



09-08-2013, 05:53 AM (This post was last modified: 09-29-2013, 03:17 AM by Isardis.)
ooc/ I made changes to the timing of the thread, and I'm now ready for re-opening when staff are happy to continue.

Hatred would seethe his pores, poison his stream, send his blood boiling and throbbing beneath decaying flesh. A serpent would coil within, a hibernating reptile threatening to be awoken by the heat of his veins, by the anger that brewed it?s fangs with lethal venom. He would pace, growls rolling endlessly within his pipes, shuddering his vocals as the ghoul?s mind struggled to overpower the infection that would concoct. Two weeks it had been. Two whole weeks since the pathetic wench had cheated her way out of battle. He would not be as forgiving this time; oh no, the bitch had disgraced him, she had wounded a pride that had been ever since unscathed. To repair it, what did he have to do? Win. Cleave the whore?s gullet from her skeleton, bend her spine over backwards; whatever it took. If he failed to permanently maim her, to kill her, he would permanently torture her. Endlessly prod at what she had to live for, pluck at her pathetic pack one-by-one until she had nothing left to defend. He had shamed his pack, but they need not bow their skulls any longer; for The King would rise again, he would hold his promises.

Isardis vs. Chrysanthe for Liberty.



09-27-2013, 07:07 PM
this thread is now open and an official challenge


09-27-2013, 07:33 PM

And so the woman would come onto the scene, hackles raised, ears pinned, and lips creased into a snarl that only revealed the tips of her front canines. As far as she knew the man had lost, but here he was again, summoning her alpha to another challenge for her freedom. Hatred seethed through her pores as his ghostly figure came into view. She couldn't believe she had been attracted to him, or had even acknowledged his existence. He looked the same, still nasty and self absorbed, only now he had what seemed to be a healed wound on his leg. Had that been the damage Chrysanthe inflicted causing him to lose? She sure hoped so, though she would have preferred his throat ripped out, but she wasn't that lucky, because here he was still standing. "Enough ghost! Can't you see you are putting so many lives in danger over one individual, over your pride? I tempted you and when you made your move I ran like a coward and put this burden on my home. I see now that I should have just went with you." She would say as she came to a stop a safe distance away from him. She knew not to get close enough for him to snatch her up, she needed some room to run away again if needed. She could see he was seething with rage, so taunting him wouldn't be a good idea. She was far too young to fight him herself, or she would have accepted this challenge on her own. "If you wish to claim me right here and now then I will willingly go. Fighting isn't necessary." Of course her youth was talking, because if she knew better she wouldn't be here in the first place. With her muscles tense and her weight pushing on her toes, she would wait for a response, ready to run if necessary.




Extra small
09-27-2013, 07:47 PM (This post was last modified: 09-27-2013, 07:47 PM by Syrinx.)

OOC: [ ]

Curiosity killed the cat. And yet, he came with speed and the utmost willingness to find out just what this was. He had come back to Valhalla and hadn't really gotten to do much of anything. So, this was going to be his metaphorical cup of tea. The serpent could feel his skin crawl with excitement as his eyes fell on Isardis. Chaos brewed well in his eyes and he loved the way it suited him. Still, as an Adravendi he must abhor him, non? What exactly was he doing? He had taken Glaciem and made it something else entirely. How intriguing. Syrinx waited in silence, but lo and behold here came the woman running in and ruining things. Ears rocked back against his head and his tail flickered in annoyance. Eos would never make such a despicable decision.

His paws carried him forward with the utmost swag elegance and the massive behemoth flicked his muzzle in Isardis's direction, "It is not that easy child, a superior must release you. Or allow you to be taken..." how intriguing would it be if Valhalla's leader, his sister, let a wolf slip right through her metaphorical fingers? Not that he wanted to see his sister fail, but he wanted to see if there was any strength in Valhalla anymore. Were it's threads strong and well sewn, or were they frayed and weakened? He hungered to see if they fell apart here: in the end.




09-27-2013, 07:58 PM

He had been scarce again, watching Liberty more from a distance rather then completely interjecting himself into her life. If she needed him she knew where she could find him but otherwise he was allowing her more and more freedoms after Chrys had won her freedom from the ghost she had tempted. Today though, another howl at stretched up towards the heavens and once again a coldness settled over them. Hadn't they put this all behind them yet? Why couldn't this male just leave his family alone? He would lift himself, slowly as age stiffened his limbs, before setting off at a brisk lope towards the battlefield. His arrival was shortly after Liberty and right around the same time as a male he had seen in passing at pack meetings a few times. Her words hit him like a brick wall and immediately he was moving towards her, eyes hard and curse words flowing from beneath his breath. The valhallan male spoke first, at least giving him some time and assuring him that the ghost couldn't simply whisk his daughter away. For this he would nod, a solemn acknowledgment that he appreciated the male's words. Body was arch around his daughters front, now flames dancing in his eyes as he tried to side step and push her back towards the way she had come and away from the ghost of the male. "Really?!?" For the moment that was the only word that slipped from his lips in a hiss. Rage would radiate off him and in all honesty this was probably the first time his daughter would have seen this side of him. The normally relaxed male couldn't contain the fury boiling over. "I would rather die then let you go with him. Do you think that I would let you go so easily? That I would let my daughter go to a psycho without a fight?" His words were soft now but harsh none the less and meant for her ears alone as they got a bit further away if she let him move her. 'Your the only reason I haven't joined your mother yet...' His thoughts were bitter as he continued to stare at his daughter and let those words sink in. Sure she didn't want her pack dragged into it but he would sacrifice the whole pack and himself before he let her go...



