
Are You Hungry?



Raiders Hollow
The Powder Monkey

Master Fighter (393)

Master Intellectual (290)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

1 Year
Dire wolf
06-19-2024, 07:50 AM (This post was last modified: 07-04-2024, 09:53 AM by Calliope. Edited 1 time in total.)
Winter washes over Boreas with a ferocity that Calliope dislikes. Unknown to her, it’s not the worst winter the continent has experienced, but it’s her first winter as a teenager and she hates it. Her fur gets clumpy with dirt and icy, paws are raw and dry, nose always dripping as she tries to avoid the whipping wind that snaps at her face. Raider territory was relatively warmer compared to other areas, but she wasn’t close to home that day.

There was one place that she knew of nearby though that would hopefully help. Prowling through the underbrush like the predator she was, Calliope is always on alert. Pastel blue and violet eyes watch her surroundings, staring through the bare trees for any enemies until her destination comes into view.

Steams rolls off mirror-like surfaces. A few random wolves take their own dips in nearby pools, but Calliope pays them no mind. Her paws pick up their pace, scaling the smooth rock face with ease and grace. Perching on the precipice of a pool’s edge, she stares down at her reflection for a moment. She can’t help but snarl at her appearance. It was definitely time for a bath.

Not wasting another moment, Calliope slips in with eyes closed, body fully submerging for a few seconds. Once she resurfaces, she exhales and lets out a pleased noise. Exactly what I needed. She thinks to herself as she leans against the warm rock wall and places her chin upon the edge to keep herself afloat.


Warning: Calliope is callous, rude, and unpredictable. Do NOT expect nice things from her.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (280)

An icon representing the specialty Blessed Blessed

1 Year

Pride - DemisexualPride - Pansexual
06-21-2024, 08:46 PM
Barghest emerged from the shadows, her figure almost ghostly as she navigated the underbrush with grace. She had this far east before, with Bowen and Nimue, but after joining her sister’s pack; no. The winter's chill was harsh, but she moved with ease despite the biting cold. Her fur, marked by striking white stripes, shimmered subtly under the faint light that pierced the canopy above the springs.

Wolves of all sorts and sizes were taking part in the warmth of the springs, but she had not found a less populated spring quite yet. Until, she spotted a peculiar looking wolf, with pastel blue and violet eyes leaned up against the rock wall of a spring. Barghest watched her for a moment, taking note of the lack of wolves within that particular spring.

With a soft, deliberate crunch of snow underfoot, Barghest made her presence known, approaching the edge of the pool where the colorful girl had just settled. “Rough winter.” She said, her voice carrying a calm tone that contrasted with her roguish appearance. Her eyes, though cold in hue, held a mischievous, understanding gaze.

Barghest eased herself into the pool, the heat immediately soothing her own weary body. “Oh hell. That’s glorious.” Letting the warm water envelop her, Barghest leaned back, allowing herself to relax. With that, she closed her eyes, the steam and heat working their magic.


Barghest is an androgynous woman, meaning she exhibits both masculine and feminine traits at the same time.


Raiders Hollow
The Powder Monkey

Master Fighter (393)

Master Intellectual (290)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

1 Year
Dire wolf
06-23-2024, 08:04 AM
Calliope does not miss the wandering of wolves among the steaming pools of water. One in particular that approaches the less populated pool she herself is in has her gaze glancing in her direction. Pastel colored eyes rove over the roguish features of the grey and white striped wolf. Though Calliope can’t quite tell if they’re male or female, it doesn’t deter her unashamed glances.

Her eyes close a moment, perhaps acting as if she hadn’t been staring as the wolf approaches with that deliberate crunch. The calming tone of the stranger brings a raised brow to Calliope’s features. “Rough indeed,” she agrees, her own husky feminine tones breaking the hissing silence around them.

She doesn’t stir when the stranger slips into the pool. Relaxed features turning ever so slightly to face the girl even more. The genital situation was at least clear by this point. Her own grumble of satisfaction leaves her as the girl mentions the warm waters being glorious.

