
A Thousand Rainy Days



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Navigator (244)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

2 Years

Critical Attack!Double MasterStudentSamhain 20221K
04-25-2024, 01:03 AM (This post was last modified: 05-31-2024, 12:30 PM by Talyssa. Edited 1 time in total.)
Talyssa took a deep breath, feeling the heaviness of the air fill her lungs. She closed her eyes and let the sound of the rushing water soothe her mind, blocking out all other thoughts and worries. It was as if time had slowed down in this secluded spot, surrounded by nothing but nature. Opening her eyes, she took in the scenery once more. The greenery around her was abundant and vibrant, a stark contrast to the grey cliffs that loomed above. A few small- late season wildflowers dotted the rocky ground, adding small bursts of color to the otherwise monochromatic landscape.

But it was the waterfall that captured Talyssa's attention. It seemed to be the only source of life in this desolate place, its constant flow providing a calming soundtrack to the stillness of the surroundings. As it cascaded down into a small lake below, forming a natural stone basin, she couldn't help but feel drawn to it. Without hesitation, Talyssa made her way towards the edge of the pool. The sun shone through breaks in silver clouds above, casting long shadows across the landscape. The dance of light on rock and water created a mesmerizing effect that Talyssa found herself lost in. For a moment, she forgot about everything else. It was just herself, and the spray of water crashing into rock.

"Talyssa Carpathius"



Expert Fighter (210)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

4 Years
Dire wolf
04-25-2024, 01:38 AM

Ah, but it wasn't just herself. From the first moment that Quill laid eyes upon Talyssa, he had been drawn to her. He wanted her in some way or another. The marbled brute had attended her lessons, contributing and listening intently. He'd been the perfect student simply so he could keep an eye on her. Two eyes, in fact. And because he had two eyes upon her, Quill knew exactly where she had gone to. It worked for him.

Rather than just follow immediately and invade her space like a creep, the grey and white man made a stop at a local settlement to gather some supplies. Only when he had a sack full of goodies did he make his way towards the mountain and the waterfall. Quill could still smell Talyssa's scent on the air, despite the musty scent of the falls. It was light and sweet and made him want to eat her all up.

The crashing falls were quite loud, so Quill had to get rather close so that the speckled woman could hear him. "Talyssa..." he began after clearing his throat. "I was hoping that you might be so kind as to have dinner with me." He motioned to the satchel around his neck then waited for the woman's answer.




Master Intellectual (240)

Master Navigator (244)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

2 Years

Critical Attack!Double MasterStudentSamhain 20221K
04-25-2024, 01:53 PM
The sound of her name broke through the hypnotic flow of water and pulled Talyssa from her thoughts. She turned to see Quill standing a few steps away, a satchel held loosely in his grip. The sun hitting the waterfall behind him cast a misty halo around his figure, creating an ethereal image. She carefully studied the marble brute, taking in his attentive eyes and the slight apprehension reflected in them. "Well, isn't this a pleasant surprise," she replied, her lips twisting into a small grin. But for his request … "Dinner?" she echoed, her eyebrows furrowing slightly at the unexpected invitation. She gave the satchel a curious glance before meeting his gaze again. Her initial surprise quickly morphed into intrigue; she found herself considering his offer. Talyssa was impulsive, yes, but not thoughtless. Even still, she couldn’t find a reason to think that this interaction could be anything other than what it seemed to be. A thoughtful gesture. “That sounds lovely,” she finally answered, her voice gentle against the persistent hum of the waterfall.

"Talyssa Carpathius"



Expert Fighter (210)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

4 Years
Dire wolf
04-29-2024, 08:23 AM

When Talyssa accepted his offer of a meal, Quill smiled, nodded and led her away from the waterfall just enough that they wouldn't have to speak too loudly to hear one another. Once he had the woman settled, Quill placed his satchel nearby and began collecting wood for a fire. Nothing too huge, just large enough to warm the meat within the bag.

Soon the fire was crackling away merrily and the monochromatic brute began placing strips of seasoned meat upon hot stones. The meat sizzled and smelled delicious instantly. As he worked, Quill made polite conversation with the Carpathian woman. "If you don't mind me asking, why did you leave your family to be on your own? The world can be a dangerous place, you know." There was concern in his pink and aqua gaze as it flitted to the fae's face.

Quill flipped the cooking meat from one side to the other, replacing strips as they were cooked. He placed the already cooked strips upon a wide leaf and sat it between them. They could eat as he cooked so the meat would remain fresh and warm. The man had also traded for an assortment of fruits which he also sat between them. A makeshift picnic if there ever was one.




