




Expert Intellectual (170)

Advanced Healer (60)

2 Years
04-16-2024, 08:15 PM (This post was last modified: 04-25-2024, 03:01 PM by Iris. Edited 1 time in total.)

A breath in through her dark nose. Eyes of wildflowers closed against the playful breeze, relishing in the feeling of the wind playing through her raven fur. Iris stood over the sand, leaning toward the whispering waves as they lapped against the glittering sand bridge.

The wind tugged at the soft taupe of her chest and wound its way over her cheeks tenderly. She could feel the rhythm of her heart thrumming down to her toes.

When she opened her eyes she wondered what crushed gemstones had made the colors of the sand here. Perhaps she could find unbroken ones?

She started to run her dark paws over the sand and yipped in surprise as a tiny hole squirted a stream of water against her chest!

"Zut! How dare vou!" She cried and shook her fur harshly. She took another step and witnessed a second stream of water nearly hitting her in the face. It made her jump in surprise again but this time she landed half in the water, her back legs stumbling against the sand.  
"Ach, such trecheries" She shook her head as she got up, no longer startling at every strange spout of water.



Novice Fighter (20)

Beginner Hunter (0)

2 Years
Extra large
04-18-2024, 09:00 PM (This post was last modified: 04-18-2024, 09:05 PM by Vadim. Edited 2 times in total.)
v          a          d          I          m

mmmhh... it smelt delightful. gardenia & crips blueberries; it took him, like a puppet with strings, dragging him close as he followed her clean aroma. Vadim stalked her for no good reason, lurking behind her for some time now. and when all was vast & lonesome, he came to announce his presence aloud. notifying her of her fate as he pressed towards her, his blue eyes glued to her form that was seen jumping. something startled her.. and it wasn't him. "I'm jealous.." a villainous chuckle left his obsidian maw as his raspy, deep voice collided between them, taking hold of their space all in one sum.
he pauses just behind her, standing tall above her with a glare that squeezed her alive. testing, imprinting and feeding off her body. "How old are you..? pas un bébé j'espère(Not a baby I hope)." his question was brazen but his face held no such expression. in fact, he was rather calm with an unwavering lascivious stare. his voice as melodic and masculine, his first language intertwining before her. "Where you goin'?," he casually intruded, stepping forward once with a cavernous grin, intending to impose her. Vadim's indigo eyes glinting a disturbing affection for her.. one he was dying to express. hungry in all the worst ways.

"talk" 'think'
table by scarlet, art by skelle
Vadim's proclaimed wife is Iris, therefor she may intrude any threads regardless of their tag.

Vadim is a character that is entirely rated mature for too many reasons to list. Viewer discretion is advised with any of his posts & threads.



Expert Intellectual (170)

Advanced Healer (60)

2 Years
04-18-2024, 10:30 PM

The girl shook her hind foot at the water to cast off the seawater that clung to it from her stumble. A dark ear swiveled around to catch a deep rasping voice carried over the gentle waves to her. Not having heard his exact words she gracefully turned toward him with a welcoming smile. Only for it to falter as her violet gaze crawls over his massive ebony pelt seeking his own.

He asked a startling question, how old was she? Ah! Her mother tongue! She didn't know others knew her language so far from home! She smirked naively and tossed her delicate head. "Je ne suis pas un enfant, monsieur!(I am no child, sir!) I will be two come spring!" She danced a step back, not quite sure why he had come so close. To consider her still a pup! How audacious!

He encroached into the space she had left with a hungry step, and she just couldn't figure out why he would be so intent on being so close to her. Not many were eager to spend much time with her.

He asked for her destination, "Ach, Je ne sais pas, vraiment (I don't really know), I am jus' wandering I suppose." She lifted her slender shoulders in a graceful shrug. She turned in a sweeping dance-like motion, unaware of its potential effects, "Zis way perhaps?" He was quite handsome, that broad chest and the way he towered over her gave her a giddy feeling fluttering in her chest.

