
A Wonderful Day For An Autopsy


03-11-2013, 04:10 PM

Time had healed the wounds the swamp had inflicted upon him. His once swollen paws could now carry him for miles without convulsion, his fur had regrown where once skin lay exposed, and now white tipped water logged scars had gone black and calloused, healing slowly with time. His eyes once bleak and dulled now shone bright red in the dark caves as he searched for his quarry. "Come out little one~" He sang, his hot breath beating against the cold stone walls of the cave. He aught the faint scent of mother's milk and downy fur, all he needed to track the small cub that had fled Tortuga's holding dens. He took his time following the scent. Passing right in front of the stalagmite the cub had taken refuge behind. Giving it the smallest sense of hope, just enough to spark the cub to flee and-

He licked the blood from his paws leaving nothing behind but scraps of fur and bones to heard to be crushed by his teeth. With a hungry yawn he laid on the cave floor, boredom now written across his features. Such a dull way to end a chase. If the cub had stayed hidden longer he could have drawn it out more, waiting until every ounce of hope had been drained from the cub's frame. But sadly the gods had chosen not to give him such bliss. What a shame.



03-11-2013, 05:50 PM

Ebony pads carried the beast forward. Thick and heavy they fell upon the stones, the light reflecting from the crystals, matching the blinding white of her oculars, devoid of a pupil and haunted they bore into the blackened tunnels of the caverns. Grime clung to her coat like a vice, the matted and tangled clumps of fur oozing liquid and dried blood to land upon the granite beneath her with a heavy plop. Her talons scraped along the floor and her spine cracked and crunched as the toughened bones shifted along her misshapen spine.

The echoing sound of some unfortunate soul meeting their end echoed and surrounded them. Banshee did not flinch, her ears did not perk. Her massive form simply continued through the caverns. It was Wraith that remained perched upon her cranium, eager eyes absorbing and seeing all. The sounds were originating from the mouth of the caverns, and they were headed right towards them.

The beast that appeared in the crystalline light, was a monstrosity in his own right... was that a skull upon his cranium? Oh.. how cute! Wraith giggled incessantly, twined around her ear, tail twitching incessantly against Banshee's cheek and as his mistress pulled to a halt.

"Oooo so scary!" The rat giggled animatedly, desperately clinging to the dames ear as he attempted to stay standing, only to fail miserably and careen onto his back.



5 Years
03-11-2013, 06:46 PM
The swamp is where I often found myself, lurking amongst the powerful and unpredictive lizards that resided there. Luckily I had yet to cross paths with one of those trecherous beasts set out for a snack. Surely it would break my leg with one powerful snap of its jaws. I've seen them drag their prey beneath the waters. Despite how much they fought that beast managed to win every time. Lord would I hate to encounter one in one of those types of moods. I'd surely fill my lungs with murky waters and fill it's scaly belly perfectly.

Now, since my old home was burnt to a crisp, and since I've arrived at this here entirely new place I haven't come into contact with Tortuga. Even though that was where I had laid my devotion for so long. At the current moment I had my own issues which caused me to abandon my daughter Xenios. A daughter in which I partially wanted and partially wanted nothing to do with. I was at war with myself. And now I was venturing into a whole new section of the land. Something that was far from similar to the swamp lands in which I resided most of the time. The dried mud that caked my already matted canvas was a tell tale sign of it all.

I almost thought I had been walking for forever until I came across the mouth of a cave. A rather large one at that. Dreary looking to say the least, and another scent toyed with my nostrils, which of course brought that devious little grin to form upon my lips. 'Seems to me like we have a play mate my dear.'His words whispered within my thoughts, and I couldn't agree more with what he said. That crooked, toothy grin remained painted upon my lips as I entered the dark abyss. It took a minute for my eye to adjust but eventually it did. I could hear the others faint words.. ever so slightly toy with the ear drum, sending a train of shivers down my spine. With each step we were growing closer and closer. Adrenaline began to course its way through my veins, damn near making me jittery from excitement.

Being of a smaller stature I was able to walk with such easy masking the sound of the pads of my paws thudding against the rough cave flooring, when finally the other fell into my vision. I took in his rugged outer layer, taking note of the bones that lay before him. His masculine bodice laid flat upon the ground and I couldn't help but chuckle aloud.

