
i didn't think i needed to tell you twice



"The Bully™"

Raiders Hollow
Raid King

Master Intellectual (635)

Master Fighter (870)

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

7 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - SilverWordyBest BudsSocialiteCritical Attack!Legendary
LoserRaiderCritical Fail!Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarred
Snake EyesWinnerOoh La LaDouble Master1KAll Oozed Out
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teethVengeanceHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Overachiever
Critical Block!
04-05-2024, 11:59 AM
He travelled with Modesty and Siduri to the Hallows both for support and for his own conscience. Knowing that his daughter was in safe paws and finally receiving the help she needed lifted a weight off of his chest. While they didn't need him for the healing session within the castle, Gilgamesh excused himself just outside the borders of The Hallows. No sense in alerting Artorias to his presence if it weren't necessary. No, Gil had other things on his mind.

Moving south along the plains and through God's Garden and Fossil Ridge, he makes it to the borders of Ethne in no time. Their scent is thick along the treeline, but Gilgamesh ignores the warning. He doesn't know where Haydee is, but is sure she'll approach soon. Lifting his chin, he lets out a beckoning howl as he continues to wander toward the falls. Allowing his ears to lead the way, the thunder of water getting louder the closer he gets, he's ready for whatever or whoever meets his presence.

gilgamesh is aggressive, don't trust him



Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
04-05-2024, 04:14 PM

Bellamy is tired of everything. Her mind is a mess, the pack is a mess, and she wants it all to stop. When a call from inside their borders calls, Bellamy is up immediately, fur on her back bristling. She will not allow her daughter to be maimed over her again. She leaves, and a call for the rest of the pack to remain back is given. She wants to end this here and now. No more wolves need to get involved. It is done, it is over, and she will take matters into her own paws if she needs to. She looks tired, and a mess, but the woman does not care. She is here to do what she should have done after the mistake of the first raid.

She finds him, a man approaching, a man she vaguely remembers from the first and second raids. Bellamy approaches through the foliage, not in a threatening manner, but a guarded one. She knows she is not liked, she knows he may very well maim her. The co-Leader snorts. “Enough. We would have returned to retaliate if it was your pack or any other.” Bellamy comes to stop before him, gaze fixed on the male. “You come in my pack, expecting our wolves to stand by in the middle of the night and assume everything is fine. You expect us to sit by and be okay when our things are taken.” And yet, her fur flattens.

“However… You have righteous fury within you over what has happened to that child, and to the rest of your wolves. The fault began with me and let it end by me, wolf. Make your demands for justice and I will tell Ethne to stay back.” She doesn’t even know his name, doesn’t know if he knows hers, nor does she care. Another call is given to her wolves. Stay back. A warning from the co-leader. She wants this to end. She will make sure it ends. She steps from the foliage of Ethne into the open. Divinities give her strength.

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.


"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
04-05-2024, 07:31 PM
Ethne has been in mourning since the return of the raiding party and the culmination of all the recent events weigh heavily on the young woman’s shoulders. There is still so much that she needs to do because her mother is struggling with the memories that raid had brought forth, the grieving that Baecette’s family is going through, and the guilt that all she has been doing has only brought misery to their doorstep. The call from the borders finds her sitting in pack’s the graveyard, where she has been in silent mediation about what the path forward could be.

Ears swivel as she pulls in the call, recognizing the man’s voice from the very first raid that had taken place on this land and Haydée stands with a bone-weary sigh. Bidding her father and nephew a quiet goodbye, she follows the call and the smell of the Raid King as he boldly trespasses into Ethne land. Before, she might have taken offense at this blatant disregard of their borders by the pack’s self-professed enemy but, right now, all she wants is for all this animosity to stop.

Her approach is slow and she catches all of her mother’s words as she appears from behind Bellamy and moves up next to her. However, she does not stop, instead moving to place herself between the two larger wolves as Haydée literally places herself into the middle this conversation. Sorrow-filled emerald eyes move to look up at Bellamy as she calmly, yet firmly, states, “Mother, stop. This is between me and the Raid King.”

Gaze then turns to Gilgamesh, the weight and exhaustion of all the recent events plain to read in the tight lines of her face as the small Leader tries to catch his amber eyes while she says, “Gilgamesh. You find yourself in Ethne lands, uninvited. I hope that the fact we have not attacked is taken in the good spirit that is intended.” Lifting a paw, she sweeps it in her mother’s direction and says, “This is my mother, Bellamy of Foi. She is the new, Co-Leader of Ethne.”

Paw falls back to the earth as she explains, “I took everything that you said, to heart, and have asked her to step up and lead alongside me so that I can continue to learn.” The berating that Gilgamesh had leveled at her in front of his wolves still stings but the young woman has sought to grow and learn from this whole experience. With a small tilt of her head, Haydée continues in her calm tone as she says, “Now, please tell me. Did you come here to talk or seek a payment in blood?”

As weary as she is from everything, the young Leader is ready to match Gilgamesh either with words or in a fight. However, Haydée finds herself wishing that they could bury this silly hatchet and start over… if only the world could work that way.

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.



Master Fighter (295)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

5 Years

VengeanceThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2VengeanceUnderachieverExplorer
Mammoth HunterIce Bridge ExplorerPride - BisexualSnake Eyes1KDouble Master
04-07-2024, 09:56 AM

Dagrún was still in the process of recovering from her wounds. She was very nearly stitched all back together, the scabs ready to fall. Even so she continued about her duties, running her patrol along the Cattail Creek. They had lost the raid, sure, but Dag still felt like it had been a victory. It was an extremely close match and she had succeeded in getting vengeance for herself. She didn't expect that to be the end of their dealings with the raiders, but she hadn't expected to hear the king calling for her alphess… from inside the border.

