
Snow day play



The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (60)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf
05-28-2024, 07:49 PM (This post was last modified: 06-05-2024, 12:32 AM by Rogue. Edited 1 time in total.)

Rogue hadn't exactly been sure what to do with himself in the aftermath of Ashen's fall. He'd milled around Elysium for a while with the rest of the Klein family, but there was nothing really tying him to the pack, nothing keeping him tethered or feeling like he belonged there. Chimera's family stayed because Chimera did, but he held no love or loyalty for the man who had destroyed the only home he had ever known. So, with restless feet and brooding mind, the midnight-furred dire brute headed out to wander the wild lands on his own for gods knew how long. He just needed to get out and away to think and clear his head. Perhaps he'd find an epiphany or motivation or some sense of direction for his life while he was out, but he wasn't holding his breath. Life hadn't been exceptionally good to him when it came to giving him life plans.

Giant paws carried Rogue idly around the northern territories of Boreas. He had set out along the northern coast until he reached another pack's scent borders neighboring Elysium's, then followed along neutral territory between the three adjacent packs until he emerged on the tundras on the other side. In the dead of winter, the world was covered in a thick blanket of snow and the air had a crisp chill to it always. Thankfully, Rogue's dense coat helped keep him insulated against the elements so he wouldn't freeze to death, but fucking hell, was it cold! A light flurry of fat snowflakes had begun to fall while Rogue wandered across the open expanse of the north, heading towards a long wall erected seemingly out of nowhere in the middle of the tundra. It was a curious ruin; a relic from an ancient time, but little more. Nearby, a herd of elk were crossing casually through a missing section of the wall, so it clearly wasn't for fortification.

Furrowing his brow in curiosity at the strange structure, Rogue began to follow along the length of the wall, wondering where it might lead to. As he was passing by another open section of the wall, a glimpse of color and movement on the other side caught his attention. Lavender fur stood out against the white snow, and after doing a double take and backpedaling to get a better look, Rogue realized he recognized the wolf that lavender fur belonged to. Kaino! Rogue's expression brightened as he realized he'd stumbled upon the lovely fae that had given him quite the experience in the hot springs some seasons ago, his big bushy tail wagging eagerly behind him. He had opened his mouth to call out to her—but instead, he froze, another idea coming to mind and a playful grin crossing his lips. As quietly as he could, Rogue crept along the opposite side of the wall from her, peeking over the top every so often to make sure she was still nearby while he worked his way closer and closer to her. Once he was close enough, Rogue crouched low behind section of the wall and began to gather up the powdery snow in his sizable paws, packing it tightly into a snowball. Once he had a few of the icy projectiles, Rogue placed them atop the wall, then clambered up on top so he could get a better vantage point down on his target.

"What's up, pretty lady!" he called out to her to get her attention, then immediately followed up by chucking a snowball at her, hoping to catch her in a snowy ambush as she was turning toward him. Hopefully she liked games or else Rogue had just tremendously fucked up!

"Rogue Klein"

Venom and Maverick may enter any of Rogue's threads while he is under 2 years old.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

3 Years
06-01-2024, 11:08 AM

Kai had been minding her own business, inspecting her side of the wall, when a call rang out. Pretty lady, that was her, of course. Who else could it be? As the lavender and smoke fae turned, a ball of white came whipping towards her. The snowball struck Kaino right in the cheek and she called out in "pain", dramatically dropping into the snow behind her. She lay there, still, unmoving, as though knocked unconscious. Tricky bastard.

You see, Kaino did like games. She liked them quite a bit. So, as she fell, the woman caught a glimpse of blue fur and the voice that had called out to her clicked into place. Rogue; the charming young man from the hot springs. If he wanted to play, well then... she could play.

Kai lay still, the only movement the rise and fall of her rib cage. She left the crumbled snow upon her body to further the ruse. She listened as Rogue came down off of the wall and made his way towards her. The fae tensed, readying herself for the attack. When he was in close enough proximity, Kaino pounced. Leaping up from the ground, she sprang towards the dire giant, aiming to wrap her forelegs around his neck and hopefully bring him to the ground... with a kiss.