"Now now, don't we look bored."

I most certainly was the prettiest little bitch out there, that once white pelt coated in mud, matted up here and there. Certainly wasn't one to take care of my personal appearance. I was missing my right ear, and my right eye was also blinded by cataracts which did sort of add onto the twisted impression I gave off. Toothy crooked grin never once faltering.

From the corner of my eye I also spotted yet another twisted looking form. Something about the skeletal figure with the rodent seemed vaguely familiar. An invisible brow rose as the diseased looking spoke, its high pitched giggle causing me to squint slightly. It sounded like nails upon a chalk board. How the other dealt with it was beyond me. His very squeakish little voice caused my jaws to clench. I continued to watch the two.. well three... Not saying anything yet, however remained on the defensive side none the less. Something about the plague looking wolf and rodent show before me looked so damned familiar.

OoC- Sorry had to last the last portion on there I had the thread open and didn't realize Banshee posted before me lol!


03-12-2013, 11:07 AM

He could smell the swamp approaching him. It made his lip curl back in disgust and rage. He wanted nothing to do with the place and now it was coming to him. When his red eyes fell upon the wolf at the mouth of the cave however a short chuckle escaped his lips. Just another refugee that had been devoured by the swamp. Nothing more. The swamp would never come to claim him. Not if he could help it. Not if he could avoid being swallowed by the dark foul abyss. Perhaps it had become his greatest fear. Or perhaps he was simply paranoid from a life that he had left in the swamp long ago.

The wolf was small, like him, a horribly torn thing with matted sleet gray fur and missing parts. She would make a terrible toy. He didn't like to share and clearly she had already been used. "Now now, don't we look bored." she spoke. He looked down into the small pile of bones and lifted the cub's twisted head with his paw, picking out it's tongue and sucking it into his maw. "I suppose." he grumbled, twisting onto his side and crushing the remaining bones with his body. "A good hunt only does so much." Not that this was by any means a good hunt. Sub-par at best.

He heard the screech of the rat's laughter and turned an eye in the general direction of the new beast. Used goods as well but she carried herself differently and that spoke volumes. She hadn't arrived as much as she had congealed in the cave and appeared, she wore her tattered body like a fine mink coat and adored every scar that had been left. A fine beast, worthy of the former Beta's attention. His characteristic grin broke under the skull. as the rat spoke "Oooo so scary!" . He laughed heartily and rose to his feat. "Goodness have I become popular. No my little Muridae. If I was after fear I wouldn't waste my time hunting cubs fresh from the womb." He sang. every single tooth in his mouth poking out from under the skull.



03-12-2013, 07:19 PM

She remained immobile, a statue that at times did not even appear to breath. Hollow, empty oculars, soulless, peered out from her cranium. surveying the two wolves with little to no interest. She did not care who or what they were. They were meaningless to her, useless. They held no dimension, no space in her realm, but she remained motionless, still and silent. Observing, calculating thinking, watching. It was Wraith that had his fun not Banshee, never Banshee.

The rat scurried upon her cranium, abandoning her tattered audit and trailing down her snout, his tail draping under her eye as he scampered and still the ebony beast did not so much as blink. His tiny paws scrubbed together at the males response! Hot utterly thrilling! He possessed a pair of testicles between his legs! The dame that arrived was unimportant, nor had she addressed Banshee or the rat, thus she was unimportant.

"Muridae! What a vocabulary! How delightful!" Wraith cooed into the air. His body squirming in its delight. He turned his head around, looking to Banshee, for what, these strangers would never know. The statue moved ever so slightly, dipping her head about half an inch, but that was all the acceptance that the rodent needed. "No I don't suppose not... although I much prefer pups while they still linger in there mothers belly. There is so much more to devour once your teeth gnash into their belly.



5 Years
03-21-2013, 08:25 AM
I listened as the other spoke however not once moving the dark dame and the little rodent out of my peripheral. I had vanished for over a year and my memory had been, well not so kind. Alot of stuff seemed to vanish almost as if I had a slight case of alzheimer's. For some reason I couldn't get the vision of the demonic wench and the disease carrying varment from my thoughts. I know I had to have crossed paths with them before, probably before the volcano had errupted on the old lands.. Ah, but why waste the time trying to figure it out. It'll come to me, eventually.