“You could say that again,” Calliope mentions, voice low with flirtatious notes as she inches ever so slightly toward the stranger. “Care for some company?” Her brow lifts, eyes watching the girl, taking her time with this one. There was no sense in risking being drowned if the other wanted to be left alone.

Warning: Calliope is callous, rude, and unpredictable. Do NOT expect nice things from her.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (280)

An icon representing the specialty Blessed Blessed

1 Year

Pride - DemisexualPride - Pansexual
06-27-2024, 05:02 PM
Barghest’s eyes, half-lidded with relaxation,  fluttered open at the sound of the girl's voice, a hint of a smirk tugging at her lips. She liked the tone she spoke in, it made her spine prickle. She shifted slightly, feeling the warmth of the spring water envelop her. “I don’t have good taste in springs,” She murmured, her voice low and smooth, laced with amusement. She toyed with her next words for a moment, ultimately letting them fall from her lips with a quiet sigh. “I just followed the prettiest wolf I could see and hoped…” She sensed the other girl's gaze on her, curiosity piquing her interest; Barghest welcomed the attention, even if it was foreign to her.

“Company sounds delightful,” Barghest replied, her tone playful yet sincere. She shifted slightly, closer, allowing the warm water to soothe her muscles further. Good company sounds even more enticing.” Was she good company?

She turned her head fully towards the ivory girl, taking in the pastel hues of her eyes, the way her features were relaxed. That light in her eyes though, captivating, yet one Estie was unfamiliar with. She couldn’t tell if it was the heat of the water making her feel short of breath, or her encroaching companion. Barghest’s aqua eyes sparkled with mischief even so. “Have you got a name? I’m Barghest.” Her voice was inviting, encouraging the stranger to share a bit of herself, even if it was just her name. Barghest enjoyed moments of connection, especially with someone who intrigued her as much as this colorful girl did. But she couldn't help the sense of impending danger she felt, or maybe it was suspense?


Barghest is an androgynous woman, meaning she exhibits both masculine and feminine traits at the same time.


Raiders Hollow
The Powder Monkey

Master Fighter (393)

Master Intellectual (290)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

1 Year
Dire wolf
07-04-2024, 09:51 AM
To Calliope, it almost felt like fate had brought the two of them here to the hot springs. Facing each other, eyes scoping the other one out in true devouring fashion. She noticed the way Barghest’s markings delicately drape over her not quite feminine but also not quite masculine features. Something Calliope isn’t used to, but finds herself drawn toward.

The water surrounding her also soothes her muscles and chilled bones, making it easier to slide along the rock wall toward Barghest. “The prettiest you say?” She purrs, curiosity piqued, pastel eyes only for Barghest in those moments. “You only need to look in the water for that answer,” Calliope flirts back, a charming smile on her ivory lips.

“I can be any kind of company you’d like,” her voice is breathy as she inches closer, the distance easily closing between herself and Barghest. She pauses, feeling the hitch of her breath, the anticipation of what might come next. Her heart flutters, her belly and other southern regions warming as she finishes closing the distance, hovering an inch or so from the girl’s face.

“A beautiful name for such a beautiful wolf,” Calliope murmurs, her relaxed features inviting Barghest as far as she wants. “I’m Calliope,” she dares reach out now to gingerly attempt to place a paw beneath Barghest’s chin.

Warning: Calliope is callous, rude, and unpredictable. Do NOT expect nice things from her.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (280)

An icon representing the specialty Blessed Blessed

1 Year

Pride - DemisexualPride - Pansexual
07-05-2024, 06:04 PM
Barghest watched Calliope's movements with acute interest, her aqua eyes never leaving the other wolf as she drew closer. Her heart began to beat faster, an undeniable anticipation rushing through her veins. Something warm, something more than the water. Her breath hitched slightly, her chest rising and falling more noticeably with each step Calliope took. The delicate balance between masculinity and femininity in her features seemed to captivate Calliope, and Barghest couldn't help but be intrigued by this reaction. It usually took others aback, but her blatant appreciation… it was leagues above a simple confused double take. She leaned back slightly, allowing the water to cradle her as she took in the ivory wolf's approach, her fingers idly tracing patterns on the surface of the water.

