM, 03-25-2024 01:00 PM, 04-28-2024