Master Intellectual (240)

Master Navigator (244)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

2 Years

Critical Attack!Double MasterStudentSamhain 20221K
05-08-2024, 07:56 AM
Talyssa watched as Quill took charge, gathering wood and setting up their meal with such a natural efficiency that she was both impressed and mildly intrigued. Quill’s question hung in the air, yet it didn’t make her feel uncomfortable. It was not an uncommon question and in all honesty, Talyssa herself pondered over it quite frequently. Watching the strips of meat sizzle against the hot stones, she chewed her lip, mulling over her answer.

She delicately picked up a piece of cooked meat, cool enough to handle but still warm. Looking at Quill, she began, "I guess I just realized that there's a whole world out there waiting to be explored, a world beyond the Hallows. I wasn't ready to just settle down and live out my life in one place, you know?" She took a small bite of the meat, savoring its flavor before continuing.

"I wanted... or rather, want to experience new things, meet new people. I want to learn, grow and hopefully make some kind of difference along the way." Her pale blue gaze glistened with determination as she met his gaze. “I think a part of me always knew that I wouldn’t be content with an ordinary life. Maybe it’ll be dangerous,” she acknowledged, just as he had said it would be. “but I’d rather face danger than a life of regretful ‘what ifs.’”

She picked up a juicy berry and popped it into her mouth. A silence settled over them, the crackling fire and the distant rush of the waterfall being their only soundtrack. “And what about you Quill? Do you have a story?” She asked, her voice light and airy as her attention settled on that dual-colored gaze of his. Though after a few brief moments of pause, she went on with a softer tone. “I’m sorry about your father.” Talyssa didn’t really know why Ashen had disbanded, but she did know Chimera Klein had a history of illness. She couldn’t help but wonder if maybe that had something to do with it. And even it didn’t, she was still sorry that Ashen had fallen- for whatever the reason was.

"Talyssa Carpathius"



Expert Fighter (210)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

4 Years
Dire wolf
05-16-2024, 02:47 PM

As he cooked, Talyssa ate. Quill watched her through half lidded eyes, enjoying the fact that she seemed to be appreciating the meal. In between bites, the woman spoke and the man listened. A nod was given here and there to let her know that he was listening. Talyssa spoke of not being satisfied with a normal life and wanting to see what the world had to offer her. He could understand that.

By the time Talyssa finished her story, Quill had finished cooking the strips of meat. The brute settled down onto one hip, plucking a piece of the meat from the warming stone and popping it into his mouth. He chewed and considered the woman's question. What was his story?

Swallowing the bite, Quill uncorked a flask of summer berry wine and took a sip to wash it down. He then handed the flask to Talyssa. "I don't know that it's much of a story," he began in low tones, not as deep and baritone as his father's, but smooth and somewhat sultry. "You know who my parents are. When my father fell ill the first time, the family sort of broke apart. I went one way, they went another. I raised myself, in a sense." One grey shoulder lifted in a half hearted shrug.

"Word spread that my father was in control of a pack once more and the hope was to get the family back together, so I returned." One big paw drifted through the air for a moment. "You see how that turned out." Once again the Kleins were displaced. It was as though he'd come back for nothing. Or maybe something...

"I've never been one to sit still and prefer traveling over pack life." Reaching out with one paw, Quill gently swiped a pad over the fawn and white woman's lower lip, coming away with some berry juice that had clung there so invitingly. On a whim, the brute brought that pad to his maw, lapping the juice away with a flick of his tongue. "All of that has led us here, Talyssa."

"Quill Klein"



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Navigator (244)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

2 Years

Critical Attack!Double MasterStudentSamhain 20221K
05-17-2024, 07:53 PM
Talyssa watched him, her pale blue eyes deceptively calm as he spoke. As Quill's story unfurled so did his character, bit by bit. The shrug, the casually dismissive wave of his paw, the quiet acceptance in the face of adversity - they all painted a picture of a man more complex than she'd initially taken him for. A pang of empathy resonated within her. While she didn’t quite understand an upbringing with a fractured family, she could grasp the pain of that loss, the yearning for kinship. His words hung in the chilled air between them, and for a moment, Talyssa was lost in the depth of his gaze, intrigued and moved by his story.

"You're strong, Quill," she finally said, her voice barely above a whisper but full of admiration. She accepted the flask from him with a small nod of thanks and took a long drink before handing it back. The sweet tanginess of berry wine danced on her tongue, and the residual warmth that followed the liquid down her throat was a pleasant sensation against the winter chill. "Surviving alone is no easy feat, especially after being displaced from family." Her expression turned thoughtful as she reflected on his words. The reality of his past was a stark contrast to the vibrant, carefree personality he displayed. It fascinated her in a way she hadn't expected, and a part of her wondered if this was how Quill felt when she'd recounted her own experiences.

