
Echoes of a Chase



The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
04-12-2024, 12:48 AM (This post was last modified: 04-12-2024, 12:48 AM by Sephiran. Edited 1 time in total.)
Emerging from his den, Sephiran shakes the sleep from his pelt and disappears into The Polar Sound. The first light of dawn illuminated the forest, greeting him in the cool, crisp air. With fall quickly morphing into winter, it had snowed during the night- now, there was a thin sheet of ivory coating the forest floor, leaving a trail of paw prints in his wake. Storm clouds rolled in the heavens above, sprinkling snow flurries onto his back. The muffled crunch of snow beneath his paws made his approach known- his destination already chosen before he left his den.

He wanted to indulge in pleasantries with Kaino.

They hadn’t spoken much since the meeting- both preoccupied with their tasks, having little time for common conversation or events. Truthfully, Sephiran wouldn’t have noticed the disconnect, if Rhazien hadn’t pointed it out. He was always whispering in his ear- convincing him to be more active with his members. Now, that didn’t mean he was going to approach his cousin, for the sake of a mundane conversation. No, he had other means of entertainment planned for them.

Arriving at the entrance of her den, Sephiran releases a guttural rumble of dominant vocals- warning her of his arrival, not asking if it was okay to invade. Then, he’d poke his head inside- amethyst and emerald eyes adjusting to the lighting, to fall upon a massive pile of luxury furs with Kaino sprawled out in the middle. If she didn’t wake up the first time, he’d repeat the vocalization, wanting her to accompany him outside.  

Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

3 Years
04-12-2024, 01:02 AM

Contrary to popular belief, Kaino was no slugabed. Sure, she was laying in bed but the lavender fae was wiiiiide awake. Nila had gone off to scrounge up breakfast leaving Kaino to do her morning stretches. Yeah, she took her physique seriously, so what? The svelte fae had her rump up on the air, forelegs stretched ahead as far as she could manage when the familiar gruff tones of Sephiran sounded from the entrance. Kai gave her head a little tilt, one icy eye landing upon the outline of her cousin, his big frame silhouetted by the light from behind. With a sigh, Kai pushed herself back upright, giving her body a little shake before moving out of the den.

She'd healed from her trample wounds for the most part, though her ribs still twinged every once in a while. Soon she'd be in top shape again. If you knew anything about Kaino, it was that she was fucking affectionate. Even with bastards like Sephiran. The pretty fae flashed her cousin a smile and leaned her shoulder and neck against him in a sweet little embrace of sorts. He wouldn't have called her out unless he needed something from her so Kaino inquired, sultry vocals purring, "Good morning, sweet cousin. What's the plan?"

"Kaino Saxe"

Despite being absolutely adorable, Kaino is an adult character that indulges in adult situations. Viewer discretion advised.
[Image: fGJURoI.png]


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
04-19-2024, 05:55 PM
Kaino was quick to respond to his summons; rising from her layered pile of luxurious furs, shaking the tension from her svelte frame before sauntering out of her den to greet him. Sephiran took a step back, his body turning inward as Kaino brushed her shoulder and neck against him. An exhilarating chill ran down his spine, and a low, guttural rumble resonated from his chest- a visceral reaction to the closeness of her body, as they shared their warmth in the bitter chill of The Polar Sound.

Snow continued to fall around them, dusting their coats and accumulating on the branches of the towering pines. And somewhere in the distance, the outcry of a juvenile elk sliced through the tranquility of their forest. "You’ll accompany me in a hunt.” He’d say, blunt and straight to the point; though, the salacious expression on his face gave insight to the thoughts swarming in his mind. Like their fight with the whale, he wanted to use this time to connect with his Emira. “Let’s go.” He says, motioning for her to follow with a nod of his snout, inviting her into his personal space, if she wished it.

Turning on his heels, Sephiran would begin following the scent trail of the juvenile elk, having chosen it as their target a day prior. "There is a young elk in the territory.” He’d say, figuring she’d heard it call out earlier, but he confirmed their target nonetheless. “It’s pelt would look good beneath your paws.” Another fur to add to her collection; Sephiran wouldn’t have considered it before, but Rhazien had been drilling these things into his head lately. Get closer with your family. And what did Kaino like? Gifts and affection.

Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

3 Years
04-28-2024, 06:47 PM

The growl that reverberated through her cousins chest brought a pleased smile to the amaranthine woman's lips. Kai loved that she could pull that kind of reaction from Sephiran. It was empowering to know that he couldn't help but be a beast when she was oh so close to him. Prideful little brat.

Sephiran informed her that they would be going on a hunt together and, as he spoke, the sound of the crying elk pulled the fae's attention away from her giant cousin. Ears swiveled, catching the sound of the call and gauging the direction. Once she had an idea, a little sound of pleasure left the woman in the form of a soft, "Mhmm". As she walked past him and towards the calling elk, Kai's bobbed tail flicked, brushing against his chest just the tiniest bit. It was all a game. At least it was to her.

