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Cie, Laney


The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (180)

Advanced Healer (100)

3 Years
Extra large
06-06-2024, 03:24 PM (This post was last modified: 06-08-2024, 06:12 PM by Azrael. Edited 2 times in total.)
With his workshop and "interview room" now set up and ready to receive its first guests, Azrael turned his attention to replenishing his inventory used in his trade. Thanks to Mireia's assistance collecting more stonefish spines, he had more than enough physical instruments to work with. Some time had been spent gathering up the necessary plants and flowers he required to manufacture his pharmaceuticals, and even more time to properly strain and decoct them down to the more potent essences and serums. So many amateur inquisitors had relied on brute force to extract confessions and compliance from their subjects, but his father had found that letting the plants do the heavy lifting was far more effective. All Azrael had done was perfect his sire's original recipes.

The latest batch of several serums had been finished and allowed to steep, several sizable mason jars filled with various liquids sitting on the shelves around his den. Many were colorless, though some held a sinister purple or green hue to them. Azrael's sage green eyes ran over each one, none of them labeled, though he didn't need them. He was meticulous in his organization and could recognize them immediately. Taking down one of the clear ones, he carefully filled a small vial with the liquid, then sealed the vial with the spine-impaled stopper. He returned the jar, then repeated the process with a pale violet serum, continuing until he had several of his injectors filled with a variety of drugs. Now all he needed was some test subjects. Sure, he could have jabbed Mireia with them, but that wouldn't have been nearly as fun when she was aware of what he was cooking up. No, he needed someone... unaware.

Azrael called down one of Absinth's darling ravens and tasked it to find him a pair of Sidi—any Sidi they found—and summon them to his lair. Then the Saxe brute made his preparations. He stashed his injectors into his satchel and headed down to the edge of the lake in the center of the Glácies, sliding it off to hang from a branch of a nearby tree. Then he waited by the edge of the water, his toes just barely dipped into the cold lake. The island was a beautiful scene, isolated and tranquil—the perfect place for him to play with the Syndicate's latest toys and for him to test out his new recipes. Hopefully none of them would be fatal. He didn't relish the idea of explaining to Sephiran why he was suddenly down a Sidi.

"Azrael Saxe"

Warning: Azrael is a highly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.


The Syndicate

Expert Navigator (220)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

3 Years
06-06-2024, 10:56 PM

Under the gentle, warming touch of the winter sun, Delaeni found solace in her small den nestled within the Sidi quarters. As she sat huddled in her cozy sanctuary, she could hear the soft pattering of snowflakes just outside, creating a rhythmic lullaby that promised solitude and peace. But of course it was never meant to exist in the first place. Suddenly, her tranquility was shattered as a raven burst into her den through the narrow entrance. Its shadowy form loomed over her, startling her from her serene reflection. The bird squawked loudly, tapping its beak impatiently against the stone floor before abruptly darting back out into the wintry landscape.

While it hadn’t given her a clear command, she had the wherewithal to arrive at the conclusion that it demanded her attention. Her heart pounded in her chest like a drum as she tentatively peeked out of the entrance, her breath sending frosty plumes into the frigid air. The raven was there again, its ink-black eyes boring into Laney's with an insistent intensity. The bird squawked once more before taking off, soaring towards the lake at the center of the Glácies.

Laney swallowed nervously, a lump of anxiety settling heavily in her stomach. Had she been requested specifically? Why her? What had she done? Delaeni's heart pounded in her chest as her mind filled with questions and dread. Yet she knew she couldn't ignore this command. She was a Sidi, and obedience was as etched into her as the fear she carried around. Slowly, cautiously, she padded out onto the snow-kissed landscape, following the raven's flight path.

As she neared the lake at the center of the Glácies, her eyes fell upon an imposing figure waiting by the water’s edge. His toes barely dipped into the cold lake, his focus seemingly lost in the tranquil isolation of the island. She didn’t recognize him right away, but she did not hesitate. Anxiety twisted in her gut. What could he possibly want with her? “S-sir?” Her voice wasn’t much louder than a whisper, though it much more closely resembled a whimper. “D-did you call for me?”

"Delaeni Terblanche"


The Syndicate

Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

4 Years
06-07-2024, 08:19 PM

Cierzo's heart pounded in her chest as she raced through the winter forest, her breath coming in short, panicked bursts. The raven's harsh caw echoed in her ears, a chilling reminder of the power it wielded over her much like its masters. She had no choice but to obey. She dared not refuse. Refusal meant death, and her only purpose was to live.

