



The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
04-12-2024, 12:11 AM

Sepiran’s never been one to admire beauty; even the otherworldly phenomenon unfolding right above his head went unnoticed. Twilight had faded into night, the sky darkening, revealing a clear, crisp autumn night. Stars were shining brightly overhead, twinkling within a velvet canvas. For a few hours, the weather reminded the same, the stars acting as his compass, as he traversed across The Polar Sound- fortifying his scent borders, chasing our scavengers, and paying the Sidi a visit.

And as the night progressed, a faint glow started to appear on the horizon- shimmering in the darkness, contrasting against the flickering suns galaxies away. The celestial spectacle, known as Aurora Borealis, started to appear- casting his domain in an ethereal glow, intensifying and swelling across the sky. Intricate patterns of purple, green, and pink were interwoven into the celestial backdrop, shifting and pulsating with an otherworldly energy. To most, it was a breathtaking display- but Sephiran could care less. It made his patrol easier, now that he could traverse through the trees with more light to guide his way.

His mind was already set on something else anyway.

After finishing the mundane tasks of Sultan, Sephiran changed his course and started to follow his sister’s scent. Each inhalation revealed a new layer- Absinth’s scent freshly interwoven into Yarra’s, raising questions inside of his paranoid mind. Were they conspiring? An audible tsk resonates from him- the demented brute a victim to the persecutory delusions that ate him alive and compelled him forward.

Weaving through the meadows, her scent gradually grows stronger- enveloping him in its embrace, and guiding him forward until he’s reached his destination. Yarra’s den. Outstretching his snout, he sniffs at the entrance- a low, domineering rumble resonating from his throat, serving as a command for her to emerge. His massive frame took on an authoritative stance- being cast across a backdrop of an ethereal, cosmic show of beauty - one that continued to dance all around him as he waited.

330 / 1500

Code by Sea
Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.


The Syndicate

Expert Fighter (225)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
04-12-2024, 10:49 PM

in the wake of her run in with Absinth’s brute of a father, the Saxe woman has spent more time than she’d have liked healing in her den, bandages itching against her pelt and the scent of herbs perpetually clogging her nostrils. it doesn’t make for the best mood, and as the days wear on and Yarra grows impatient, she finds her already short temper dangling from a proverbial thread. as such, she isn’t exactly thrilled by her brother’s summons - but as he is the Sultan, Yarra supposes she ought to make the effort to ‘show face,’ as it were.

“Seph,” she drawls, slinking from the shadows of her den with slow, measured steps. “to what do i owe the displeasure?” dark lashes bat against the river of lights thrashing against the sky, wrestling across its canvas like an agonised snake. she can appreciate its beauty in a distant kind of way, can even relish the effect such vibrancy casts across her dark pelt…but otherwise Yarra holds little regard for such things. she isn’t a cotton-headed fool struck dumb at the sight of a few pretty lights. and, for all his pig-headedness, neither is Seph. “you must be rather busy, brother, given your new duties.” her tone is saccharine sweet, hip cocking to one side as she affects a sultry pose. “i’ll admit, i’m rather flattered you took the time to see little old me.” but for all her teasing, the Saxe woman can’t quite deny the pride she takes in seeing her littermate head their newly established kingdom. granted, she’d rather it be her at the helm - but if it has to be someone else, she supposes her older brother isn’t a terrible pick. even if he is a bit of an unstable bastard. blood was blood, at the end of the day, and with a Saxe in power the world feels steady and balanced beneath her feet.

WC: 320



The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
04-19-2024, 05:15 PM

To say he hadn’t noticed her injuries until now would be a lie; he’d chosen not to dwell on it, figuring Yarra had done something to earn them. Assumably, she would have approached him if she were attacked out of cold blood; and he would have assembled a vicious brigade for her to yield in the name of revenge. But instead, she’d kept to herself. Sulking in her den in solitude, wasting the days away in a meaningless existence.

At least, that’s how Sephiran perceived it; he’d been wanting more from his sister, who seemed to lack initiative. Even as she emerged from the shadows of her den, greeting him with a smile and a look of compliance, he did not relax his stiff, domineering stance. With a haughty tip of his skull, Sephiran regards her with a cold, calculating gaze. A sneer pulled at his lips, as he felt betrayed by her low ambition. “Perhaps I haven’t spent enough time with you, Yarra.” He says, his gaze roving across the messy bandages that clung to her body. "You haven’t mastered any subject; instead, you meander around and you take from me.” His voice is akin to a hiss, tail flicking to and fro behind his body. Yarra might attend every ceremony and event, and she may back her brother with every fiber of her being- but that didn’t mean Sephiran was content with her bare minimums.

Suddenly, he starts to shift; his legs stepping out, knees bending to center his gravity, as he took on a battle stance. “Ready yourself.” He commands, giving her the opportunity to set her defenses before he moves to attack. Springing off his hind limbs, Sephiran attempts to barrel straight into his sister, one of his forepaws raising to try and hook over her shoulder. His jaws stay closed, for now - his intent isn’t to maim her or viciously attack - he just wants to grapple with her to practice her fighting skills.

