
Strong For Somebody Else


War Chief

Master Fighter (250)

Expert Intellectual (195)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

3 Years
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Dragon Mod

Rapid Poster - BronzeCritical Observation!1KOverachieverSamhain 2022
04-26-2024, 02:24 AM

She ran back home as fast as her legs could carry her. She knew she was going to be beyond exhausted by the time she reached home, but she was on a mission and needed to get back home as soon as possible. She wished they had lived closer to Avalon, but alas. It was a journey worth making regardless. The ground thundered beneath her feet, claws tearing the earth in her wake as she raced in a bid to get back home. She figured with the time she had been gone, the meeting with Artorias was long over. So she didn’t bother going there, and instead, headed straight back home, passing the castle in the near distance.

Her lungs burned as she ran, not daring to stop for a break no matter what. Time was of the essence. Just like Corbie had said. The conversation between them played over and over in her mind. She was determined. Her sister could be safe. That part of the conversation replayed in her mind. Haydee could be safe.

Finally, the familiar grounds of her home drew closer, and yet she still didn’t stop until she was safely across the border. She didn’t know if her sister was here or if she had gone elsewhere after the meeting, but she called for her anyway, chest heaving and legs shaking from her journey.



"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
04-26-2024, 02:29 AM

Fear tangles her gut into knots, driving any sense of appetite far from the young Leader’s mind. Why did this have to keep happening to her and her pack? Why are they doomed to make matters worse every time that they try to stand up for themselves? Small form trembles with all the pent up worry and doubt that eats away at her mind and she finds herself repeatedly dry heaving in the relative safety of her den.

When she isn’t heaving, her small paws pace endless circles into the ground as she replays the events over and over in her mind and the minutes stretch into hours. Haydée doesn’t even realize that she has chewed a small hole into her lip or that blood now coats her tongue; no, all she is aware of is the imminent danger to her pack. Ethne didn’t deserve any of this and all she can keeps thinking about is how to keep everyone safe. Should she offer up her life?

A call from her sibling pulls the young woman from her own mind, eyes moving to the fur that separates her living space from the rest of tunnels behind the waterfall. With a deep breath, she swallows the blood that coats the inside of her mouth (when did that happen?) and she swiftly moves to answer Saga’s call. Short legs pump as she trots to where the polar bear is, fear coloring her gaze as she comes into view.

Saga had excused herself to go do something shortly after they had arrived at The Hallows and Haydée had worried that she had gone to offer her apologies much like Gavroche had. Slowing to a stop, she fearfully asks, “Are you okay? Where did you go?” Right now, they need to come together as a family and figure out their next course of action and Hay needs all the help she can get.

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.


War Chief

Master Fighter (250)

Expert Intellectual (195)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

3 Years
Large species
Dragon Mod

Rapid Poster - BronzeCritical Observation!1KOverachieverSamhain 2022
04-26-2024, 02:33 AM

Her breathing was hard and ragged, legs trembling as they threatened to fall out from under her. She had been running non stop since she excused herself from the meeting with Artorias, and the only brief respite she had gotten was when she had finally made it to Avalon’s borders. She panted with exhaustion as her body trembled from the exertion, but she was strong. She had to be strong. If not for her family, then for herself. She wasn’t a wolf. She knew that. She was an ice bear, and it was time she used that as her strength. Her family of wolves would always be her family no matter what. And her companions had both told her that it was okay to be different. She could have her family of wolves, but in the end, she was what she was, and she could use that now.

Her sister arrives in a short time, and Saga can see the fear in her eyes, the blood on her lips, the worries and stress etched all over her little body. It made her wonder how the hell such a small wolf had been able to handle all of this…but she had thought about that during her journey to find help, and concluded that Haydee was barely holding on. Ethne was somewhat of a united front, but not as united as they should be against the looming threats against them. Perhaps it was contentment. Maybe it was the feeling of safety that let their guard down. Whatever the case, she was determined to help ease her sister's burden in whatever ways she could.

Her sister looked like a right mess, she couldn’t deny that. But she wasn’t going to tell her that. She was sure her sister knew she looked worse for wear these days. “I’m fine, sis. Don’t worry. Er, sorry for running off like that…there was something I needed to do, and it couldn’t wait.” Her legs were moments away from giving out as they violently trembled, and she half collapsed before she was able to sit down. “I’m fine, I promise…I just ran halfway across the world I feel like…” Taking a deep breath to gather her thoughts, she continued. “Remember when mother talked about the pack in the west? Avalon? That’s where I went. I wanted to talk to Corbie, I remember when mother said Corbie was kind, and so I guess I hoped that she might be able to help us. I know Artorias has helped us before, but…I don’t know how much help he can give without putting his pack at risk. I think…I don’t know, I’ve never been political before, Hay, but I wanted to help you.”

