
Boku Babies!


The Hallows

Master Navigator (240)

Master Fighter (265)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-04-2024, 02:13 AM (This post was last modified: 05-21-2024, 02:34 PM by Bowen. Edited 8 times in total.)
Hello, hello! Bowen and Haiku are going to make babies!  There will be ONE pup up for adoption.

-You may supply your own design. I do prefer that they're not sparkle dogs. If you aren't sure if your design is acceptable, just ask and Kat and I will confer!

-I have many designs to choose from. Just check out my DA adopts. x_x

-Any designs that I have made personally are to stay on Ardent. If a pup is reclaimed, that design returns to me. (I'll add Boku specific designs later)

-These pups will become members of The Hallows and will have to adhere to the activity checks and rules of the pack.

-I'd like these guys to be posted at least 4 times a month. Not terribly difficult. Should you fail to post four times a month for three consecutive months, I do reserve the right to take the pup back. Additionally, if you aren't connecting with the pup and want to return it to me, no hard feelings!

-By accepting a pup, you agree to stay within Hallows Lands until a year of age, at which time you will be free to go where you wish. I'd like maim and adult threads to wait until they're at least 1.5 or older. (Yeah, this is me saying this. XD Bowen is wholesome, okay?)

-Alignment-wise- Nothing evil. Mischievous is fine. No real preference on male or female.

-Names- PLEASE have more than one name ready. I'm a picky bitch, man.

-A cursed litter pass will be involved,  so read up!

I might add more things if I think of them, but this is basically it.

[b]Potential Names:[/b]
[b]Plot ideas, if any:[/b]

DEADLINE for Apps is June First. That gives you ample time to brainstorm and come up with something! I'm always open to chat about ideas, so shoot me a message. <: As a bonus, did you know that I always make my children art?
[Image: gSBkYSG.gif]Bowen Arrow Carpathius [Image: 2cnsALh.png]


The Hallows

Master Navigator (240)

Master Fighter (265)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-04-2024, 09:04 PM (This post was last modified: 05-07-2024, 05:16 PM by Bowen. Edited 1 time in total.)
Boku Designs!
[Image: gSBkYSG.gif]Bowen Arrow Carpathius [Image: 2cnsALh.png]


"The Audacity™"

Raiders Hollow
Raid Queen

Master Navigator (306)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Dire wolf

Wordy1KRaiderDream WeaverTeacherStudent
Double MasterSamhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
05-05-2024, 11:04 PM (This post was last modified: 05-23-2024, 10:20 PM by Modesty. Edited 1 time in total.)

Potential Names: Alette, Ondine or Kipp
Sex: Female
Size: Extra small
Build: Light
Alignment: Chaotic Good/Neutral
Mood board

  • Ethereal and Dreamy: Alette possesses an almost mystical aura, often appearing lost in a world of her own making. Her eyes seem to see beyond the ordinary, perceiving magic and beauty in places others overlook. This dreamy quality makes her seem otherworldly, as if she is constantly walking the line between reality and a fantastical realm.
  • Whimsical and Playful: Alette’s personality is marked by a playful and lighthearted spirit. She delights in simple pleasures and finds joy in the natural world around her. Her interactions are often tinged with a sense of fun and mischief, as she loves to explore and discover new wonders, both mundane and magical.
  • Nature-Loving: Deeply connected to the natural world, Alette has a profound love for plants and animals, particularly opossums. She spends much of her time tending to her garden and befriending the creatures she encounters. Her bond with nature is almost spiritual, and she often seems to communicate with the flora and fauna in a way that others cannot.
  • Compassionate and Kind: At her core, Alette is driven by a desire to help and nurture others. Her chaotic nature does not detract from her inherently good heart. She goes out of her way to spread kindness and to care for those in need, whether they be fellow wolves, plants, or animals. Her compassion is boundless, and she often acts on impulse to bring joy and comfort to those around her.
  • Free-Spirited and Unconventional: Alette thrives on freedom and resists any form of confinement or restriction. Her actions are guided by her own set of rules, which are often fluid and changeable. She values spontaneity and embraces the unexpected, making her an unpredictable yet endearing presence.
  • Mystically Insightful: Despite her whimsical demeanor, Alette possesses a deep wisdom that comes from her unique perception of the world. She often offers insights that seem beyond her years, providing guidance and perspective that can be surprisingly profound. Her ability to see beauty and magic where others see only the mundane allows her to inspire and uplift those around her.

