
Painful Experiences

Vanille & Azrael


The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (130)

Expert Navigator (140)

2 Years
06-15-2024, 12:23 PM

He’d dragged her quite a far distance from where she was found. Over different terrains and vast stretches of lands that led back to the familiarity of Syndicate. However, he did not stop at the Polar Sound. Completely bypassing the area where his den resided. No. He continued along the path to where he knew a certain wolf lay in wait. Never having met the beast himself before. Though, from rumors spread throughout the pack itself, Cifarelli knew his help would come to be of great use.

Complaints and whimpers had fallen on deaf ears long before arriving. He cared not for the whining woman. This entire ordeal was her fault. Why hide, instead of coming forth like a true wolf? Such weak display of a canine that it sickened him to no degree. As teeth sunk deeper into her scruff to further carry her t’wards the gapping entrance to the Apothecary, he dropped the sweet baby bird. Releasing a bark of beckoning to summon the one inside.



The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (215)

Advanced Healer (75)

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
06-15-2024, 02:36 PM
Aside from the occasional whimpers from the pain the brute gave her while he carried her across Boreas, Vanille never spoke a word. One could even think she wasn't capable, deaf or stupid. Maybe he liked the silence, or maybe just the sounds of pain that left from the back of her throat. Either way, they would make it to where he called home.

She could sense the pack boarders as they entered, and it only left her mind wondering. If there was more than him, it couldn't have been too bad, right? Surely he wouldn't hurt her as public knowledge. When he threw her to ground outside what seemed like a medical center, she laid up on her stomach and didn't move a muscle. It seemed she had learned her lesson the first time but she was also in a great deal of numbing pain. She knew she needed whatever the wolf inside would give her. At least she assumed that's why the brute dropped her here.



The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (180)

Advanced Healer (100)

3 Years
Extra large
06-18-2024, 02:51 PM
Careful measurements of various liquids were added together into beakers and jars to brew and mix as Azrael worked on his serums and tinctures. Sephiran had given him a season to prove his worth to the Sultan and be a valued member of the new Syndicate regime, and Az took his work very seriously. He would not let his Sultan down. His poisons and serums required delicate and experienced paws to craft, as one drop spilled could be the difference between great success and catastrophic failure. Which was why he did not want to be disturbed during his brewing—which unfortunately was exactly what Cifarelli did when he barked into his workspace for him. Az flinched, paws rapidly freezing so he didn't over pour into his mixture, a quiet growl of frustration rumbling in his throat as he set his alchemy set aside and stood to go greet his unexpected intrusion.

Stepping outside into the chill of the winter air, Azrael was greeted by a rather unexpected sight. There stood the dark form of Cifarelli, pompous and proud as ever, looming over the beaten and cowering form of a fae that looked as if she'd been made from the very snow and ice around them. A curious brow quirked above one sage green eye as he studied her briefly, then turned his attention back to his younger cousin. "You've found yourself another toy, Cifarelli," he observed aloud with a devilish smile on his muzzle. Oh, how he did love Sidi... such delightfully malleable and fragile beings! "I assume you didn't bring her here to have me break her in. Does she need vaccinating or deworming? Contraception application?" What would Cifa's poison of the day be today?

"Azrael Saxe"

Warning: Azrael is a highly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.


The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (130)

Expert Navigator (140)

2 Years
06-18-2024, 06:49 PM

Sweet baby bird did not move an inch. Her body folding into itself in the perfect submissive pose. Little did she know, everything that she was doing appeased him. It drove the Saxe male into a heated frenzy. Had it not been for the arrival of his cousin, she surely would have met her fate.

Attention rose from the woman's frosty coat of ice at his feet and sought out the arrival of his cousin. He'd heard of this specific male; however, this was their first-time coming face to face. Those familiar eyes of acid green peering at them both. Cifarelli gave a wicked smirk. His features morphing into one of sadistic measures. This singular male could awaken all his desires with a single potion. The potent smells of herbs and toxins coming off Azrael's coat damn near overwhelming.

"She'll need a thorough examination. As well as all her shots and...." Cifa's voice dropped a mere whisper. Loud enough to be heard. Yet, quiet to the point that anyone eavesdropping would not be able to hear. "Wipe her memories. I want her to know but of this place and this place alone. Can you do it?"