4 Years
09-27-2013, 08:06 PM

The girl would loiter a good distance from her father, unwilling to put herself before his simmering fury, watching eagerly as the first sign of company would file from the desolate expanse. She was prepared as she always was, the pawn of her superiors, loyal only to her father and his Duchess. Hackles would raise as her stance would broaden, approaching up behind the reboring monster to ensure she had close enough proximities to defend him should he fall outnumbered; fellow Glaciems loomed behind, their armour and blades glistening with the valour of their sinister desires. The charcoal babe would shudder with near psychosis, and it wouldn?t take much to confirm she were the girl her father had been after. Yet they were all very much aware now, as it would seem, that this was no longer about obtaining a woman, but about mending his pride. Two men would approach only to disagree with her, the tension causing the twitching of marked lips as the banshee would half-heartedly flash her weapons. Could this be war?


09-27-2013, 08:10 PM

He couldn't help it. The boy had made a promise, and he never broke one. Even in the worst of circumstances, he had promised the girl that he would stick around until she told him otherwise. Aqua gaze fell upon the white beast as his stockings carried him across the blood stained ground. He could tell many souls had given their lives her, bones and fur lied here and there, the ground and rocks stained with crimson and maroon marks from past wars and fights. The place gave him an uneasy feeling, but he had no reason to fear just yet...

His ears and gaze would flicker over to another who spoke. A wolf with his jaw bone on his lower maw, the sight scared and awed the boy. Never had he seen such a thing before. Another wolf would join them. His demeanor seemed very angry, and he understood why. The single note of fury in the single question he directed towards Liberty was confirmation that the man thought her response to the white one as ridiculous. He too wanted to protect her, and Drake himself would take Liberty and run with her, far away from here and keep her hidden from the pallid beast.
Eyes locked onto the white demon before them. His own ivory and ebony figure stopped at Liberty's side, glancing at her after hearing her previous words. The words sent a shock through him, and his heart pounded wildly. Was she going to just give herself up!? He wouldn't allow it, not on his watch. He would do what he could to keep her safe, it was a promise he had made. And again, he never broke one. And he wasn't about to let this one break either. He touched the girls shoulder, flicking her side with his tail. A pleading look in his clear gaze, worried and feeling hurt at the prospect of her just giving herself up like that. He had heard rumor of the happenings around the Valhallans and Glaciems...though he never thought that he would be a part of it so soon. He had yet to speak to the Alpha about potentially joining, or becoming an he had decided to follow the girl before any of that.

He stood tall, his gaze unwavering as he stared at his new enemy. "I will not let her come to harm if I can help it." He said, his words directed towards the grey male Friction. He then turned to Liberty, a renewed look of determination and strength in his eyes. "I made a promise didn't I? I won't let anythin' harm you as long as I'm around." He continued to watch as more allies and enemies filed in. He knew this would lead to a huge fight, and he was prepared to do all he could to aid Liberty's family.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



09-28-2013, 09:38 AM
She arrived on the scene, crimson gaze settled upon those who had arrived. Briefly she would brush against Isardis?s side, a urging for him to do well, and an urging for him to not allow himself to come to harm. Before her stood several Valhallan fools, eyes settling upon one who spoke franticly to the girl whom Isardis had likely chosen to pull into Glaciem. She was young, but a pretty thing nonetheless, and Argent would let a growl rumble in her chest at the father. She moved away from her King to give him space, should the cheating Chrysanthe decide to go for a cheap shot, and her eyes settled upon the form of the black and silver male.
?It would seem you are going to die, then. When Isardis wins she will be coming with us. If you interfere after we have honestly won, I will punish you,? she snapped. ?If you have a death wish, I can be your fucking fairy godmother,? she threatened, and her posture displayed the power she felt, the strength in her body. Oh, so strong was her devotion to her albino King, so strong that she would so willingly lay down such an open threat upon the man?s head. Perhaps it was not wise; she knew not how he would respond, nor did she truly know if her leader would win, but oh how she wanted to dig her teeth into all those who called themselves Valhallan. Their last interaction had shown just how weak they all were.



09-28-2013, 03:52 PM
Here we go again. The alpha knew that it was only a matter of time before Isardis came knocking for Liberty once more. She wasn't sure what sort of claim tha the thought he had on the young woman, but she had every intention to outright deny it. When she arrived, she paused, listening to the words that were undeniably Liberty's. Hearing her say these things nearly hurt - she had told the girl time and time again that she would continue to protect her. That this feud would not be ended with her becoming some sort of prisoner to their enemy. Yet here she was giving herself up once more. Friction was immediately there to deny the male the chance to simply take Liberty to Glaciem - and she pitied the man for having to stand for all of this when his daughter was constantly being fought for.

Hearing Argent's words, the alpha decided that she had more than enough. It was then that she would stand between Liberty and Isardis, glancing at the male that was beside her. He was not of Valhalla, but it seemed that he wanted to protect the girl as well. Good. With a quick nod to him, she would then turn her head to the side, speaking to Liberty alone. "Stand aside." She wasn't asking. "You will not become this man's pet." What did he even want with her? Did she even want to know?

"You are persistent, I will give you that Isardis." The woman spoke, her eyes already narrowed at the man. "Is this even about Liberty any longer?" She wasn't even two, what could he truly want from such a young girl?