She never had anyone warn her about such solicitations from looks such as his.



Novice Fighter (20)

Beginner Hunter (0)

2 Years
Extra large
04-25-2024, 03:33 PM (This post was last modified: 05-31-2024, 08:08 AM by Vadim. Edited 3 times in total.)
to his surprise, she speaks French. in fact, her English as thickened by it. how intriguing. her age meant she was still potentially ripened with an intact virginity. didn't owe any one puppies or responsibilities. could it be? a clean canvas to bear his dirtier deeds? she is all alone.. young and obviously far from home. it's almost too easy; his indigo eyes glancing to his left & right for a brief moment before laying out his claim. "You will be mine." he spoke with baritone tunes that did not spare her the possibility of choice. she had no idea of the life he'd force on her, nor the plans he had for her. his arms of constraint were strong, unwavering and obsessive. she would see that soon; his grip a tenacious one. and what a luck she had.. to have been found within it.
intensity grew in his eyes as his aura began to cage her in. he stepped closer yet again, now releasing a deep, guttural rumble before her. confronting her if she wished to refuse, offering her a dangerous route if she desired to test his efforts. "You can say no if you want to.. But I'll hurt you." he nearly sung with a dark hum, crooning at her with a devious glare voided of morals & emotion. as if baiting her, wanting her to give him a reason to make her wet with warming blood. he played a dangerous game and began deeply imprinting on her; taking away the life she thought she'd have. an enormous change in such little time. he finally found the one to invest in; deeming her compatible enough to manipulate, mold and ruin. "Tell me your name." he demanded with a baring of white fangs, hot breathe exhaling as he tasted her aroma some more.
a gluttonous bastard, the brute stood directly before her with looming height. & in a sudden second, he launched forward, his maw attempting to meet her neck area. his tongue rolled out, lapping as he aimed to groom her & spread his own essence on her fur. quite literally, marking her. while not a typical meet & greet, Vadim would not allow this opportunity to surpass him let alone run from him.  
he pulls back after some minutes, while still his symphony of growls providing as a soundtrack for their session together. a dangerous purr that surrounded her and vibrated about. she was in his world.

"talk" 'think'
table by scarlet, art by alo
Vadim's proclaimed wife is Iris, therefor she may intrude any threads regardless of their tag.

Vadim is a character that is entirely rated mature for too many reasons to list. Viewer discretion is advised with any of his posts & threads.



Expert Intellectual (170)

Advanced Healer (60)

2 Years
04-25-2024, 04:24 PM

Confusion swept over her raven brow as his deep voice rumbled his claim. Something within her clenched and quickened. Fear mixed with awe rippled through her errant wildflower eyes as they flickered between his ravenous indigos.

Again he stepped forward into her space forcing her to crane her delicate neck and tremble before his imposing presence. He was a dark god of the shadows towering over her.

She gulped as she could feel his voice deep in her own chest, a nonchoice before her, of allowing him his claim upon her or making her pay for the rejection. Her mind instantly shut out all thoughts of submission and screamed at her to escape. Danger, danger, danger!

Her heart thrummed in her chest and instead of giving him any words at all of a choice, of her name, she pinned her ears and turned to run. But she was no match for him. Her youth and her naivety had painted her doom for her the moment he had set eyes upon her.

She fell as he leaped upon her, a scream sang out to the sky and cut short as his jaws clasped over her throat. Her breath came in gasps and starts as he then roved his tongue over her luscious fur. She called out weakly "Wait! Attende'! Zut..." as their scents intermingled, a throb of warmth betrayed her as he made their scents intermingle on her fur. Was this how her mother fell for her father? Was this how it was? Was she truly his now? No longer her own?

The symphony of his guttural sounds warned her not to run again as he finally pulled away. He was too fast, too strong. She felt a tingling and thrilling prickling where his expression on her fur lay. The same upon her neck where he ran his tongue to groom her.