Dagrún snarled and raced back to the falls. She heard Bellamy's call asking the rest of the pack to stay back. Dag snorted. Like hell! She arrived to see Bellamy and Haydée present and she glared visciously at Gilgamesh, keeping her defenses set and ready for action at a moments notice.


"The Bully™"

Raiders Hollow
Raid King

Master Intellectual (635)

Master Fighter (870)

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

7 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - SilverWordyBest BudsSocialiteCritical Attack!Legendary
LoserRaiderCritical Fail!Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarred
Snake EyesWinnerOoh La LaDouble Master1KAll Oozed Out
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teethVengeanceHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Overachiever
Critical Block!
04-08-2024, 11:33 AM
First to arrive is the old woman who had marred his neck. Gil can tell by the sent that pours from her though she refuses to show herself. Her heeding call to the rest of the pack forces a chuckle from his throat. Ah, really was she that desperate to avoid conflict? Gil's paws stop anyway, head tilts ever so slightly with his ears pressed forward to listen to whatever bull shit has to dribble into the air.

Enough? A brow raised, another chuckle, his ears turning back to flatten. Did she really think he believed the lies she spouted? As she reveals from the shadows, he can't help but roll his eyes. Old. That much is obvious. Her pack? Oh, did Haydee not believe she could run a pack all on her own anymore? Had he actually been right about his advice to the young girl? A slight shake to his head as his fur begins to bristle, ready to take on the woman if she dared step any closer to him. Though her words are right, that is all literally her fault, Gil can't help but laugh again. What was she so afraid of? That he wouldn't take on all of Ethne? That he could actually take them on and win?

Gil does notice the black and white thing come rushing to the old woman's side as Haydee emerges. A guard dog? Hm? Funny that the pack couldn't trust their leaders to handle situations. It was all sorts of funny, but he would at least give Haydee a minimal amount of respect. Goat-like eyes turning to the miniscule girl as she begs her mother to stand down. Pathetic, wasn't it? Did they not have respect for each other? Stepping on each other's toes it sure seemed like. Incohesive at the least.

Finally though the older woman is introduced. A bare nod of his head, his posture relaxing slightly as Haydee continues to speak. He doesn't answer right away though as his gaze assesses the girl. The look of exhaustion is evident on her features so surely much else has transpired since their raid on his lands. "I have many a word I could say right now, but from the looks of it, only you have enough common sense to actually head them," Gil begins, the venom in his tones clear for the other two members standing around Haydee. Focusing on the girl, he gives his head a shake. "I came seeking to speak to you. This business is for no one else, but if they insist, fine," he tosses his own paw in their direction once more, a roll of his eyes to emphasize it all.

"Your mother dearest here did such a number on my daughter that we have to seek additional help outside our own means," there is a seriousness now to Gilgamesh as he takes a step closer to Haydee, his muzzle lowering closer to her level. "If I were truly an evil man, I would seek an eye for an eye, but alas, I am better than that, better than you," he talks down to Haydee because he is not wrong. What had she thought would transpire of raiding them back? If they truly believed in just asking for what they wanted, they would've chosen a different route.

"Rather, this is what I request - though think of it more as a demand," his muzzle wrinkles into a scowl, eyes narrowing down at the tiny leader. "You and only you will go to Siduri and Modesty at the Hallows and you will apologize for the permanent damage done upon her eye. My trespassing upon your lands shows how serious of this I am. If you cannot accomplish this and happen to send anyone but yourself, there will be consequences. And as I told you before on the beach that day, I mean what I say and I will deliver," Gil lifts his head now, expression smooth as stone, posture shifting into something not quite so relaxed as he waited for her reaction.

gilgamesh is aggressive, don't trust him



Master Fighter (295)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

5 Years

VengeanceThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2VengeanceUnderachieverExplorer
Mammoth HunterIce Bridge ExplorerPride - BisexualSnake Eyes1KDouble Master
04-08-2024, 08:54 PM

Dagrún looked to Haydée and awaited her orders as the young leader addressed the pirate. She was fully aware she had disobeyed Bellamy's call, but Dag wasn't the sort to stand on decorum and even though she knew they were co-leaders now she looked to Haydée to have the final say. Dag resisted the urge to roll her eyes at the pirate's disdain at having others present. He had all but invited them by trespassing. She had already seen the results of one ambush on an unsuspecting leader. She did not wish to see another. She could feel the memory boiling at the back of her skull. It was what had pushed her to disobey. She had to see for her own eyes that Gil wasn't coming in with a group of thugs

The pirate continued to speak, mentioning his daughter. It seemed his daughter was still having trouble. She briefly wondered if her uncle would be able to help, but the Avalon wolf had a poor bedside manner and would probably bore the child to tears. While she felt a little bad for the girl to still be suffering from the fight, it was hard for the sympathy to last when Gilgamesh started pretending he was some superior moral figure. Despite all the raiding and maiming he'd done, despite leading children into battle then crying when they got hurt. She didn't know nor care if he was in a leadership role when Pyralis was around, but she knew all too well about the woman attempting to burn down the Armada and murder a child, not to mention Ignis' list of crimes including kidnapping. Ethne was no shining symbol of perfection, but like it or not it was laughable to view the Raiders as any sort of moral beacon.

Never one for fancy ass manners or high-ranking pretense she moved to Haydée to explain herself. She felt she owed the young woman that. "Because one wolf howls does not mean there aren't many. I've seen the results of an ambush before and only wished to see if the pirate came alone. Haydée, I will do as you ask of me. If you wish to continue this conversation in private I will see myself out." She would leave it for Haydée to decide what she wanted to do. Dagrún could at least get behind the Hallows being a neutral location.