As she approached the edge of the lake, she slowed, her legs trembling beneath her. The serene beauty of the island did nothing to calm her nerves. Instead, it only heightened her fear, the tranquil scene mocking the terror she felt inside.

The raven landed on a branch, its beady eyes watching her every move. She forced herself to keep going, her steps faltering as she saw the figure standing by the water’s edge. A brute, one she’d seen but had never had to endure like Cifarelli. The sight of him made her stomach churn with dread.

She stopped a few paces away, her eyes fixed firmly on the ground. “I-i am Cierzo, at your pleasure.” The blush fae whispered, her voice barely audible. That’s what her mother had taught her to say to her husband. The dainty woman dared not look up, knowing the consequences of showing even a hint of defiance.

Her eyes flicked nervously to the side, where she saw another girl — another Sidi, summoned here just like her. The girl looked just as frightened, and Cierzo’s heart ached in empathy. They were both at the mercy of this brute, both trapped in the same nightmare. She took a shaky breath, trying to steady herself. Her survival depended on her obedience, her subservience. She would do whatever it took to stay alive.


The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (180)

Advanced Healer (100)

3 Years
Extra large
06-08-2024, 06:11 PM
Azrael was in an almost meditative state down by the lake while he waited for his first pair of subjects to arrive. The calming sound of the waves of the ocean around the island, the gentle breeze rippling through the Glácies, the smell of pine, sea salt, and moss lingering in the air. Allowing his body and mind to relax in anticipation for the frivolities he was about to enjoy. He didn't even know how long it took the raven to find two Sidi for his experiments but it didn't bother him. They would come, of this he was sure. And sure enough, the sound of light paws on the pebbly shore of the lake caused the Saxe brute's ear to flick back in the direction of the sound. Azrael's eyes popped open, sage green eyes his head turning to settle his gaze over an unexpected sight. An African Wild Dog, small and svelte, her characteristic splotchy coat a pale lavender gray and white. He had known the Syndicate's store of Sidi had grown exotic, but this was a treat! She looked like such a fragile little thing... so demure, so submissive, so malleable.

Az wouldn't say anything as she approached, silently appraising her from tip to tail and every inch in between. Her brilliant teal eyes were wide and fearful, clearly anxious about being summoned so unceremoniously. Her dread was palpable, practically dripping from her as if she were drenched in the emotion. She spoke, words soft and trembling, almost whimpered as she greeted him as Sir. Oh, she was an obedient one, wasn't she? Azrael did not answer her question immediately, as no sooner had the trembling words left her lips, Azrael spied the second Sidi he'd requested start making her way down towards them. This one was a wolf, her blush-hued coat standing out vibrantly against the gray stone and green foliage. Her gaze remained pointedly on the ground while she introduced herself, her voice holding that same pitiful quiver as the Wild Dog's.

Now that they were both here, the games could begin. Azrael rose to his paws and moved away from the edge of the lake, approaching the Wild Dog first. His gaze roved over both females, studying them, committing them to memory. They were such lovely specimens... Without a word, Azrael lifted a giant paw to catch the Wild Dog's chin, holding her jaw to keep her head tipped up towards him. She had been the brave one between the two of them to actually look at him when she spoke. Sage eyes bore into teal pools as if he could see into her very mind, turning her head to and fro, inspecting her from each side. With a crooked smile, Az gently patted the fae's cheek, then reached down and took her paw into his, pressing his digits where her paw met her foreleg, feeling her pulse and counting out the beats of her heart. "Tell me your name, what species you are, and what pack you belong to," he instructed her. As she would answer each question, Az would feel her pulse, getting a baseline for when she was telling him a truthful response. "Your name is Delaeni and you belong to the Syndicate, is this correct?" he would repeat back to her, still measuring her pulse all the while. With his truthful response given, Azrael dropped her paw and gave the Wild Dog another saccharine sweet smile before moving on to the next Sidi.

The blush wolf introduced as Cierzo had already given him some information he hadn't asked for, which actually made his job more tricky to calibrate a baseline pulse for her. No matter, he could make do. Lifting a paw to catch her chin with two of his digits, Azrael slowly tipped Cie's head upwards until he could look into those turquoise eyes, studying her the same way he had done to Delaeni. He repeated the same treatment to her, taking her paw in his and finding her pulse point with practiced ease. "Tell me how old you are and what pack you belong to." Azrael didn't miss the strong scent of her heat coming off of her while he studied Cierzo, that spicy flavor of her season hanging in the air like a pheromone-laced perfume. Delicious... "Your name is Cierzo, you belong to the Syndicate, and you are deep into your heat cycle." The last point was more a fact to make her squirm, but it also helped him find her baseline too.

