
Slow down, time




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
06-17-2024, 12:52 AM

She was grateful that the Elysium leaders had been understanding of her crashing their meeting through she knew it was a risky move on her part. Regardless, she was very happy to be back with Chimera and Aliana once more. She was surprised to find that they were all empty nesters now. It had been a very long time since they hadn't had at least a few children of some kind around them and it felt strange in a way. Their children were grown and off living their own lives, as she had seen with Ruse only a few days prior. The fact that her little baby was now four still didn't feel real in her mind... Where had the time gone?

Dalila took a couple of days to get settled in with Chi and Ali and letting herself get familiarized with the island that Elysium called home. It wasn't the lovely tropical island that they had once called home, but it wasn't a bad place to live either. She was certain that Ali had been plenty stressed and over worked being Chimera's sole caretaker for some time so this morning she had insisted that Ali take some time to herself to do whatever it was she needed or wanted to do, even if it was just to take a moment for herself to have a nice bath or something of that sort. Besides, she had yet to have a moment alone with Chimera since she got back and even if he wasn't well enough for a "proper" reunion it would still be nice to have some time with him.

Once Aliana was shooed away to have a spa day, Dalila went about preparing the medicines Ali had shown her that she had been using for him and a bit of breakfast, bringing them to him in bed. Putting down the small tray of light foods and herbal remedies, she settled down on her stomach beside Chi and gently roused him with a little smile. "Good morning. How are you feeling?"

"Dalila Vista Klein"



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
07-08-2024, 01:47 AM

Though still under the weather, Chimera was feeling better than he had been since losing Ashen. He knew that many blamed him for the loss of the empire but he wouldn't make excuses about it. Possibly dying, he had made the best decision for his people by merging with Elysium. That was why he and Aliana were still here. He owed the leaders of Elysium a debt and he would see it through.

As Dalila came to his side, the big brutes tail thumped on the plush furs. He had been quite surprised to see her, but was delighted that she'd returned to him. Dal had a tray of foods and medicines, things that he was tired of taking, but he would continue to do so as long as he continued to get better. Something in them seemed to be working slowly but surely.

The mottled fae's voice crooned to him and Chimera smiled up at her, one paw reaching out to take one of her own. "Better today. Still tired, but my chest feels less congested." He'd been practically bedridden since his arrival here. At least he wasn't coughing up sludge today.

Lifting Dalila's paw, Chimera placed a gentle kiss upon it. "I have missed you, my warrior queen." With a little tug, the striped brute sought to pull her down beside him, hoping for a little cuddle action while it was just the two of them.

"Chimera & Dalila"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
08-28-2024, 12:09 PM
As Chimera reached out to take her paw she curled hers around his with a gentle squeeze, an adoring smile pulling at her lips. She did feel guilty for having such long stints away from him over the course of their relationship, but he knew that it had all been for the sake of their daughter and his other children at one point or another so she couldn't let herself feel like it wasn't for nothing. They had one girl and Ruse was her entire world. They no longer had the sprawling island to themselves or the countless members of their branching family around them, but that didn't matter. The kids were out living their own lives and now she, Chimera, and Aliana would get to spend their remaining time together. Considering how short she had once thought her life would be this felt like a pretty fantastic way to spend how ever many years she had left.

"Good. I'm glad," she replied genuinely as she leaned forward to nuzzle her nose against his cheek. Ali had filled her in on just how bad he had gotten at some points and with that knowledge just knowing that he was able to speak with her and hold her paw meant the world. She let go of his paw for a bit so that she could finish preparing his medicine for him and hold it out for him to take before giving him some of the tender red meats and a couple of pieces of rough flat bread that had been baked by a fire and made from wild grains. Red meat to help rebuild his strength and grains to keep his stomach settled from all of the medicines he was having to take.

"Eat up, my love," she said with a little chuckle as she moved to settle beside him, leaning gently into his shoulder to simply be with him while he ate his breakfast. "Ruse sends her love, by the way," she shared with a smile. "I asked if she wanted to come live here with us before we parted ways, but you know her... Always a wild spirit."

"Chimera & Dalila"