"Do you ever regret it?" She asked him suddenly, her gaze meeting his with a solemn intensity. "Choosing the path of a wanderer over ... being apart of something bigger?"

The question lingered in the air, like the remnants of their breaths visible against the cold winter backdrop. The silence was comfortable, even appreciative of the gravity of her question. Talyssa's eyes held his, unflinching in their curiosity and need for understanding. It was odd, the feeling of him wiping the wine from her lip- she hadn't realized she had been holding her breath until it silently caught in her throat. But she remained still, entranced by the gesture. Without even realizing it had happened her own paw had moved to rest gently on Quill’s scarred paw - a gesture both innocent and intimate at the same time.

"Talyssa Carpathius"



Expert Fighter (210)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

4 Years
Dire wolf
05-20-2024, 07:59 PM

Talyssa insisted that he was strong and the marbled brute released a low chuckle. Despite being rather full of himself, Quill didn't feel as though he was strong. It was nice to hear that she believed so, however. Her comment about surviving along brought another chuckle.  "It's not terribly difficult. Kill. Eat. Don't be the one getting eaten." He flashed the speckled fae a winning grin.  "Bears especially find our kind tasty." Throwback to the time that he saved her from a grizzly when she was younger.

The woman's next question made him stop and consider. Quill was quiet for a moment, his expression pensive. Did he have regrets? After a time, the man shook his head, braided mane swaying slightly with the action.  "I don't regret it. I've seen many things and learned many lessons that a homebody might never experience." Brows lifted slightly and the brute opened his mouth to speak once more, but Talyssa's paw found her way onto his own. Blue and pink eyes shifted downward, looking at their joined paws. His former words were swept away on the breeze as he stared down at her small, delicate digits.

Something rose up within Quill as he looked at their paws. Something fierce. Something possessive. Something protective and covetous. Part of him wanted to claim Talyssa. He wanted to consume her, make her bend to his will and promise to be only his. Genetic memory passed down from his father, perhaps? Silence stretched between them for a time and, eventually, Quill turned his big paw over so that their pads were touching.

"I don't regret choosing the life of a nomad," he began, bringing his gaze back up to meet her crystal blues once more.  "But that's not to say that I might yearn for something more in the future. If I found a woman capable of taming the heathen in me," playful amusement flickered across his handsome features,  "Then I very well might settle down if that is what she wished." He wasn't exactly the type to write home about, but if Talyssa asked it of him, he would try.

"Quill Klein"



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Navigator (244)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

2 Years

Critical Attack!Double MasterStudentSamhain 20221K
05-20-2024, 09:51 PM
Talyssa's heart pounded hard against her ribcage as she listened to Quill's words, his gaze never faltering from hers. She swallowed hard, a lump forming in her throat. She could feel her cheeks heating up despite the winter chill, feelings fluttering like a frenzy of butterflies in the pit of her belly. Or perhaps that was only the buzz of the wine. His statement was loaded, his confession pulling at her heartstrings in a way that perhaps wasn’t intentional.

As he spoke, his paw turned underneath hers, their pads touching in a way that sent a jolt of heat spreading from the point of contact and throughout her body. She tightened her grip ever so slightly, the gesture conveying a silent acceptance of what he had just confessed.

She felt the weight of his words, of all the possibilities they entailed. The thought was terrifying and exciting at the same time, setting her heart racing even faster. Talyssa was a woman of action, not hesitations, but even she knew the gravity of this moment. There was no going back after this, no undoing what had been said and done.

"Quill," she began, unsure how to articulate the whirlwind of emotions coursing through her. She took a deep breath, her gaze never leaving his. "I don’t see a heathen.” She answered lightly, "Rather, I see a man who's lived his life on his own terms, and there's nothing wrong with that." She paused again, her grip on Quill's paw tightening just a fraction more. "I don’t know what the future holds or what paths either of us will choose to walk. But if there is something more you yearn for... well, perhaps we could share the road for a little while?" And see where it takes us. The words hung in the air, heavy with intent and promise. Her breath mingled with his in the icy air, visible tendrils of life among the frozen garden.

"Talyssa Carpathius"



Expert Fighter (210)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

4 Years
Dire wolf
05-24-2024, 04:38 PM

Quill chuckled low, lips pulled back to flash grinning teeth. This woman was much too pure for the world that she lived in. Talyssa saw good in him because she wanted to see good in those that she met. But he wasn't good. Quill truly was a godless heathen. He could list his sins but there wasn't time in the day.