Despite her chaotic tendencies, Alette's heart is pure, and she is driven by a desire to spread goodness and wonder wherever she goes.

Plot ideas, if any: Maybe she has an opossum companion and convinces herself she's a necromancer...



Rapid Poster - SilverRapid Poster - Bronze
05-07-2024, 10:58 PM (This post was last modified: 05-21-2024, 08:09 PM by LadyElin. Edited 2 times in total.)
Potential Names: Rowan, Alder, Eros, Rovudwiin, Ryse, Agravain, Galahad, Lance, Alymere,
Sex: Male
Size: Large, 36"
Build: Heavy
Alignment: Neutral Good
He is the epitome of trying his best. Getting into trouble will be his calling card, he'll have a lot of energy that he won't know how to control at first and he'll get so riled up he might get a little more forceful than he intends and has a hard time controlling his impulses.
But he's as sweet as can be, highly affectionate, and wants to please everyone around him as best as he can.

As he grows he'll be a fierce protector, able to tame *most* of his physical outbursts, but still have a hard time when his emotions run hot. He is passion incarnate, and anything he sets his mind on to do he will do it as if it'll save the world.

He's not the brightest but his passion and devotion make up for a lot of it. Just wants to be a good boy who doesn't know his own strength.

Plot ideas, if any: As a kid would probably "borrow" a few swords to try out, might push around others accidentally until he gets better self-control, has lots of accidents, and gets into trouble with some clumsy escapades. Might try to bring a "friend" home that causes a mess. Will probably aim for Hunter/Veteran Hunter, or perhaps Knight or Vanguard, but more leaning toward Hunting.

[Image: kL0d6zl.png]

[Image: ZyWreJj.png]

Ladies don't start fights...
but they can finish them.



Pride - GenderfluidPride - BisexualToys for TotsEaster Egg Hunt 2023
05-08-2024, 11:36 PM
Potential Names: Titus(means "to burn" in latin), Ifrit(Arabic fire spirits), Achilles [I prefer these names but I'm down to discuss other options if u find something u like more]
Sex: Male
Size: large(36")
Build: Balanced
Alignment: - Good
Personality: Titus as a young boy finds himself to be a little bit of a momma's boy. He is extremely attached to the idea of doing anything his mother is, going where she goes, and hogging all her attention to himself. That's right he's a bit of a spotlight thief when it comes to his mother. He dislikes heavily if his siblings get more attention then him, even growing jealous when they do. Though those puffy cheeks and little glares are about as dangerous as a butterfly(for now). He's all bark and no bite as a young boy. He can actually be surprisingly sweet. A little bit of a softy when it comes to many things, especially his family. He can also be deemed a very good kids, rarely breaking rules and doing as his mother says without verbal questions, though he will have those questions of why not, just not verbally.

As Titus grows he will grow to find he enjoys sparring in the dojo, even growing to enjoy the lessons he will receive there. The older he gets the more he will develop into a man who wants nothing more than to be a soldier to protect his family. He wont be a forgiving man. A temper also hides under that sweet man, though it is kept in check and carefully tucked away unless necessary. He's a man for the people, sticking to his birth pack like his destiny lies in it, and doing anything his pack needs of him.