The alpha would not wait for him to answer before falling into a defensive position. Pulling her ears back she waited for him to start the fight that he had called. Biting back a snarl, she would lower her jaws, her glinting ivories being what stood between he and her neck and throat. Her head was lowered over her throat and aligned with her spine, her shoulders rolled to protect the sides of her neck, and her front limbs were lowered at an angle that would allow her to spring at a moments notice. Idly her toes would dig into the ground, and her tail would give a final flick before rising to be level with her body, should she need to pull forward and charge the ivory male she would use it as something of a rudder for balance.

attacks: none
defenses: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, head lowered over throat and aligned with spine, jaws open, shoulders rolled, hackles raised, toes digging into the ground, tail positioned for balance, legs lowered and ready to spring
injuries: healing wounds on her muzzle from her fight with Sendoa

vs. Isardis for Liberty
move 0 of 3


09-28-2013, 05:18 PM

Silver tipped paws touched down on unholy grounds. The stench of blood and death, a soothing scent to his soul. The dark demon's eyes narrowed as he followed the scent of the Glaciems and Valhallans. Though he was not a member of Glaciem just yet, he would follow behind them and lend his support. Aqua infused gaze fell on the gathered souls, teeth flashing and growl rumbling deep within his throat. His tail lashed as he stopped near a female who had eye markings similar to his. He had heard of the famed Duchess, Argent. His eyes would then rest on the king himself, sensing the seething fury roll off of him like waves crashing upon the broken shore. He had never met a Valhallan, though instantly he knew he would clash with one should he encounter such a wretch. His ears caught the sounds of a woman, Argent, speaking against the Valhallans. A smirk spread across his face, already admiring the dark angel in such a way that he would want to stick around and learn a thing or two from her. She seemed strong, powerful in her own ways. He had no love or lust interest for her, the only thing he wanted was to learn what knowledge she would share later. Black tipped ears perked forward as his gaze swept across the gathered wolves. He recognized the pelt of the woman, Lova, whom he had first met, but cared little about her. She was of no importance to him, all she seemed to want was the seed of Isardis, so Jet would simply cast her aside.

Moving along, he held little interest for the others that he laid eyes upon. He saw the Alphess of Valhalla then, her words ringing clear across towards the gathered Glaciems. He would rise himself to full height, preparing to say something of his own before another figure caught his eye. There, standing next to the grey woman who seemed to tbe the prize of this battle, was none other then his younger brother Drake. Eyes narrowed, a growl erupting from his chest as he kept a cold gaze on him. "'s here...and he's with them protecting the girl...what a coward." He muttered darkly. He was certain that his little dear brother would recognize him, after all...Drake was the one that gave him the scar across his left eye.




09-30-2013, 06:33 PM

The mere sight of the approaching sovereign would be enough to rattle the monsters core, a sickening lurch sending pale skull reeling forwards with the push of his shoulders, an almost gag-like motion as the raw sentiment would climb acidic throat. Simultaneously a crazed gurgle would rumble the back of his throat, muffled by the pooling of saliva as salmon tongue would roll backwards and forwards; sending numerous veins of salivation seeping between pearled weapons.

He was deaf to her words as he was Liberty?s, the sound of her voice no more than an interrupted roll of static behind the walls of his temples, it mattered not what she spoke of. Only that he would defeat her, tear her apart, win; and this time fairly. Argent?s brushing of encouragement would be all that was required to initiate his attack; unable to return the attentions in that moment, though knowing they were not required.

Coral forelimb would crawl forwards, locked onto his target like a predator to its prey; sauntering inaudibly, subconsciously. Chin would lower over the jugular, pulsing with thrill beneath, tail tucked between hinds as the abdomen would tense, hackles rising, eyes narrowing, ears pinning, toes splayed as he would march, pinned claws scraping at the wounded earth beneath, weight as equal and centered as was possible, jaws loose-hinged as they would swing open, prepared; elbows dropping slightly to carry his chest lower to the ground, attempting to round the woman as he would aim for a near-parallel angle, haunches lightly angled away from her as he would strive to approach just athwart her left hind-quarters.

Moving nearer now a trot would rise to a lope, eager, concentrated, as threads of saliva would continue to unravel from cherry lips; orifice watering with the temptation of his buds; so eager, anticipating the first suggestion of a successful blow, of metallic blood. Rubies would come to rest upon the spine roughly mid-way down the woman?s pale torso, pin-pointing where it was shallowest beneath the flesh, willing to try and stay upon his bullseye should she move; prepared to risk an unfavorable angle just to hit his lethal target.

Once within closer proximities he would push off pale hinds with a reverberating snap of his vocals, a shrilled bark that would crawl the spine of those willing to sacrifice flimsy drums. Left forelimb would tuck beneath his chest upon lifting from gravitation, reaching towards his right elbow in an attempted defense against the grasp of her jaws, right forelimb simultaneously striving to reach out and over her hips, to hold him in place as he would aim to balance upon her chassis, to hug her frame in an attempt to follow the movements of her sinew; but it wasn?t polite, oh no- the man attempting to slam the lower points of his ribcage into her pelvis upon his forceful grasp, to throw her weight enough in a manner that would then allow him to push again from the earth of which his hinds would rest, to potentially send her chassis thundering to the earth beneath them, while left forelimb would attempt also to hook in at her left inner-thigh, to maintain his balance further as orifice would seek their prize.

Rapidly, armored jaws would ambitiously locate the spinal-chord beneath her leather, reaching within a matter of seconds to bury canines into the tender flesh that enveloped its elusive rewards.Heartlessly, the man would attempt to hack, to saw his jaws and violently shake his skull upon the potential grasping of flesh, to skin her spine of its protection and lever the vertebrae from her skeleton with beaming canines. Beneath, her vital chord would lay, slumbering peacefully; only to be potentially ripped athwart, up-turned like some kind of primeval rope tugged from the sands of reality.

Isardis vs. Chrysanthe ? Round 1 of 3

For Liberty.

Defences: Chin lowered over jugular, tail tucked, abdomen tense, hackles raised, eyes narrowed, ears pinned, toes splayed, claws gripping/scraping whilst walking for traction, weight equal and centered, jaws open, elbows dropped to hold center of gravity lower and chest lower to ground to prevent frontal access to abdomen, left forelimb tucked beneath him and towards the right elbow.