Despite being absolutely adorable, Kaino is an adult character that indulges in adult situations. Viewer discretion advised.
[Image: fGJURoI.png]


The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (60)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf
06-01-2024, 01:27 PM

Oh, it had been a picture perfect hit! The snowball arced through the air straight towards the unsuspecting Kaino as she turned to acknowledge him, only to watch it impact the side of her face with an explosion of white powder. Kai gave a dramatic cry of anguish and toppled to the snow, earning her a triumphant laugh from Rogue, grinning from ear to ear and tail wagging furiously in his victory. What a shot! "Haha! Gotcha!" Rogue was already scooping up a second snowball in preparation for Kai's inevitable retaliation—but when he turned back to her, she was still lying sprawled across the snow-covered ground. Rogue held his shot, watching her for a minute and waiting for her to get up to resume their snowball fight. But when she didn't, the Klein brute's smile began to slowly droop from his face and a look of confused concern replacing his mirth.

"Kai...?" he called out to her, letting the snowball drop from his paw. Still no movement from her. Oh shit, had he actually hit her that hard? It had just been a snowball though! No cheap underhanded trickery like putting ice or rocks in the snow. Had he actually knocked her out cold with just a snowball?! "Kaino?" Again he called, and again there was no reaction from the lavender and smoke fae. Oh shit oh shit oh shit! Rogue leaped down from the wall and crunched through the snow over towards her prone form, a panic beginning to tighten in his chest. As he came upon her, Rogue noticed two things immediately—her chest was still rising and falling with her breathing, and a subtle flexing of her lithe body's muscles. He realized all too late that he had been bamboozled.

Sunset amethyst eyes went wide just as Kai sprung to life in a burst of snow, Rogue's vision obscured by lavender fur and powdery white. He felt Kaino wrap her forelegs around his neck, hanging from him while he stumbled backwards. Kai wasn't heavy by any means, and with their size difference Rogue could have easily hoisted her up to dangle her from himself, but the surprise and the slippery terrain caused the dire brute to lose his footing. Rogue slid, paws coming out from underneath him and Kai's weight helping to drag him down to the snow with her. Rogue was only able to mutter a momentary cry of surprise before the sound was cut off into muffled noises as soft warmth pressed to his lips.

The massive brute wound up on the ground on his back, Kaino partially over top of him with their muzzles connected. A low hum of delight rumbled in Rogue's chest as he kissed her back, the corners of his lips curling up into a playful grin and tail kicking up snow as it wagged, those giant paws coming up to catch Kai around her slender sides. He kissed her back for as long as she would let him, only speaking once their lips finally parted, their mingling breath hanging in humid clouds between their mouths in the arctic air. "Clever girl..." he chuckled under his breath, shooting her a wily grin with a playful gleam in his magenta eyes.

"Rogue Klein"

Venom and Maverick may enter any of Rogue's threads while he is under 2 years old.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

3 Years
06-04-2024, 05:30 PM

Her attack was well planned and soon the big boy lay flat on his back. Kaino lay draped across his large frame, fitting perfectly as though this was where she was meant to be. He complemented her cleverness and Kai grinned, flashing pristine white teeth as her multi-hued eyes sparkled with mirth. "And don't you forget it, Rogue Klein." The lavender fae gave her svelte body a little wiggle atop him, getting even more comfortable.

One silver gloved paw removed a bit of snow from the brutes muzzle and Kaino bumped his nose gently with her own. "So what brings you all the way up here? Looking for me?" The soft fur of her tail would begin to swish gently back and forth over his male bits at the thought. She was situated very close to it, so even her little bunny tail would reach.

One vibrant eye lifted at the corner in a mischievous manner and Kai began to place little kisses along the man's muzzle. "You know, you wouldn't have to look for me if you decided to stay with me." Being only their second meeting, it was obviously the first time that such an option had been brought up. However, Rogue had shown her who he was during these encounters. He liked to play just like she did. He was handsome, strong and had a very large... personality. His genes would provide her with strong children, should she wish it. His family name was well known and respected as well. There was no down side that Kaino could see.