"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
04-09-2024, 05:25 PM
Haydée gazes up at Gilgamesh, weariness written into every line of her face but she calmly remains planted between her mother and the sneering Raid King. Thundering pawsteps have one ear swiveling back to catch the arrival of another but she does not break her eye contact with the man because, right now, this is between them. Then, he is speaking, spitting words laced with venom and scorn and the young woman simply allows him the time and space to talk.

While his rudeness irks her, the small Leader does not react or interject to point out the follies of his line of thinking. Only when he finishes, eyes narrowed and posture shifting does her own expression shift, exhaustion giving way to thoughtful consideration as Dagrún steps up beside her. Emerald gaze finally leaves Gilgamesh and comes to rest on her trusted Combatant, a small, grateful smile pulling at her lips as the woman speaks.

When Dagrún looks to her, giving her the power to actually make a decision without being told she has to do this or that, Haydée actually chuckles. With a small shake of her head, she says, “No, don’t leave. I want you to be a witness here. Both of you.” Eyes flick over her mother as that weariness that seems to have settled in her very bones are once more on full display but before she turns back to Gilgamesh, she steels her resolve.

Emerald gazes finally return to the man’s amber goat eyes and her expression is cool and composed as she slowly begins, “You trespass into our lands and don’t expect to be meet with force? After all that happened between our packs? Maybe, you really do believe that Ethne can pushed around so easily but that is not the case. You are lucky that I even answered your call and did not seek to run out immediately because, with the way you are talking to me, I am starting to really wish I had.”

Head lifts as Haydée gazes at him as her expression remaining calm as she continues, “However, I am tired of this whole fucking situation. Yes, your daughter was hurt on our lands, in a raid that was led against us. I have already apologized for her injuries and gave you the opportunity to mark me in return. That was your chance to take an eye for an eye. We sought to get our chickens back but in your warped view of the world, we are in the wrong for raiding you but not you for raiding us. And now you trespass, issuing demands and threats and expect me to just roll over, grovel, and beg your forgiveness?”

Head shakes slowly as she says, “Would that be the end of it? No, I don’t think it would be. You would continue to hold that over our heads as long as you can because your daughter was injured in our lands and not in some other pack.” Taking a deep breath, Haydée carefully chooses her next words, “At any other time I would not be willing to even entertain your demands but, right now, we are dealing with a lot more than this petty revival. So, tell me. If I do as say and go to the Hallows, alone, to offer my apologies to Siduri and Modesty, do you swear that you, Modesty, Siduri, and all of the Raiders Hollow will back the fuck off?”

Ethne is a pack in mourning and, if Gilgamesh had attempted this shit at any other time, he would have been met with tooth and claw. Luckily for him, his timing is somewhat decent… this time.

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.



Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
04-10-2024, 06:21 AM

The man spoke, but Bellamy would not allow his venom to injure her. Gilgamesh spoke of needing to speak to Haydee, but the man had crossed into their borders. Did he truly not expect to be confronted for trespassing? For a moment Bellamy is quiet, allowing her daughter to speak. Her daughter is right. The only reason that the Raider was not met with force is because the two Leaders want to end this, to try a diplomatic approach. Clearly fighting wasn’t getting them anywhere - did Gilgamesh not see that? If they continued to fight, to maim each other, this would only serve to be a war for years to come. Bellamy straightens, gaze fixed on him. She intends to speak, but she trusts her daughter… even if she doesn’t agree with how she is handling things completely. But a part of Bellamy still feels that if she had simply gone to the Raiders after this whole mess that… that maybe this could have been avoided. Her daughter never should have been the one to bear the weight of it.

The demand causes Bellamy to bristle, and as her daughter finishes, Bellamy speaks up once more. “It is clear you don’t give much stock to what I’ve to say, but I’m going to say it anyway.” The woman rumbled. “The reason I called our wolves back is not because we are afraid to fight - no, Ethne wolves will proudly stand for their own and fight for all they have. We strive to be good, but we are not considered a lawful pack.” She takes a breath. “But I need you to understand that you are asking the wrong wolf to apologize for a crime she didn’t commit. Just because you are an alpha you are not responsible for every action a wolf does, especially a damned adult. If you were, I'd have been knocking at your borders far before this conflict for Ignis Praetor.” Bellamy shook her head.

“My daughter is not responsible for the actions of a grown adult in her pack, alpha or not, no more than I would expect you to be. However… That is not to say a wolf should not be responsible. Hay seems against the idea that I allow myself to be in the line of fire at all… but at the end of the day, regardless of what caused my reaction or why those circumstances arose… I maimed a child. Your child. Whether or not you believe me - I carry guilt and sorrow for what happened to her. This is why I approached you today. I’m tired of my daughter carrying my burden for me, especially when it is not her sin to bear. While she could apologize for me, for Ethne, it is not the level of apology you need.” The woman glances at her daughter. She knows their views are conflicting, however, she is adamant about this.

“When I say I want this to end with me, I mean it. I started it, I should end it… best that I can. No amount of verbal apologies can fix what happened to your girl, but all the same I am deeply sorry.” Her gaze flicks back to Gilgamesh. “So please, answer me truly… is an apology from my daughter what you truly need to feel that this is at an end? Or do you truly need an eye for an eye from me?” Her words remain calm, if not tired. “Or rather… What does your daughter need? I may have fucked up, but I am not completely heartless… If your daughter wishes for one of my own eyes as reparation… she can be the one to take it.” She is sure that neither Haydee or Dagrun would like this option... but Bellamy needs peace in this situation herself. Allowing Haydee to continue to carry the weight of what she has done will only continue to drive her mad... and maybe, if she does give up an eye, it will finally allow her to get some closure about all of this.