She’d wait to see how her sister reacted first, and also because she desperately needed to catch her breath and try to keep herself composed for the news she wanted to share with her.



"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
04-26-2024, 02:36 AM

Saga looks terrible, not that she would tell her sister that so bluntly. The huge polar bear’s muscles tremble minutely and Haydée spies this as she moves closer, her green eyes catching the way that her sibling seems moments away from collapsing. If it is possible, even more worry etches itself into her features and her lips draw down into a thin frown as Saga speaks. A small snort is the only response to her statement about fine, knowing that she would answer the exact same way should she, herself, had been missing a limb.

Maybe that was the curse of the Kedieo family, to downplay their own issues.

Still, she bites her tongue as Saga half-collapses, half-sits on the ground and her brows knit together as the story begins to unfold. Nodding at the mention of Corbie, the small woman says, “I know Corbie. I visited her some time ago and brokered a trade between our packs. That is where our chickens come from.” A small smile dares to twitch the corners of her mouth and then, her sibling informs the struggling Leader that she had wanted to help her. Sorrow suddenly flies across her face as that initiate worry for her family rears its head again.

Haydée does not want anyone, anyone, risking themself to help her.

Shakily, she says, “Wha… what did Corbie say? I don’t want you, or Corbie, or Avalon, to put yourselves at risk for me.” Steel enters her eyes as she looks at Saga, letting her sister know that there will be no room for arguing here.

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.


War Chief

Master Fighter (250)

Expert Intellectual (195)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

3 Years
Large species
Dragon Mod

Rapid Poster - BronzeCritical Observation!1KOverachieverSamhain 2022
04-26-2024, 02:39 AM

Oh! So that's where the chickens had come from? She supposed she hadn't paid much attention to what her sister or mother did with their alpha things. She always did her own thing. Her favorite hobbies, usually. Spent a lot of time fishing, napping, and exploring what Auster had to offer. She just sort of…went with the flow her whole life. And it wasn't until things started burdening her family lately that she felt she wanted to - no - needed to step up. Wolves were strong together as a pack, but what about when a wolf was alone?

She was a bear. She could - and had - proven that she was strong and capable. She had fared very well in her first raid, had been sparring different opponents, learning from her companions, her mother, and learned from each and every encounter. She learned that not everyone could be trusted. Not everyone was good. And the Raider wolves had shown that with their ill treatment toward her family. Did she mention she was a goddamn bear!? Sure, wolves had fought and killed her kind often, as well as other predators. But they weren't like her. She knew she was strong enough. She could feel it in her soul.

She watched her sister carefully, and despite what she felt, Saga knew she had to convince her and see reason. Corbie had given her words of wisdom, and Saga would be damned if she didn't listen and something happened to her sister because she hadn't tried hard enough. So when Haydee spoke, asking her what Corbie said, the steel in her sister's gaze was notable, and Saga returned it with a steel gaze of her own, but also filled with love. “She gave me advice that we would be wise to follow. She said she’d do what she could to mediate the situation…and that she wishes we had come to her sooner…” Had she known (or rather, remembered Corbie sooner), she would have asked her sister to go see her instead of running to the neighbors. She figured maybe it was a convenience factor…or maybe because the wolves of The Hallows had helped them before, but still…

“She also said that she was going to go and speak to them. That you are welcome to find sanctuary with her if you need it and…that she would extend the same offer to Gil…” She huffed at that remark, but it wasn’t her decision, and she had a feeling that Gil would be a fool to try anything within Avalon. “…Sis, I think you should take her up on that offer. I know you don’t want us to risk ourselves, but we are choosing to stand by your side. You're my sister no matter what, and I’ll be damned if I stand by and let you and mom take the brunt of all this! I may not be a wolf, but I am a bear. I have the strength to protect my family, and that’s what I want to do.”

By now, her resolve was clear. Haydee deserved to live without these burdens, even if for a little while. She needed a break. Their mother needed a break. They deserved some goddamn happiness! And if Saga could give them that, why not?  “Please Hay…let me help. You and mom need a break…” She wanted them to not have to deal with this anymore. For her family to be left alone by those wretched wolves.



