
Large Pile of Sand



10 Years
08-27-2013, 11:07 AM

About a week or two had passed since the pups had left the den and Odette was already excited about the outside world. There was so much to see and she intended to see all of it in time. For now, she loved the time spent with being curled up with her little family at night and waking up next to her father most mornings. At such an early age, Odette felt there was a magnetic bond with her and Gargoyle. Of course, she loved both parents equally, but there was something about her daddy that made her watch him all of the time. She hoped that there would be plenty of stories to tell others of him when she got older.
That morning, Odette was up after the sun began to rise. She had stretched her legs and yawned with a wide mouth, revealing little rows of teeth before they clamped shut. Sleepily, she shook her fluffy fur all over and started to pad towards the entrance of the cave. Looking out at the beach, she reclined to her small haunches as she felt the warmth of the oncoming sun make its way towards their claimed home. Odette breathed in the salty sea air and felt it sting her poor little nose. She immediately sneezed and shook her head from the impact. Bleary eyes blinked away the remaining sting and she coughed to recover her senses. What a smell!
She looked over her shoulders to see her sleeping family. They were all curled up together, enjoying the blissful world of slumber. A small part of her envied them and wished to be asleep again, but the majority of her mind told her being awake was okay, too. Slowly, she rose and turned to pad back to them. She knew Gargoyle was a light sleeper, but she spoke in a whisper as she said, "Goin' to play in the sand, Papa," before turning high tail and racing out to the beach. The sun had been out long enough to warm up the grains of sand, making them look like diamonds from a far distance. It was all she ever wanted in a large sandbox.
Odette immediately looked for the biggest pile of sand, and it didn't take long for her to see it. She raced down the beach, making small waves of sand rise and fall behind her "large" bounds. The pup didn't keep track of how far away she was from the den. All she knew was that once she found her pile of sand, she was smitten. "Time to conquer!" she yelled, puppy tones being carried on the winds that danced across the beach. Giggles escaped her and she dove straight for the base of her claimed pile.



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Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
08-27-2013, 11:53 AM

Cross was from the North. Basilisk knew this much -- he had no idea precisely where they resided, or if they simply wandered as they pleased. Since his mother had suddenly reappeared, as though she hadn't abandoned him for nearly a season, he had been more distraught than ever. How dare she sudden show her face, to stake her claim on Tortuga and likely assume that he would willingly join her in her endeavors? No -- she had failed him, as had Kaios. He was disappointed, and though deep in his heart he felt an undying loyalty to her, he was not at all impressed. Nor was he going to bend to her every whim, as though she was entitled to such a thing. He knew that a plot for revenge was forming, and he wanted no part in it.. not yet, at least. He wondered how Cross might react to such knowledge, and this was partially why he found himself traversing so far north, a bit further than where he might normally find himself.

It was early morning. A beautiful sight indeed, if he was phased by such things; with brilliant pink and orange light spreading over the horizon and illuminating the earth. He hardly paid attention to such things, and instead his mind swayed as he wandered further away from his familiar territory, straying into the unknown once again.

Soon, he found himself greeted by the sight of ocean and sand. Not an entirely unpleasant thing, but also not one of his favorite places in the world. The sight of a small child crept into his vision, and he found his curiosity piqued. His ears flicked idly atop his large skull, pace slowing slightly as he continued closer. His purple gaze followed her, watching as she ran and played in the sand. How innocent. Still, as he crept closer, he recognized that this was foreign to him. He had never played like this, even as a young boy. How could so much joy be found in nothing? Brows furrowed as he approached, wondering if she would notice his approach -- or even care. He would be surprised if she wasn't startled, for he was growing to be even taller than most adult wolves he'd met, and even more bulky. "What are you conquering?" His voice boomed out, loud even over the gentle crashing of the waves against the shoreline, eyes narrowing as he watched her.