I turned back to the cub chewer, and let a small cackle erupt from my chest, I could feel the demonic brute inside my heads breathing become thicker, heavier, I could practically feel him standing behind me, over me breathing upon my neck.. Which did of course cause my fur to stand upon ends, bristling in pure annoyance. He also did learn how to bug the shit out of me. Unfortunately I had lived with this demon my entire life, even though my life doesn't have that much farther to go, already hitting eight years of age. I had learned to cope with him, by now. To ignore certain things, however we all have that one thing that can't be tuned out.. And he knew my weak spots. My attention although was side tracked for a moment, turned back to the brute before speaking.

"I would hardly consider that a good hunt, deary. Maybe for a rooki?."

I offered a simple chuckle before turning back to the rodent... Who's way of speech really drove me insane, perhaps it was his squeaky little voice, it made me cringe.. How his companion could deal with him was beyond me. Didn't that bother her ears? Then again she didn't really resemble a living creature either. My own joints popped and creaked as I switched positions, and simply sat upon my haunches, ass end kicking up some dust and debris as I did so. And invisible brow rising as I simply watched now. Neither one truly seemed to be a threat... Well I don't know the duo seemed like they could do a bit of damage.. But neither one seemed to be aggressive unless provoked. I could now hear him whispering into my ears, well, ear.. 'Come on love, lets have a little fun. I couldn't help but laugh aloud at his remark, although no one else heard it. The conversation merely took place in my thoughts. 'Sorry, dear... But I don't have a death wish on todays agenda.' I could feel his aggitation but he simply dropped it, for now.


03-21-2013, 08:36 AM
OOC: I can't post in the Cbox. Was I banned?

He let the small sting of an insult slide. She wasn't worth his time, not when someone vastly more interesting had arrived to coddle his over inflated ego. Someone that had taste it seemed. "Where's the fun in that? The bitch would be too slow to run. Although I suppose ripping her belly open while she still has time to scream...." He trailed off, a shiver running up his spine. The other female seemed lost in her own world. He would let her writhe in her own madness, unconcerned."Personally I prefer quality over quantity." He purred. "A fine meal with 'music' cannot simply be had after all. It must be earned." He mused, his thoughts becoming a fragmented jumble in his mind as his stomach groaned at the thought of yet another meal. "How rude of me."He said, almost appalled. "I have yet to introduce myself. I am Grinner." He said, back turned on the white female. He waited for the rodent to give an introduction for him and his companion. He came to the conclusion that the rat spoke for her, what intrigued him however was how the rat interpreted her thoughts. Of course the thoughts might have simply been the rat's and the beast agreed on them. Only experience would tell.



04-19-2013, 02:34 AM

Banshee watched in silence as the conversation continued. The only visual aspect of her still living, breathing form, was the rise and fall of her chest and the occasional flicker of an ear. The massive ebony beast remained utterly silent and motionless and Wraith's rampant movements seemed astronomical when placed in comparison. Her eyes, hollow, empty, pupiless, bore out at everyone and everything. Waiting, watching anticipating. Wraith was so finely intuned with her that he could tell by the seemingly unoticeable twitches what her mood remained. She was bored, docile... for the moment. Such a desire could change in the blink of an eye.

"Chase? Who said anything about a chase? Its fun to pin her down, watch her scream and writhe as tooth and fang tear through the gentle wall of her womb, gnawing about the unborn life within! Screams of agony, cries of pain and anguish! When you're as small as I am the bitch survives for much longer!" He cackled incessantly, his lithe body coiling around his mistress ear like a vice, claws bareing into the sensitive flesh. Banshee did not seem to care.

The male introduced himself and Wraith giggled, his hairless tail dipping between Banshee's eyes. he opened his mouth to speak, his own heartless eyes gleaming with hatred, when Banshee shifted. It was a slight movement. A shifting of her weight from the right to the left but it was enough to utterly silence the rat. he clung to her, sharply and then... vanished. Over the thick crown of her head and down into the lengthy bit of fur down the nape of her neck. He compacted himself in a ball out of sight and out of view.

" my name." Wraith trembled as the mockery of broken English escaped her larynx, it was a thick tremor. A base that rumbled about in her chest. Banshee never spoke, Banshee rarely spoke, something had caught her attention and that... was never a good sign.
