
Say so long



Master Fighter (270)

Intermediate Hunter (30)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantDream WeaverSnake Eyes
05-21-2024, 10:57 AM (This post was last modified: 06-14-2024, 02:15 PM by Bronze. Edited 2 times in total.)

Basilisk had instructed him to lead a group hunt against a predator, and Bronze fully intended to see that mission through to completion. While he knew he was a competent warrior he'd never quite practiced leadership in this manner. Though he wasn't quite sure how it'd work out in practice, he was confident enough in his own abilities and critical thinking skills that he wasn't worried about failing. It'd just be a matter of whether or not Basilisk though he'd done a good enough job.

He spent maybe a bit too long considering who he'd bring along with him. Besides Silent, Bronze wasn't really close to anyone in the Armada. Ultimately he decided on asking Wynter along, a wolf he was familiar with but didn't know well, as well as a new recruit, Seneca. His reasoning was simple: prove he could lead both wolves he knew (albeit vaguely - but at least Wynter had been part of the Armada since her birth) as well as those who were unfamiliar to him. It seemed a good way to prove his leadership skills were more than just sheer luck, or the abilities of those involved.

He'd already sought the three out separately to tell them he'd be leading a charge against a stray polar bear that had been wandering close to their borders soon, waiting for the right time to strike. Today was that day.

It was early in the morning, the sun having just crested over the horizon, casting an orange-pink glow across the sky - visible even through the mess of gnarled branches and sparse foliage overhead. Winter had long since settled across the north, and though it was a mild one for the region, it was still very much present. Snow crunched beneath his paws as he moved, finally pausing as he lifted his head to let loose a call for them, for Basilisk, Wynter, and Seneca.  The polar bear had crossed into their territory and he doubted his howl would be enough to frighten it off now.



Beginner Navigator (0)

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1 Year
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WordyRapid Poster - Silver
05-22-2024, 07:48 PM
When Bronze had approached him to enlist his help in ridding the territory of a polar bear, Seneca had practically jumped at the chance. Truthfully, there was actually a good chance he had jumped when Bronze spoke to him - he was quite excitable, after all. Each day since then, the boy had been abuzz with excitement, eager to prove himself to his new home, show he was worthy. There was a nagging in the back of his mind, just ever-so quiet, an almost-imperceptible fear that whispered when his mind was calm enough to hear it. A polar bear was a major threat, and huge. He was nothing but a small pup.

Bronze's howl summoned the hunting party, and Seneca sprinted off immediately. He had previously instructed his pine martin friend to stay behind at the tree house, not wanting him in the middle of the battle to accidently get stepped on or worse, and he gave Pollux a last glance as he ran down the ramp. Pole was upset, but he'd get over it. Small paws thundered against the snow, mind and heart both running a mile a minute. Teal gaze settled on the gray form of Bronze in the distance, and he forced himself to focus, forced himself to listen to both his stride and his breathing to clear his mind of worries and doubts. There could be no distractions when your target was a formidable predator.

He slowed as he approached, greeting the much larger man with a small smile. Seneca tried to think of something to say, something that was smart and not boring. A pause of a few seconds, mouth hanging open, was all he gave himself before settling on something boring, rather than nothing at all. "Hi, Bronze!" His tail wagged softly behind him, though he was quick to look away - to watch for the others, of course.

[Image: chibi-by-starry-knight-dhedfxo.png]



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Paleo species

Samhain 2022
05-22-2024, 08:13 PM

Basilisk heard the call, and realised that Bronze had chosen his time to act. He knew that the warrior had been planning this battle behind the scenes. Picking who he would take with him, and seeking out a target. Picking one that would eventually become a threat to the Armada was a good call.

He followed the sound of the call and saw that Seneca was there as well. Good! The new, young wolf was putting himself out there. He would go far if he continued to apply himself as he was. He gave the orange toned wolf an approving nod, before turning his attention to Bronze. There was satisfaction in his eyes as he looked at the blue and gold wolf, as well. “What are your orders?” He asked, making it immediately and clearly obvious who was in charge of this hunt.