Barghest's voice was a low, rumbling purr, her eyes glinting with a mixture of curiosity and mischief. “Let’s just agree to be beautiful together.” She chuckled softly, her fingers coming to fiddle with the fur on her midsection, a subtle gesture that betrayed her growing nerves.

As Calliope inched closer, Barghest felt the heat between them intensify, her muscles tensing in anticipation before relaxing into the soothing water. Her breath became shallow, each inhale filled with steam and the unique musk of Calliope. “How generous. Any kind I want? Hmm. I don’t know…” She mused, her tone playful, testing the waters in more ways than one. The closeness of Calliope's presence, the warmth of her breath, and the flutter of her heart all seemed to merge into one garble of sensation and temptation.

When Calliope's paw reached out to touch beneath Barghest's chin, she didn't pull away. Instead, she allowed the gentle contact, her body responding with a slight shiver. She tilted her head slightly to meet those pastel eyes, her lips parting ever so slightly. “Oh. Calliope. She repeated, savoring the sound of the name on her tongue. “That’s a name that promises more than just good company.” Look, she was already proving that fact to be true!

Barghest's smirk widened, her confidence surging as she felt a boldness take over. She moved her paw to lightly brush against Calliope's, her touch both inviting and challenging, her eyes locked onto Calliope's with an intensity that spoke volumes. “Well, Calliope, I wonder what kind of mischief we can get up to in these springs..” Her voice was a soft murmur, charged with the promise of excitement and the unknown. She leaned in slightly, her gaze never wavering, ready to see just how far this connection could go. Though she was all nerves, masked by the confidence she was raised to possess.


Barghest is an androgynous woman, meaning she exhibits both masculine and feminine traits at the same time.


Raiders Hollow
The Powder Monkey

Master Fighter (393)

Master Intellectual (290)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

1 Year
Dire wolf
08-02-2024, 07:33 AM
Calliope notices how Barghest reacts. Her gaze drinks in the subtle nervousness, the tensing and relaxing of muscles, the hitched breath. She relished in it, savored it, enjoyed it. The idea that her presence alone could make the girl squirm was enough to excite Calliope. There was no hiding it on her face either. Her enjoyment was clear upon her face as her hooded lids close momentarily as her name is spoke.

Oh, Calliope. Fuck.

A shiver sparks through her own body as her eyes flick open, intense and hungry. Feeling the gentle swipe of Barghest’s paw across her own as she holds the beautiful girls’ chin, she smiles. Leaning in ever so closer as her newfound partner muses about what mischief they can come up with. Hovering with her parted lips a breath away from Barghest’s, Calliope chuckles.

“That is a damn good question, isn’t it?” She murmurs, a pleased rumble in her chest as she trails her paw down Barghest’s jawline toward her cheek until it was wrapped gently around the back of her head. Though they are close, Calliope is careful to not allow any other part of her body reach out and close the distance. The feeling of electricity and anticipation between them is part of the fun, the thrill. How long could Barghest last before giving in?

Carefully, Calliope reaches her muzzle forward, her nose barely grazing Barghest’s lips and cheek as they each up for the girl’s ear. “What I would like to happen is to drive you crazy and then at the last moment, just when you think you can’t take it anymore, fuck your brains out until you scream my name loud enough for everyone in these springs to hear,” her breath voice is a delectable hiss in Barghest’s ear as she tenderly licks the area just beneath it.


Warning: Calliope is callous, rude, and unpredictable. Do NOT expect nice things from her.

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1. Are You Hungry? The Hot Springs 07:50 AM, 06-19-2024 01:47 PM, 10-02-2024