"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
04-26-2024, 02:41 AM

While the young Leader does not want anyone to get hurt in the fallout from Gilgamesh getting injured in Ethne, Hay also knows that she has no clue how to set things right. However, the young woman has decided that this is her burden to carry and one she wishes to take on alone. Yet, as she questions what Corbie said, her steely gaze is returned in kind but the edges are softened with love, the small wolf feels her conviction faltering. Emerald eyes soften as Saga speaks and she does not stop her or interject while the information is relayed.

Ears slowly flatten as her sibling speaks of the sanctuary offered to her… and Gil. A wince tugs at her features at the thought of forcing the healing male, who, to her knowledge is still passed out, to go to Avalon so that they may resolve this petty squabble once and for all. Yet, the idea is not an unwelcome one. Finally, the towering polar bear gently asks for the small Leader to allow her to help and the resolve she has been carrying, completely shatters. Fear, doubt, and all the wretched emotions she has been struggling with, swirl in her green eyes and the inexperienced alpha suddenly feels so lost.

Features slowly fall as her soul is laid bare to the world and her lips quiver as tears slowly build in her eyes. Inhaling a deep breath, Haydée forces past the growing feelings of unworthiness and she tries to keep her voice from trembling as she says, “I can’t leave Ethne now. How can I protect everyone if I am up in Avalon? But… maybe mom can go there. She needs the break more than me… she blames herself for this whole mess.” Small head shakes as Hay thinks of their mother and the fact that the older woman obviously is trying to shoulder all the fault herself.

With a gentle smile, Haydée adds, “Thank you for going to Avalon sis. I… don’t know why I didn’t think of Corbie before.” Silently, she thanks the Divines for giving her such a wonderful sibling as Saga.

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.


War Chief

Master Fighter (250)

Expert Intellectual (195)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

3 Years
Large species
Dragon Mod

Rapid Poster - BronzeCritical Observation!1KOverachieverSamhain 2022
04-26-2024, 02:43 AM

She can see the struggle in her sister's green gaze. The swirling emotions that she is sure have been forced upon her by petty, unwanted squabble. It was silly, really. While she understood the gravity of it and that a child got hurt, she still thought it was also the Raiders fault for bringing children to raid a pack that were uninformed of what their intention was. She knew her mother would not have fallen into herself had she known it was for any other reason. Or so she hoped. Both parties had been at fault. Ethne had tried to resolve the issue on more than one occasion. The Raiders refused. And in Saga’s mind, there was no point in being amicable toward them anymore. She still thought they oughta just dump Gil somewhere and let his own wolves handle him, and while she’d probably claim all day long that she’d live and die on that hill, even she knew that she wouldn’t just leave someone to die. Even if she felt they deserved it.

That was why she wanted to try and convince Hay to let her help. The Raiders were being unreasonable, and she felt they were taking advantage of her soft heart, not to mention they acted like they were superior because of Haydee’s age and she swore because of her size, too. Didn’t every alpha start somewhere? Inexperienced and just kinda learning on the fly? Or maybe some were trained for it…surely not all of them were though.

Ah, but her mind was going off track for a moment. It was time to focus back on the here and now. “I can’t leave Ethne now. How can I protect everyone if I am up in Avalon? But… maybe mom can go there. She needs the break more than me… she blames herself for this whole mess.” She watched. Remained silent for a moment as her heart broke for her poor sister. She looked so, so defeated…and she didn’t want to see her like that anymore. “None of us thought about it before, I’m just glad I did before it was too late.” She sure hoped that Corbie would succeed, and if she didn’t? Well, Saga then hoped that she would succeed in what she was going to ask her sister today.

She could see the tears swimming in her sister's eyes, and it drove Saga to reach out with a massive paw and pull her sister in for a warm embrace, one she was sure Haydee desperately needed. “Let me protect you and mom. Let me protect Ethne. I may not be a wolf, but I’m sure I can lead just as well as one.” She let the words sit in the air, hoping her sister understood what she was asking. “Whether you and mom are here, or not, let me help protect the pack for however long you need.”



"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
04-26-2024, 02:47 AM

Right now, Haydée does feel defeated, lost, and terribly alone with everything that has happened between Ethne and the Raiders. Sure, the second raid hadn’t helped anything but she had felt it was important to show that they, as a pack, would not take any slight laying down. The Raiders had won and still they sought her out to force her to make amends she had already made. How it blossomed into something that she personally feels like will only end with the loss of her life… she still cannot figure out.