As both a child and an adult he will have an intelligence that seeks to learn everything. It is because of this that he can be called a silver tongue. He can whip words together that make you thing deeply, or that bring beauty like none other to words. A poet if you would. He enjoys books, poems, and learning scripts, eventually coming to apply many poems he reads to his tones as an adult.

Plot ideas, if any: obv get him master in fighting(hoping before he is 2), gonna go intellect as well, lots of jealous baby time?, he's gonna be a momma's boy so hoping lots of threads with Bowen, I'm down for a cursed or mutated pup as well but i'd rather give someone else the opportunity if one of the players here will be chosen

I am not ok with him gettin major maims or disfigurements before he is 2 so I'm hoping that's plenty ok that I'm not as willing to throw him in with characters I feel might harm the bean. I'm also ok with if you guys like him enough but wanna give others the slots(if resin agrees) having Bowen find him as a baby and adopt him as i have a rogue pup pass on my ooc.

Themes: Lugia's song epic version and Soldier, Poet, King(Reinaeiry version)



Rapid Poster - Rainbow
05-09-2024, 05:40 AM (This post was last modified: 05-22-2024, 08:40 AM by Indie. Edited 9 times in total.)


Potential Names: Holden, Rowan, Kolten / Kolter, Konner, Weston, Mikhail, +++
Gender: Male.
Size & Build: 45" | Balanced


Skills; FIGHTING [Bulwark] & HEALING [Field Medic]
[ A D A P T A B L E ]
Kolt is a versatile individual, able to thrive in any situation. He relishes challenges and welcomes new experiences with ease. In times of stress, he remains composed, keeping his emotions in check. Whether working in a team or leading by example, Kolt is adaptable and driven towards achieving the goal when it matters the most. Observant and forward-thinking, he can anticipate potential problems and plan accordingly. When faced with difficulties, his focus is always on finding a solution, even if it means thinking outside the box. However, his self-sufficient nature can lead to isolation as he struggles to trust others and relies on himself for support. Nonetheless, Kolt's determination and dedication will make him a valuable asset in any endeavor.

[ I N D E P E N D E N T ]
Kolt has a quiet desire to satiate an adventurous soul, and whether he leads on to be or not- he is always eager to experience everything life has to offer. He will never be one to prioritize his own needs over others but will rather seek satisfaction in all aspects of his life. As a child and young adult, Kolt's thirst for adventure is evident, but as he matures he will begin to see the importance of family and makes them his main priority. His self-awareness is strong, allowing him to confidently take action and focus on his goals without worry about others' perceptions. However, this independence may cause challenges if he ever has to rely on someone else. His lack of concern for what others think could be mistaken for aloofness or superiority, but in reality, he values his loved ones deeply and simply values self-sufficiency above everything else.

[ C E N T E R E D ]
Kolt is a stabilizing force, always reliable and predictable. His calm demeanor makes him a natural peacemaker, especially when dealing with those who tend to create drama. He has a strong sense of self and avoids getting involved in unhealthy situations that could upset his balance. Despite his laid-back nature, Kolt has good priorities and steady emotions. He doesn't let things he can't control bother him, choosing instead to go with the flow and enjoy life as it comes. Winning or chasing success are not top priorities for him; he simply wants to savor the experience. This lack of ambition may lead some to believe he is apathetic or lacking passion. But in reality, Kolt is content with who he is and doesn't feel the need for status or recognition. He is comfortable just being himself and providing stability for those around him.

[ D I S C I P L I N E D ]
Kolt is a man with clear goals and a strategic mindset. He takes charge of situations, carefully considering the most efficient path to achieve his desired outcome. His attention to detail ensures that everything runs smoothly, as he personally accepts responsibility for any potential letdowns. A hardworking and dedicated individual, Kolt handles daily tasks with ease, allowing others to focus on more important matters. He is a caring and reliable support figure who takes initiative when he sees a need. There is an inherent strength and integrity in Kolt that earns him the respect and trust of those around him. He stands firm in his beliefs and always does what he believes to be right, even if it comes at a personal cost.

