
Fury Burns Hot



The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
04-12-2024, 12:07 AM
Following the pack meeting, Sephiran had several tasks to complete; and one of them, he believed was more prevalent than the rest. He needed to confront Cifarelli. Just the sight of him at the gathering sent Sephiran into a fit of rage- the surge of hot, searing anger lingering in his chest, igniting every muscle fiber and singeing every nerve. It was a pain akin to no other- a knife to the heart, a stab to his ego, a searing agony that cut deep and left a wound that refused to heal. The anger is raw, the sense of betrayal palpable; every thought tinged with bitterness, every memory tainted, his rage all-consuming and demanding satiation.

There was only one way to satiate the Sultan’s aminosity; an act he should have carried out the second Cifarelli dared to show his face.

Blood needed to be spilt.

He’d dismissed the group after the meeting, watching Cifarelli slink off into the shadows with his new pet in tow. Once everyone had cleared out, Sephiran leaped down from his perch and was hot on his brother’s trail. He’s propelled forward with a single-minded determination, the fire burning within fueling his steps as he chased after him. Closing in, Sephiran sought to emerge from the sideline and cut his brother off, shoving his way past the girl and dismissing her with a vicious, guttural snarl.

There are no words to be spoken - this is the Saxe way, after all - and if anyone understood that, it was Sephiran and his siblings. Betrayal was met with violence. There may have been a reason for Cifarelli’s disappearance, but Sephiran was a man who lacked rationality; losing sight of any reason, a torrent of emotions overwhelming him. Without hesitation, he slams himself into Cifarelli, shifting all of his weight forward and attempting to shove his brother back. Jaws unhinge and snap at Cifarelli’s face, to rake his saber fangs across his right eye socket.

"Sephiran Saxe"
Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.


The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (130)

Expert Navigator (140)

2 Years
04-17-2024, 06:39 PM

They hadn't gone far before he heard it. The heaviness of paws and that familiar guttural snarl filled his heart with both recognition and understanding. There was nothing he could do but stop his movements. Eyes snapping to Cierzo to run; but, to remain close. He knew this would not last long. To fight back would be his ultimate death. So, he said nothing. Body turning around the moment his brother's body collided with his own. A sharp inhale of gasped air broke from sealed teeth. The running shots of pain coursed through him immediately. Causing his body to ache. "Brother!!"

Cifarelli pressed his paws into Sephiran's chest. His right eye throbbing in pain from the connection of teeth. His shoulders pulling against a strained muscle in his neck. Eyes meeting those of his brother's without challenge. He was their leader now. Having worked his way to the top from the moment of birth. What could he possibly say when what he did was considered treason? "Do what you must. But, hear me out first." Perhaps he could talk himself out of this situation. What he could say he did not know. He raked his brain feverishly to try and at least say something.

This was the Saxe way. He knew this. This event was bound to happen sooner than later. The black plague could refuse to fight. However, what kind of wolf would he be? Talking easily left his mind as teeth sunk into the fleshy part of his brother's throat. An attempt to latch on in order to use his own strength in knocking the brute over. He would hear him speak. One way or another.




The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
04-29-2024, 01:33 AM

Cifarelli’s voice sliced through the clearing, rising above the guttural snarl that resonated from Sephiran’s throat. The collision of their bodies was cataclysmic, the impact reverberating through the air, as they melded together in a flurry of motion. There was a jolt of pain, muscles straining and fibers stretched as microvessels burst to form a hematoma beneath the skin; but Sephiran remained vicious and unrelenting in his assault, ignoring his brother’s pleas as he continued to unleash his fury.

Paws pressed at his chest, trying to push him away but the Sultan leaned into it, welcoming the scraping the claws against his skin. His fangs had ranked across his brother’s eye, sparing his sight but it would leave a mangled, scarred mess behind. A constant reminder of his betrayal. There was nothing Cifarelli could say to keep Sephiran at bay - and the male must have realized it, given he was starting to fight back - teeth grabbing onto Sephiran’s upper shoulder / lower portion of his throat, sinking down into the subcutaneous tissue to create a firm hold.

Another snarl rippled from Sephiran, a chaotic explosion of energy as they morphed into a whirlwind of limbs and fury, grappling for dominance in a frenzied struggle. Cifarelli refused to yield, which fueled Sephiran’s desire to pin him down - a front forelimb raising up to hook over his brother’s shoulder, before his weight shifted down and he threw the smaller male onto the earth.

Each blow landed with a crushing force, the sound of the impact echoing in the stillness of the air. Even with Cifarelli’s hold, Sephiran craned his head down and grabbed him by the ear. He wanted Sephiran to listen?

How fitting would it be, for the Sultan to shred the male’s ear in response to his request.

"Sephiran Saxe"
Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.