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.


"The Bully™"

Raiders Hollow
Raid King

Master Intellectual (635)

Master Fighter (870)

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

7 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - SilverWordyBest BudsSocialiteCritical Attack!Legendary
LoserRaiderCritical Fail!Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarred
Snake EyesWinnerOoh La LaDouble Master1KAll Oozed Out
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teethVengeanceHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Overachiever
Critical Block!
04-14-2024, 09:34 AM
Gilgamesh stands there, blinking at the stupidity that pours from Haydee's mouth. Did he not just say... A few more blinks, staring in awe. Was she too busy in her own head to hear the words he spoke? Or had he not been clear enough for her? The more words she speaks, the more he grows annoyed. Her lies were more than enough to cause him to strike her. Apologize? When? Were had that happened? On the beach? A mere second of "I'm truly sorry" wasn't enough when she was in the motion of coming to retrieve another one of her ill guided pack members. Could she not keep a leash on any of them?

He lets her speak anyway, not interrupting because really, he's the one who's tired of her trying to gain the upper hand. Getting her ass handed to her three times in a row wasn't clue enough that he did have the upper hand? That he really could walk in here like he owned the place and be making demands? Yeah, Gil wasn't really quite sure what delusional world Haydee lived in. His demand wasn't excruciating, wasn't unreasonable. She led the pack that allowed such idiocy to happen so she would answer for the crime.

Before he could speak, the older and rather crazy one is talking to him. Dulled expression turns to her, annoyed and flat lined as he tries to listen to whatever she needed to drone on about. Her mention of Ignis has him laughing, a shake of his head. "Whatever Ignis did to you happened long before I came to the throne so that argument there is moot," Gil flashes his teeth at Bellamy to make sure she understands that creating connections where there were none would not do in his book. But she continues talking anyway and he's not sure why she continues to drone on. Neither of them were getting the point, were they...

Inhaling a deep breath once he is given the floor, he looks hard at Bellamy before turning to look back at Haydee. "You came to visit me and requested training. Had you not? We came to raid you without notice because how can I expect your wolves to obtain true training if there is notice ahead of time?" Gil cants his head, eyes blinking a few more times, allowing it to sink in. "It appeared when we fought during that first raid, you understood the gravity of the situation - playfulness. I had told my wolves to not meet you with harshness, that it was a simple get in and get out for chickens," he pauses once more, hoping that it would sink in. "The intention was for no one to be seriously harmed because yes, we are raiders and that is what we do, but we do not innately create enemies simply because we aren't particularly nice. Taking our name so seriously that you," he turns now to Bellamy, "believe it appropriate to maim a mother fucking child is ludicrous. Unlike Ethne, the Raiders are lawful and we look down upon wolves who believe it okay to harm pups that are truly ignorant," his lips pull up once more to reveal elongated fangs before he turns his attention back to Haydee.

"We would have handled the situation afterward differently as well. My daughter's maimed eye would have been cared for and we would have left it at that, but the way your wolves came running to my beach for whatever the fuck that had been made it worse. And clearly my warning to you at that point hadn't been clear enough either," he gives his head a shake, eyes closing for a moment. "Again though, we would have left you alone. We would have handled it much differently. I would have perhaps came here like I am today to speak with you directly about it, but you chose, you decided it was a good idea to raid us back. As if that would make the situation any better. Were you not the one who practically screamed at us that we could have asked for the chickens in the first place?" His eyes narrow, hackles rising, "Or are you just a walking fucking contradiction? Because what is it Haydee? Are you nice and ask for what you want or are you truly evil like me and take what you wish? Hm?" He lowers his head, snaking it closer to Haydee with his ears pulling backward.

In the moment that one may have thought he would have lashed out at her, he suddenly turns to stare at Bellamy. "Or is it you? Are you the problem? Because I do not request you to apologize because you are the one who has traumatized my daughter. Why would I make her worse by having to face you once more? Also, Haydee is young," Gil's expression switches, smoothing out, head raising, eyes cooling as he turns to address both of them now. "I do not care what transpires in your pack as I am sure you do not care what transpires in mine. But as a leader to a leader, Haydee, you have much growing to do. I did not come here not expecting to be attacked, truly I am surprised that one over there," he lifts a paw to point at Dag, "hasn't sunk her teeth into my skin by now," he smirks but once more gives his head a shake. "Part of growing for you would be to accept that someone in your pack did something unacceptable and to apologize for those wrongs. My wife is much too furious to speak and that is why I am here making the demands. I cannot say the issue will be resolved until you make the move to right the wrong because after raiding us, any apology you may have given is no longer considered," his lips thin in a tight, straight line and a sigh exhales through his nostrils.

He turns once more to Bellamy. "That being said, whatever Ignis has done to you, I have no part in. If you wish to right wrongs with that mongrel, you are welcome to come on over and give him a shout," Gil lifts a brow and a shake of his head. What's one more grudge, right? For the last and final time, he turns his goat-like eyes upon Haydee, posture relaxed, but still on guard. "Take it or leave it. If you want this supposed bull shit that you brought upon yourself to stop, Modesty and Siduri are at The Hallows right now getting her eye seen to. I don't particularly care who you bring with you, but I should warn you that Modesty holds a grudge far better than I do and I cannot promise she won't behave herself even in someone's else castle," he shrugs his shoulders before finally, after this whole time, looking at Dag. "Am I being escorted out now or after dinner?"

gilgamesh is aggressive, don't trust him



Expert Fighter (235)

Master Intellectual (290)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years

WinnerCritical Observation!Critical Fail!How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Rapid Poster - BronzeStudent
04-15-2024, 07:25 PM


After carefully positioning himself upwind of the intruder, Eltrys watched from the shadows of the undergrowth with growing concern.