[ S E L F L E S S ]
Kolten is always going to put others before himself. He is adept at reading others and interpreting their words to determine what they really want or need. He isn’t particularly tied to material items, and often views his own possessions as resources to be shared with others. He doesn’t seek to benefit himself, but acts out of a desire to ensure his loved ones are happy and taken care of. He cares deeply, and has the best interest of his charges at heart. He is willing to set aside his own wants and needs to make sure the needs of his loved ones are taken care of. As his loved ones explore the world and their place within it, he will take it upon himself to ensure no harm comes to them. He has a knack for assessing possible risks and minimizing them, protecting their assets and resources from those who might take advantage of them. 


+ + + You know I'm all about the stat grind. But with Kolt his motivation will be a little different. Even as a double master, he will be the first to tell you that he is no healer. He is not competitive. He doesn't want to be the biggest or best. But in a pinch, he can patch someone up or provide support to a more adept healer- really kind of embodying that field medic role. He will see himself as a soldier without any real drive to hold rank. If he is told to fill a position, he will do so as he is told. But as far as that goes, he could easily fall into an "Enforcer" type role. If something were to ever happen where he got separated from his family- he would probably be more like a "Mercenary for Hire" type.

+ + + Kat may or may not have mentioned something about Haiku dying so he may be in the market for a male role model in his life. Preferably someone who also has a strong moral compass and a more quiet demeanor- someone he can relate to. But of course, he'll take what he can get. 

+ + + He's a sweet kid. Their little family will be his top priority. So I'm hoping for lots of bonding time. Opportunities for him to flex his protectiveness. I mean, if Dad's not around, for example, he'll be the kind of guy who wants to hand his sisters off at their weddings lol

+ + + I would love for him to have friends outside of the hallows. Perhaps a sparring/training buddy, or maybe a girl next door situation. I'm not sure how the timing is going to work out with other litters, but if there were opportunities for playdates, I would be highly interested c:

+ + + Not plot-related, but I think I would try and get him a mutation like antlers. Would need to give it more thought as to exactly what kind though.



Pride - Demisexual
05-09-2024, 07:02 AM (This post was last modified: 05-09-2024, 04:15 PM by Disaster. Edited 1 time in total.)
Potential Names: I've stuck with native american names due to the deign that struck my eye as well as the eyes.
Aponi (butterfly in Native American)
Kateri (pure in Native American Mohawk)
Maka (earth in Native American Sioux)
Niabi (fawn in Native American Osage)
Rayen (flower in Native American Mapuche)
Sinopa (fox Native American Blackfoot)
Una (remember in Native American Hopi)
Yazhi (little one in Native American Navajo)

Sex: Female
Size: Average 33"
Build: Balanced
Alignment: Neutral Good
Skill: Healer
While she is young, she is always following her sibling around, and sometimes way too trusting of others around her because knowing that mom wouldn't let no one bring her harm. This young lady is a collector of feathers and anything that she finds interesting or eye catching. And lets just admit feathers there are all different in colors, shapes and sizes. She's always interested in herbs and what they can do for you. A healer of sorts. A lass that is always asking questions doesn't matter who is around. She how ever is a baby and wouldn't venture too far from the pack or her mother, and would be the one who tells mom when brother or sister does something wrong - especially if it is something that is harmful. One could say she is very empathic, and shows everyone that same kindness and gentleness that they deserve. Strong minded, when she puts her heart and mind to something you very well best believe she will do everything in her power to get it done.

As an adult this lady is adventurous and still much like her pup self. But she is careful and wise for her age, maybe that falls into that same part when she was a puppy always asking questions and being a collector. She had become very independent not relying on anyone to do a task for her that she couldn't do on her own. She is one that will help others in need though. The kind and gentle ways have not left her at all, and well lets admit it. She's a healer, and one that is always up to give advice or answer questions she knows the answers too. Understanding is a term many would use for her along with patience and tender.