Attacks: Isardis approaches from an almost parralel angle behind Chrys' left hinds (or rather attempts), his rear angled ever so slightly away from her as he moves to a lope; holding his target in his gaze to try and stay with her no matter what, once closer he will push off his hinds, lifting the front end to hook his right forelimb over the right side of her hips, to hold himsellf on her whilst attempting crack down hard on her pelvis with lower rib-cage/chest, hoping to throw her balance enough to allow him to push again on his hinds and topple her over to the right and to the ground. His left forelimb will reach for her inner thigh, to again secure a potential hold and balance (and potentially grip/scratch?). Then his jaws wll aim to come down and take a hold of the flesh mid spine, to hack and saw as deep into flesh as possible as canines would aim to clip the vertebrae or slice the spinal chord; rendering her paralysed or in severe agony.

Injuries: None.



10-03-2013, 11:59 AM
As he moved forward, the woman tensed, a snarl pouring from her lips. Her eyes narrowed at her opponent, her ears pinned in aggravation. Her jaws would release from being clenched and reveal deadly pearly whites, her muzzle wrinkled with her raised lips. This so called king would fall today - she was determined to make sure of it. For Liberty's sake she had to pull through, she had to win this, she could not lose the way that she had with Sendoa. The woman watched him, her body lowered to ensure her balance, her head lowered over her throat and aligned with her spine. She would do her best to keep her body at an angle where he could not get behind her without answering to her teeth in some way by taking small steps to ensure that she could see him. The last thing that the woman wanted was for Isardis getting into one of her blind spots. Her tail was tucked behind her, out of the way in case the male went for one of the same areas that she had in their first fight.

As the male finished his loop and closed in on her to pounce, she took a quick step back, her hackles raised and her front legs lowering her body into a position where she could quickly and powerfully push herself upward. The woman's shoulders were rolled in an attempt to protect the sides of her neck, and her back legs were squared, toes digging into the ground to keep herself balanced. He came at her from more a perpendicular angle because she had kept him just within her sights. When he jumped at her spine, and his teeth would dig into her hackles just over and between her shoulders. Blood was drawn from the other lupine's fangs, and through her thick coat his teeth would pierce through skin and some fat, puncturing about a half inch deep. It was definitely a painful attack, but not as debilitating as the paralysis that he was going for. The bite was enough to pull a yelp from the alpha, and in an attempt to get him off, she threw all of her weight into thrusting upward and getting him off before he could balance himself on her back and wrap his paws around her. She hoped that the sudden thrust in his direction would injure his jaw somehow. Meanwhile the woman would throw her teeth into her attack, twisting her head and the front of her body to try and wrap her teeth around the lower left side male's neck. If she could get a grip on her opponent she would try and yank him off of her while doing as much damage to him as possible with her teeth.

attacks: thrusting into Isardis, trying to injure his jaws and throw him off of her. aiming to wrap her teeth around the side of Isardis's neck
defenses: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, jaws open, muzzle wrinkled, head lowered over throat and aligned with spine, body lowered for balance, toes and nails digging into ground, shoulders rolled, hackles raised, tail tucked and out of the way
injuries: (wounds on muzzle), bite wound between shoulders
ooc: i did not know where or what a wolf's chassis was -feels silly- it made me skeptical to place Isardis's right paw, i tried to subtly mention it but... @___@



10-04-2013, 04:55 AM

As if injected by the poor realities of a supernatural steroid the woman would manoeuvre her body in a way that would interrupt the precise aims of his focused attack; throwing the writhing angels attentions into a brief moment of misunderstanding, confusion. However The King would be forced back to the seize of truth, the power of his skull slowing as a connection with her flesh was made, the sinking of his canines through skin and fat deposit enough to send the monster into a ravenous attempt at vicious digging; striving to drill his incisors as deep through her skin as his power would allow. Though her spine would be sent thrusting upwards, as if the sickly woman withheld a craving for further pain, her once presumed innocence tainted by a misunderstanding of raw blood-lust.

His skull would be briskly forced upwards by her movement, sending his jaws parting slightly over the bounds of her contact as she seemed to almost thrust further into his grasp. Her blades would be too wide to allow his jaws to be unnaturally stretched, despite the tension of clinging sinew that would broaden beneath his cheeks. Barely seconds later had it seemed the woman would swivel, an attempted grasp at his flesh resulting in a painful clutch upon the narrowest point of his trapezius. He would roar with displeasure, muffled eerily by the hold he would sustain upon her, reluctant to be drawn so easily from his goal. He could feel the wreathing of her motions, taking the opportunity to make an attempted re-grasp upon the already inflicted wounds of her upper shoulders; to re-pierce deeper into flesh before allowing her to rip him free of his potential hold; to allow her the kind mistake of furthering her own injuries.

He would be forced somewhat unnaturally back to a position on his forepaws, just athwart her left side. Despite his larger size and natural mannish strength he had, perchance, permitted her aggressive shift to reap of supposed rewards. But alas, he would see another opportunity, twisting his nape towards her grasping skull, to aim gaping jaws at her exposed scruff, attempting to take an unwavering hold upon the scrunching of her skin and flesh; narrowed gaze pin-pointing almost directly on top of her neck, conceivably lower canines to be positioned slightly to the left-ward side. Should he sustain a hold he would attempt to side-step towards her body, right forelimb aiming for an ambitious swipe at her left forepaw, to hook around the insides of her limb and wretch it towards him in an attempt to throw her balance, to tip her weight downwards and to her left. His skull would rotate his left ear towards the ground, to ensure the woman had no clear shot at his jugular, ears remaining pinned as the albino would move towards his next attempt.

Weight would balance towards his hinds as he attempted to ensure a parallel position by her side, using his greater height to somewhat awkwardly attempt to yet again send his right forelimb over the contours of her mid-spine or shoulder, to hook his forelimb upon her stable skeleton where he would strive to use his position to lever himself up and above her form, to again rest his lower chest upon her spine, the toes of his hinds splayed as nails would grip for traction. If he had successfully grasped her scruff, he would potentially have enough control to manoeuvre her nape from the grasp on his trapezius and prevent any further attacks. Should his upward attempt at pulling himself above her also succeed, he would drop that right limb down on to her ribs and attempt to form a sense of dominance and power over her femininity. He could gain control over her bodice and have himself positioned in an area where she would struggle to gain access.