"You're a good woman, Talyssa," he purred out her name, pink and blue eyes drifting to their joined paws once more. "I knew it the moment that our eyes met." He knew that he wanted to protect her. That he had to protect her. There had been some magnetic draw. Something that ignited the knight within him. Wouldn't his mother be proud?

The fae continued to speak. They could share the road together. "Forgive my forwardness, lady, but..." Hind claws hooked on stone and Quill pushed his big body forward enough to bring his lips against those of the woman before him. He'd been waiting all this time to taste her, to consume her. The brutes tongue flicked out, dragging across Talyssa's lower lip. He could taste the combination of seasoned meat and wine on her skin and a low growl of appreciation rumbled within Quill's chest.

Quill pulled back enough so that their lips no longer touched, but he was still so very close. "Let us travel this road together, wherever it takes us," he purred again before his muzzle slid alongside hers. Quill's teeth grazed the flesh of her cheek as he began gently nibbling down her jaw to her throat. "Tell me yes," he rumbled softly just below her ear. He'd been waiting a long time for this, but Quill was willing to wait longer still if this was what Talyssa needed.

"Quill Klein"



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Navigator (244)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

2 Years

Critical Attack!Double MasterStudentSamhain 20221K
05-24-2024, 05:32 PM
Talyssa blinked, a soft gasp escaping her lips as Quill leaned in, closing the space between them. His words were a warm, velvety purr that echoed sweetly in her ears. Her heart pounded like a drum as he moved closer and their lips met. It wasn’t impulsive or forceful, but a gentle exploration that sent her senses spiraling into euphoria. His taste- well, it was intoxicating. His scent, rich and earthy, filled her senses until there was nothing else.

With the exchange of their intimate touch all thoughts fled from Talyssa's mind. The world narrowed down to the sensation of his rough tongue on her own, and she melted into him. His deep growl reverberated through her body, sending shivers down her spine. Everything about him was so tantalizingly raw, so different from what she had ever experienced before. It was certainly not what she had expected - yet at the same time, it was exactly what she needed.

When he pulled away, Talyssa was left panting, her heart pounding fiercely in her chest. His words echoed in her ears, a question hanging between them that could alter … whatever this was- whatever it was going to be. Her cheeks flushed with heat, her breathing heavy as she met his gaze. "Yes," she breathed out, her voice barely above a whisper as she gave him the answer that he had asked for. The word hung between them, drifting into the cold midday air. Talyssa felt fear and thrill in equal measure at the thought of what lay ahead. "Wherever it takes us," she echoed his words, her paw raising to rest against Quill's cheek- to lightly trace the line of his jaw. A gentle touch that strangely contrasted with the wild beating of her heart.

"Talyssa Carpathius"



Expert Fighter (210)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

4 Years
Dire wolf
05-31-2024, 12:28 PM

Talyssa was so different from any other fae that he'd encountered. She was thoughtful and sweet. Her disposition tempered his own. The fawn and snow woman made him want to be better in all ways. Selfishly, not so that he could better himself, but so that she wouldn't leave him. Was that what all of this boiled down to? Was he finally realizing that he didn't want to walk the road of life alone? Hmm.

With her taste still on his tongue, Quill waited for the moment that she answered his request. Finally, Tal breathed out the word that he so desperately needed to hear. Yes, she said. Heat surged through the marbled brutes frame and he rose to his paws. Gently, he pulled Tal away from the fire, settling her upon a soft bed of moss. The greenery seemed to enhance the fae's natural beauty and Quill took a moment to simply look at her. Gods, how he wanted her. He wanted to consume her. Wanted to eat her up. Wanted to claim her so that no wolf aside from himself would ever touch her again. He was greedy and covetous but there was more in there. So much more, but now wasn't the time to get in his head about things. Now was the time to act.

Moving forward, Quill covered Talyssa's body with his own. He was careful, gentle, accommodating. Forelegs wrapped around the woman's neck, lifting her up slightly so that he could claim her mouth with his own once more. Teeth and tongue worked over her own, gentle but still demanding. He was in control here, but he didn't want to rush her. Below, his body began to stir simply from the close proximity to the woman of his desire. Never had he wanted a fae as much as he wanted Talyssa Carpathius.

"If you need me to stop..." he left it open ended. She was smart. She'd know what he meant. The brute's hips twitched reflexively, dragging their most intimate of parts together. A low groan pulled from Quill as he tightened his embrace around Tal just enough to give him leverage. Oh so gently, he brought their bodies together. The moment that her heat engulfed him, the heavens opened up and angels began to sing. He hadn't wanted to admit just how much he'd been waiting for this moment. Finally... she was his. "Talyssa..." he purred out her name, one paw gently stroking the back of her neck in a soothing manner. He would let her adjust to his intrusion before beginning to move.