To Eltrys the massive merle male was holding Haydee to a standard he did not hold himself to. Saying the small leader should make amends for one of her members when in the next breath throws his own member into the ditch and refuses to make amends similarly. A contradictory character, and a dangerous one at that.

When the goat eyed male asked if he was being escorted out Eltrys slowly made his way out of the shadows, his piercing gaze not leaving the intruders. Despite his average size he struck a imposing stature.

"Now." He growled and pointed to the border with his nose. Making it abundantly clear he would provide the escort.


War Chief

Master Fighter (250)

Expert Intellectual (195)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

3 Years
Large species
Dragon Mod

Rapid Poster - BronzeCritical Observation!1KOverachieverSamhain 2022
04-15-2024, 07:50 PM

She had watched from the trees, every word she heard and every movement she watched. Out of respect for her mother and sister, Saga had remained back, but as Gil continued she could not remain idle anymore. She stepped out from the woods, her steps heavy and her piercing amber gaze unfriendly for the first time in...ever, she supposed. She did not like the way that this man kept speaking to his sister, seemingly making himself out to be like his was far better than Haydee. In Saga's opinion, he should not have brought children to a fight without first making sure it'd be safe enough for them, right? She herself, was still not quite an adult in bear terms. But compared to the wolves? She pretty much was. "As he said, you will leave now. My sister does not need to answer to you anymore." She growled. Haydee had done what she could, but the Raiding wolves did not seem to give a single flying fuck about her attempts, nor her mothers attempts at trying to right the wrong. It was like beating a dead carcass. She stepped up to stand near Dag, just behind her sister and mother, the girl towering over all those present. Not only that, but they had tried to hurt Gavroche who was just trying to help in the aftermath, and they hadn't even allowed him to explain himself before that fact. No, she did not like the Raiders...or at least, she didn't like any raider that wasn't that brown male she had fought. If they wanted to hold this grudge, then so be it. All this man kept doing was dragging her sister through the mud and treating her like she was less than, and Saga was sick and tired of it.




Expert Fighter (146)

Advanced Hunter (60)

4 Years
Extra large

04-15-2024, 08:26 PM
His form had been silent, skulking in the direction of the border, listening, waiting. He'd heard enough at this point. Then their other Bruiser came forth and Bae-Syl did at the same moment. A feral snarl ripped from him at the situation.  They needed a diffuser before someone got hurt. He was loathe to do so but he would.

"Gilgamesh was it? You seek Haydee to repent, you seek her to do so alone, yet you seem to not realize. You yourself have an apology to give. And it isn't to any but me here. Your purple female sought harm upon my son, who had only from my understanding went to give you aid and herbs in the aftermath of the raid you led. You brought children with you. He sought to ensure you had aid, yet instead of speaking your female answered with violence." he kept his voice level. Though anger shown in his eyes.

For a man that wanted Haydee to leash them, he didn't hold the pack he lead on leashes. He moved in a circle around the male, so he was now face to face with Bae-Syl. His only ear pushed forward. "You want to stay for dinner, thats not an honor for those who come to bully younger ladies into doing their bidding. You want the bull shit over, well its time you look at yourself too. You cannot expect her to bow to your whims like a slave. Your giving nothing in this exchange. So I will be personally escorting you away unless you think you can give something better in this." his tail lashed. He was busy mourning, he shouldn't have to deal with this bill shit too. He would apologize to Haydee later, but the way he saw it this male was not someone he wanted near his family. His need to protect what was his was flared up. His hackles rose, and the pauldron he wore shone proudly in the light. He knew Haydee and Bellamy had wanted them to hang back but he was ready to end this one way or another. If he refused the escort, Bae-Syl would remove him by force.


As his best friend and personal medic, Lucette is allowed to enter Bae-Syl's threads as she sees fit. That being said Bae-Syl is her self appointed protector and might enter threads with her in them to ensure her safety.



Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Intermediate Healer (50)

2 Years
Extra small

Pride - Demisexual
04-15-2024, 10:44 PM

she lurked in the thickets, after being led here by the scent of Haydee. although the air was tight as she approached, listening for the sake of curiosity. there had been an intruder-, and it made her hackles rise as discomfort settled in her belly. "who would come like this?," she pondered silently. as moments passed, their conversation grew tense & filled with details she knew nothing about. something happened before her joining..- and soon, many had gathered around the scene. the wrong doer was named 'Gilgamesh'- a name she'd keepsake for now in remembrance of the disrespect he spat at Haydee's lair.
& when the time of conversation seemed to end, Melisande emerged to join near her loyal pack mates. she looked at Haydee with a firm glare before turning to face the enemy before them, intending to heal any of their members had any fight began. perhaps, this intruder forgot the many friends Haydee had, & underestimated just how many would fight for her.

"talk" "think"
table by scarlet/art by alo



Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
04-16-2024, 05:16 AM

Gilgamesh speaks, and Bellamy feels herself deflated further. “I am well aware of the harm I’ve caused,” Bellamy rumbles. “And to believe that I feel it is okay to harm a child is ignorant in and of itself. You have no idea what happened that night, nor did you appear to see how that same affect held me when we returned.” The woman shifted. “I am damaged, Gilgamesh, and I truly wish I hadn’t been in a state where I had been able to harm your daughter. But whether a child or adult, a raid puts me in that state no matter who we are facing. It is the environment… and much as I wish I could right that wrong. But though I’m attempting to apologize, attempting to make my offer to make things right should your child wish for it, you keep throwing it back at my face.” Not to mention the fact he was pissing off members of Ethne who found they could not wait any longer.