Defences would still stand, tail tucked carefully between the rigid muscles of his haunches, weight tapered onto his hinds to both allow his attack and allow him to flee should the situation turn, hinds also positioned slightly outward of his hips to maintain centre of gravity and earth his weight, hocks bent, abdomen tense, jowls pulled upwards in a viscous snarl, left forelimb slightly towards his underside, hackles raised, shoulders rolled as much as his position would allow, spine aligned. He would leave no room for error; it was all or nothing in a world of assertion, this woman was a threat to his authority and a squirming parasite on his pride. He would see to it she was removed with the violent force she deserved.

Isardis vs. Chrysanthe ? Round 2 of 3

For Liberty.

Defences: Narrowed eyes, jaws agape, skull rotating left ear downwards to reduce access to jugular, ears pinned, weight balanced onto hinds for reasons stated in last paragraph, hind toes splayed, naisl gripped for traction, tail tucked, muscles rigid, hind limbs positioned slightly outward of his hips (reasoning in last para), hocks bent, abdomen tense, snarling/exposed teeth, left forelimb positioned slightly towards his own right and beneath him (whether or not it is on the ground will depend on Chrys? actions), hackles raised, shoulders rolled, spine aligned.

Attacks: Once connecting with tissue Isardis will attempt to dig to worsen damage. Upon Chrysanthe?s attempt at grasping Isardis and ripping him from his grasp upon her upper shoulders, he will again try to re-grasp deeper into the inflicted injury and hold as he feels himself pulled from her; potentially ripping flesh, fat or muscle from the wound with her own pulling force. Coming back to the ground Isardis will see an opportunity, using Chrysanthe?s angle to take aim at her scruff where he attempts to maintain his hold. Isardis will attempt to side-step in a manner that will possibly bring him parallel to Chrysanthe, where he will attempt to swipe at her left forepaw with right forelimb to throw her balance downwards and towards him, hoping it will give him a better chance at then lifting his right foreleg to reach up and over her shoulders or mid-spine, to use her skeleton as leverage where he will aim to pull his weight once again onto her spine. -- *Those that suggest excess movement with the forelimb reach, go have a look at wolves on youtube and you will notice they often attempt to hook a forelimb over the nape to pry themselves upwards! :D*

Injuries: Bite injury to the skin over the trapezium/trapezius area of the skin and shallow flesh, caused by her lower canines only, potentially due to the shoulder blade preventing the upper canines sinking in? I say she missed the target of the neck because as I interpreted our posts Isardis would essentially be higher than Chrysanthe? With his neck and skull over her back/shoulders, and difficult for her to reach. Chrysanthe?s upwards motion will do no more than stretch the muscles of his jaws, backed by the wideness of her shoulders which should just prevent the incisors reaching further downwards.

Notes: Sorry Seren! Chassis is another word for ?structure?, Isardis mentions in his post that his right paw aims to rest upon her hips? Not sure if you missed that? Chassis was only a fill in, not a guide <3 Also I got a bit stuck as I don?t feel like she mentioned whether or not his forceful launch over her, down on her pelvis etc. even came close? So I just picked up where I could/made presumptions, you can PM me if you are stuck with anything. 



10-07-2013, 02:12 AM
He was a force that she was struggling to take into stride - but the alpha would not wither beneath her opponent. Her hackles were raised, and her head lowered as much as possible over her throat. The woman's throat would also be protected by gaping jaws, and the sides of her neck by her rolled shoulders. Her weight was spread evenly, and her back legs squares to try and keep the lady balanced against the albino's attacks. Her tail was tucked and out of the way and her toes would dig into the ground below her to try and further steady herself. Her eyes were narrowed, her ears pressed to we skull as she fought, all that she could do to protect herself against the white brute's potential maims.

His grasp would deepen between her shoulders, and the woman's previous thrust had done nothing to get him away. She could only hope that she would be able to get him on his feet with her attempted grasp at his neck.

As his right paw was thrown over her side, she would take a chance at getting him to lose his balance once again, moving into a sitting position once he had managed to balance himself on her mid back. She hoped that he would slip, that he would slink just slightly down her back with the movement she made, and that she would be able to take advantage of the situation through that. She would endure his attacks just until it seemed he was comfortable, and then suddenly sit whilst attacking.

Refardless of her attempt to throw him off balance, while he had a hold of her scruff she would hold back a yelp, his teeth digging into the skin, fat and fur of the back of her neck. The bite was painful, and the woman would for a moment close her eyes to bite back the pain, her body rigid. His second grip would be attained, digging three quarters of an inch deep into sensitive flesh that unfortunately with the movement of battle, was currently being tugged upon. Her back legs tensed, keeping the woman a bit more firmly planted even with the reaction being one in response to pain. Her stomach clenched beneath her, but the adrenaline was flowing and this fight was not over.

Her left leg was swiped at the female would yank it away from her opponent, using the limb to try and thrust it at Isardis's throat. Hopefully the sudden impact would surprise him, leave his throat vulnerable and his with that much less air. If she managed to make contact she would press her paw against the male and try and push him further away from her.

Simultaneously her right paw would aim to be thrown over the other lupine, attempting to wrap around the back of his neck to keep her stabilized. It all looked like a bizarre hugging sort of motion, and he balance was perilous, any moment she could end up falling, but the alpha would do her best to hang on.

Meanwhile her open jaws were aimed to try and do damage to Isardis's closest leg. Whichever she might be able to reach she would try and snap and tear, hopefully damaging her opponent and getting one step closer to ending this fight.