As they walked, Sephiran made a comment about the pelt looking good under her paws. A quizzical gaze cut sideways at him and Kai tilted her head slightly. Well, that was different. That was new. Compliments were a surefire way to get into the Emira's good graces. She was pleased, but she couldn't help the invasive, lewd thoughts from spewing out of her maw. "I know what would look good beneath your paws," she grinned, rabbit tail flicking again, clearly pleased at her own innuendo.

"Kaino Saxe"

Despite being absolutely adorable, Kaino is an adult character that indulges in adult situations. Viewer discretion advised.
[Image: fGJURoI.png]


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
05-12-2024, 02:08 AM
Kaino was receptive to his plan, which brought on another wave of satisfaction. She always knew how to nurture his fragile ego, to keep him from lashing out at her. She was a smart girl. She’d even brush her bobbed tail against his chest, tickling his skin with the tip, igniting a wave of warmth inside of his abdomen. A predatory smirk curled his lips, bi-colored gaze glinting with a sinister gleam, as he watched her slink away into the forest. Turning on his heels, he’s quick to lope after her, his satisfaction palpable in the space between them.

Falling in stride alongside one another, Sephiran keeps Kaino in his peripheral vision, allowing her to track down the juvenile elk. So far they are moving in the right direction - not that he doubted her skills as a huntress. But the two of them had a tendency to become… distracted, when they were alone. And her comment was a testament to that. “Oh?” He’d croon, head titling subtly as he peered down at her.“And what would that be.” The tone of his guttural voice dipped even lower, libidinous and lustful as he waited for her explanation.

But suddenly, they are cut off- the juvenile elk having walked directly into their path. Whether it was unknowingly or on purpose didn’t matter; it was in their crosshairs now.  

Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

3 Years
06-08-2024, 08:31 PM

Together, with Kaino's hunting prowess and Sephiran's size, they chased the elk to the edge of the Sound and brought it down. The elk lay on the white expanse of snow, bleeding out from a pair of saber holes in its throat and Kaino lay a short ways off, panting and regaining her breath. The svelte fae rolled onto her back, stretching delightfully before rolling back to her paws. After shaking the clinging snow from her smokey coat, she made her way towards Sephiran, a gleam in her cool colored eyes.

Before they'd been rudely interrupted by the elk, he'd been asking her to clarify just what would look nice beneath him. Stepping into his space, the woman leaned up, licking a bit of blood from one long saber and then his dark lips. "I would look good beneath you, sweet cousin," she purred. It was no secret that Kaino was a touchy-feely lady. Physical contact was a necessity. Without it, she'd wither and die. As such, it was easy for her to touch and be touched. Even with a curmudgeon like Sephiran.

Having broken the seal on touching and having laid out her desire to be pinned beneath him, Kaino took a step back. The elk wasn't going anywhere fast and they had time for a bit of fun before they needed to drag it back to the kill den. Kaino flashed her Sultan a sultry smile, then turned and ran. Ah, they both loved a bit of chase before the real fun began. She would give him his fun before he had his reward.

"Kaino Saxe"

Despite being absolutely adorable, Kaino is an adult character that indulges in adult situations. Viewer discretion advised.
[Image: fGJURoI.png]


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
06-17-2024, 05:19 PM
Coated in blood and sinew, Sephiran loomed over the elk they’d just taken down, licking his jowls and leaning in to take a bite out of its neck. Kaino wasn’t far off, laying the snow and cleaning the carnage from her paws, panting and catching her breath. A symphony Sephiran liked to hear. With a sickening crunch the Sultan rips off a chunk of flesh and fur, setting it on the ground to anchor it with his paws. He’s pulling the hide off, ready to slide the meat down his greedy throat, when Kaino starts to shift, gravitating towards him.

Raising his head, Sephiran peers down at the smaller woman, a low growl bubbling in his throat as she enters his proximity. She licks blood from his saber, her tongue caressing his lips, igniting a wave of lust inside of his abdomen. I would look good beneath you, sweet cousin. Her voice is a purr, dripping in licentious greed, beckoning to the salacious mannerisms that resided in Sephiran. He was a dominator, an abuser, a man who loved a chase and Kaino understood that- who better to scratch that itch than a woman who can bend to his will?

Shifting, Sephiran starts to lean into Kaino, lips pulling back to flash her a toothy smirk. His eyes are lit with predatory lust, the air around them crackling with electric tension, as he shares unspoken words with his Emira. Bend for me. The muscles beneath his pelt tense, a paw starting to raise as he prepares to forcefully mount her- but suddenly, she pulls away, dancing off into the depths of The Polar Sound to coax him into a chase. He doesn’t hesitate- he’s lunging after her, catching the air with a snap of his jaws, a snarl resonating from his chest.

He’s quick on his feet, but Kaino is smaller, more agile, and lighter; she pulls away from him, triggering that predatory surge he’d experienced while hunting the elk earlier. He’s winding through the pines, leaping over boulders, and slowly, he’s gaining on her. He's fixated on the feminine curvature of her rump, the swaying of her bobbed tail as she flashes her intimacy at him, encouraging him further.

Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.