10 Years
08-28-2013, 10:47 AM

The biggest pile of sand on the beach was Odette's now. No one could take it from her without a fight they would regret! She saw herself fighting off crabs and starfish, growling and readying herself to pounce on unsuspecting crustaceans. Being the Queen of her own kingdom wasn't all glamour and looks, after all! With all of that in mind, she began to scout around the base of her pile, making sure no one would just come up and take claim to it.
As she rounded the other side of the wide base, she was met with a mighty sight. The tallest, darkest male she had ever seen arose from the ground, standing as tall as any tree she had seen in her short life. She rose her head to look at him, arching her neck so it wouldn't hurt as she tried to take in his full effect. After a few short seconds of taking him in, her small tail began to wag effortlessly and she walked towards him with her puppy curiosity. Others would have thought about it before doing it, but in her stage of life, Odette didn't.
He asked her a question that made her little ears perk even more. 'What are you conquering?' Odette's head quirked to the side, bi-colored eyes blinking as she strained to look up at him. It was then that she remembered her pile of sand! How could the Queen leave the kingdom defenseless?! She lowered her head and then sharply turned to pad back to her claimed piece of beach. "My new kingdom!" She exclaimed, answering his question over her shoulder. Her puppy voice was high enough to be heard over the beach's sound effects.
She stubbornly reclaimed the place she had left off while she patrolled and looked back up at Basilisk. With her eyes, she sized him up and said, "You look like strong. Want to be my knight?" Such an innocent question, yet it held meaning for the pup. Odette quietly waited, tail still wagging behind her as she wondered what his response would be.



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Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
08-31-2013, 06:53 AM

Innocence was so tantalizing to him. It was not something he mentally recognized, but some kind of interest was sparked in the very core of his being as he watched the girl prance about. Oblivious to the danger that potentially lurked nearby -- to any threat of danger that might exist. He had never been so naive; he envied her for being so free. And yet where were her parents ... ? She was too young to be far from them. He sniffed at the air, finding the scent of other wolves strong in the area, and yet where they resided he was not so sure.

Finally she noticed him as he crept nearer. Her attention had been so captured by her task at hand that she hadn't noticed him until he stood before her. Basilisl watched as the child craned her neck, watching him with wide eyes. He had asked what she was conquering; she had answered, 'my new kingdom' A kingdom not built on blood and past, but of sand and starfish. A smile crept onto his lips, an eerie expression that revealed the white fangs beneath. The girl turned to return to her claimed sand, rather defensively, as though he might steal it.

Bright purple gaze swept around the area, finding no others nearby, but the smell of family was strong. Slowly he placed one paw in front of the other, approaching again, but maintaining a safe distance so if this girl's father suddenly appeared out of thin air, it would not seem like he was trying to hurt her. 'You look like you're strong. Want to be my knight?' A sharp laugh left his lips, but his expression faltered immediately after, and he grew serious again. "I am not the kind of wolf you want to be your knight," he explained gruffly, knowing she was likely too naive understand such things. "I don't think your father would approve..." A smirk appeared on his lips again as he considered what the girl's father's reaction would be to his small child spending time with a male that likely larger than himself -- but if only Basilisk knew...



10 Years
08-31-2013, 09:55 AM

There was an aura about the purple stranger, something about him that made others want to run in fear. Maybe it was the innocent, na?ve nature of her puppy beliefs or it could have been that she didn't care. Either away, Odette wasn't afraid of the purple mass of a towering inferno. She had been waiting for his response, hoping that he would be the chosen one to guard her and the kingdom she had taken over. Although, maybe it wasn't such a great kingdom after all, despite the impressive height it had and the potential to be a wonderful place to rule.
She didn't let such thoughts enter her mind and at the male's refusal, she gave him a hard glare. In her case, it only made her look more cute and pup-like, but she tried not to let that get in the way. Instead, she huffed and her fur stood out in all directions. Odette marched her small form across the sand over to Basilisk, having quite a time keeping a sturdy foot on the unsteady ground. She looked around her and noticed a bit of a grassy knoll that stood out across the sand. The young pup climbed her way to the top so she was eye-to-eye with the male she had mentally dubbed as her knight in shining armor.
Mix-matched red and blue eyes met the dark purple opts of the dark-pelted male and her ears perked at his words. "How do you know you're not the type I need, mister?" She accusingly asked, small tail twitching in both directions. "You look like the kind I need. Not to mention, you don't speak much and when you do, it would be enough to scare any trespassers. I like that, and you don't have to worry about me changing my mind. I am the Queen, but I am fair. Everyone deserves a chance." Determination was in her eyes as she figured there was no way she could lose this argument.
His next set of words caught her offguard, but only for a minute. 'I don't think your father would approve...' She thought of Gargoyle and she reclined to her haunches. Her small gaze stayed with his and she sighed in defeat. "Papa doesn't know where I am, exactly," she freely admitted. "I told him I would be out in the sand, but, he should know I can take care of myself." The fire danced in her duo-colored eyes as she nodded to confirm her words. "He will be okay." She rose from her haunches and padded towards the side of the grassy knoll. Suddenly, the height of the hill looked taller than she had anticipated. Slowly, she turned her head to look at her newfound companion, anxiety in her face as she said, "Ummm...could you help me down?" Wow, the Queen of the kingdom and she couldn't conquer the height of her chosen mound of grass.