Ooc: sorry if this is choppy, phone post before I pass out and time out. I hope it all makes sense c:



10-08-2013, 10:17 PM

The satisfaction ignited by his successful attempt to reach over her spine would be extinguished by the woman?s lowered haunches, her sudden sitting position sending the male sliding backwards down her vertebrae, likely coming to rest upon her hips; if it hadn?t been for the grasp upon her scruff the angel would have likely been sent descending downwards, only to come to rest behind her haunches. Though the writhing monster had been banked by his clutch upon her scruff; choosing to remain within his somewhat awkward position upon her structure for as long as he could realistically manage, weight potentially pulling even more so upon the flesh that he held.

Left limb, having been tucked beneath him would reach for the point of her left femur; to stabilize himself upon her sitting form by an attempt at forcing his toes and heel sharply down into her stifle joint, to cause as much pain as he could whilst finding a new point of leverage, and of stability. If the pain was enough to force her to lift her rump, then Isardis would ensure he stayed with her form as she rose. If the woman stayed seated though, the pallid King would push forwards in an attempt to send his chest slamming into her shoulder, still attempting to maintain a grasp at her scruff as he would do so; using his greater weight in an attempt to toss her front half over and onto the ground. Her hinds were already against the parched earth, it shouldn?t have taken much to topple her shoulders over also. His jaws would attempt to roll her scruff over to her right simultaneously, potentially guiding her balance even more so towards the soil.

Though somewhat unexpectedly, The King would feel a sharp, stabbing force to his lower gullet, a shove at his tender neck just above the chest. A gasp for air would cause his jaws to release the woman?s scruff, narrowed rubies falling upon her out-stretched forelimb as she seemed to have jabbed at his neck with a decent force of power. Quickly he would recalculate, regathering his breath within seconds as he would scowl with anger; jaws agape as sharpened pearls were sent thrusting downwards to try and latch upon the tender structures of her right forelimb. She had so willingly offered her ease of movement to his weapons, and oh how hungrily he would seise the moment. Isardis would twist his skull to the right as he aimed to bring his molars down and over her radius bone, where the muscles of his jaws would clench with an unstoppable bone-crushing power, aiming to shred skin and splinter away bone. Though more sinister he would become, rotating his skull even more-so downwards as he would aim to slice his molars around and over the top of the forearm; hopeful to sever the cephalic vein and cause the red-faced wench to bleed out over the battlefield.

She would manoeuvre however, seeming to launch beneath his chest in an attempt to get at a forelimb, and then to wrap a paw around the side of his neck; he would lean away from her as much as possible, attempting to keep any achieved hold on her own forelimb as he would yet again push from his hinds and towards her, to shove his body ruthlessly at her shoulder yet again (providing she were still standing from his last attempt) and simultaneously pull any attained grasp upwards, to potentially pull her elbow up, out and towards her spine at an unnatural angle that may possibly allow a break or dislocation. It seemed the woman was able to make contact with his nape, their warped clasps and angles a sheer image of hilarity as the pair seemed to engage in a sinister form of twister. His defences would stand; eyes narrowed, ears pinned, spine aligned, tail tucked, jaws agape if not biting, balance distributed as equally as awkward positioning would allow, angles attempted to keep his body away from her grasp, chin tucked to protect pulsating jugular, abdomen tense, muscles rigid, hind toes splayed as nails would grip for traction, hackles raised, shoulders rolled as much as possible as the man would strive to stay above her.

Isardis vs. Chrysanthe ? Round 3 of 3

For Liberty.

Defences: all were clearly listed in last paragraph

Attacks: Upon Chrysanthe?s sitting position, Isardis will aim a sharp left shove/stomp down into the joint of her stifle; just lower the left femur with both toes and heel, aiming to cause pain whilst also gaining more stability in his position. If Chrysanthe keeps her position he will then push his chest firmly into her shoulder in a an attempt to throw her fore-balance, simultaneously keeping his hold upon her scruff and rolling the flesh over towards her right to possibly push her more so towards the ground. If she stands he will do his best to keep his right forelimb over her, to keep his weight over her spine and hopefully prevent excess movement still holding the scruff. (I think we messed up on angles a bit here/had misunderstandings so see notes for ref!) Chrysanthe exposes her forelimb by sending a shove towards Isardis throat, causing him to release her scruff and retarget mid-forelimb with his jaws, rotating his head to the right to potentially allow him to make a strong grasp at the bone, where he will tighten his grip to try and break bone and tear flesh. Should he land, Isardis will roll his skull more to the right to scrape his teeth over the top of her forelimb to try and slice the cephalic vein, causing her to bleed out. Chrys attempts to grasp a forelimb and Isardis will try to keep any attained holds on her own limb, to shove himself towards her to throw her balance again, and simultaneously lift her leg up and out in attempt to cause a break or dislocation.

Injuries: Bruising to throat above chest, momentary loss of breath. Also a counter with damage pending; the last injury will depend on Chrysanthe?s actions in response to Isardis? early moves. He will slam his left forelimb down onto her stifle (the other over her spine still), and it depends on how she reacts to that whether or not she will actually be able to reach either forelimbs. I will leave that to judges, I suppose, not much I can do there.

Notes: Good fight Seren! I think our angles were a bit confusing though so here?s a reference of where I thought Isardis was during Round Two, ( ) it you can scribble you could show where you think they should be now; but its last round so it doesn?t really matter I suppose. Either way we worked around it, and I had fun! <3



10-11-2013, 10:19 AM
He was a warrior unlike any other that she had faced so far. The woman's heart hammered in her chest, adrenaline coursing through her. Pain radiated from the wounds she had acquired throughout the fight, and Isardis's hold on her scruff only became more painful as he slid downward along her back. Somehow he had managed to wrap a leg around her body, and it seemed that getting him off would not be something that she would manage to do just yet. It seemed that he was completely hanging off of her, neither of his front feet on the ground - one was wrapped around her body and the other was digging into her knee joint on her back leg. The feel of his toes there hurt, badly, and in her discomfort the alpha would try to move her leg enough to hopefully get his paw to fall and possibly throw off his balance and give her the chance to throw him off of her back already.