"Quill Klein"



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Navigator (244)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

2 Years

Critical Attack!Double MasterStudentSamhain 20221K
05-31-2024, 01:21 PM (This post was last modified: 05-31-2024, 01:24 PM by Talyssa. Edited 1 time in total.)
And act he did. Talyssa watched as Quill rose to his paws, her heartbeat quickening in anticipation. His touch was gentle as he guided her away from the warmth of the fire and towards a soft bed of moss. The coolness of the moss against her back was a sudden contrast to the heat from the fire, but it was quickly overshadowed by the heat that radiated from Quill. His gaze was intense upon her, making her skin tingle with a strange mixture of nervousness and anticipation. There was a certain ferocious tenderness in his eyes that she had never seen before. Despite the raw intensity that emanated from him, Talyssa couldn't help but feel the strange sense of security she felt in his presence.

His silence was deafening in the still night, broken occasionally by the sound of their breathing. As he took a moment to simply look at her, and she at him from the flat of her back. Talyssa felt Quill’s body against her own, his warmth seeping into her as he covered her. His forelegs wound tightly around her, pulling her upwards so that their mouths could meet again in a fervor of teeth and tongue. The gentle urgency in his movements sent a thrill rushing through Talyssa. This was all new to her, but she allowed herself to be drawn into the whirlpool of sensations. She felt a rush of emotions she had never experienced. Underneath him, she felt his body stirring; it was a clear indication of his desire for her - one that matched the profound longing in Talyssa’s heart. The pressure was intoxicating, but it was the gentleness in his actions that took her breath away.

She hesitated momentarily, a soft gasp escaping her lips as his teeth grazed against her neck. Her pulse quickened, her heartbeat echoing loudly in her ears as she arched into him, seeking the warmth and comfort of his body. Her own body responded to him instinctively, moving with him as they intertwined. His presence enveloped her, drowning out the rest of the world. The trees around them faded into the background; even the crackling of the fire seemed miles away. All that existed for her was Quill. She could feel his desire, a tangible heat that ignited her own passion. As minutes melted into eternity, she lost herself in him, in his touch, his ferocity, and the intoxicating thrum of their hearts beating in unison. It was almost frightening, yet he held her grounded.

She was lost in him, and as he spoke, she nearly didn’t hear the words as they rolled off his tongue- but she felt them leaving a trail of warmth in their wake. A shiver ran down her spine as he spoke her name, the syllables rolling off his tongue with a tenderness that took her by surprise. It was as if she was hearing her name for the first time.

She felt him around her, within her, completing an intricate connection that sent shivers through her body. His paw against the back of her neck had a calming effect on her, an anchor amidst the waves of sensations threatening to overcome her. She clung to him, holding him close as she adjusted to his intrusion before responding with a slight nod of her head. His deep purr resonated through her, sending tremors of pleasure rippling through her body.

"Talyssa Carpathius"



Expert Fighter (210)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

4 Years
Dire wolf
06-06-2024, 09:05 PM

There had been others before, of course, but this was different. Talyssa was new. Untried. There was an attraction there that wasn't purely carnal, it was built on other things. He respected the woman beneath him for her intelligence, her uniqueness, her kindness and much more. That was why he was taking such care with her. He had hurt others before, but they had been insignificant. Talyssa was definitely very, very significant.

Quill allowed the fae beneath him to adjust to his intrusion, careful to watch her for signs of pain or anxiousness. Thankfully, she seemed to be as relaxed as one could be. He continued stroking her fawn colored pelt gently, soothingly. After a moment, the giant man shifted his hips, testing the waters. All the while his dual-toned gaze rested upon the beautiful features of the woman below, watching her expression carefully. Quill's hips began to roll, though not quickly. No, he took his time. He wanted to savor this. Savor her. Never again would they be able to experience one another for the first time and he wanted this to last. He wanted to remember every single moment.

The heat that engulfed him, emanating from the fae beneath him, brought a low growl reverberating through Quill's chest. He was trying so hard to be good, but each thrust of powerful hips made him want to use that power. Teeth and tongue nibbled and licked at the edge of Talyssa's maw and the dire giant rumbled softly into her ear, "If I hurt you..." he left the rest unsaid, knowing that she would understand. Quill was no small man, but Tal was a virgin. It could be a rough go, but he was trying to fight back his natural instincts to rut and plunder.