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Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
09-03-2013, 06:55 AM

Silently he examined the girl, wondering who she was. Basilisk had never meant to stumble across any other creatures other than perhaps Cross, he stood as though glued to the spot, intense purple gaze drifting over the child. How badly he envied the simple life that she was likely able to lead; it was likely she had two normal parents who loved her, who protected her. It was even more likely that she hadn't been forced to watch her father's life be torn from him, to watch his mother retreat into the depths of her chaotic mind, watched her family be torn apart by grief...

As he refused her offer, he noticed she seemed immediately distraught, puffing out her chest and glaring at him. It was not at all threatening, but her fierceness brought a smirk to his lips. As though in protest, she climbed to the top of the pile of sand she had claimed as he kingdom. If only the girl knew how easily he could destroy her kingdom, with a simple swipe of his paw, he could send it all crumbling..

"I just know," he replied hoarsely, his upper lip curling in a slight sneer. "So you only want me to be your knight because I can defend your kingdom?" His voice was tinged with slight curiosity at her thinking. "Don't you have parents who could be doing that for you? Didn't they teach you not to talk to strangers?" Perhaps they had... but perhaps she just didn't care? Though she had fine judgement in who was trustworthy and who wasn't?

She admitted that her father didn't know where she was. A low chuckle left his lips. One paw followed the other as he crept forward, mere feet away from her now. So young, she did not yet recognize the evils of the world. Watching her, he felt a interest bubble up within his chest, the same sensation as when he'd seen Aegira. But this female had no connection to him; she was merely a stranger.

It surprised him when she asked him for help, realizing she was a bit too high up for comfort. Could he deny her? For a long moment he considered, frowning. "Sure." With that he closed the space between them, leaning to grab the girl by the scruff and lower her slowly to the ground. The he paused, staring down at the small child. "What's your name?"



10 Years
09-05-2013, 05:14 PM

Odette continued to look up at Baskilisk as he asked if her parents would be better suited for defending her kingdom. She merely shook her head and then rested her gaze on a starfish that didn't stick out too far from where he had placed her. She walked across the sand, pulled it out of the ground with her mouth, and proudly dragged it back to her chosen pile of sand. After lowering the beginning of her treasure collection at the pile's base, she looked around for another piece that would perfectly match the star.
Around that time, she answered him, "I think Mama may have said something like that. I can't remember if Papa ever said it, but his silent stare might have been to support her words." She looked up to him then and flicked her puppy tail behind her as she added, "That's how I know he really loves her. Papa supports Mama, and she supports him, too." Her face broke out with a grin and she let her bi-colored eyes dance across his large maw. "Anyway, they wouldn't be as much fun being knights as you will be." What others may have not have done, she did next: Odette padded towards him in the sand, then poked his massive foreleg with one paw. "You are sturdy, appear to be able to handle any task, and it helps that you're purple." Her smile became a toothy grin. "Not many pups my age can say they have a real purple knight."
Odette took a few steps back and reclined to her haunches, only to immediately stand up. She had unexpectedly sat upon a stone, one that was green and danced with white speckles all over it. Another part of her collection! Her eyes danced again and she excitedly said, "Oh boy! How pretty!" She scooped it up in her mouth, shook her head free of the sand that clung to it, and then looked up to Baskilisk again. Lowering the stone next to her starfish, she smacked her lips free of the sand and answered his question. "Mama and Papa named me Odette, and that is what I go by." She leaned her head to the side with puppy curiosity. "What is your name? I need to know if I am to knight you with my sword and make you an official part of my kingdom."



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Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
09-10-2013, 06:41 PM

Basilisk knew he shouldn't have approached the young girl. And yet her innocence had drawn him in. He had gone so long without happiness, without warmth -- and he saw it within her, radiating from the very core of her being. Even upon reuniting with his mother, his pack, he had felt nothing but a dull, burning hate, tinged with sorrow.

So naive... she openly admitted that she didn't remember her father saying such a thing, and he felt a laugh begin deep within his chest. She commented on the fact that her parents supported one another; his expression faltered, a slight scowl coming over his lips. The things he could say. He didn't know of such pure love, pure compassion; his parents had been nothing like normal parents. Nothing at all.. Over time he had learned this. It had become painfully clear to him.