Her attempt to wind him had worked, and the woman didn't waste a moment of being free from his grip to pull forward. She would use her hind limbs to push herself away from the male that was somewhat behind her, leaving behind their twisted position to hopefully pull away and be able to face him completely opposed to turning toward him to attempt her attacks. Unfortunately though, winding him had come at a consequence, and the albino's teeth wrapped around the middle of her leg before she could completely pull herself away. Opposed to pulling completely forward, she would pivot somewhat because of her leg and her attempting to save it from any further damage. If she managed to pull her hindquarters away from the male while he was attacking her leg, she would face him somewhat head on. If she didn't, then she would pull and jerk regardless, a wild attempt to try and free herself of her opponent. A sharp bark would escape her lips at the feeling of his teeth baring down on her front leg, and the woman would instinctively aim for his face with her fangs, hoping to catch the male's eyes and leave him pulling away or risking his sight. The wound was painful, and his teeth sunk into her leg and easily tore at the skin, sinking further with every second that the male remained attached. So far nothing had been severed, but if her attempt to react quickly didn't work that could easily change. Her front legs were spread at an awkward angle, but she was once again forced to turn toward him, but pulling against him would perhaps save her the discomfort of having her leg pulled out of place. It was with a quick snapping motion that she would attack with her teeth, aiming to saw over the male's face, with what she hoped was enough force to injure him.

Her eyes were narrowed, and her ears pinned against her head. Her jaws were agape to protect her throat, and her tail was tucked behind her. Her toes dug into the ground, trying to keep her balance despite the other lupine trying to bring her toward the ground or knock her over. Her shoulders were rolled, and hackles constantly raised throughout the fight, but despite her defenses she would take considerable injuries.

ooc: yaay its done c:

The Judge


10-11-2013, 11:56 PM

Chrysanthe vs. Isardis for Liberty

Round 1


CLARITY: 10 / 10
Great clarity.

No powerplaying found.

DEFENSES: 10 / 10

Full points for protected throat, raised hackles, narrowed eyes, pinned ears, splayed toes, centered weight, protective gesture with left fore-limb.

ATTACK: 6 / 10

Full points for a complex, effictive attack.

INJURIES: 10 / 10

First Round

Round one Isardis Total: 46 / 50


CLARITY: 10 / 10
Great clarity.

No powerplaying found.

DEFENSES: 9 / 10

Full points for lowered stance, tense stance, protected throat, tucked tail, raised hackles, splayed toes and steps to watch Isardis and lift upwards.

ATTACK: 4 / 10

Full points for attack to Isardis' neck.


Bite wound between shoulders.

Round one Chrysanthe Total: 41 / 50

Round 2


CLARITY: 10 / 10
Great clarity.

I believe you should have waited a round between Isardis using his right forelimb to pull at Chrysanthe's left forelimb to using his right forelimb to anchor himself on top of her.
It leaves little time and almost no place for the other player to react or counter such close and immediate moves.

DEFENSES: 10 / 10

Full points for pinned ears, balanced weight, splayed toes, tense stance, guarded underside, raised hackles, protected throat.

ATTACK: 10 / 10

Full points for attempting further damage to neck, second, complex attack to Chrysanthe's neck, drop of right limb onto Chrysanthe's ribcage.

INJURIES: 8 / 10

Bite wound to left shoulder.

Round two Isardis Total: 45 / 50


CLARITY: 8 / 10
Isardis tries to swipe at Chrysanthe's left limb BEFORE he tries to anchor it on top of her.

You disregard the "drop" Isardis does against Chrysanthe's ribcage with his right limb.

DEFENSES: 10 / 10

Full points for raised hackles, protected neck, balanced weight, tucked tail, splayed toes, narrowed eyes, pinned ears, attempted counter by sitting, tensed stance.

ATTACK: 7 / 10

Full points for continuing attack to Isardis' shoulder, thrusting left forelimb at Isardis' throat, and attack towards Isardis' closest limb.


Bite wound between shoulders is worsened, second bite wound to lower shoulder area.

Round two Chrysanthe Total: 38 / 50

Round 3


CLARITY: 8 / 10
Chrysanthe's right paw is the one she tries to wrap around Isardis yet it is also the one he attacks beforehand?

Isardis is on Chrysanthe's left side, thus it would be difficult to reach her right limb as is stated.
Complex attacks are good! It's just that you fill your posts with so many possible or planned attacks it really leaves the other player with little space to react or counter.
This also creates a lot of confusion for the opponent and judge!
I also had to take points away for disregarding damage for some of Chrysanthe's attacks.
I know a lot of it was "pending" but you disregard the fact that she is latched to Isardis' nape, only acknowledge it but don't state damage.
Also you disregard her first, continued attack at Isardis' shoudler.

DEFENSES: 10 / 10

Full points for narrowed eyes, pinned ears, balanced stance, ready jaws, protected throat, tense stance, splayed toes, hackles raised.

ATTACK: 10 / 10

Full points for continued attack to lower shoulder area, attempting to hit Chrysanthe's hips with his left limb, bumping chest against Chrysanthe's shoulder, attack to Chrysanthe's right forelimb, second attack at Chrysanthe's shoulder with intent to dislocate limb.

INJURIES: 8 / 10

Bruised throat.

Round one Isardis Total: 36 / 50


CLARITY: 10 / 10
I was lenient on Clarity because of Isardis' possibly confusing sequence of many attacks.

No powerplaying found.

DEFENSES: 10 / 10

Full points for pulling away when released, pivoting to prevent damage to grasped forelimb, narrowed eyes, pinned ears, ready jaws, protected throat, tucked tail, splayed toes, balanced weight, raised hackles.

ATTACK: 4 / 10

Full points for attack towards Isardis' face.