With the information he needed from each Sidi to get started, Azrael dropped Cie's paw and marched over to his satchel hanging from the tree branch. He fished around inside for a few moments through his assortment of injectors, considering which ones he wanted to test first. "My name is Azrael Saxe. I am the Sultan's inquisitor." A quick flash of a smile over his shoulder to the two Sidi faes. "Don't worry, neither of you are in trouble. You're both going to be a part of a little trial run of something fun!" Picking out two injectors, Azrael kept the little syringes tucked out of sight between the digits of one paw while he moved back over to Delaeni. She had been the first to arrive, so she would be the first one up in their trial runs today. Giving the little Wild Dog another disarming smile, Az motioned for Laney to lift her muzzle up. "Lift your muzzle for me, Delaeni." Whether she did or not, Az would swiftly clasp his free paw around her throat, not quite choking her, but applying just enough pressure for him to feel her racing pulse in her arteries under his paw pads. With his target located, Azrael struck with the precision of a viper. He jabbed the injector into Laney's neck, the incredibly sharp and thin stonefish spine sinking effortlessly into the vein and emptying the contents of the vial directly into the Sidi's bloodstream. It was over in a matter of seconds, and the most she would likely feel was a pinch as the natural hypodermic needle pierced her skin, then nothing as he withdrew the empty injector from her neck. A small spot of blood on her neck would be all that remained of his violation of her.

Azrael was cool and collected as ever as he released Delaeni's neck, eyes flashing with a wicked mirth at the involuntary drugging he just subjected her to. Sure, he could have commanded the Sidi to just take the drugs willingly, but it was more fun this way and it let him test out his new batch of injectors. "You should be feeling that momentarily," he said as calmly as if he were simply discussing the weather with her and not what her body was about to experience in response to the cocktail of herbal drugs coursing through her blood. "After all, it's not very fair poor Cierzo over there has to suffer her heat season alone." The first serum he had chosen to give Delaeni was a particularly fun blend of ingredients designed to simulate the sensitivity and lust of a female's heat. It would have been a waste to use on Cierzo. Knowing that Cie would have seen what he had done to her fellow Sidi, Azrael didn't waste any time giving her a chance to flinch or shy away. He grabbed Cierzo by her throat just as he had done to Delaeni, feeling for where her pulse was the strongest, then swiftly and accurately jabbing the second makeshift syringe into her neck and emptying the vial into her veins. "We'll give that a moment to kick in," he said, patting Cie's cheek as if congratulating her on a job well done. The drug he'd injected Cierzo with was designed to make a wolf more compliant and impressionable—a truth serum when applied in the right way. Az calmly put the now empty syringes away in his satchel and returned to his Sidi subjects, observing them closely while he waited to see how they reacted to his serums. "Report to me anything you start feeling." Were his dosages high enough? Were his recipes effective? What sort of responses would he get from each Sidi? The anticipation was immaculate!

"Azrael Saxe"

Warning: Azrael is a highly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.


The Syndicate

Expert Navigator (220)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

3 Years
06-09-2024, 09:09 PM

"D-Delaeni," she stuttered out, her voice choked with fear as she met his gaze. "I'm a... a Wild Dog, sir." She hesitated over the title, aware of its connotation of respect and struggling to reconcile it with the fear that gripped her. "And yes... I b-belong to the Syndicate." Delaeni's heart hammered in her chest like a trapped bird as he studied her. His touch was not unkind, but it sent shivers racing down her spine nonetheless and she had to bite back a whimper of apprehension. She hadn’t known what he was gauging by holding her arm in such a way, but it did make her uncomfortable. When he finally moved on to Cierzo, there was very little relief to the pressure building in her chest. She felt like a rabbit caught in a snare, her every breath echoing loudly in her ears.

The gruff wolf who'd demanded their presence was a frightening figure, towering over both Delaeni and Cierzo. His presence was menacing, and Delaeni found it difficult to tear her eyes from him as he moved over to the other female. Fear coursed through her veins as she watched him examine Cierzo, just as he had done to her moments before. Her eyes darted anxiously towards Cierzo, silently communicating empathy for her situation.