Once more, the woman gave a little wiggle, pretending to simply adjust herself, only she was scooting lower so that her muzzle was on his thickly furred chest and her lower body was, well... right where it should be. Kaino canted her head slightly, giving the brute a thoughtful look. "We could spend quite a bit of time together, potentially. I'm planning on a trip to The Hallows and an escort would be very nice." A little mrph of pleasure rumbled in the fae's throat as she slid her most sensitive parts over his own. "Wouldn't you like to be my knightly escort, Rogue? Keep little old me safe from the bad guys that might want to take advantage?" She tried to make it sound as appealing as possible.

"Kaino Saxe"

Despite being absolutely adorable, Kaino is an adult character that indulges in adult situations. Viewer discretion advised.
[Image: fGJURoI.png]


The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (60)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf
06-06-2024, 02:55 AM

From the flat of his back, it was easy for Rogue to support the entirety of Kaino's form on top of him. She was pretty much the perfect size to lie atop of him like a giant fluffy pillow, their bodies fitting perfectly together like matching pieces to a puzzle. She smiled at him, a playful flash of pearly white fangs, and Rogue found himself unable to resist smiling back up at her while she reveled in her successful ambush. A low rumbling chuckle resounded deep in the dire brute's chest; oh he certainly wouldn't be forgetting how tricksy Kai was after this! She wiggled her body on top of his to get herself settled in and Rogue couldn't help bringing his paws up to rest along Kai's slender sides, both to make sure she didn't slide off of him and because he just really wanted to touch her again. Hey, he was a brute of simple tastes—he had a gorgeous fae draped across him and he wanted to touch her. It really was that simple.

Rogue squinted and wrinkled up his nose while Kaino gingerly dusted the snow from his snout, then chuckled again with a flush of heat coming to his cheeks when her nose bumped against his. It was so silly, blushing and feeling flustered when he'd already been inside her, but here he was, heart pounding, face hot. It must've been the adrenaline rush from her pouncing him. She asked what brought him to the north, and just as Rogue opened his mouth to reply, the soft brush of silky fur against his male parts stole the words in a heated gasp. His paws flexed around her sides on reflex, toes curling and tail wagging in the snow. With her fluffy bunny tail basically feather dusting his balls, Rogue had to fight to keep his brain on track enough to speak.

"Well y'know, when you get your whole world rocked by a beautiful fae, she tends to be the only thing you think of afterwards." The midnight brute flashed a charming smile up to the lavender fae, carefully extending his black diamond claws to comb through the svelte fae's plush coat to graze gently against her skin while she covered his muzzle in sweet kisses. Kai casually brought up staying with her, and Rogue had to admit that he may have thought about tracking down the sexy Saxe fae more than once when he was lying awake at night, if for no other reason than it was a fun fantasy. Though this was only their second encounter, Rogue couldn't deny the attraction he felt. Kai was fun, she reciprocated his flirting, she was wickedly smart, she was sexy as hell, and she'd already demonstrated that she knew exactly how to handle him when he was in her paws. He might not have known much about her right now, but the boy was smitten and he was ready to learn this girl inside and out if she'd permit him.

Rogue gave a thoughtful hum, now being his turn to raise a curious brow over one sunset eye while he got lost in her ice blue and mint green jewels. "That's one hell of an offer, Kai," he mused aloud. As if looking to entice him more, the svelte fae began to wiggle and readjust herself on him, sliding her body down his until her muzzle was now rested atop his broad chest and he felt the gentle pressure of her hips pressing to his. Warmth and softness met his nethers, catching Rogue's breath with a shudder. Giant paws slid down to rest above the woman's hips, claws dancing along her waist, wanting to urge her further but enjoying their game too much to hurry through it. Sunset eyes watched Kai with eager curiosity. Gods, he wanted her so bad right now!