"Basilisk Fatalis"

[Image: 2yUYF9E.png]
As his Consort, Ignita can enter any of his threads without warning



Expert Fighter (195)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

1 Year
06-10-2024, 03:16 PM
She had been surprised by the invitation to join in on this mission that Bronze was leading, but she was excited all the same. She rolled out of bed far earlier than she would typically to make sure she was up and ready well before Bronze's call, stepping out into the cold morning air with a long yawn, giving her coat a shake. She wasn't awake all that long, just long enough to have a quick bit of breakfast, before she heard the call for this polar bear hunting team. Man, they really were getting an early start, huh? She quickly trotted through the trees to meet up with the others, finding Bronze along with Basilisk and Seneca. She happened to walk up just as Bas was asking what the orders were so she simply stood at the ready, waiting to see what the plan was. She was game to follow however the team wanted to approach this.

"Wynter Fatalis"



Master Fighter (270)

Intermediate Hunter (30)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantDream WeaverSnake Eyes
06-17-2024, 01:28 PM

Bronze knew this would be a chance for the younger wolves, too, to prove themselves to Basilisk. Not that he knew if they needed that chance, but it couldn't hurt either. Sirius had given him a chance here in the Armada and room to prove himself and he was appreciative of that opportunity, even if he hadn't really taken it as far as he should have. At least he was now.

Seneca's excitement was obvious as he hurried to answer his call, and Bronze acknowledged the yearling with a nod. "Seneca," he greeted him in return, perfectly fine without the small talk. He wasn't exactly the most social of wolves, at least compared to most. Basilisk wasn't far behind him, and he received a nod in turn as he asked what his orders were.

Wynter was just arriving as well, so Bronze waited a beat before he began dishing out orders. "Well," Bronze started, feeling a bit awkward with all their eyes on him. "Uh. Thank you all for coming. Basilisk, Wynter," he acknowledged the arrival of the last two with another quick dip of his head. "I'm sure you've all noticed the scent of a polar bear not far off from our borders. I think she might be looking for somewhere to den and these woods seem appealing to her. So I figured it's time we take care of it."

There weren't wolves in the Armada that couldn't defend themselves right now so it wasn't a true emergency, but there was no telling when another litter might be due - it was better to take care of the threat now, before it proved to be an even bigger one. "She seems healthy, so I think she might put up a good fight. We can assess the situation when we track her down. She was at the eastern edge of the forest this morning. We'll head that way now."

Being in charge, really leading, felt strange to him. Not in a bad way, but having others look to him for command wasn't something he was at all accustomed to.

He was quiet and focused as he led them away from where they'd met, moving toward the edge of the territory. Once her scent grew stronger, he slowed, seeking her out up ahead from among the cluster of ancient trees. They couldn't quite see her, but she wasn't far off at all. "Seneca and Wynter, I'd like you two to make a wide circle around her. Make sure she's positioned between you two, and Basilisk and I. Try to charge her and get her heading this way. Basilisk and I will wait, ready to move in or cut her off if we need to." It was hard to say what state of mind the predator was in. Would she try to turn and face the yearlings, or try to flee? They had to be prepared for any possibilities. He gave them a nod then, signalling for them to take their positions and initiate.


Trauma Specialist

Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

1 Year

Double MasterCritical Fail!Scarred
07-12-2024, 10:43 PM
[Image: QQvogJ4.png]

Oleander heard Bronze's call over the trees and he thought about answering it. He needed to finish up checking on the hives though, to see if they had come through the winter. Hmm... Seems like something was affecting them, a couple of the hives were doing all right he thought, but one was looking a little low on residents. He'd have to check it out later and find the source then. Nodding to himself he made a mental note to check on the hives again, he set off after Bronze's call. He made it to the group as Bronze was bringing up the idea of taking out a polar bear from the territory. Ollie nodded to Bronze as he joined the group and nosed both Seneca and Wynter's shoulders in a gentle greeting.

He took to Seneca's and Wynter's group. He nodded to his sister as she took the other side of the bear. They waited a moment to ensure they were each in position.

He launched himself at the polar bear with a snarl and snap of his jaws at the same time as Wynter would charge. He aimed to push the bear right into Bronze's and Basilisk's direction.

[Image: mqR1Stt.png]"Speech"[Image: F4GoHMk.png]



Expert Fighter (195)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

1 Year
07-14-2024, 02:19 PM
Bronze explained the situation with the polar bear that was posing a potential threat with her seeming interest in calling their woods her home and she nodded with understanding. As Bronze was going over the details she felt a nose on her shoulder and she glanced over to see Ollie joining the group and she gave her brother a grin before refocusing her attention on their leader for the day. As Bronze mentioned where the polar bear was last seen she got to her paws and followed the rest of the group as they began to head that way. She knew polar bears could be ferocious and deadly, but with her current company she wasn't worried. They were all capable fighters and Bas was as big or bigger than a polar bear anyway.