Bruised hip, bite wound to right forelimb.

Round one Chrysanthe Total: 41 / 50


Isardis: 127 /150

Chrysanthe: 120 /150

And the winner is...

Isardis! Chrysanthe must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out and must give Liberty over to Glaciem.


Isardis- Isardis' jaw is bruised, he has two severe bite wounds to his left shoulder and moderate wounds to his face that will likely scar.

Chrysanthe- Chrysanthe has two moderate bite wounds between her shoulders, a bruised hip and moderate to severe damage to her right forelimb (depending on Isardis' next move, this should prob be discussed OOC?)

You guys did excellent! I'm really impressed with your attack and defense skills you were both wonderful fighters and gained the most points in your defenses and attacks.

For Serendipity I would reccommend working on more complex attacks to fill in your points. If you'd had more complex attacks or made more than one attack in the first two rounds you may have won!

For Yumpy I would reccommend working on the structure of your posts. You lost the most points in clarity and powerplaying.
Complex attacks are good to make! You did a good job with that! It's just that when you make more than 3 attacks, not including your counters to the opponent's previous moves, it makes it difficult for the opponent to react and counter every attack without losing points for powerplaying or being inconsistent. It leaves a lot of room for confusion and mistakes for every party.

edited because totals were wrong. Pm vivien with any questions.


10-12-2013, 11:46 AM

And so the fight would end, and her stomach would twist and turn into knots as she watched her queen fall. She had been victorious before, but not even the greatest queen could hold her ground alone for long. Isardis was a strong opponent, and the fact that Chrysanthe had lasted this long made her proud. She knew the king would not stop until she was his, but now that he had won, what would he do now? Would he still proceed with war? Or would he take her and leave Valhalla alone? She doubted he would let this go, she could already see the hatred he felt toward all of Valhalla. What was she to do now? Prisoner or not she would never fight for Glaciem, especially not against Valhalla. She would rather die than do that. She was frozen despite the anger she felt bubbling within her core. She wanted so badly to run to Chrysanthe and rip the ghosts face from his bone, but she knew she couldn't do that. As much as she hated it she would have to go with them. For now she would lean against her father, burying her face into the scruff on his neck. She would not cry, no, she would be strong- but for now she would curl up in his embrace for this may be the last time she could do so. "I'm sorry daddy. I should have listened to you.." Was all she could mutter as she closed her eyes shut. If only she had died instead of her mother. She could defend Valhalla better than she ever could.



10-13-2013, 04:06 AM
She couldn't keep on - even behind her Liberty had given up, apologizing to her father because she had lost. The woman would snarl, trying to blind the bastard and get him to let go of her leg, but it was to no avail. If she didn't get him off he would break it, and she had not only this fight to worry about - but a war coming in the near future. It broke her rapidly beating heart, but she couldn't continue this fight for Liberty, she just couldn't. "Let go! Let go you can have her." The words were frantic, loud at first but spoken more quietly with each released syllable. She had failed to defeat the albino, he had bested her and it was obvious.

But she would be back for Liberty, she was family - and there wasn't a thing in the world that would stop her from trying to protect the girl. For now, she was not yet two, and had time before he could curse her with pups, but she still worried for her well being. There was so much more that they could do to her. The woman's stomach coiled, and begrudgingly she dropped her defenses. If he didn't let go of her leg though she would do her very best to blind him - she may have lost, but she wouldn't take any further damage lying down."I release her to you."

She was so sorry, but she didn't have a choice.

Any injuries she took here wouldn't heal up before they marched to war - and with this loss, she was only fueled further to defeat the ice kingdom when they did. "It's over Isardis..."


10-13-2013, 04:45 AM

Aqua eyes lit up in shock as the Valhallan queen fell. The opposing force had won. Clenching his teeth tightly shut, his ears lied back against his head as he watched with panic as Liberty whispered to her father. Anger and panic and despair boiled within his core, his heart pounding madly against his chest as his eyes darted in search of a sign that this was all a dream. But as the Valhallan queen's words reached him, it was as if his senses just shattered. Liberty was now the property of Glaciem, and Drake didn't know what to do. He had made her a promise, and it was one he intended to keep...but now it was too late to take her and run away. The fight was done, and it would be too obvious now that all the attention was not so focused on the fighting Alphas. Tears would threaten to consume him, but the boy would refuse to let them fall. His breath would rise and fall in shallow gasps, as if he himself had taken the blows that the ghoul had lashed out.

Claws dug into the earth, teeth baring as a snarl ripped from his maw. He wanted to lunge at the beast, to rip him from the other wolf and tear his throat out on the ground. He could see himself doing it, and he would give his life if it meant he could take the monsters with him. He would do anything for Liberty, and he would continue to uphold his promise even if it meant them being torn apart from it. His snarls would cease to broken whines as he then rushed forward without a though, bringing himself to Liberty's side.
"Liberty! Please, there must be another way! I made a promise, and I said I wouldn't break it! I promised I wouldn't let anythin' hurt you! I'm so sorry..."
his plea would fall into a whisper as the realization hit him. There was nothing he could do, and if he tried then he would die and she would still be taken away, and Valhalla would get into more trouble. He pressed his face into the fur on her neck, holding back the tears that began to consume his vision. He wouldn't cry, he had to remain strong...though to lose the one thing that he had begun to grow attached to, killed him. It was like a being stabbed a thousand times over in the heart, and it truly hurt. "Everything will be alright...I'll fight for you...I promise to come for you.." he whispered for her ears only.

He knew that he probably seemed the sentimental fool, and the Valhallans were probably confused as to why a complete stranger was so close and personal with the young Valhallan. But he didn't care, he would come back for her...and he would do whatever it took. His throat tightened as he tried to reassure her, even though there would probably be no reassurance for a situation such as this. Even so, he would think up a plan to get her freedom back and return her home...and with him.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think