As he lifted her by the scruff and set her on the ground, he took a few slow steps backward. Eyeing her, his purple gaze unblinking. Her attention was rather fleeting, and he watched as she found a particular rock that grasped her attention. "Basilisk. Basilisk Saxe," he answered plainly, often unsure whether or not his family name would be known. It was by many -- but he would be awfully surprised if this youngster had any idea who he was. Slowly he crept forward, closer to the pile of sand and sea treasures, wondering if she would trust him or not yet. "But you hardly know me. I'm not sure why you would trust me with such a thing."



10 Years
09-11-2013, 06:23 AM

Odette observed his facial expressions as he spoke. It may not have been a straight forward thing she did, but as she was rummaging in the sand for her personal stash of treasures, she kept track of how he looked at the certain things she said. For one, he didn't seem too keen on how she spoke of her parents' love. It was as if something about it was unfamiliar to him. She wondered why, but knew it would be rude to ask without an open invitation.
Another assessment she made about Baskilisk was how he kept maintaining his distance from her and the pile of sand she had claimed. Odette didn't really see why he did that. The other wolves she had played with before hadn't hesitated to try and take over her castle. One of those wolves in particular was her sister, Oracle. A flashback of her big, black dragon of a sister popped into her mind and she quickly shook her head. Too scary, especially this early in the morning. She hoped that after talking to him more, he wouldn't be scared to get closer. For some reason, she wanted him to. If only she knew how she would possibly be thinking of him in the future.
Once the dark purple brute revealed his title, she stopped and looked up at him. Leaning her head to the side, she blinked and then looked up to the sky above them. It appeared like she was mulling over how his name sounded and after a few seconds, she voiced, "BaaaaaSK-il-iiiisk." Odette played with it in her mouth before she tried again. "Bassskilisssk." Her smart brain kicked in and she let a proud grin appear on her face. "It has a snake sound to it..I like it!"
She resumed to digging in the dirt around the large male, intending to find another piece to add to her collection. He then proceeded to tell her that he still doubted her decision as to why she chose him to protect her kingdom. It wasn't in so many words, but the message was clear to her. Odette's bi-colored eyes looked up to him again, her mission temporarily pushed out of her mind. When her gaze met his violet opts, she didn't back down from their gentle fierceness. In a serious voice, Odette replied.
"Because, I don't know, there is something about you." She contemplated for another second before speaking in the same tone. "I can't explain it, but, you seem to have something I haven't seen in other people I have met. It isn't anything scary - not to me - so I know it can't hurt me if I don't let it." The part of Ocena that lived inside of Odette was obvious as she looked at Baskilisk in a light others probably hadn't seen him before. This light was unknown to Odette, but it was happening all the same.
The pup wanted to ask him the same question: if he trusted her. But, she knew that since they had just met, it wouldn't be ethical to conclude her answer with another question for his own inquiry. So, she slowly reclined to her haunches and waited to see what his response was before she did anything else. Serious matters came before treasure hunting.

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Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
09-17-2013, 06:00 AM

Basilisk Saxe felt a strange yearning grow inside of him as he watched the youngster. It was not exactly a perversion, but instead a longing for such innocence. He had never been able to blindly trust strangers, and yet she did so with ease; it wasn't even just superficial trust, bu, she was entrusting him with ensuring her kingdom was safe. Sure it was not a real kingdom, but it was obvious the pile of sand and collection of various artifacts was rather important to her. The male wondered vaguely how it felt to stake a claim on something. He'd never felt entitled to anything in his life. Even his home had been ripped so cruelly from him, his father taken from this earth, his mother torn away from him by that bitch Zara...

A slight sneer had appeared on his features, curling his lip slightly in distaste as his mind wandered. Odette watched him, and his own vivid purple gaze strayed as in uncomfortable with remaining locked with hers for so long. Listening as she tested his name on her tongue, finding it pleasant -- albeit strange. Not many wolves spoke his name; it was a unique thing, to listen to it spoken from a stranger's lips. And a girl so young, no less. His expression faltered into something more confused. "Who are your parents?" He asked suddenly, wondering if he perhaps knew of them? Her scent was not entirely unfamiliar, and yet it lacked the familiarity he would've expected had he known her parents well.