She gathered her dainty paws under her, no attempt to run but for comfort. She was confused as to what happened, no tears upon her cheeks yet as she steadied her breathing.

"vhat does it mean...Qui êtes-vous? (who are you?)" She asked, her dulcet voice barely above a whisper.



Novice Fighter (20)

Beginner Hunter (0)

2 Years
Extra large
04-25-2024, 10:41 PM (This post was last modified: 04-25-2024, 10:41 PM by Vadim. Edited 1 time in total.)
the reactions were expected; her dark visage demonstrating the conflicting urge to run or bet her safety on staying. she gives in, attempting to leap but he's already above her; holding her hostage as he towered above. she wanted him to wait.. "pour quel amour(for what love)?" he moaned. her frantic animations made his girth swell, becoming erect as she activated a carnal wave within him that seeped out everywhere.
she offered him nothing more than a tremble & a pathetic whisper now, and he shortly replies, "Vadim Dieudonné." beady indigo eyes bore at her with a hungry stare; drinking her soul with every second that passed. she was beautiful underneath the harsh gaze of Vadim.. his little bird. her screams fueled him furthermore, enticing him in disturbing ways. he seemingly enjoyed the sound of her violations, his dark dimpled smile coming to crease at the edges of his inky lips.
"I said what is you name." ignoring her question and placing his own above it, Vadim did not back down. would not. "It means you belong to me, whelp." he sneered, speaking past his cavernous teeth that bared once more at her. her defiance was making him impatient.. and there were only so many ways this could go.
"talk" 'think'
table by scarlet, art by alo
Vadim's proclaimed wife is Iris, therefor she may intrude any threads regardless of their tag.

Vadim is a character that is entirely rated mature for too many reasons to list. Viewer discretion is advised with any of his posts & threads.



Expert Intellectual (170)

Advanced Healer (60)

2 Years
04-26-2024, 12:34 AM

She pressed herself to the ground, her dark ears flattened in placating submission. Her eyes of violet simpering for his mercy.  She belonged to him. He wanted her, he wanted her! She was his, no wonder her brother had no choice but to follow his love. Her aunt to kick her out to follow hers. Of course! When claimed and clinging to belonging you followed!

"Je m’appelle Iris. (My name is Iris.)" she spoke her name with a true French accent, it sounded more like Eeree to the English speaker, the s at the end a subtle lilt on the breathy tongue.

He was enthralling, a robust handsome beast above her. She belonged to him, a heat bloomed beneath her, hungry for what it meant. How could she be so lucky for someone to call her Amour?

Even so her paws itched for movement, as if trying to tell her to keep running. Danger still clung to the edges of her aching heart. How could anyone love her? He was the best she would get.

"Vhat do you wish of me, Mon Cher? (My love)" She asked imploringly, her eyes drinking in every muscle over his shoulders and chest. Run! Non, she cannot run, she won't. She can't.

Scratch him if he comes at you again! Non! She won't. She can't.



Novice Fighter (20)

Beginner Hunter (0)

2 Years
Extra large
04-26-2024, 06:20 PM (This post was last modified: 04-26-2024, 06:21 PM by Vadim. Edited 1 time in total.)
her submission was easy to obtain. almost too simple. had he cared enough, he would see she was delusion all by herself. perhaps in her mind.. she translated their encounter into something that belonged in a fairytale book. with every increasing action to violate her, she'd replenish it. as if there was truly nothing wrong about Vadim or what he'd done. it was new to him; giving into his woes and accepting them with a meeker demeanor. a mild female.. she would surely do.
looking at her with a shimmer of curiosity & forbidden intrigue, Vadim's brows furrowed for a second. she's nearly hugging the terrain, making herself small with compliance. "Iris." his raspy voice vibrated, fangs clicking as he tasted her name, consuming it. his fur bristled as his pheromones changed with the primal urges to mount her. but he holds back for the sake of their establishment; wanting nothing to distract her in this moment now. "If you try to leave me, I will kill you Iris." he whispered to her left ear before resuming upright. returning to his cold & hard glare, he watched her with intensity. wondering what thoughts swiveled inside of her for only a moment.
"You will be one of my brides when you come into age. Your virginity is mine- to which you will then bear my pups. For now, you are my slave." he spoke in a casual tone, deep & baritone as he sat himself before her. "Sit up, beloved. You will be protected always now-, as long as you are mine." he began to groom her, settling in with manipulation early on to inspire her devotion. she was in the right place at the right time-, to have been found by an advantageous brute with no moralistic yield, she would be instantly seized for her beauty, youth and sweetness. giving way to his internal satisfactions to mold & control someone forever.