The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (215)

Advanced Healer (75)

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
06-18-2024, 07:40 PM
She was more alarmed as an even larger male stepped outside of the medical area Cifa had dropped her at. By no means did she think men couldn't be healers, but the way he looked and spoke about her really made her disheartened. Every inch of her screamed to get up and run. Run. The male who brought her here stepped forward for a second to whisper to the alchemist, and it set her heart pounding again. Like the adrenaline from the chase was back and she was ready to try again. If he had his head turned...

But she didn't. She nearly stood on her paws maybe giving away her plans, but was folding them back under herself. Was she giving up? Today at least. Not that she may have remembered it with the two brute's plans. Not loudly, but her breathing started to settle from the sheer panic that had built into her blood to escape again. Laying there looking like a wounded lamb. She'd have no idea what they had in store for her.



The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (180)

Advanced Healer (100)

3 Years
Extra large
06-20-2024, 04:00 PM
The cowering little arctic wolf on the ground was such a pitiful sight, lying there trembling and silent, her eyes as wide as a doe's pleading for its life. Unfortunately for the fae, she would find no mercy between the brute that had taken her here and the one analyzing her like she were little more than another task for him to complete. Cifarelli's requests (demands, really) were simple: a thorough examination and a full panel of the usual medicines for the Sidi. But then he came closer and whispered a more degenerate request, one that piqued the inquisitor's interest. He wanted her memories wiped, eh? A single brow raised over Azrael's pale green eyes, tilting his head while he looked at Cifa, considering the idea with a malicious smirk. Well well, what a pleasant surprise indeed!

"I think that can be arranged," he responded in smooth lyrics with a rumbling chuckle. "Get her up and inside. We'll get started right away." Az shot one more appraising look down at the fae and turned to lead the way back into his apothecary workshop. The Saxe brute moved almost automatically over to his collection of vials stored neatly in organized sections along the natural shelves inside the cave, grabbing vial after vial of the serums and drugs Cifarelli had requested. A contraceptive serum, a broad spectrum antibiotic, a wormwood extract just in case she was carrying some unwanted parasites—and last but not least, his memory cleanser. He'd only gotten to test this very briefly and it was still in its clinical trials, but so far it had proven promising, and if Cifa was offering up his Sidi for further tests, then who was he to refuse his cousin's request?

"Get her on the table or the bed." Azrael gestured to the stone worktable where he'd been prepping the stonefish spines or to the crude bed of furs and lichens in the corner. Either option would work, so long as he had a stable surface to jab her so she wouldn't be able to resist or fight back. With his assortment of injectors gathered, Az brought the little vials of serums and tinctures over to where Cifarelli was wrangling his Sidi, picking out the antibiotic from the veritable cocktail of drugs first. Best to start off with something mild. "The memory cleanser is not a permanent drug yet. It will need to be re-administered regularly to keep her from regaining any of her earlier memories. I can work on a more permanent solution if you wish, but the mind is a fragile thing. Wiping memories might leave her an empty husk if not brewed extremely carefully." Azrael had been deliberate in his measurements of the herbs and drugs that went into his memory cleaner. Too little and the subject would be resistant to the serum. Too much and it could render them brain damaged or even braindead. Working with the brain was still a tricky science Az had yet to perfect, but for his dear cousin's amusement, he would be happy to give it a try.

"Azrael Saxe"

Warning: Azrael is a highly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.


The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (130)

Expert Navigator (140)

2 Years
06-24-2024, 02:59 PM

Azrael’s answer wasn’t what he would have expected. The Apothecary could, indeed, take care of some of her memory. But it would only be for temporary circumstances. Not long lasting like he’d liked. "Do what you must. If you’d like, shall I leave her here for further…. testing?" It paid him no never mind rather he claimed her or not. At least Cierzo showed more promise in her submission. At times, that other personality of hers coming to surface to make things far more interesting.

Cifarelli hesitated none to grab the sweet baby bird by her scruff once more. Following the instructions given by the violet male. He took no time tying the woman to crude bed of furs and lichens in the corner. Paws working to ensure she remain locked in place with nowhere to run. "Then again.." Blooded gaze and scared face gave a lustful look to how exposed the woman lay.

There was no hiding the slenderness of well earned curves. Her sleek coat slightly revealing the supple of nipples just peaking through. "Have anything that will make her enjoy what is to come?" Cifa was offering Azrael a better deal. Along with his earlier request. Flickering his attention back to the male. Brow arched in wait of an answer.

All work and no play did no good for no one.