"There's something about me, all right," he retorted, a low laugh escaping his throat. What was it, though? He was not so sure. "I won't hurt you, but you ought to be more careful around strangers." How easily he could lean down and tear out her soft throat. A near- instant, albeit painful death for the young girl.

A long pause followed, and he leaned back to rock on his haunches. "And how long do you plan to rule this Kingdom?"



10 Years
09-17-2013, 10:31 AM

She had been so focused on getting her kingdom organized that she had forgotten to tell Baskilisk about her parents. Their identities weren't new to her, but she didn't know if anyone else felt the same. Then again, why give him information if he didn't ask for it? Odette's mind ticked differently than any other pup she knew, but she didn't know that at such a young age. After finding another shell that sparkled in the light, she rolled it to her slowly growing pile and looked at her newfound 'knight'. "Gargoyle and Ocena," she said simply. Her tail began to wag behind her as she thought of her dad's massive form standing next to her mother's petite frame. "I look like Papa more than Mama, but I have Mama's eyes." She smiled. "At least, that's what they tell me."
Odette's brightly lit orbs watched Bask's face as she sat there, finally getting his reaction. She blinked twice and then said, "I'm glad to hear that you won't hurt me. I don't see any reason why you would want to, aside from me being a better treasure hunter than you." Even at such a young age, Odette had a good sense of humor. "And whatever that something is, I don't mind it. Just letting you know if it creeps into your mind later." She broke away from his gaze and started to look at the sand around her. Her little front paws began to stomp with each step she took, hoping to find a new piece for her treasure pile. It was indeed quite a cute scene, with the sand flying up and down in a showering cascade of sparkles on either side of her form.
Her ears now perked, his question reached them with ease and she turned to look up in mid stomp. Twinkling eyes reached the purple opts that were the gateways to his soul, but she didn't dive too deep into them when she answered his question. "As long as my subjects approve of my actions and how well I treat them." Her face broke into a smile, tail slowly wagging again as she looked away from him again and stomped on the chosen piece of beach. A gentle ping met her ears and she dug up an old-fashioned hand bell. Her eyes lit up and she dragged it from the handle back to her pile.
Once she laid it gently across the stones, Odette focused on Baskilisk again. "I want a kingdom that is fair, has others in it that want to be there and help others, and show others what kind of a kingdom I rule when they go out and meet strangers." She then said in a loud whisper, "I wouldn't complain if they told those people I was a beautiful Queen, too." Odette giggled and blinked as she asked, "What kind of kingdom do you want to have?"

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Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
09-26-2013, 07:11 PM

If only she knew the kind of creature he was. The parents he had descended from. Basilisk wondered what life would've been like with normal parents -- without a mother who constantly lived on the border of this world and her own, without a father who was well-known for raping and killing women. Their relationship had not been pure, but instead had been based in something much darker. On pain, on dominance. How unsettling it was, as a child, to watch his father sink his teeth into his mother's flesh, who took the abuse willingly ... and gladly. It had disturbed him, shaken him to the very core. Changed him for the worse.

Odette's parents were Gargoyle and Ocena. The names rung a bell, but he couldn't quite place their identities. The boy shrugged absently, as though brushing the thought aside. He looked like a perfect combination of both of his parents, but he knew that she wouldn't have known them. Not with decent parents.

"So young," he murmured, a chuckle falling from his lips. "Do you not know that there are wolves who would love to hurt a child like you, for no reason at all?" His statement was brutal, but oh so true; a slight smirk tugged at the corners of his lips, his eyes shining as he examined her further.

She went on, continuing to talk about how she wanted her Kingdom to run. He thought to ruin her fantasy, shatter her dream of being a ruler -- but he refrained. Let her live out her dreams while she still could. "I don't care so much about fairness," he started, his head tilting to the side. Slowly the male would rise, stepping to the side, a bit away from. Her ought to be going soon ... his eyes continued to rove over her greedily, her small form embedded in his mind permanently. "I wouldn't mind ruling over others. Being admired. A pack built on safety and loyalty, but only those that earn it." That was as far as he would go; surely she would be disturbed if he truly voiced his desires...