Quill began to pick up speed, hips finding a nice, rolling rhythm. Again and again he was sheathed within her, growling moans pulling from him in between soft utterings of her name. She was beautiful laid out beneath him; a goddess in gold. He wanted her so badly. Wanted her to be his. Wanted her forever. The baser instincts within him told him to breed her hard, plant his pups within her, but he was in enough control to hold back. It was too soon for that. They had much to do before he made her round with his children, but he had faith that the day would come.

"Quill Klein"



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Navigator (244)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

2 Years

Critical Attack!Double MasterStudentSamhain 20221K
06-06-2024, 09:49 PM
A tender whimper escaped her lips- one she tried to stifle, a sound of surrender and acceptance. Her claws dug into the moss underneath her, grounding her amid the spiraling sensations caused by Quill's gentle yet insistent occupation. Her muscles twitched- tensed on reflex, instinctively trying to repel him even as another part of her yearned for more of his assertive control. After all, the initial contact hadn’t been so bad, but it was the sensation of being torn apart that set her gaze adrift. Her body tightened around him like a vice, holding him captive in her heat as her body was molded to fit him. Gods he was so big. She couldn’t help but flinch, biting back another whimper as pain radiated from her core. She gripped harder at the moss beneath her, her eyes screwed shut as she tried desperately to focus on his voice, on the warmth of his body against hers. If I hurt you … “No. … no, it’s okay. I’m okay.” She breathed, offering him reassurance. While it was more painful than she had prepared herself for, she didn’t want him to stop. She trusted Quill, and more than anything, she wanted to give herself fully to him in this intimate moment. She just needed a moment herself.

“Quill,” she whispered hoarsely, reaching up blindly with one paw and finding his muzzle underneath her shaky touch. Her claws, trembling with the exertion of what they were doing, grazed over the rough fur of his jawline before lightly pulling his lips to her own in an attempt to distract herself. Their lips met softly at first, but as the kiss deepened, so too did the growing intensity within her. His scent filled her senses; earthy and wild like the forest that surrounded them, it was a scent that was uniquely his. She reveled in it, drawing strength and comfort from this all-consuming intimacy.

A soft moan echoed between them, filling the space with a melody of surrender. Her paw still rested on Quill's rough jaw, trembling like the flame of a dying candle. His thrusts - each one carefully restrained, yet undoubtedly powerful - were met with soft gasps and whimpers that gradually morphed into pleasurable sighs. The pain was still there, of course— a burning reminder of her innocence being stripped away, but it became secondary to the mounting pleasure and desire coursing through her veins. His name rolled off her lips in a breathy whisper, echoing softly in the space between them. Every inch of him felt like a flame against her skin, burning away her inhibitions and replacing them with something far more intoxicating - a wanton desire that drove her to meet his every thrust.

Her body formed to his like two pieces of a puzzle, each movement they made against one another causing an outburst of warmth to erupt from the deepest pits of her being. The sensation was nothing like she'd ever experienced before. It was raw, primal, and utterly consuming. Every nerve in her body was ablaze with a pleasure that was both exquisite and agonizing. She could feel the power seeping from him as he moved within her, his sure strokes commanding her body to respond even as her mind was lost in a haze.

"Talyssa Carpathius"



Expert Fighter (210)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

4 Years
Dire wolf
06-11-2024, 05:37 PM (This post was last modified: 06-11-2024, 09:13 PM by Quill. Edited 1 time in total.)

Talyssa directed his lips against her own with gentle paws and a pleased rumble reverberated through his chest. He liked that she was getting comfortable enough to take the initiative. As his mouth fed at her own, he continued to soothe her periodically with gentle strokes at the back of her neck. He needed her calm and relaxed... because he was going to start moving his hips quite a bit harder very soon.

The moment that she released the first breathy moan of pleasure, a tingle of delight set Quill's fur on end. His marbled coat bristled and lightning coursed along his skin. Now. It had to be now! Bracing Talyssa's body with one thick foreleg next to her head, claws digging into the earth below, Quill began to thrust. Again and again and again his hips rolled plunging forward and pulling away like the ebb and flow of the tide. Never in all of his life had he needed something more than he needed the woman beneath him.

Within his core, he could feel his body tensing, a tight spring winding more and more, threatening to undo him. The feral beast within him roared, urging him fill her with his pups. He almost listened, pulling his hips back for one hard, rough thrust that would get the deed done. At the last moment, Quill looked down, blue and pink eyes meeting the lust filled eyes of the woman beneath him. He couldn't do it. Talyssa wanted to explore. She wanted adventure. She couldn't do that with a belly full of pups.

With a snarl, Quill thrust a few more times, savoring the velveteen feel of the golden woman, then, at the last moment, he did a selfless thing. Quill pulled out, a moaning growl emanating from clenched teeth as he left his deposit upon her pale belly instead of within her. If she didn't reach her climax with him, then he would finish her off after he caught his breath.