The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (215)

Advanced Healer (75)

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
06-30-2024, 06:46 AM
Cifa would pick her up to place her onto a bed of furs, not so surprising for a healing den but for the strange concoctions that were being brewed in here it was a little off putting. And the shackles... She took a sharp breath in as she was tied down to the bed, her heart racing before her mind could think to fight and run away. It was when they were talking about a memory cleanser to wipe her mind did she really start to panic again. It would have been silly and naive for her to think she'd be better off to forget about her heartbreak with Arcturus. That was child's play. She didn't crave for them to erase her memory.

As Cifa laid sick eyes back on her, asking the other male if he had anything to make her enjoy what would happen next, her heart and mind finally combined. Her legs started to fling around, causing a ruckus with the ropes as she desperately tried to break herself free. It was all in vain as when she turned she was pulled one way or another and couldn't even get her paws back under her. There was no hiding that plan to escape, but maybe she thought if she struggled hard enough she'd get loose and be able to run. Perhaps a sad attempt. She went still when she seemingly gave up, her breath matching the panic in her very core.



The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (180)

Advanced Healer (100)

3 Years
Extra large
07-08-2024, 03:44 AM
Azrael could see the disappointment on Cifarelli's face plain as day, but it mattered little to the violet brute. Just because you were displeased with how something was did not change the reality of the circumstances. The offer, to leave her with him for further testing, it brought about a sinister chuckle from the inquisitor. "Unless you don't mind your Sidi thoroughly broken in—and I mean thoroughly—I wouldn't leave her here, dear cousin," he remarked with a crooked grin. Azrael was definitely a brute who enjoyed indulging in the pleasures of Sidi. If Cifa left his latest acquisition here, there was no doubt that Az would return her well used and fucked back to her owner. Or perhaps that's what Cifa was into? Well, Azrael would be delighted to serve his cousin in such manner if that's what he wished!

As Azrael approached where Cifarelli was holding down Vanille with the antibiotic, he continued. "If you want a permanent memory cleanser, I can work on something to fit the bill. It'll take some time, but I'm sure I can do it. Otherwise, I'll need to readminister it once a season." Not a terrible trade-off, in all honesty. One injection once a season to keep her mind blank and her body compliant. He thought it was a very reasonable caveat. Cifa's next request though... that brought a wicked grin across Azrael's lips. "Y'know, I do have just the thing for that. I've recently perfected a serum that will replicate the effects of an intolerable estrus season in faes. One injection and she'll be begging for your cock like a bitch in heat." Az's eyes shone with a sinister mirth at the notion. It had worked wonders on dear sweet Delaeni! Now he couldn't help but wonder what this arctic beauty would be like, all hot and bothered and desperate for these two brutes to ravage her...

But before his lecherous thoughts could go any further, the tied up Sidi began to squirm and thrash beneath Cifarelli on the bed, trying to fight her way to freedom. Azrael's playful mood immediately shifted to business mode, sharp eyes focused on his patient as he rushed to slam his paws down on her shoulders and hold her still while Cifa got her back under control. "Now now, don't fight, dear. It'll only make this hurt more." Cruel words of false comfort given, Az wrangled Vanille until her struggling stopped, then he swiftly jabbed the antibiotic injector into her shoulder. The drug was administered swiftly via the stonefish spine, and once the bottle was empty, Az went back to grab the next ones from his workbench. He picked up the contraceptive, the estrus serum, and the memory cleanser, along with a paralytic serum just in case she tried to get rowdy again. With all of his drugs at the ready, Azrael fixed Cifa with a sly grin. "Let me know when you're ready to begin... or if you'd like to have some fun with her first." The arctic bitch was going to learn very fast what a Saxe rodeo was like.

"Azrael Saxe"

Warning: Azrael is a highly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.


The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (130)

Expert Navigator (140)

2 Years
07-25-2024, 05:46 PM

Cifa watched as the woman tried to run. The entire situation amused him. And as much as he wished to take what she so willingly wanted to give, he shook his head. "I will have my fun when her treatment is done." The sickening words fell from his mouth. Laced in promise. His gaze never once leaving the outstretched body of his sweet baby bird. Her frosty snow coat a beautiful blue. A glimpse of it decorating his home coming to mind; but, he knew that he could not skin her of such a thing.

Shaking his head in mild disappointment, he turned away from the two. Gaze sweeping over the various things lining the walls and floor. "I shall return when she is good and trained." It was all he gave before returning to which they had come.