10 Years
09-26-2013, 07:47 PM

It was true. Odette didn't know what kind of thoughts and desires danced behind Baskilisk's eyes. The depth they could go, the disturbing images and cravings that stayed in his mind, would probably scar the young pup for life. Being so young meant that she could be na?ve and get away with it, so she chose to do so that day. He then asked her if she was aware of the bad wolves of the world and she leaned her head to the side. Puppy bi-colored eyes blinked up at him as she innocently asked, "Why would they want to do that?" Odette wanted to playfully say, 'I am too cute for that!', but she knew that the tall boy was being serious.
Blinking once, she turned her head back to its proper alignment and said, "I wouldn't want to meet wolves like that, especially if they didn't know who I was." To herself, the young girl made a promise that she would do her best to defend her own body against any forces out there like that. He continued to speak about why he would enjoy the ruler's position and she couldn't help but giggle. "That sounds like it would be fun. Being adored and walking around, knowing that they knew who you were and respected you for it." Respect was something Gargoyle had drilled into her and her siblings' minds, especially when it came to treating other wolves with it. "Safety and loyalty are cornerstones that are important. I agree with you on that." She was content with his words about such ideas.
It was then that she heard the familiar calling of her father. Gargoyle's howl reached her ears and she sharply turned her head to the location of his tune. Heart began to race and her immediate reaction would have been to race towards the towering giant that was her papa. Instead, she looked at the tower of purple in front of her, then to the treasures she had collected all that morning. Torn between being a good girl and an independent one, she decided to bury her discoveries beneath the sand at the base of her kingdom.
After patting it down and making sure she would remember where they were buried, she looked up at Baskilisk and said, "I suppose I should go.." before turning to walk in the direction of her den. However, two steps into returning, she looked over her shoulder at him and asked, "If I am ever in trouble...would I be able to call you and have you come running?" It was an innocent question, but one that held great meaning without her realizing it.

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Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
10-01-2013, 01:01 PM

For so long he had felt hopeless; he had so little left to live for. By now, he was certain that his father's carcass had completely rotted, perhaps even his bones had begun to disintegrate,. His mother had fallen from her rightly-earned once again, and his siblings were as hard to find as ever. And yet Odette sparked some kind of hope inside him. It was a strange feeling, and he kept his eyes on her as she spoke, utterly clueless of the evils of the world. It was alarming that he was likely the most corrupt wolf she had met so far in her short life; he was not a ruthless killer, though he was certainly beginning to slip into a more dark alignment...

It would be wrong to proclaim his innocence, although he had never spilled blood. His dreams were tainted by imagines of tearing out Jupiter's throat, of sinking his entire muzzle into her chest and bathing in her blood. How warm he imagined it to be... Someday he would kill her; or he would die trying. These thoughts flooded his mind periodically, especially now that Odette began to speak of ruling her self-proclaimed Kingdom. He knew Syn wanted to take over Jupiter's pack, her pride and joy; what would such a thing be like?

The unfamiliar sound of a male's call made him jerk slightly, muscles tensing as he gazed about. It was quite obvious it was her father calling her -- and he would not linger much longer. It would be utterly stupid. And so she buried her treasures one by one, and he let a faint smirk paint his features. "If you're lucky," he joked, his lyrics faintly sarcastic, but likely to be taken as an obvious 'yes' by the child. Instead of giving her a farewell, he dipped his muzzle before turning and heading back from whence he came.




10 Years
10-03-2013, 07:23 PM

She simply nodded and smiled at him before he turned to leave. Odette then began to walk back to her den, but on the way she noticed a black form in the distance. Turning to see if Bask was still there, she was disappointed to see he was gone. Instead of going after him, she ran towards the dark wolf that was within closer running distance.
"Eria!" She yelled, excitement dancing in her eyes as she came up to her. Odette looked up at her and then began to walk beside Eria as the dark wolf headed in the direction of the den. "Eria, I had fun this morning!" she announced. Tail wagged fast behind her small frame and she continued to speak. "I hope I can rule a kingdom like that again soon," she said, voice filled with eagerness and desire. After all, dreams can come true, right?
-EXIT Odette-

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10-03-2013, 07:29 PM

She had been strolling along the beach early that morning before she was noticed by Odette. The young Snow Rogue princess came running from her chosen pile of sand, one of which was actually two feet high. She smiled at her when she was within speaking range and so she walked alongside her to make sure she returned to her den safely.
"Did you now?" she asked in amusement, eyes twinkling at her as they continued to walk. "I bet that was fun indeed!" As the young pup spoke of being a ruler, she raised an eyebrow. "I hope that whenever that happens, you remember me." By that time, they reached the front of the den and Eria dipped her maw before heading back to her own claimed cave. "I will see you later!"
-EXIT Eria-