Kaino mentioned a trip to the Hallows she was planning, suggesting it as a way for them to spend time together if he escorted her. Rogue would have said yes anyway, but the slow rub of those soft, warm intimate parts of Kai sliding against his own sensitive anatomy sealed the deal with a breathy groan in the brute's throat. His paws flexed over her hips, slowly lifting his hips to grind himself against her intimate flesh in return. "There's a lot of road between here and the Hallows. Lots of time getting familiar with each other," he remarked, bringing one paw around to trace along her back down to her shapely rump, which he promptly gave a firm, appreciative squeeze around the base of her tail. "You already know I'm gonna say yes. A beautiful fae like yourself, I've got to protect you from all those bad guys and make sure no one has their way with you..." Rogue's words tapered off with a lecherous growl and a playful grin, eyes alight with feverous desire as he added, "Besides me."

"Rogue Klein"

Venom and Maverick may enter any of Rogue's threads while he is under 2 years old.



Master Fighter (280)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

2 Years
Extra small

ScarredSnake EyesCritical Fail!
06-07-2024, 01:44 AM
Was she following Rogue’s scent?


Would she ever admit it?

Over her cold, dead body.

Emerging from the borders of Elysium, Nimue was hot on his trail, following him into the uncharted region of the North. Snow flurries danced around her, covering Rogue’s paw prints in the snow but Nimue was a skilled tracker - a lithe predator who excelled in stalking prey, big or small. It was easy to go unseen, given her tiny size. But with the endless backdrop of snow, she stood out with her earth colored coat. She had to be conscious of her surroundings, choosing to stay near the bases of the towering pines. She couldn’t give herself away. Eventually, a layer of snow had built over her back, starting to weigh her down as she traveled deeper into the tundra. And the damn wind didn’t help either- it chilled her down to her bones. Pulling her panther pelt over her shoulders, she burned away some of the cold.. But it didn’t help with making her blend in.

Approaching a foreign structure, Nimue passes through the broken entrance, emerging on the other side. Rogue’s scent is strong here, coating the mangled stone. But so was someone else’s. Her pelt started to bristle, a visceral reaction - one she didn’t understand, but didn’t dwell on. Sinking down, she prowls across the terrain, following their scents with a scowl on her face. She wanted to know what Rogue was doing- why he left Elysium, or really, why he never joined.

Coming around a bend, Nimue is taken by complete surprise- a feverous scene unfolding before her, the scent of pheromones dancing in the air. The second she sees his dark, celestial pelt she ducks down, pressing against a boulder to keep her out of immediate sight. Peeking from behind, she assesses the situation, her little jaw dropping in disbelief. Rogue was on his back. Some girl was straddling him. They were talking, but she couldn’t make out the words. And Rogue was… was he humping her? Her mouth snapped shut, lips pulling into a firm line.

A jolt of foreign emotion erupted inside of her- jealousy festering in her abdomen, bubbling into her throat until it left a bitter taste in her mouth. She couldn’t tear her eyes away, her sharpened claws digging into the snow as she watched them nearly fuck in front of her. They looked so perfect together, so effortless as they flirted and bantered, lost in their conversation. This must be why Rogue refused to join Elysium- refused to see his uncle in his final weeks. Why he refused to stay with them- with her his broken family he claimed to care about.

But it wasn’t just jealousy that coursed through Nimue- there was resentment, a sense of abandonment, betrayal. Truly, she hadn’t formed much of a relationship with the male- they bickered, fought, tried to level with each other but it always ended in mixed emotions. But to Nimue, that was far more than what she gave most wolves. It meant something to her. He meant something to her. What, she didn’t exactly know. But it was enough to cause a whirlwind of emotions, their borderline sex scene acting as the catalyst.

And it was enough to send her into a fight or flight mode. Only, Nimue didn't know when to flee. Emotion consumed her. Her breaths became labored, her jaw clenched, and her muscles tensed with primal fury. When he squeezed the harlots bottom, pulling her harder into him, Nimue had seen enough. Like a bat out of hell, she rushed out from her hiding place, sprinting forward with lightening speed. Closing in, she leaps off of her hind legs, front paws outstretched as she attempts to slam straight into Kaino, to shove her off of Rogue. Her jaws open, and she’s biting at the larger woman’s neck, trying to grab her.