Stars exploded within Quill's eyes and he panted hard, his gaze never leaving that of the prone fae on the bed of moss. "Per...fection..." he panted, complimenting Talyssa with a rumble. They would need a bath after this and he would carefully wash every inch of her. "Are you alright?" Concern etched his handsome features. He'd lost himself a bit at the end.

"Quill Klein"



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Navigator (244)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

2 Years

Critical Attack!Double MasterStudentSamhain 20221K
06-11-2024, 09:01 PM (This post was last modified: 06-11-2024, 09:11 PM by Talyssa. Edited 1 time in total.)
Her paws tightened in their grip on him, her nails flexing into his skin to maintain her grip. This was a new sensation - the rhythm of their bodies, the feel of him inside her with every thrust, the lingering pain that gradually receded with her growing desire. His body was pressed against her own, his breath hot and heavy against her neck. His growls of pleasure echoed in her ears, and she couldn’t help her own panting moans with each quick thrust he met her with.

Laying beneath him, Talyssa clenched her eyes tightly, allowing herself to let go of the reigns of any waning control she had left. She had submitted to him as he guided their movements, and she thought of nothing else but the riptide of pleasure washing over her, drowning her senses in a sea of ecstasy. Her body was buzzing with anticipation, the thrill of what could come saturating her senses. As Quill's movements changed pace, she instinctively knew something monumental was about to happen. Their bodies were locked together in a beautiful tempo of desire and need, the world around them fading into nothingness as they each chased after their own pleasure.

And then, suddenly, he pulled away. Her breath hitched in her throat as a wave of disappointment crashed over her. His warm seed spilled onto her belly, leaving a sticky trail that marked his claim on her. Her heart pounded heavily in her chest, the silence between them deafening as she struggled to catch her breath. She was disoriented and it took her a moment to comprehend what had just happened. The realization washed over her like a wave crashing on the shore - Quill had claimed her, yes, but he had also denied himself. Restrained his own pleasure to give her a choice. Her shock was quickly replaced with wonder and a newfound admiration for him. Even in the thralls of passion, he had thought of her. Even when she forgot to think for herself.

Her body still throbbed with the desire of their lovemaking as she tried to answer him. "I..." she began, her voice barely a whisper, before swallowing hard and trying again. "I'm okay," she assured him, forcing a weak smile. As their eyes met, she reached up to run her fingers lightly over his cheek, tracing the planes of his face. "Thank you," she whispered, the words mingling with the soft breezes that swept across the plains. She meant it for more than the pleasure he had given her, more than his self-restraint. It was for him being there, for showing her something new, something beautiful - even if painful and raw. She felt a strange mix of euphoria and embarrassment, all underlaid with an odd sense of satisfaction. “Are you okay?” Was it okay?

"Talyssa Carpathius"



Expert Fighter (210)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

4 Years
Dire wolf
06-17-2024, 07:53 PM

When Quill had regained his breathing and was all tucked away again, his dual toned gaze was all for Talyssa. She thanked him, though he didn't rightly know why. He hadn't brought her to the same heights that he'd reached. Not yet, anyway. "I didn't ask beforehand if you were taking contraceptive herbs. If not... we need to get you some." The brute moved forward, one paw taking her chin and forcing her to look up at him. "Because this won't be the only time. I need you, Talyssa Carpathius. I need you like I've never needed anything before." Then his lips joined her own and he was feeding at her mouth once more. Gods... why did she taste so good? Like fucking Ambrosia.

Pulling his lips away, Quill settled down upon his belly between the woman's still splayed legs. He kept his eyes locked upon her face as he nibbled, licked and kissed her belly and inner thighs, careful with the delicate skin. He worked his way lower, lavishing the woman with the attention that she deserved. Finally, he reached his destination, giving her one good lick before settling down to work.

Quill worked Talyssa over with his tongue, ears swiveling to catch every delectable sound that worked its way out of her mouth. He listened to what she liked, what she didn't like and what her body needed more of. Quill was skilled, to say the least. Some of it came naturally from dear old dad, but he'd also had bit of practice. The marbled giant quite enjoyed tasting his ladies, and none had ever been nearly as sweet as the one beneath him now.