“Ethne never would have been okay just rolling over and letting ANY pack take from us, and yet you act like us returning to take our chickens was a sin against the Divine themselves. You act as if Haydee must be responsible for everything, and yet you do not admit your own faults in this. I was willing to leave with you, unarmed, and have this finished, but no, you want to continue to drag my daughter through the mud.” Bellamy sighed. “But to answer your question, yes, I am the problem. And I know that I am damaged, and that my mind in raids is not sound. It’s why I was the first to approach, to try and set things right, but you are so focused on my daughter you ignore that attempt! I understand you don’t want me near your daughter, but what is one unarmed wolf going to be able to do before a pack seeking judgment?” Frustration lingers in Bellamy’s eyes.

My daughter has nothing to apologize for.” Bellamy added firmly. “I am truly sorry for what has occurred to yours, but I can not do anything for you if you continue to ignore my attempts.” She sighed again. “And my point out about Ignis was not to poke at you, I’m well aware you have nothing to do with him and his actions… but like you have nothing to do with his Haydee has nothing to do with the actions I’ve caused. If you refuse to allow me the ability to apologize, to make things right on my end, there is nothing more I can do. But my daughter will not apologize for what would have been done to any pack that came against us. And you’re wrong - to test the strength of your fighters can be done knowledgeable of a raid or not.” Bellamy scoffed.

“...and by coming in the dead of night you hardly painted the picture of honesty. Still, should you choose to accept my attempts at an apology, you can call for me in a land outside of Ethne, because it seems our pack is through with you turning everything against my daughter like she is the only one who has ever done any wrong.” Bellamy turned away, the trouble in her gaze seen for just a moment before she did so. “I can ask them to stay back no longer.” She would not intervene with the pack’s attempts to get the man to leave.

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.


"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
04-17-2024, 11:25 PM
Haydée stands there, gazing up at the tall Raid King with exhaustion and irritation tugging at the lines of her face until they pulled thin and tight. Emerald eyes watch Gilgamesh as Bellamy speaks, her mother’s words causing her ears to swivel around to catch what the older woman has to say. At her mother’s suggestion that the child could take one of her mother’s eyes, the young woman stiffens but does not interfere because she knows just how much Bellamy has been struggling to rectify the mistake she had made.

Then Gilgamesh speaks, spitting words and saliva as he bites out arguments, his body language dangerous and barely contained as the moments drag on. But Haydée does not move, does not back down, as he spews contradictions and harsh words at her and her pack. Each insult is absorbed into her soul while she keeps her carefully maintained mask in place, not willing to show him the hurt that each and every venom-filled curse causes her. She stares at him, unblinking as he levels his goat eyes to her, raising his hackles and posturing for everyone present.

His head snakes close to her and Haydée does not react, unwilling to retreat backward in the face of a such of big bully. When his tirade comes to an end, something shifts in her chest and, in that moment of doubt, she almost gives in and follows Gil to the Hallows to throw herself prostrate in front of the girl and her mother to beg forgiveness… if only to keep Ethne safe. It is obvious that this man is dangerous and she does not wish to bring more violence to her pack’s door because she refuses to do something.

The shadows dance around them as a gentle wind tickles the leaves in the trees, sending dapples of sunlight waving across the merle form that is filled with such loathing that stands right in front of her and the sight is almost beautiful. A subtle rustling of the undergrowth alerts her to the approach of another but she does not take her eyes from Gilgamesh least she earn yet another scar. A growled word has her heart leaping into her throat as Eltrys makes it clear that the male is no longer welcome here.

However that is not all, for the heavy steps of her sister, Saga, also approach and her polar bear sibling steps up to show that they will not take his insults anymore. They come from the shadows, stepping forward, one by one, to show the united front that is Ethne. Bae-Syl speaks next and Haydée remains silent because Gilgamesh isn’t just demanding retribution from her but from the entire pack. They all take care of each and they all stand together. Heart swells as Mélisande steps up beside her and she sweeps her tail from side to side in a subtle show of pride in her pack mates.

Finally, Bellamy speaks, pointing out the contradictions that Gil has brought to them and she seems to grow as the faith that her mother has in her shines through. Bellamy turns away and the young Leader finally speaks, voice surprising calm and smooth in spite of all the emotions that whirl in her emerald eyes, “We all have faults Gilgamesh and we have tried to correct the mistake that was made. We are done with your threats and insults now, so you will be escorted to the border and expected not to trespass again. If you chose to ignore my warning, then you will be met with teeth and claws.”

Finally, she tears her gaze away from him, looking to Bae-Syl and Saga, her two Bruisers and says, “Please escort Gilgamesh out of Ethne. Dagrún, Eltrys, if you would both be so kind as to help them.” With that she turns to leave, offering Mélisande a gentle shoulder bump of gratitude for making an appearance and standing up for her. With her gaze diverted away from Gil, she offers the others a gentle, weary smile and dip of her head as she begins to walk away, making it clear that the Raid King’s business is done here.

-exit Haydée unless stopped-

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.


"The Bully™"

Raiders Hollow
Raid King

Master Intellectual (635)

Master Fighter (870)

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

7 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - SilverWordyBest BudsSocialiteCritical Attack!Legendary
LoserRaiderCritical Fail!Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarred
Snake EyesWinnerOoh La LaDouble Master1KAll Oozed Out
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teethVengeanceHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Overachiever
Critical Block!
04-18-2024, 11:57 AM
They appeared from the woodwork like rats. One after the other though had they not been told to stay back? As far as Gil was concerned, there had been no call for reinforcements. Was Haydee truly such a poor leader that her followers held no respect for her or her wishes? And he ignores the words they say because they hold no value to him. Who were they to him other than peasants scrounging for glory they so desperately wished to have?