Nimue vs Kaino for Dominance
Round 1/2
Age: >1 year
Size: Extra small
Build: Light
Offensive Battle Accessory: Black crystal claw covers
Defensive Battle Accessory: panther’s skull
Companion 1: Tibetan Mastiff, male - battle
Skills: Master Fighter & Master Intellectual
Specialty: Tactician
Caution: Nimue is unpredictable, ornery, & loves to fight!


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

3 Years
06-09-2024, 10:16 AM

As she lay upon Rogue's fit frame, comfortable as a fae could be, something struck her from the side. A slightly pained gasp pulled from the amaranthine fae as she was thrown unceremoniously from her perch. She and her assailant went rolling across the snowy ground, which thankfully shielded them from the various rocks hidden underneath.

Once she stopped rolling, Kaino instantly found her footing. Her pelt bristled, head lowering, teeth bared. "I assume you know this woodchuck?" She spoke through gritted teeth, mint and ice eyes locked on the small, earthen colored wolf. If he did know this tiny monstrosity, she didn't want to hurt it too much.

Kaino danced forward towards the smaller fae, head on. She sought to slam her chest into the girl's face while her jaws arced down in an attempt to grab her by the scruff just behind her skull. If she could pin the kid, then they could get to the bottom of what the fuck... and she wouldn't get hurt.


Kaino vs Nimue for Dominance
Round 1/2
Age: Over one
Size: Large
Build: Light
Offensive Battle Accessory: Leather bracers with tiger claws attached
Defensive Battle Accessory: Steel Armor
Companion 1: Male rabbit, 21" [Antler mutation] - Battle
Companion 2: Fossa, Female - battle
Skills: Master Fighter & Master Hunter
Specialty: Cooperative
Despite being absolutely adorable, Kaino is an adult character that indulges in adult situations. Viewer discretion advised.
[Image: fGJURoI.png]



Master Fighter (280)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

2 Years
Extra small

ScarredSnake EyesCritical Fail!
06-09-2024, 05:10 PM

Nimue slammed into the larger woman, colliding in a cataclysmic clash that reverberated through the air. A shockwave rippled through her, their bodies becoming a whirlwind of limps and teeth as they grappled in the snow, rolling to a stop. A sharp cough escaped her, a growl following as she pulled herself to her paws. Rogue was behind them now, likely shocked by her sudden appearance but Nimue didn’t care. She bristled her pelt, snapping at the air and standing defensively as if she were trying to protect Rogue from the woman.

Her jab earned another growl from Nimue, and as Kaino shot forward, so did she. She was quick, moving with lightening agility given her tiny size, weaving to the right, and the left, before lowering and trying to dive between Kaino’s front legs. She felt Kaino’s chest graze her head, teeth finding purchase somewhere along her back, but Nimue wasn’t detoured. With splayed jaws, she’s trying to grab onto Kaino’s right hind leg, at her knee. Using her momentum to try and disrupt her balance.
"Nimue Vasanti"

Nimue vs Kaino for Dominance
Round 2/2
Age: > 1 year
Size: Extra small
Build: Light
Offensive Battle Accessory: Black crystal claw covers
Defensive Battle Accessory: panther’s skull
Companion 1: Tibetan Mastiff, male - battle
Skills: Master Fighter & Master Intellectual
Specialty: Tactician
Caution: Nimue is unpredictable, ornery, & loves to fight!


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

3 Years
06-09-2024, 05:17 PM

What was with this rabid little thing? Did Rogue have a creepy little sister or something? They didn't look anything alike, but stranger things had happened. The woodchuck was quick and dodged the brunt of Kaino's weight, but her teeth still grabbed onto the smaller wolf's scruff. Tiny razor teeth bit into her hind leg and the purple fae growled, her mouth full of flesh and fur.

Kaino could feel blood trickling down her heel but she didn't care. With her teeth lodged in the other fae's neck, she jerked her head one way and her leg the other, ripping the appendage from the rodents grasp. Kai then applied tension in her neck and shoulders, aiming to lift the girl like a pup being scolded, only to bring her down in a hard slam upon the snowy ground.