"Quill Klein"



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Navigator (244)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

2 Years

Critical Attack!Double MasterStudentSamhain 20221K
06-17-2024, 08:51 PM
Talyssa, still lost in a sea of sensations, blinked in confusion at Quill's words. Her heart pounded at his admission, his declaration of need for her. But the mention of contraceptive herbs brought her crashing down to reality. Her large doe eyes widened in surprise and realization. She hadn't given it a thought; hadn’t even considered … this …. to have been a possibility when she was leaving to travel on her own to begin to prepare for it in the first place. With each devastating heartbeat, she felt an odd flutter of excitement. With her gaze still held captive by Quill's paw, she let out an almost imperceptible nod. The implications of his words, weighty as they were, proved to be too much for her to fully digest at that moment. Her gaze fell to the grass, where the bright beams of the moon made silver streaks. “Yes,” She murmured lightly. “I will need some.” Answering in agreement to the words that were all but provided to her.

Now that it was over with, her mind was left reeling. Uncertain of what just happened, or if it had been the right decision. Had she handled it appropriately? The thought process of it all began to wash over her, but when he crushed his lips to her own once again, she couldn't help but respond, her innocence being steadily eroded away by his demanding affection- and she all too willing to give in to it.

When he finally pulled away from their passionate kiss, she was left yearning for more—though her longing was short-lived. His lips embarked on a journey down her body, igniting her senses with each tender touch. As his tongue traced a delicate path along her abdomen and thighs, it sent electrifying shivers cascading through her entire being. She had never experienced anything so intensely raw before; a part of her felt shy and self-conscious under the weight of his adoration, but another, more primal aspect of her relished every second with fervent anticipation. That was, until he made contact with her most intimate parts.

It was shocking at first- sending a jolt through her body as she fought to steady herself. As he continued his ministrations, she felt a heat flush through her as she inadvertently arched toward the pressure of his tongue, her nails digging into the earth beneath her. Each lick sent a subsequent surge of electricity through her that left her breathless, causing soft whimpering moans to escape her lips. Her body still throbbed from his earlier intrusion, and as his tongue traced patterns against her sensitive flesh, she felt an entirely new sensation beginning to build within her- picking up where their coupling had left off. A gasp fell from her lips as everything seemed to intensify. The heat spread, radiating from her core and filling her entire body with a delicious warmth that was both foreign and welcome.

"Quill..." she whispered, her voice barely carrying across the gentle rustling of the surrounding grass. Her body bucked underneath him, her grip on the earth beneath her tightening as she felt herself teetering on the edge of something incredible. Letting her eyes flutter close, Talyssa surrendered herself fully to the pleasure. She could feel the energy building, like a storm on the horizon. Each swipe of his tongue brought her closer and closer to that precipice. Her breath hitched as Quill found a particular spot that made her cry out, her nails scraping the stone and dirt. The pressure inside of her was building like a wildfire, spreading into every nerve, every muscle, until she just couldn’t take it anymore. In a smooth, desperate whine — "Quill!"

Without any warning, the world seemed to explode around her. Heat crashed through her in waves, tearing a gasp from her as Quill continued his assault unabated. Her back arched as she rode the crest of her high, muscles clenching and unclenching uncontrollably. For how long, she didn’t know. She was lost in a sea of pleasure, riding the waves until they finally began to ebb. Slowly, the world came back into focus. The grass beneath her felt cool and comforting against her overheated skin. Her breaths came in ragged gasps, chest rising and falling rapidly beneath the moonlight.

Her body still trembled with the aftershocks of her release, the unfamiliar sensation making Talyssa feel lighter than air. Quill's large form near her was a comforting weight, his breath against her skin making her shiver, but in a good way. His presence was dominating and yet reassuring. And she want him close to her- as close as she could get him. “Lay with me?” Her voice was uncertain, a feeble pitch that barely stirred the quiet night air. Whether he would or not, she didn’t know. But it wouldn’t stop her from wanting it.

"Talyssa Carpathius"



Expert Fighter (210)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

4 Years
Dire wolf
06-23-2024, 07:38 PM

She was exquisite. Every breath, every moan and soft little gasp... it was all perfection and it stoked the fires within the brute anew, engulfing him with liquid hot desire. Never. He could never let her go. Not after this. The woman writhing beneath him... she belonged to him. Talyssa was his whether she knew it or not. Quill was determined that no man would ever touch her other than himself. His father's son through and through.

Talyssa called out his name and the marbled giant groaned into her as she rode out her pleasure. The woman was a golden goddess, quivering and panting as her pleasure ran its course to completion. Quill was there the whole time, watching, admiring, worshipping. Only when she came back to earth did he give her one last, gentle taste. He couldn't help himself.

A plea to have him lay beside her was easily answered. Quill rose, tongue flicking over his dampened lips, then moved to scoop the fawn colored fae into his embrace. He held her against him nuzzling into the top of her head, one ear, her cheek. He would hold her until she slept and would hold her until she woke again.

"Quill Klein"

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