Unimpressed by their show, Gil’s stare stays leveled on Haydee. Waiting patiently for their valiant leader to show some sort of worth that she probably hoped to have. But what comes next is so disappointing that it causes his lips to curl. Was she really going to tuck her tail and run? After all of this? After everything she and her pack caused? Oh, that was funny.

So hilarious in fact that Gil lets out a harrowing cackle. His muzzle tilted up, belly flexing in and out as he nearly wheezes. “Oh, little girl, you won’t escape that easy,” the deepened growl slips easily out after his words like venom slipping from a snake’s fangs. In the next moment, Gil is lunging forward. Easily covering the ground that separates himself from Ethne’s young and inexperienced leader. It didn’t matter if it was one against one or one against the entire pack, Gil had come for her and only her.

As feet turn to inches, his paws digging into the soft, he prepares for his next move. His ears fold back as his head snake forward. Jaw opening wide, elongated fangs folding down as he aims to grab ahold of Haydee’s back area. Their size difference is significant so he has to aim farther down than expected. Nonetheless, he aims to grab ahold of her so he can drag her away.

OOC. I have given Dragon permission to have Saga PP Gil. Please DO NOT post until AFTER Dragon has posted Saga.

gilgamesh is aggressive, don't trust him


War Chief

Master Fighter (250)

Expert Intellectual (195)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

3 Years
Large species
Dragon Mod

Rapid Poster - BronzeCritical Observation!1KOverachieverSamhain 2022
04-18-2024, 12:11 PM

She listened and watched as others arrived. As her sister and mother talked, but she had a feeling they were wasted words. This Raider did not seem to care about anything but his own self interests, not giving a damn about her families attempts at trying to right the wrong. Saga believed that the Raiders simply didn't care and were just fulfilling their own selfish whims at this point. Clearly an eye for an eye or no amount of apology was enough. It felt like it would never be enough at this point. Her gaze flicked over to her mother, a low rumble in her throat as her mother continued to offer up herself time and time again, explaining things that in Saga's opinion, didn't need to be explained and that did not stand well by Saga. The Raiders should not have brought pups to a raid and not be prepared for something to go wrong. At this rate, it was the Raiders' fault for what happened to this guys kid. Fuck around and find out, right? Isn't that what they did? If it was their thing to raid other packs, they should expect that not everyone would be okay with that, especially not knowing that some were on a hair trigger.

That's what Saga started to think, anyway. Haydee and Bellamy tried to right it...offered up themselves. Apologized. Even Gav went to try and help after the ordeal, but the Raiders had turned on him even and tried to hurt him. It was by luck and the Gods that he had managed to return home mostly unscathed, and each and every slight against her family by the raiders and each and every insult that kept being slung around was really starting to touch a nerve within the usually calm and level-headed bear.

But not anymore.

Her family shouldn't have to continue to beg or do a damn thing this wolf said anymore. Or maybe...that's just how some wolves were? There were good ones and bad ones from what she had learned, and the same probably held true for bears, but she hadn't met another one with the intelligence that she had. Perhaps this Gil was one of the bad ones...perhaps all of the Raiders were. Though her thoughts briefly flickered to that of the brown boy she had fought a couple of times, he hadn't seem as hell bent on trying to tear them apart, and even she felt bad when they attacked the Raiders when she nearly ripped his skin off. Maybe that wolf was the exception...but this one?

Her mother told him she would no longer keep them back. Sure, reinforcements hadn't been called, but what did he expect when he walked in like he owned the place, especially knowing he was not welcome within Ethne? Her heart pounded in her chest, amber gaze never leaving the mottled male.

Her body tensed as the intruder laughed at them. At her sister. At her mother. Haydee was young, yes, but she was trying her best. And as far as Saga knew, he kept treating her like a child and showed nothing but disrespect. As her sister went to walk away, he moved. He reached for her. He dared try to harm her in their home! Saga couldn't help herself. She roared something fierce. A cry of anger as he sought to harm her sister, and she charged at him. All the forces in the world would not stop the enraged bear as she thundered a path straight toward him like a freight train without its brakes. Spittle flew from her lips as she bared her teeth in a fearsome snarl. She was bigger than him. Much, much bigger than all of them. Nobody would stop her. Nobody could stop her. She was anger incarnate in this moment, and it had its sights on him.

With the force of a freight train, she slammed into him before he could so much as touch a single hair on her sister. She brought a foreleg up, and then with a forceful blow, sought to bring it down over his back, claws ready to tear him apart for his transgressions against her family! She would put this one in the goddamn dirt if she had to, and then maybe he'd finally think twice the next time.



"The Bully™"

Raiders Hollow
Raid King

Master Intellectual (635)

Master Fighter (870)

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

7 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - SilverWordyBest BudsSocialiteCritical Attack!Legendary
LoserRaiderCritical Fail!Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarred
Snake EyesWinnerOoh La LaDouble Master1KAll Oozed Out
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teethVengeanceHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Overachiever
Critical Block!
04-18-2024, 01:29 PM
Gil should have remembered the polar bear. It’s not like the ursine was tiny or anything. She clearly had been standing there long enough to understand the situation and close enough to do something if he decided to cross a line.