Above them, the magnetism of the celestial event continues to shimmer down on top of them. Those vibrant hues pulsating and shimmering in the night sky, providing an ethereal backdrop that was both advantageous and challenging.  

1018 / 1500

Code by Sea
Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.


The Syndicate

Expert Fighter (225)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
04-25-2024, 11:13 PM
as always, it seems her brother harbours a unique talent for getting under her skin. her smug demeanour quickly falls away in the face of Seph's harsh words, and a seething rage is quick to replace it, lips twisting into a hideous snarl. his every syllable wrankles like a physical blow, and soon she's bristling like a porcupine and spitting with fury, a red mist seeming to swirl at the edges of her vision. "how dare you," she lashes, stalking closer. the skin about her face contorts into a hideous scowl, the black points of her eyes shrinking into miniscule dots. "i've remained by her side, brother-dearest, since the moment we got here. me. i didn't stray, not when Auriga vanished into thin air, not when Cifa up and fucking abandoned you for months on end." her mouth trembles with a hideous little smile, quirking up and falling away like her face can't quite decide what direction it wants to twist. the resulting expression, however, is suitably deranged, and is illuminated by the roiling colours overhead, throwing everything into violent contrast. she's practically shaking by the time his challenge is laid at her feet, and Yarra relishes this opportunity to let some of her anger bleed into the air between them. in her mind, her blood relation to Seph and her continued loyalty should he enough to cement her place within the Saxen empire - and to be informed, in no uncertain times, that this is not the case feels like a slap to her face. she's smarting from the loss of her pride, and she's glad for the opportunity to brawl with her brother, to lose herself in the clashing of her limbs on limbs. as Seph charges for her, Yarra adopts a defensive stance - feet splayed, claws gripping the earth, tail flared out behind her - and attempts to duck his blow at the last moment, hoping the suddenness of it will ensure he has no time to divert his course. regardless of its success, he still manages to hook a forepaw over her shoulder, preventing her from putting much space between them. their close quarters, however, prompts her neck to twist around as she aims to gain purchase on his scruff, teeth snapping in warning. their pelts are ablaze in colour, a distraction from the roiling mass of man before her.

WC: 1411/1500


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
04-29-2024, 01:30 AM

That haughty, smug expression on his sister’s face is quick to fade, having been replaced with anger that festered from every fiber of her being. That sense of hurt and betrayal, it was one Sephiran knew well- he’d experienced it after the disappearance of Cifarelli and Auriga. It was all-consuming, fueled by raw emotion, creating a palpable aura of aggression that radiated from their very being. And Sephiran’s comment had ignited these same feelings in his sister.

She was glaring at him with a fiery intensity, those acidic eyes narrowed as she fixated on her source of anger. Him. Each word that left clenched jaws was venomous and sharp, laced in her unchecked rage as she reminded him of their siblings' shortcomings. Although he didn’t want to admit it, Yarra was right - she’d stayed by his side all along, while their brothers vanished into the void to satiate their depravities. Leaving them behind. And yet, Sephiran still cannot deny his disappointment in Yarrabelle - she’s proven herself to be loyal and capable - so why did she lack the drive to become more? It was perplexing.

Perhaps this opportunity for bloodshed is needed - Sephiran needs to release his frustration, and Yarra needs to defend herself against his accusations. And so, as the larger Saxe lunges at his sister, hooking his forepaw over her shoulder and engaging them in a grapple for power, Sephiran is relentless in his assault.

And so is Yarra.

Her neck twists, jaws snaking towards his scruff, which she grabs between her sharp teeth. A snarl resonated from him, a visceral reaction to the shockwave of pain that rolled through him. In the same breath, his jaws open, and he snaps at her head, trying to grab onto the parietal section of her skull to rank his fangs across her flesh. At this point, they’d become a whirlwind of limbs and fury as they grappled for dominance.

This was a test of strength and willpower.

1741 / 1500

Code by Sea
Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.


The Syndicate

Expert Fighter (225)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
05-07-2024, 12:21 AM

a snarl is ripped from Yarra’s clenched teeth, agony pulsating through her as she writhes beneath her brother’s grip. blood falls where his claws land, clumping in her dark fur and dripping into her ears. Yarra blinks it back like scarlet rain, her heart a eardrum against her chest. any other day and she’d be just as unwilling to give Seph the upper hand, but now, with his harsh words echoing through her mind…it only spurs her to strike harder, bite deeper, tear him apart physically the way he’d done verbally. locked as they are this bloodied brawl, she understands that if she is to gain any ground, she will have to give some - momentarily, of course. releasing her grip on his scruff, Yarra braces herself and shoves upward with a shoulder, hoping to dislodge Seph and use their close quarters to attempt to land a heavy blow on Seph’s chin. of course, this move has several drawbacks: for one thing, Seph’s teeth in her skull means every movement is agony, and there’s no guarantee her strength is enough to dislodge him. for another, their closeness means she might not’ve gained enough force for a proper shoulder strike, as there is such little room to move. it’s a risky manoeuvre, and regardless of its success her skull is singing with such pain it makes her head spin.
