
A world of possibilities

Pup First Outing



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
04-15-2024, 12:52 PM

The first few weeks with their little pups was such a whirlwind. She tried to take every moment of it in, knowing that it would all move far too fast, but despite her best efforts it felt like it had all gone in the blink of an eye. She was lucky that the herbs and supplements that Juniper and Irilyth had helped her put together had made it possible for her to nurse their little ones for those formative weeks while they were still contained to the den. Even though their den was a fairly large cave with branching rooms–the same as their parent's den had been–the pups were quickly growing restless now and were absolutely insufferable with their pleas to go outside to see the rest of the island that they had only heard of. There was only so much she could do at this point to keep the curious children out of her workshop where there was just too many sharp tools that she worried about them getting ahold of so she was desperate to distract them with something else. Because of that she finally broke down and gave into their desire to roam outside–with Saracyn's agreement, of course–regardless of her concern about how small Thyrus and Fever still were. They were tough little things so she wasn't too worried, but she'd be keeping a close eye on them all the same.

"Alright, alright!" she finally relented with a chuckle, sitting down between them and the entrance to the den to make sure she had their attention. "We're going to go outside, but there is going to be some ground rules. If you break any of the rules we're all coming back inside, okay?" She gave them a firm look to make sure they understood before she added, "Stay where your dad and I can see you, don't go past the pine trees on the other side of the clearing, and don't chew, eat, or touch anything that you don't know what it is. Check with your dad or I before you mess with anything." With her perhaps over protective rules in place she sighed softly and smiled as she got up and stood to the side, gesturing toward the entrance with a sweeping move of her paw. "Be free, my loves!"

"Avacyn & Saracyn"


04-15-2024, 10:55 PM

Thyrus had already explored every inch of the den, at least as much as their parents would let him get to.  When mom started speaking his head rose up, and tail swishing in hopeful curiosity.  Thyrus tiny paws shifted with the hope of something good coming, her voice suggested something good!

Mom presented the wonderful news they’d go outside! Hooray!  Her next few words didn’t sink in right away.  It was the words ‘going back inside’ that made Thyrus work at recalling what she’d said a moment ago.  It was easy enough to figure out what he’d missed as mom started throwing out a ton of rules.  Like a never-ending list of rules!

It was all worth listening to though because after those words Mom stepped out of the way and told them they were free.  Thyrus gave a small excited yip and charged out, his small spikey tail swinging in wild enthusiasm.  His eyes soaked up the sights and slowed just a few steps on the outside.  Where to begin?  There was a HUGE world to explore!  Even without going past pine trees.  Speaking of, what he assumed was the pine trees were massive!

A small bird landing a short distance away.  It seemed to be hunting for tiny birds.  Thyrus charged towards it but it easily flew off before he got there.  Thyrus watched the bird take to the air, wide-eyed.  

"Thyrus Mendacium"



Intermediate Healer (30)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

Extra small
04-16-2024, 01:17 AM

Life was long. Days were long. Fever felt like an old wolf by the time they were eventually allowed out of the den. So, so old... She was tired of playing with her brothers or chasing a stupid ball around. Tired of playing with her parents companions. She wanted to go outside. She wanted to see! Over the past few days, the tiny, smoke and blood child had laid right in the doorway, watching as much of the outside world as she could manage. Life was hard.

As though realizing just how stir crazy they were getting, Ava finally said that they were allowed outside. An electric thrill shot through Fever and she was instantly on her paws. It was hard to listen to her mother as she laid out ground rules and, by the time Avacyn was finished speaking, the little girl was frantically dancing back and forth on her front paws. Okay, okay. Let us go!

Fever heard the dismissal like a shot from a gun and she took off, careening down the path towards the big tall green and brown things. She was faster than Thyrus. He had such small legs. Small everything, really. Fever was lithe and light. Some day she'd grow up to be incredibly slender. For now she was just a skinny little puppy.

Skidding to a halt right as the stone pathway shifted into the lush green grass, Fe took a tentative step onto it. Her little nose worked, filing away all of the different scents. The grass felt nice and cool under her pads. Soft, too. With a sigh, Fever dropped to the ground and began rolling in the sun warmed grass. This was the freedom that she'd been waiting for!

"Fever Medacium"



Expert Fighter (175)

Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Dire wolf
04-16-2024, 03:00 AM

Daemon had been doing everything within his power to get his sire and mother to cave and allow them outside for days now. The boy was growing rapidly, much more so than either of his siblings, and it was apparent even at this early stage that the rambunctious young tike would be taking his father's genes when it came to his physique. It also meant that he outgrew the small confinements of the den quickly, exploring every room, every crevice, every nook and cranny he could get his nose into. Ever curious, Daemon's explorations never sated his lust for knowledge and information. Reconning new rooms was like being let loose in a toy store, and his mother's workshop was his forbidden cave of wonders! Despite Avacyn's constant scoldings and protests to keep them out, he would always sneak his way inside, wanting to see what she was working on or what was so interesting that it needed its own separate room. When he found out that this also drove his mother crazy, well... that was just an added bonus. The more he drove her crazy trying to keep him contained, the sooner he could push her to letting them outside.