The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (130)

Expert Navigator (140)

2 Years
04-30-2024, 09:22 PM

Sephiran refused to listen. It was clear from the way he now held Cifa's ear within his jaws. The loud sound of flesh being ripped made him bellow out in pain. Should he easily submit? Get this entire situation out of the way; before, he lost any more limbs? Cifarelli hated being placed into submission. Even as a pup when Seph would do so during their play fights. It infuriated him to no end. This time, though, was completely different. He'd brought this onto himself. Leaving for so long whilst the band did all of the work on their own. Did he regret it? Of course not. That decision was something he needed for himself.

His body twisted to the best of his ability. Yanking his ear from the larger male's grasp. Not caring that he'd probably done more damage than what was intended. Head tilting to the side in full exposure, tail tapped the ground three times loudly. He wanted this humiliation to be over.



The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
05-05-2024, 08:10 PM
With the cartilaginous appendage in his mouth, Sephiran pinched it viciously between his teeth, penetrating through the tissue with an audible pop. The sensation against his lips was riveting, causing a sadistic smirk to pull at the corners of his lips, the domineering purr that resonated from his chest filling the space between them. And yet, it did not satiate his fury. He would relentlessly attack until his brother submitted, even if that meant causing catastrophic damage. Because Sephiran was a creature of malice and contempt.

Cifarelli was twisting beneath him, adding tension to his ear before rip! It nearly severed in two inside of Sephiran’s jaws, his brother’s body contorting into a submissive posture as he tapped his tail to signal his surrender. Cifarellia had pulled his ear away, leaving a bloodied, mangled mess in the wake of Sephiran’s rage, blood dripping from the Sultan’s dark maw and onto the forest floor. “If you ever leave without notice again,” Deep baritones sliced through the air, their eyes meeting in a silent challenge as Sephiran dared his brother to defy him again. “I’ll rip your eyes from their sockets and make your life a living hell.” Every word dripped with authority, every gesture calculated to assert control over Cifarelli. He’d never accept betrayal from his brother again. “Start pulling your weight. Scout the neighboring territories, replenish the food stores, assist Rhazien in whatever he needs.” There was no room for compromise, no mercy as Sephiran set his expectations. Just like Yarra, he needed more from his brother. "You'll be useless no more." He wouldn’t allow him to be a useless pawn in his ranks, because he knew he was capable of being useful if he tried.

"Sephiran Saxe"
Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.


The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (130)

Expert Navigator (140)

2 Years
05-09-2024, 10:08 PM

"I was never useless!" Cifarelli knew he was digging himself a further grave; but, he refused to be silenced. Blood leaked down his face. Soaking the ground beneath his paws. Tongue slipping free to catch some of the crimson liquid. "My weight will be pulled. You need not worry about that." He shook his head. Humiliation scared the depths of his pride. Having to submit so easily. Even though he had no such choice. His brother would surely have killed him in that instant.

His leaving was looked at as one of betrayal. Something he had not thought of the moment he chose to scout other areas. He'd gone about it wrong. Cifarelli knew this. The fury on his brother's face revealed the angered rage he felt. While his own only showed one of irritation and annoyance. The Saxe male said nothing more as he stepped to Sephiran and nipped at his chin. Acknowledging the difference in both rank and understanding. Not only were they siblings, this man was also his leader.

"You still bite like a bitch in heat." A chuckle slipped from his throat. Smirking at his older brother. "Are we done?"



The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
05-12-2024, 02:17 AM
“Then prove it.” Sephiran is quick to retort, snarling through bared fangs as he continued to glare down at his brother. Cifarelli could try and plead his case until he turned blue. But until Sephiran saw change in his brother, until he saw growth, he was a parasite feeding off the power he’d obtained. Rolling around with some bitch while the rest of his family provided for the pack. He still needed to promote an Effendi Gezgin, and if Cifarelli could prove he’d excelled as a scout, he would bestow it upon his brother. But he needed to prove he was worthy first.

As Cifa shifted, Sephiran watched him closely, his gaze unwavering as he noted every subtle move the smaller male made. He’d nip at Sephiran’s chin, exuding primal and animalistic behaviors; showing he had submitted, and accepted his place beneath his Sultan. With a low, guttural growl, Sephiran dismisses him with a flick of his muzzle, commanding him to flee back into the darkness of The Polar Sound.

They’d be seeing each other again soon.

"Sephiran Saxe"
Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.


The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (130)

Expert Navigator (140)

2 Years
05-15-2024, 09:21 AM

There was nothing else to be said. Sephiran's dismissive gesture took heed that he could leave and thus he did. Cifarelli refused to walk away without his pride. Though he limped from the impact of being knocked down. His head remained high. Just a tad lower than where his brother would hold his. Blood leaked from his wounds. Leaving a path of the direction he currently traveled. 

Since they were young, Sephiran always showed promise. To lead was not for little Cif back then. He enjoyed torturing those that he hunted. Getting into things he knew was against his limits. So he was very proud of his older brother. Accomplishing everything the Gods blessed him with. While he, on the other hand, needed to get back on track of his initial plan. 

And thus he would. With a final flick of his tail, he disappeared into the underbrush. A new determination settling into his soul.



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1. Fury Burns Hot The Polar Sound 12:07 AM, 04-12-2024 01:47 PM, 05-15-2024