The mention of an experiment drew a shuddered gasp from Delaeni and she watched, wide-eyed, as Azrael approached with something concealed in his paw. Her mind was awash with terror and confusion. A trial run? Of what? The words buzzed around her skull like an angry hornet, refusing to settle into any sort of coherent realization. “W-wha-t are you- …” Her words were cut off as Azrael swiftly clasped his paw around her throat. Delaeni's heart raced, her pulse quickened as she felt the cold press of something metallic against the soft fur of her exposed neck. She whimpered in fear as his fingers tightened, holding her as she struggled to pull away. She was not strong enough to break his formidable grip and soon found herself succumbing to the situation. The cool touch of the concealed object against her skin created a chilling sensation that only heightened her anxiety. Her heart pounded, each beat echoing in her ears like the distant tolling of an alarm bell. Time seemed to stretch into infinity, each second drawing out into an eternity of cold dread. The pinch of the needle was a flash of sharp pain that pierced through the fog of her terror, bringing with it a new wave of panicked confusion.

Tears welled up in Delaeni's eyes, spilling over and trailing down her cheeks as she trembled under Azrael's grip. Her mouth opened and closed, but no sound came out; only ragged breaths as she tried to make sense of what was happening. He assured her that she would be feeling the effects momentarily- and he couldn’t have been more correct.

The sensation was unlike anything she had experienced before; it was primal and powerful. She felt drawn to Azrael in a way she couldn't comprehend, an animalistic yearning that seized control of her senses, dulling her ability to reason. It threatened to overwhelm her carefully conditioned, obedient nature. The world around her faded into a blurry backdrop; all she could focus on were the riveting, electric sage eyes of Azrael. Out of fear, she remained rooted in place. Afraid to move. Afraid to push invisible boundaries. But there was no denying the … magnetic force that threatened to pull her to the ground before the large Saxe brute. Though fear lingered in the corners of her consciousness, the overwhelming heat coursing through her veins pushed it aside. It left her whimpering as the sensation only intensified. It left her trembling- but with desire rather than her normal anxiety. "I...I feel..." she stammered, struggling to form a coherent sentence. Her voice was barely a whisper when she finally managed to speak, "Burning... I feel like... like I'm on fire." A fire that left her body throbbing with need. Searing with intention that she had never felt so strongly in her life.

"Delaeni Terblanche"


The Syndicate

Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

4 Years
06-12-2024, 08:52 AM

Cierzo's body trembled as she stood there by the lake, the beauty of the surroundings only serving to mock the terror within her. She watched in horror as Azrael approached Delaeni, the Wild Dog who had arrived just moments before her. Delaeni’s teal eyes were wide with fear, her body language submissive and trembling. The same as Cierzo.

Azrael's inspection was meticulous and uncomfortable, his giant paw lifting Delaeni's chin to meet his gaze. Cierzo could only watch out of her peripheral vision, heart racing, as he studied the other woman with a chilling intensity. Cierzo kept her eyes downcast, but her posture was neat as she was always taught. Beauty first. The silence was deafening, each second stretching into eternity. Cierzo could only feel a chill in her veins, or maybe that was the winter air.. When Azrael finally spoke, his questions were precise, his tone cold. She would have preferred if he were angry, anything but that tone he was using.

When Azrael turned his attention to Cierzo, her heart felt like it might burst from her chest. His massive paw caught her chin, lifting her head to meet his gaze. She dared not look away, even as her body screamed to flee. Her bright eyes were pinpoints of fear, her lips parted as her breath hitched. His touch was cold and clinical just as it was with Delaeni, his eyes searching hers with a predator's curiosity.

‘Tell me how old you are and what pack you belong to,’ He commanded. Cierzo's voice quivered as she answered, feeling his digits pressing into her flesh.

“I- I am five seasons... I belong to the Syndicate,” She managed to whisper, her voice barely audible. Her tone like the ringing of bells.

Azrael's mention of her heat cycle made her want to crawl into the earth itself. The way he lingered on the word, savoring her discomfort, was unbearable. When he finally released her, she felt a fleeting moment of relief, quickly shattered as he moved to his satchel.

The introduction of the injectors filled Cierzo with a fresh wave of dread. She watched helplessly as Azrael approached Delaeni again. Her stomach churned as he clasped Delaeni's throat, injecting her with the sharp utensil. The other girl whimpered, her fear palpable under Azrael’s grip. He smiled, a wicked gleam in his eyes, as he told her she would soon feel the effects.

Cierzo’s legs felt like they might give way. She wanted to run, to hide, but there was no escape. Azrael was upon her before she could even think to move. His paw wrapped around her throat, and she felt the cold sting of the injector piercing her skin. Her breath hitched, and for a moment, the world seemed to stop.

The drug coursed through her veins, a cold, invasive sensation spreading rapidly. Azrael patted her cheek with a mock tenderness, congratulating her as if she had done something remarkable. She was inclined to believed him.