After they drew closer to the bear and her scent was strong enough to know they were very close, they paused and Broze assigned her, Oleander, and Senca to circling around to the other side of the bear to drive her toward Bronze and Basilisk. She nodded with agreement and after glancing at her group they made an arc around where they assumed the bear was until they were directly across from where Bronze and Bas were waiting. She gave a glance to Ollie and returned his nod once they were in position and then they moved as one, charging out of the shadows of the trees with snarls and snapping teeth. Luckily it looked like they had been successful in their ambush and had startled the polar bear enough that her initial reaction was to run instead of turning to fight. Taking advantage of startling her, Wynter pushed forward a little harder and nipped and bit at the back of her legs to drive her forward and discourage her from turning back on them as they pushed the bear closer to the men that were waiting for their turn in the fight.

"Wynter Fatalis"



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Paleo species

Samhain 2022
08-09-2024, 02:50 PM

Basilisk listened and watched as Bronze sent the smaller wolves as runners, and braced the larger wolves to take the polar bear head on. Tactics he himself would likely have used as well.

Wynter and Oleander, his cousins ran into position to startle and set the bear moving. Basilisk moved forward, setting himself into position a few paces away from Bronze. Enough space that they could react if the bear started to veer off the chosen path. Now, they just had to wait until the bear was herded into position. Despite their smaller size, Oleander and Wynter were ferocious and unfailing as they nipped and herded the bear towards them. He lowered himself, prepared to charge when the bear was close enough.

"Basilisk Fatalis"

[Image: 2yUYF9E.png]
As his Consort, Ignita can enter any of his threads without warning



Master Fighter (270)

Intermediate Hunter (30)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantDream WeaverSnake Eyes
08-21-2024, 01:24 PM (This post was last modified: 08-21-2024, 01:30 PM by Bronze. Edited 1 time in total.)

Bronze issued out his careful instructions, and he was partly surprised when everyone did exactly as he said. Not that he expected them to disobey, nor did he poorly of his own abilities to lead; he'd just never really led other wolves in this way. It wasn't something he was familiar with, but he didn't dislike how easily everyone moved. He gave a nod of acknowledgment when Oleander joined their group. Another set of paws wouldn't hurt - maybe he ought to have formed a bigger party to begin with to avoid the possibility of injury? Either way, he'd learn from this experience and he'd reformulate a plan for next time if things didn't go according to plan.

Oleander moved with Wynter and Seneca to drive the polar bear his way. It didn't take long before they startled the beast and she went running. Maybe she could sense just how many wolves were on her trail. Wynter was hard on the bear's heels, and she was quickly pushed their direction.

He and Basilisk waited, spacing themselves apart instinctively to cut off her movements if she tried to turn a different direction. Once it was closer, Bronze found a threatening growl beginning to bubble up from within his throat, and after a beat he charged forward. The younger wolves were no doubt faster, and he'd put them in a safer position than facing a bear head-on. He couldn't help but be uneasy as he lunged, aiming to grab hold of the bear's throat. Of course bringing her down wouldn't be quite so easy, but with the younger wolves on her heels - and he and Basilisk successfully blocking her exit - it seemed likely they'd be successful in this endeavor.



Expert Fighter (195)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

1 Year
08-28-2024, 11:58 AM
Wynter kept at the polar bear's heels with Oleander there to support at her side and with a glance past the bear she saw that Basilisk and Bronze had taken their places as well. With everything going to plan it made her confidence about this whole situation go up. With Basilisk playing defense to make sure the bear didn't get away all that was left was to finish this off. Bronze lunged for the bear's throat so Wynter decided she would do what she could to prevent the bear from injuring him in the process. She leapt forward to latch her jaws around the polar bear's front, right paw, biting down hard into her paw pads and planting her feet firmly in the dirt to stop her as she immediately trying to yank her paw away with a roar. Wynter didn't know if it would trip the bear up or just keep her from being able to swipe at Bronze, but either way she was confident that this leg at least was out of commission for the time being.

"Wynter Fatalis"

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1. Say so long Mile-High Woods 10:57 AM, 05-21-2024 01:31 PM, 09-20-2024