"talk" 'think'
table by scarlet, art by alo
Vadim's proclaimed wife is Iris, therefor she may intrude any threads regardless of their tag.

Vadim is a character that is entirely rated mature for too many reasons to list. Viewer discretion is advised with any of his posts & threads.



Expert Intellectual (170)

Advanced Healer (60)

2 Years
04-27-2024, 02:21 PM (This post was last modified: 04-27-2024, 09:47 PM by Iris. Edited 2 times in total.)

His voice rasped her name, her name, her name. It wrapped around her neck like a glittering chain, a veritable stranger now held her name like a leash made of string and dew.

She drew her breath in with a shudder as he leaned to her ear, whispering naught sweet nothings but a doom ever clear. To leave him behind, to scamper astray he would pursue her till her very last breath... floated away.

Her sweet eyes reflected wildflower purples, they bore into sand as if they could bury her dreams. He stood titanic above her and declared her purpose. To be his legacy, his delight, his thrall, and his means.

Her eyes dared to ascend, to capture his gaze and plead for his mercy absent. She gently postured herself upright per his demand and leaned in to her grasping groom. Her mind was awash with delirious reasons to twist and turn her luck into starlight. Alas, she was belovedly doomed.

Her being betrayed her as it responded to his caresses, betrayed or dismayed her? The tingling cascaded beneath her ebony fur. She had gone so long untouched by another that the shards of her decency and aegis fell to her feet around her like a veil on the wedding night.

Her eyes closed to the world and she let her dreams overcome her new chains in the aether. A low whisper of a song escaped from her throat unbidden as he raked his teeth over her coat. She leaned her head away from him giving him access to her vulnerable throat. How, how, how had she come here, to this, to be, to him?

M and X themes may follow this character

[Image: LU5V1Zq.png]



Novice Fighter (20)

Beginner Hunter (0)

2 Years
Extra large
05-24-2024, 09:07 PM (This post was last modified: 05-24-2024, 09:11 PM by Vadim. Edited 1 time in total.)
in a way, to him, she was on a pedestal that clearly separated her from the rest. both something darling yet daunting to know-, his extensive grasp was everlasting. she chose wisdom, or maybe she was just naive, to have not fought against his abrupt claim. vadim paid it no mind & once he pulled away from her breast, he peered down with a softer gaze as she exposed her neck. a collar would do. something loud that screamed his ownership over her. a possession of his, always. "mmh. come darling. I have a gift for you." he lifted from his previous perch, going to move around her to lead the way further in auster.
vadim put forethought into this; prepared for it and the adornments for the one. it was all going as planned. "reste proche(stay close)," he paused for a moment, head turning slightly as he looked behind his shoulder. his enormous body proceeds then, muscles dancing underneath his pure ebony coat. in the back of his mind, he was pleased to have such a bird with similar features. a french woman-, how fitting. as they would begin the lineage of dieudonné in ardent.

exit w/iris

"talk" 'think'
table by scarlet, art by alo
Vadim's proclaimed wife is Iris, therefor she may intrude any threads regardless of their tag.

Vadim is a character that is entirely rated mature for too many reasons to list. Viewer discretion is advised with any of his posts & threads.

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