Cierzo’s mind began to cloud, the drug taking effect. She felt a creeping numbness, a sense of detachment from her own body. Her thoughts became sluggish, and a strange, eerie calm settled over her. She recalled Azrael’s voice, distant and muffled, instructing them to report any sensations.

“I... I feel... strange… like I’m… dreaming..?” Cierzo managed to say, her voice sounding foreign to her own ears. The compliance drug made her thoughts slow, her will to resist fading. Her body swayed as she felt a compulsion to obey, to respond to Azrael’s commands without question. But had she ever really needed that? She would do whatever it took to stay alive, even as her body and mind were bent to Azrael’s will. Even as her delicate brows furrowed trying to comprehend the odd disconnect between her body and mind.


Cierzo is a mature character for good reason, expect the worst.
Do not read if sensitive topics disturb you.


The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (180)

Advanced Healer (100)

3 Years
Extra large
06-14-2024, 12:08 AM
Oh, the fear in each Sidi's eyes was palpable and delicious! Azrael thrived on the sense of power and control he had over them in this moment, a euphoric high for which there was no substitute on earth. The whimpering sounds Delaeni made when he stuck the stonefish spine into her neck had sent shivers rippling down his spine that settled like electricity between his thighs, and Cierzo's wide-eyed terror as he jabbed her in similar fashion only intensified those tingles. Now it was just a matter of time to see how each fae reacted to his drugs. It didn't take long before Delaeni was trembling where she stood, those big blue eyes staring up at him with an intensity in them. It was still overwhelmingly fear, but there was more there now—a hidden primal desire growing behind those dilated eyes as she stared at him, still afraid, but now... She was looking at him like she needed him. Azrael held Delaeni's stare, sage green eyes locked to electric teal jewels. He could feel the gravity between them, that yearning practically radiating off her tense body. Azrael always had appreciated the beauty of the female form, and right now, fighting against the compulsion of his drugs coursing through her veins, Delaeni looked beautiful.

The Wild Dog was the first to speak, stammering out a hushed remark about feeling like her body was on fire, like she was burning up. Az gave a baritone rumble as he considered her response, doing little to hide the pleased smirk on his lips. Moving back over to Laney, the Saxe brute once more took her paw into his and found her pulse point, measuring out her heart rate. Her pulse was racing, faster than before, but not concerningly so. Likely a side effect of his estrus serum. Increased blood flow and body temperature made sense and was accurate to replicating a bitch's heat, so he was right on the money. "And how do you feel now...?" he asked in a purr, holding Laney's gaze up close, wanting her to feel his presence close to her, around her. He wanted to see how much self control she had the longer the drug waned her inhibitions. How long could he push her before desperation took hold? Azrael brought his muzzle down closer to the little Wild Dog's shorter snout, inching ever closer, eyes never leaving hers while he drank in her reactions—studying her, observing her...

Just before they made any contact, Azrael pulled back again and let Delaeni's paw go, giving a pensive hum while he turned to Cierzo next. It had been a couple of minutes since he'd drugged her. Already he could see a fogginess clouding the clarity in the fae's eyes. Like her mind was not under her own control. Az tipped his head to the side while he studied her reactions and listened to her. "Interesting..." purred the brute's baritone lyrics. Azrael took her paw in his again and felt her pulse. Smooth and steady, growing calmer from its erratic beating it had been moments before. "Delaeni, dear, why don't you come sit next to me?" he called over to her, shooting the Wild Dog a charming grin and tipped his head for her to come over. He wanted her close, wanted to tempt her with his presence and see how long she'd resist her body's cravings and urges.

Attention returned to Cie, measuring her pulse while he gave the drugs a few more moments to kick in. "I'm going to ask you some questions, Cierzo. I want you to answer them truthfully." Instructions given, Az held Cie's hazy turquoise eyes. "What is your name? How old are you? What pack do you belong to?" He repeated the same questions before, testing her pulse to find it matching the steady rhythm. Now came the fun part. "Which Sidi do you trust the most to keep you safe?" A test, seeking out information on who the weaker Sidi trusted to protect them, and to find which Sidi would be most likely to cause trouble. And just because he was a cruel brute... "What is your greatest fear?"

"Azrael Saxe"

Warning: Azrael is a highly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.