Yet, she tries to put on a brave face, even as the tears start to spill down her russet cheeks and Saga reaches a massive paw out toward her to pull her in for a hug. It is easy for the small wolf to move and press into the broad chest of her sister and, while the size difference is staggering, Haydée has never felt more safe than in the embrace of her polar bear sibling. Turning her head, she buries her face into the soft, white fur and allows the tears to disappear as that fur steals them away.

She hates that she is so weak that she must be protected but she is also immensely grateful for the fact that she has someone… actually many wolves and bear alike, who want to protect her. Small form quakes against her strong sibling and considers what her options truly are before she shifts her head to free her mouth without leaving her sister’s safe embrace. Voice weak with exhaustion and filled with sorrow for being so damn weak, she softly says, “Okay.”

It is difficult for her to admit that she cannot handle this situation on her own but it has gone far beyond anything that she can apologize for. Plus, the Raiders Hollows aren't completely without blame… no matter how much they try to act like they are faultless and she doesn’t want to endanger those in Ethne simply because she is in charge. Shifting so that her head is laying sideways against Saga’s chest but still not abandoning the warm, much needed hug, Haydée lists what she needs to do aloud, “I’ll need to tell The Hallows and Elysium about the change in Leadership and I should probably hold a pack meeting before I leave for Avalon. Oh, and talk to mom to see what she wants to do…”

There is always so much that Haydée needs to do.

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.


War Chief

Master Fighter (250)

Expert Intellectual (195)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

3 Years
Large species
Dragon Mod

Rapid Poster - BronzeCritical Observation!1KOverachieverSamhain 2022
04-26-2024, 02:49 AM

Her sister leans into her embrace, and Saga hugs her for as long as she needs. She wants her sister to know just how much she cares about her, and just how much she is willing to do in an effort to ease her burdens. Of course, if her sister decided that she wanted to handle things herself, Saga wouldn’t push it further. She’d at least know that she had tried, but she wouldn’t step on her sister’s boundaries if she didn’t want the help. She holds her, allowing her sister the time she needs to think. To collect herself. To decide what she wants to do. Let’s her consider all that she has said. And to her surprise, she accepts the help. A warm smile lifts Saga’s features. The warmth spreads through her body. Through her very soul. While it was hard to accept help, it was probably one of the most courageous things one could do. The young Ice Bear looks down at her tiny sister, and if she had a tail like a wolf, it’d be wagging. But as it was, she leaned down to nuzzle the top of her sister’s head. “Thank you, sis. You do what you feel like you need to do, and we’ll talk to mother together if you’d like. I just want you, mother, and our family to be safe. I feel like I can do this…”

She paused for a moment as she thought, and although she had found confidence in her willingness to protect and defend her family’s peace, she also knew that there was a chance that she could fail. Wasn’t that what life was about though? Taking chances? “If I fail, at least I know I tried. I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure Ethne is safe. And I’ll always be here when you need me, no matter what. I promise.” And she intended on keeping that promise.



"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
04-26-2024, 02:55 AM

While she is safely tucked away in her sister’s chest, Haydée can almost feel the warmth that spreads through Saga as the help is accepted. In spite of the worry, terror, and feelings of defeat, she cannot stop the small smile that ticks at the corner of her lips. A gentle, thankful sigh rolls past her lips as she sinks further into her sister, beyond grateful to be handing off such a volatile situation but, also, feeling extremely guilty to be leaving all this on Saga’s shoulders.

Well, one step at a time.

As Saga speaks, she listens, humming in thought as she orders her plans. At the promise, Haydée’s lips pull into a wide, warm smile and she leans backward so that her sister can see it as she says, “I know you will. You are the strongest wolf I have ever met.” Sure, she isn’t a wolf but the smaller woman hopes that she understands the sentiment meant by that. Shifting so she is back against her sister, she says, “Before I go, I will show you how I have things set up. We can hold a pack together but first, we should talk to mom. Anything you need, anything at all, don’t hesitate to send word to me in Avalon. I will be back before you know it!”

Relief floods through her, followed closely by guilt… yet she still does not regret her decision to do this. Haydée has complete faith in Saga and her ability to keep Ethne safe.

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.

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1. Strong For Somebody Else Lazuli Falls 02:24 AM, 04-26-2024 10:54 PM, 09-07-2024