Sure enough, the sharp-witted pup's intuitions had been right on the money, and after less than a week of pressing his boundaries, Mom and Dad finally relented and allowed them to go outside! Daemon had been gnawing on an old elk bone that had long-since been stripped of any meat and marrow, using it just to sharpen his teeth while he waited for something else to do. Ava called the trio of pups to her and began laying down ground rules. No running off out of sight, no eating anything off the ground, yada yada yada... Daemon had already tuned out with an overly dramatic roll of his eyes and a huff, droning out a "Yes, Mom," as she set the rules. He'd agree to anything if it let him get out of that stuffy den at last!

And then they were let loose onto the world.

Fever went sprinting out first, followed closely by Thyrus. Daemon had to duck to avoid getting smacked in the face by his smaller sibling's spiked tail, then followed out at his own pace, a brisk trot as the Mendacium prince emerged into the sunlight for the first time. Daemon strode like a king, his paws moving with purpose across Elysian lands while keen cerulean eyes surveyed their home territory. The autumnal northern forest of Alias was gorgeous with its changing colors and deep green pines. A crisp scent of evergreens and the tang of nearby sea salt teased his nose. Overhead, a flock of birds flew by, heading south for the coming winter. Daemon couldn't help but smile as he took everything in, making his way over to join his siblings at his own pace. Thyrus was enthralled by the birds, so Dae padded over to where Fever was rolling about in the grass, shooting her a playful smirk. "You're so weird, Fe," he teased his sister, looking up at a nearby bush absolutely brimming with wild blueberries. Daemon wandered over to the fruiting plant, taking a tentative sniff at the fruits before opening his mouth to snatch one up—and pausing before actually biting down into it. He spat the berry back out and looked around for their parents again. "Hey Mom! Are these blue berries safe to eat?" As reckless as he was, Daemon really didn't feel like making himself sick today.

"Daemon Mendacium"

Warning: Daemon is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Avacyn and Saracyn may enter any of Daemon's threads while he is under 2 years old.



"The Deviant Prince"


Master Fighter (345)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bodyguard Bodyguard

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipDouble Master1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
04-16-2024, 03:08 AM

The first few weeks of raising their new family had passed by in a whirlwind of a blur. Between the emotional dealings with Scylla leaving and them learning how to be new parents, there were days where Saracyn felt like he was living in a dream. Every day he would watch his children playing, interacting with one another, exploring and learning, and he would just... be awed by them. These little living beings, these tiny wolves... he had made them! This was the family that he had been craving for years and it had all finally come true! Sara helped keep the pups in line where he could, preventing them from running outside before they were ready or killing each other while they were cooped up indoors. Gods above, was he this rowdy as a pup? He'd have to apologize to their parents if his kids took after him.

Eventually, Avacyn decided it was time to let their little hellions out into the world, and Saracyn couldn't have agreed more. While the protective father side of him was naturally concerned about their safety, he knew Alias was about as safe as anywhere could be, and it would do them no good to deny them their chance to grow. And so, with Ava setting the ground rules and Sara making a stern show of support for her, the new parents set their rambunctious pups loose onto Elysium for the first time. As the trio ran out into the clearing, Sara sat beside Ava, gently pulling her to his side in an affectionate cuddle while they watched their children play. Their children. "What unholy hell have we unleashed onto this innocent world, Ava?" joked Saracyn with a sarcastic chuckle, bright blue eyes moving being Daemon to Fever, to Thyrus, then back to Daemon, simply content to watch as they drank in the world around them, ready to jump in if they needed him or play if they wanted him.

"Avacyn & Saracyn"

Warning: Saracyn is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Saracyn's designated wolf to protect as a Bodyguard is Avacyn. She may enter his threads not marked as Private.




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
04-17-2024, 02:25 PM

The moment she set them free, all three of their energetic, too-smart-for-their-own-good pups went charging out into the sunlight and she watched them go with a chuckle and an exasperated sigh. Thyrus immediately began to explore, Fever charged out as fast as her little legs could carry her, and Daemon waltzed out like this island was already his. They each had so much personality already and it was so interesting to see how they each reacted to their first steps into the wider world around them. She felt Saracyn's foreleg around her and she glanced over at him with a smile as she leaned into his side before returning her gaze to the pups as they each found their own point of interest in the clearing. She grinned at his comment about the hell they had unleashed into the world, replying, "A trio of tiny Saracyns, that's what." Growing up he had always been the one to push boundaries and get himself into trouble and that was reflected back into their children ten fold.

She watched as Daemon went to eat a blueberry from a nearby bush, making her internally sigh since one of the three rules she gave them was to not eat things they weren't familiar with. She had given them berries before she wasn't sure if she could classify it as "unfamiliar" so she didn't stop him–but was pleasantly surprised when he ended up stopping and calling out to her to see if they were safe to eat. She chuckled and nodded before getting up from Saracyn's side to walk over to him. "They are–and they're delicious." She plucked a berry off of the bush for herself before skewering a couple on her feline claws. "Fever! Thyrus! Would you like some blueberries?" she called out to their other children, waiting to offer the berries to them if they wanted them.

"Avacyn & Saracyn"

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1. A world of possibilities Alias Island 12:52 PM, 04-15-2024 06:40 AM, 06-24-2024