The Syndicate

Expert Navigator (220)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

3 Years
06-14-2024, 12:52 AM

The world had become a blur around Delaeni as Azrael's administrations took effect. She felt the familiar chills of fear, but they were quickly overwhelmed by a surge of heat that was similar to her normal season, but entirely different as well. Her breath came in short gasps as he held her gaze, his eyes boring into hers with an intensity she found both terrifying and mesmerizing. It felt like a weight- an oppressive force- but one she couldn’t deny. She felt a distinct dizziness that seemed to sway the world around her, the lake dancing in and out of focus as she tried to steady her vision. Her heartbeat echoed loudly in her ears, a thunderous drum that seemed to synchronize with Azrael's frightening closeness. The world around her was a dizzying swirl of colors, yet his form remained vividly clear; his eyes were like twin vortexes, threatening to pull her in. With the sudden touch at her arm, his question sent a jolt of terror through her; she was expected to answer, to expose the maelstrom of sensations swirling within her. Her mouth opened and closed several times - a fish out of water gasping for breath. "I-I... I f-feel..." Her voice was barely a whisper, her words stumbling clumsily over one another. How could she adequately explain the cacophony of feelings that tore through her? The pulsating heat, the fear, the insidious need that clawed at her waning sanity. And with Azrael so near, his scent engulfing her senses, his masculinity it felt as if she were drowning in a sea of terrifying unfamiliarity. But she craved touch. Suddenly the cold ground beneath her did not matter, or the gusty wind that tousled her fur rudely.

"I... I n-need..." She fell silent immediately, her eyes widening at the audacity of her admission. She had almost said too much, teetered on the brink of confessing a desire she didn't understand herself. His scent seemed to consume her senses, filling her with a strange yearning she couldn't place. She turned away from him as he invaded her space, trembling like a leaf caught in a blizzard. But of course that wouldn’t stand. It wouldn’t be allowed. Delaeni, dear, why don’t you come sit next to me?

Delaeni felt her stomach turn at Azrael's invitation. His voice, deep and resonant, seemed to resonate through her, amplifying the chaotic tempo of her heart. She glanced over at him, her gaze skimming over his powerful form before landing on his eyes, which were still locked onto hers with a disconcerting intensity. Her lips moved in an attempt to voice a response, but no sound came out. There was a magnetic pull toward him that contradicted every fiber of her timid nature. The protective shell she had painstakingly built around herself seemed to be cracking under the pressure of her body's strange new cravings. Never had she craved her own satisfaction. Never. It had always been used as a weapon against her. Violent. Brutal. Her thoughts were abruptly scrambled as she tried to make sense of the whirlpool of emotions inside her; the mounting fear and apprehension that clung to her like a second skin, the uncharacteristic surge of desire that threatened to upend her resolve. With each passing second, it felt as if the distance between them was shrinking, as if an invisible tether was pulling her towards him. She looked down at her paws, watching in mute terror as they moved without her command, inching closer toward the towering brute. She had to obey.

It was hard for her to settle near him- so close to him. Impossible to keep her trembling body off the ground. Delaeni folded into herself at his side. Collapsing on top of her limbs as they crumbled beneath her. She refused to look at him- she couldn’t bring herself to do so. But she could feel their body heat intermingling in the space between them. And it was nearly enough to send her over the edge.

"Delaeni Terblanche"


The Syndicate

Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

4 Years
06-21-2024, 08:38 PM
Cierzo’s eyes fluttered, struggling to focus through the haze that clouded her mind. Azrael’s words, laced with a mix of authority and sinister pleasure, seeped into her consciousness like the drug coursing through her veins. She felt the weight of his presence, the gravity of his questions pulling her deeper into submission. She clung to his every word. “My name… is Cierzo…” She murmured, her polite voice above a whisper, sounding detached, as if the answer came from some distant part of her. “I am… five seasons old. I belong to the… Syndicate.” The words felt rehearsed, almost automatic, the remnants of her training surfacing even in this drugged state.

His grip on her paw tightened slightly as he continued to measure her pulse, the cold, clinical touch a contrast to the heat she felt spreading through her body. Her pulse had steadied, the initial frantic beating now a slow, rhythmic throb under his fingers. It was as if her body had surrendered to the inevitability of his control, her will slowly dissolving under the influence of the serum. She had never believed in gods before, not really. If they were real, why did they allow such horrible things to happen to her? But here, there was a God, and it was Him. Bright blues stared at him, seeing, but not really seeing. The question was there in her dull, sedated gaze. What could she do for him?

When Azrael asked about which Sidi she trusted most to keep her safe, Cierzo's mind drifted to memories of her packmates, their faces blurring together in her muddled thoughts. “No one.” She answered, the words slipping out before she could think to censor it. “I trust no one, not even myself.”