Kaino vs Nimue for Dominance
Round 2/2
Age: Over one
Size: Large
Build: Light
Offensive Battle Accessory: Leather bracers with tiger claws attached
Defensive Battle Accessory: Steel Armor
Companion 1: Male rabbit, 21" [Antler mutation] - Battle
Companion 2: Fossa, Female - battle
Skills: Master Fighter & Master Hunter
Specialty: Cooperative
Despite being absolutely adorable, Kaino is an adult character that indulges in adult situations. Viewer discretion advised.
[Image: fGJURoI.png]

The Judge


06-18-2024, 05:10 PM

And the winner is...


NIMUE must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out.


Attack Roll: 62
Defense Roll: 76
Agility Roll: 81
Perception Roll: 3
Total: 222

Attack[62] + 55% Bonus[34.10]: 96.10
Defense[76] + 15% Bonus[11.40]: 87.40
Agility[81] + 5% Bonus[4.05]: 85.05
Perception[3] + 0% Bonus[0.00]: 3.00
Total[271.55] + 25% Bonus[67.89]: 339.44

Attack Roll: 38
Defense Roll: 83
Agility Roll: 37
Perception Roll: 27
Total: 185

Attack[38] + 20% Bonus[7.60]: 45.60
Defense[83] + 10% Bonus[8.30]: 91.30
Agility[37] + 15% Bonus[5.55]: 42.55
Perception[27] + 55% Bonus[14.85]: 41.85
Total[221.30] + 25% Bonus[55.33]: 276.62


The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (60)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf
06-19-2024, 03:02 AM

Oh, this moment was so good! Laying on his back with a beautiful fae draped over him like a blanket, her hips working with such sweet gyrations into his own firming male bits, it was all like a wet dream come to life! The friction of their bodies kept themselves warm against the cold, the press of Kaino’s intimate parts to his enticing him with the promise of more… and then suddenly she was gone and there was just cold. Rogue’s eyes snapped open wide with shock, blinking rapidly as his brain rushed to catch up to what was happening. Kai was down in the snow now, tumbling across he ground with a dark form trying to savage her. A dark form Rogue realized he knew.

Oh shit!

"Nimue!" Rogue scrambled to his paws, getting to his feet a bit stiffly thanks to his compromising arousal, his first instincts to separate Nimue from Kaino before she did any harm to the Saxe fae. But Kai was already on her paws and squaring off against Nimue, fur bristled and fangs bared. Kai asked if he knew the "woodchuck" which would have ordinarily gotten a chuckle out of Rogue, but right now he was a little too blue balled and stunned by Nimue’s aggression to find his sense of humor. "Kinda? I mean, yeah but... not really?" Rogue was too perplexed and taken off guard to try to explain his complicated history with Nimue accurately.

But with the fight already underway, Rogue would have to wait to get an answer. Kaino and Nimue danced around one another, jaws snapping and paws grappling at one another. Maybe it was his heightened sense of arousal and lust, but there was something quite erotic watching the way the two women fought. Sunset eyes followed the flow of Kai’s slender body, lithe muscles pulled taut as she grappled with Nimue, and Nimue’s lean form darting around Kai's legs between her attacks. Rogue moved in to intervene, but by then Kaino had already wrested Nimue from her and slammed the tiny wolf down onto the ground, pinning her to secure her victory. It left the blue brute speechless and impressed. He hadn't thought of Kaino as delicate by any means, but he'd only ever seen her feminine sexual side. This formidable and powerful side of Kaino was something entirely new and it made Rogue ache for her in all new ways as he gazed upon her.

Regaining control of his faculties enough to step forward, Rogue turned bewildered amethyst eyes down to the trapped Nimue, looking into her matching eyes that burned with fury. "What the hell are you doing out here, Nimue?! Why did you attack her like that?" Gods, Rogue felt like he was scolding a pup who hadn't learned basic social etiquette yet. But Nimue's attack had come completely unprovoked and unprompted as far as he could tell. Did these two have a history he wasn't aware of or something? Rogue fixed Nimue with a hard stare, waiting expectantly for her answer as to why she'd just cockblocked him so brazenly—and it had better be a good one.

"Rogue Klein"

Venom and Maverick may enter any of Rogue's threads while he is under 2 years old.