Which apparently for the bear, attempting to grab ahold of Haydee was the straw that broke her back. His teeth snap together over open air, tongue bleeding as his eyes clamp shut out of pure instinct. Her brute force and massive figure slammed into his side, sending him up into the air, body twisting and contorting to try and retaliate.

Unfortunately, there would hardly be a chance. Her thick foreleg connects with his ribs, the force breaking at least three of them. His breath is lost as he sails a few fee through the air. Barely missing a tree or whoever else was standing nearby, it would be difficult to not hear the sickening thump his head makes as it connects with a rock that had been obscured by the slightly taller grass.

Blacking out for a few seconds, Gilgamesh lay on the ground, blood coating his lips. A hoarse cough wakes him as pain radiates through his being. Everything is a blur, his vision shakes, he can’t quite make out his surroundings. Faint, uncomfortable, and clearly having his shit rocked by a polar bear, he was ready to pass back out. Before he does, he lifts his chin, looking to… well, he’s not sure because he still can’t quite see, but he doesn’t care.

Tell her I love her,” Gil whispers before resting his cheek back against the rock that will unfortunately bring him more issues than he realizes at the moment. Inhaling a ragged breath, he tries to remain conscious for the sake of staying alive, but moving by himself was no longer probable.

gilgamesh is aggressive, don't trust him


Raiders Hollow
The Modyguard

Master Fighter (291)

Expert Intellectual (185)

An icon representing the specialty Saboteur Saboteur

1 Year
Extra large
04-18-2024, 02:20 PM

Ken had noticed the absence of his mother, sister and father, and thought it very unfair they were going on an adventure without him. Nose to the ground when the girls struck out in one direction, he stayed on his dads scent, the girls were clearly doing girl things, so why not try to talk him into a boys weekend, right?

When the scent crossed over the Ethne borders, he stopped though, confused why his dad would be going in there after everything that had happened, it was only the distant indiscernible muttering that sent him creeping closer to see just what was going on. Six. Six wolves and a bear against his dad. He missed the lunge his father made but caught the roar and charge of Saga. He clenched his jaw and bit his tongue until it bled to stifle the scream that rung inside his own head only. The most infallible wolf he had ever known, his dad was sent sailing through the air, the sickening crack of his skull against the rock bringing bile to burn in his throat. He wasn’t close enough to hear the whispered message, and young as he was he wasn’t foolish enough to face the odds laid out before him.

To the boy, the son, the way his father’s body went limp, his eyes rolling back in his head, he was certain his dad was dead, and someone had to tell his mother. Ears ringing, tears burnign and blurring his vision, heart in his throat, ears pinned back and abject horror painted over every fibre of his being, the boy made himself as small as he could in his retreat. Fuelled by panic and little else he ran, back to where his parent’s trails split, seeking the safety of the Hallows.


-ken exit-


"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
04-18-2024, 03:49 PM
With her back turned to the man, a disturbing, diabolical cackle fills the air as Gilgamesh wheezes out yet another threat. Back stiffens as every fiber in her body screams out the threat that is behind her, bearing down on her smaller form with each frantic beat of her heart. Eyes slam shut as Haydée silently accepts her fate, hoping that the Raid King will at least have mercy on her pack should she die this day.

Then, the world begins to quake.

Saga moves, her heavy steps causing the earth to rumble in anger at her passing and Haydée isn’t sure if it is her knees shaking on their own or if it is from the force of her sister shaking the ground. Pebbles quiver in the grass around her and her emerald eyes shoot open as she begins the process of wheeling around and try to catch what is happening behind her. Jaws snap closed near her backside and she grunts in alarm as Gilgamesh is suddenly sent airborne by one gigantic polar bear paw.

The force of Saga’s blow causes Hay to inhale sharply as she swears that she can hear bones breaking and the hatred and disgust she had felt for the man only seconds before suddenly morphs into worry and fear. Eyes widen as she watches him sail through the air, time seeming to slow as each second stretches into an eternity while his body twists and contorts like a cat trying to remember how to land on its paws.

For a moment, her heart lifts and she dares to believe that he will be fine and, while he might suffer bruised or broken ribs and ego, he has at least avoided slamming into one of the numerous trees that litter the area. But her hopes are dashed as his body returns to the earth and a sickening, wet thump greets her ears as Gilgamesh’s head smacks into a hidden, unforgiving rock. Nausea rolls through her stomach and she convulsively swallows to keep from upchucking her last meal.

Horror pulls at her features, turning her face into a mask of pure fear as time swiftly snaps back into place, the slow moments sudden rushing back and blending together as she realizes everything that has happened. Gil lifts his head, blood cascading down the side of his face as he whispers words of love for a family member not here. Haydée is quick to react, rushing to the man’s side as he slowly rests his cheek against the rock and slips into the peaceful oblivion that is unconsciousness.

Authority fills her form as she barks out urgently, “Mélisande, I need your help!” It is strange how effortlessly she takes control of the situation, carefully orchestrating the wolves like a conductor making music. Bodies shuffle as they seek to aid the downed male because, while he had come seeking harm, he has been injured and now requires help. Eltrys calls her attention away from Gilgamesh, pointing out the retreating form of a brown yearling that she remembers from the raid.

Lips pull into a tight line as she realizes that the youth is probably off to tell the Hallows and the man’s wife and child the horrible deed that they have done and all she can do is give her head a shake and murmur, “We will deal with that later. First, we need to make sure he is stable and not in any life-threating danger.” With that, she tips her head back and sings a call for the pack healers, summoning them to come and help the man in need.

-will continue the healing in another thread-

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.

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1. i didn't think i needed to tell you twice Lazuli Falls 11:59 AM, 04-05-2024 12:15 PM, 04-24-2024