Then came the final question, the one that cut deeper than the rest, slicing through her drug-induced haze with cruel precision. ‘What is your greatest fear?’ Her eyes, though foggy, widened at the question, the primal terror resurfacing with a vengeance. Her lips trembled as she tried to form the words, the admission feeling like a betrayal of the very essence of her survival instincts. “My greatest fear…” She began, her voice quivering, “is blood. So much… blood. too much blood. dying.

The confession hung in the air, raw and vulnerable, her deepest terror laid bare before him. It was not just the physical act of dying she feared, but the sight and sensation of blood, the slow, painful descent into darkness. And in this moment, under Azrael's cold, calculating gaze, that fear felt more real than ever. Cierzo's heart sank, knowing that her compliance, her honesty, had only fed into his power over her. The drug continued its relentless invasion of her senses, making resistance feel like a distant, impossible dream. Cierzo's body swayed slightly, the disconnect between her mind and body growing more pronounced. She was caught in the web of his control, each strand tightening around her, binding her to his will. And all she could do was obey.


Cierzo is a mature character for good reason, expect the worst.
Do not read if sensitive topics disturb you.


The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (180)

Advanced Healer (100)

3 Years
Extra large
07-02-2024, 04:04 PM
The quivering mess of the African Wild Dog was a delightful scene to watch. Enraptured eyes drank in Delaeni's struggles against her own body, administered by his own sinister serum. The estrus serum was working wonderfully! She was basically quivering for his touch, though her shivering muscles were trembling with a yearning instead of fear for him. She tried to stammer out a response to his question, but her lack of a cohesive answer was all the response he needed. Azrael was very pleased with the results of the serum so far! Now to see how far he could push her to the brink before she acted out of desperate wanton need... How much pushing would her inhibitions take to break her?

His words coaxed the quivering Wild Dog closer to him, and Delaeni was such a good girl and obeyed without hesitation. She didn't say anything and looked almost ashamed of her Judaic body as she made her way over to him, crumpling at his side without looking at him. Her embarrassment made for the subjugation to be all the more pleasurable to the depraved brute. Lifting a large paw, Azrael stroked over Laney's head, running his digits across her short, plush fur. "Good girl," he purred down to her, leaning in closer until their sides were pressing together, the softness of her coat and her body warmth intermingling with his own. Such a rare, exotic beauty she was... Azrael briefly wondered if he'd be able to plant pups within her slim belly. How delicious it would be to fully defile her and force her to enjoy each and every moment of it!

Cierzo was equally as pliant to his commands as Laney was, stammering out her responses to his questions. Through each one, her pulse remained steady and true; she was not lying. Her eyes were glassy, pupils hazed over with a fog of confusion as his drug did its intended effect, blurring her mind just enough to prevent her from speaking anything but the truth. Her confession that she trusted no one brought an amused chuckle from the Saxe brute. Good. There was no one here she should trust. At least she wasn't a stupid Sidi. He wondered how Delaeni would feel to hear her sister in bondage admit her distrust to her? The devious brute glanced down at the soft little Wild Dog at his side. Poor little Laney... With Cie's greatest fear admitted, Azrael dropped her paw with an almost clinical nod, as if this was all nothing more than a science experiment to him. Which it was, but it was also oh so much fun! And they were only just getting started!

Drawing in a deep inhale of Cie's heat scent, Azrael was practically salivating with need as her pheromones flooded his brain. Oh, he would enjoy both these Sidi for sure. But there was still some work to be done. Rising to his paws, Azrael returned to his satchel and pulled out another syringe, bringing it back over to inject straight into Cierzo's neck without hesitation. Jewel weed, ayahuasca, jimsom weed, and salvia extracts—all potent hallucinogenics. With her more impressionable state, Az wanted to see how much he could mold her mind and turn it to what he wanted her to see and do. "Look out over the lake, Cierzo. Think of your home," he instructed her, watching her eyes for any reactions of her pupils—dilation, contraction, hazing or bleariness. He wanted her relaxed and at ease for this next part. Turning his attention back to Delaeni, he gently rubbed his side against hers, demanding her attention. "My dear Delaeni, you must be burning up by now... Why don't you do something to help alleviate that heat?" Azrael's purring words were punctuated with a sly grin and a spreading of his thighs where he sat, giving Laney unfettered access and a front row view to his assets, prominent male anatomy proudly on display. Would she be ready to break now, or would she need more coaxing...?

"Azrael Saxe"

Warning: Azrael is a highly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.