Plot ideas, if any:
I would love her to be a healer of sorts. Maybe leaves the pack for a year or so to venture and find a path that may work for her, but ends up coming back home.




Easter Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022
05-21-2024, 05:35 PM (This post was last modified: 05-23-2024, 03:30 PM by Skelle. Edited 2 times in total.)

Potential Names: Everild (boar battle), Peregrine, Severus, Sorrel, Deveraux, Arrow (lmfao), Orson (bear cub), Spruce, Grover, Bonsai, Thistle
Sex: Male
Size: Dire 45"
Build: Light
Alignment: neutral. Id say something good but i think someone could easily talk him into doing something bad bc he doesn't understand its bad if its approached in a way that makes it sound good

Unlike the average pup, NAME is not a fast learner. He struggles with almost everything he does and it takes him a while to really grasp what he's being taught. Everything has the potential to be confusing and while he may understand it one minute, he can just as easily be lost the next. It's frustrating really and it makes him quite grumpy when things are particularly hard for him. Especially since it isn't just his brain that doesn't function fully, even his body works against him a lot of the time it seems. It's safe to say that it isn't exactly easy for him to make friends, but that's okay because he's a natural introvert anyway and frankly doesn't do well in crowds. As if it wasn't enough to be born with an under bite and a speech impediment, when he gets nervous or scared he tends to stutter and he does not like to be embarrassed (and it only makes the stutter worse).

He's about as sweet as they come though, a true Good Boy. He really likes to make others happy and will go to great lengths for family or anyone he considers a friend. Often stuck in his own head, he can't help but daydream and imagine and sometimes that makes knowing the difference between reality and imagination confusing for him, especially when it comes to the way others act or the way they treat him. Naive and gullible, he thinks that any attention is good, even when it's from the most toxic or abusive of wolves.

He might not have many sharp crayons or his lightbulb may flicker, but he's got a heart of gold. He loves hard and his family is no exception. As their only brother, he would protect his sisters until the end of the earth and that extends to anyone he considers a friend.

Plot ideas, if any: so big that he's funky shaped from lack of room (under bite, lots of cricks in his tail, loose wrists), i really want someone to bully him. A bully to lover plot would be golden
Reference: toyhouse gallery

I will be using a deluxe open character pass to cover the mohawk, albinism, and height.

Regardless of outcome, he will likely be coming in anyway as an adult, but potentially as a pup since i do have a NRF rogue pup pass. We can do the same idea like grim where hes adopted or he can just be uninvolved entirely if desired.

If chosen with the name Peregrine, he will likely have a fascination for the birds and adorn himself with their feathers. Is this an attempt to be unique like his sisters? Maybe.

I could be bothered to switch hisohawk for antlers, but if the stars align I could be tempted to pay for an additional mutation.

A cursed pass is being involved, so if it includes him, I will absolutely think of a way to integrate him into the theme.

As Indie mentioned, if Haiku dies then he would try his hardest to be the man of the family and would likely overwork himself. I could see him having a bit of depression losing his role model on top of struggling to get things done to the caliber that Haiku would've done them. Making his dead father proud would become a mission, though due to struggling with everything he does, he will eventually believe that it is unattainable.
please DM all tags to @betchasaurusrex!
eightysichs/wolfbea was hacked, what's owed has been made/paid,
and i wasn't involved or even knew her during the time she was hacked, thank you ♥


The Hallows

Master Navigator (240)

Master Fighter (265)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
06-01-2024, 01:35 PM
Thank you to everyone that applied! Kat and I have chosen Indie and Asena to play our children. I'd have chosen everyone if I could!
[Image: gSBkYSG.gif]Bowen Arrow Carpathius [Image: 2cnsALh.png]

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1. Boku Babies! Adoptions 02:13 AM, 05-04-2024 12:07 AM, 08-24-2024