
All the Things you said, Running through my head

For Sett


The Syndicate

Expert Intellectual (140)

Beginner Healer (0)

2 Years
04-18-2024, 11:57 AM
Nila was absolutely beside herself after the events that transpired at the borders of Norad. Seeing her Kaino in full Saxe behavior had hit her with the biggest reality check she’d ever had. Her Kaino, her sweet Kaino, was everything she was scared of. And it had yanked the rug right out from under her paws. She was torn between her heart and her head.

Her heart; it yearned for Kaino still it wanted to hold the silver woman close and never be without her. To give herself to her darkness and all.

But her head. Her head screamed for her to run. The siren that screamed danger had her mind racing. How had she never truly realized her lovers true colors. Had she been blind all this time? Was she a fool? She had to be to love her knowing she’d threatened that boys life in such a vile way.

She’d needed space to think, to breathe. Because now even Kaino felt like a threat to her. And that was the worst feeling of all. To feel like she wasn’t truly safe with the woman she loved more than life itself.

She’d pushed her boundaries, venturing out further than she had ever done before. Surrounded by plants and herbs as far as her eyes could see she felt calm. Though still conflicted she sat in a patch of flowers. Plucking one she sat there and stared at it. A sigh parting her lips.
Nila is rated 3-3-3, TW to anyone threading with her.

Kaino has permission to Join in any of Nila’s Threads as her Master.

[Image: Ns0L0GC.png]



Master Intellectual (240)

Advanced Fighter (90)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - Polysexual
05-14-2024, 06:07 PM
A moonlit forest, a night to remember. Eyes, like molten pools of crimson, staring out with intelligence and madness. His body moved with grace, his figure slipping through the undergrowth silently.

He ventures deeper into the woods, following a scent on the breeze — a scent tinged with sorrow and distress. Oh, sweet allure, calling out to him so invitingly. Intrigued, the God followed the trail until he came upon a lone woman, her fur a mix of russet and brown, her eyes reflecting the pain within her soul through pink and sunset.

Approaching her with a calculated saunter, Setekh observed her closely, noting the vulnerability that radiated from her trembling form. With a charming smile playing upon his lips, he spoke in a voice as smooth as silk, “What troubles you, my dear? Such a beautiful woman should not have to endure pain, not in the slightest.” He presented himself as a gentleman, giving her the space to be comfortable — his features set in soft concern. He was anything but concerned. Mind warring over his games and the hunger to ravish then and there. Pretty girl, just like a pearl.

"speaking" | voices

Rated R for mature themes, gore, violence, and abuse.


The Syndicate

Expert Intellectual (140)

Beginner Healer (0)

2 Years
05-14-2024, 09:53 PM (This post was last modified: 05-14-2024, 09:55 PM by Nila. Edited 1 time in total.)
Nila stared at the flowers that surrounded her. Each one beautiful and full of life, carefree and vibrant. She wondered what that felt like. To be carefree and vibrant. She’d never had a taste of that lifestyle. No, she’d grown up a captive. It’s all she’d ever known, slavery. Her life had not been all flowers and playing in fields, it have been ducking out of a saxe’s way, keeping herself alive and on their good side by behaving at all costs. 

But Kaino, she’d been her escape. She’d always seemed so different than her family till now…now Nila was confused. She couldn’t stop mulling over it all. Until a voice called out to her. Turning her sunset eyes toward the voice she instinctively lowered her gaze. Her nose looking for any indication that this man was a part of the Syndicate; a part of them. But none came. No saxe smell emitted off him and so her body began to relax. 

They hadn’t come to collect her yet. She was still free from them for now. But she’d have to go home soon. So she raised her head, now looking at the Snow White man before her. As pale as the full moon in the sky. And his eyes of fire like the sun. He was breathtaking for a man. 

“My lover was not who I thought her to be she’s every bit as cruel as her family is…but I can’t help but love her still” she answered his first question. Her voice spoke with a tired mentality. 

She let out a strangled laugh at the thought of a life without pain. “Pain is all I was raised to endure though.” She said flatly and then shook her head. It wasn’t his fault for her sorry state. “I’m sorry. That was rude of me. I shouldn’t have said that” and out came the obedient part of her. The Sidi in her.
Nila is rated 3-3-3, TW to anyone threading with her.

Kaino has permission to Join in any of Nila’s Threads as her Master.

[Image: Ns0L0GC.png]

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1. All the Things you said, Running through my head Fern Gulley 11:57 AM, 04-18-2024 01:30 PM, 06-20-2024