The Syndicate

Expert Navigator (220)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

3 Years
07-03-2024, 09:11 PM

The intensity of her desire was a wild, unquenchable fire that seared through every fiber of her being. Her breaths came in sharp, ragged gasps as she tried to gather her scattered thoughts. But each attempt to regain control only seemed to fuel the flames, the relentless need coursing through her veins with a fury that left her trembling and weak. Her heart pounded in her chest, a maddening rhythm that echoed the reckless desire threatening to consume her. Delaeni's body betrayed her, each shiver betraying her raw need for Azrael, the teasing touches sending electric shivers coursing through her. The promise of relief was tantalizingly close, yet tormentingly out of reach.

The touch was an unholy caress against her skin, stoking the chaotic storm within her. His presence was an intoxicating force, a dark allure that sent spiraling shivers reverberating through her. She had an ingrained fear of him - as she did all the Saxe. That was how she was conditioned to be. But even now, she couldn’t help herself as she pressed closer to him, her body betraying her to yield to the magnetic pull of his touch, her mind helplessly ensnared in a fog of insatiable desire. The scent of him, that wild tang of masculinity, filled her senses and she felt a shiver run down her spine at his touch, the corners of her lips flattening - as she pulled them tight. His low voice purred down to her, coaxing her closer against his side with a softness that held an edge of command. The words he whispered were smooth, like the cool river stones beneath her paws, yet they held an undertow of darkness that threatened to sweep her away.

There was some degree of exchange between him and Cierzo, but she couldn’t concentrate on the words long enough to gather what was being said. But as Azrael stood up- left her side, it was if she could breathe again. Her chest heaved with the relief, the cool air rushing in to soothe her flaming lungs. But his absence was short-lived. He was back by her side, his scent snaking its way back up her nostrils and igniting that maddening heat all over again. Her whole body thrummed with it. And as he rubbed his side against her’s, she nearly lost her composure then and there.

And then his words came tumbling forth, dripping with sultry promises and the insinuation of relief from the unbearable heat that had enraptured her body. Her head bowed, refusing to make eye contact with him, but unable to prevent her own eyes locked onto the tantalizing sight between his thighs. The nervous flutter in her chest escalated into a flock of wild birds thrashing against her rib cage. She hesitated, torn between the primal need gnawing at her core and the fear of breaking a rule. She couldn’t think clearly. Could no longer rationalize what she wanted versus what she was supposed to do. Her voice was just a whisper, caught by the chill wind and lost, “W-wha … what would y-you have m-me do … sir?” She whined, while fighting to turn her gaze away from him, knowing that he held all the power in this situation. Each second felt like an eternity as she struggled to maintain her fleeting composure.

"Delaeni Terblanche"


The Syndicate

Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

4 Years
07-05-2024, 07:48 PM
Cierzo's mind was a sea of torment, waves of consciousness battling against the overwhelming tide of Azrael and his drugs. Each syllable he spoke echoed through her, pulling her to obey. Her body betrayed her. Her mind was already doing so too. She struggled to hold onto her identity, to remember who she was beyond this moment. He dropped her paw, and she remained floating, existing within the space between his last words and his next. A sharp sting to her neck; which she barely reacted to now.

When he commanded her to look out over the lake and think of home, her fogged mind drifted reluctantly. Home. It seemed like a distant dream, a place she could barely recall through the haze. The memories were fragmented, slipping through her grasp like water through a sieve. The serene image of the lake shimmered before her eyes, like a reflection of memory if she could hold onto a still flash long enough.

The second injection brought a new wave of disorientation, the hallucinogens weaving their magic into her already clouded mind. The world around her shifted, colors blending and shapes warping. She could feel her thoughts being molded, twisted to fit his command. Memories of home swirling like dark clouds within her bright gaze. Home. The word felt foreign, a place she was never truly welcome. She had been treated like an item, a pawn to be married off, abused, and discarded. Only her brother had ever felt like home, the one bright spot in a world of shadows.

Her eyes flickered with the memory, a brief flash of sorrow and longing crossing her face. Her paws clutched at the ground below, nails curling in a gesture of self-comfort. Her posture was hunched and small, as if trying to disappear within herself. As she thought of her brother, her hazy gaze softened, a flicker of warmth breaking through the distress. She remembered his kindness, his unwavering support. He had been her protector, her confidant. The only one who had seen her as more than just a means to an end. Her eyes welled up with tears, her lips quivering as that home flashed before her eyes. Him. It was peaceful, thinking of the seasons they had together, alone, away from everyone and everything.


Cierzo is a mature character for good reason, expect the worst.
Do not read if sensitive topics disturb you.