
Who said food can't also be foe?

Wylan Seasonal



Expert Fighter (195)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

1 Year
07-01-2024, 11:48 PM (This post was last modified: 07-01-2024, 11:49 PM by Wynter. Edited 1 time in total.)
After her recent trips to The Hallows and Avalon, Wynter was looking forward to getting to spend a bit of time with her family. As much as she was enjoying her recently found freedom and ability to make trips for certain purposes that didn't mean she didn't enjoy the time she spent with her father and siblings even more. If anything, the time away made her time with her family even better. Maybe the saying about absence making the heart grow fonder was true. After spending some time working on some armor she had been working on for herself, she put it aside so that she could go on a walk with Wylan. Surprisingly, despite the fact that she had never really left the Armada's lands or the territories surrounding it, she had never actually gone further north past the Col. Now that spring had arrived and the frigid northern temperatures were less intense it was a perfect time to go explore a bit.

As they went up into the Gorge, she quickly noticed the way the wind whistled through the valley and how surprisingly green it was through here. Maybe she should be venturing up here more often! However, it looked like they weren't the only ones enjoying this surprising amount of plant life. They moved around a bend in the walls of rock and found themselves face to face with a grazing moose. Her sapphire eyes went wide at the sight of the massive herbivore, her head having to tip back to look up at the large antlers that grew from its head. It had to be twice as tall as her! There was only one of them, but given its huge size it certainly didn't need a herd to be intimidating. "Uh... Maybe we should-" she began to say quietly to her brother, but before she could suggest they turn around and get out of its space, the moose took great offense to their intrusion and made a loud, squealing bellow at them before lowering its head and charging forward with its antlers leading the way. Wynter gasped and quickly jumped out of the way, ending up rolling to the side and back to her paws out of the path of the moose' charge. So much for their peaceful walk!

WC: 383 / 1500

"Wynter Fatalis"


Heir Apparent

Master Fighter (300)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

1 Year
Dire wolf
07-02-2024, 12:15 AM

Wylan was very excited to spend some time with Wynter. In truth, he felt his family slipping through his paws, and it terrified him. Their dad had withdrawn into himself when their mother had left, oleander had moved out of the treehouse he had shared with Wynter. He hadn’t really spent much time lately with his other siblings, so he grasped this chance in all paws and ran with it.

He trotted with Wynter into the Northern territories, grateful that the cold had started to relent in the face of Spring. He followed her to the Gorge, realising also that he hadn’t spent any time here. He’d been to the Wall, and the Spout, but that was about it for the Northern territories.

They were making their way through the Gorge, and the wind at the entry left no room for talking. But once they had pushed past that, they entered a lusher, green meadow. In that meadow was a moose. It was the second time he had ever seen one, and the first he had been one of many hunters striving to take it down. He looked up at the tall beast, and was about to suggest something similar to his sister.

Too late! It had noticed them. Clearly in an aggressive mood, the moose bellowed and charged at them. Wylan and Wynter both dived out of the way in different directions, separating from each other. “Fight or run!?” he called out to his sister over the angry moose.

WC: 252
Total: 635

"Wylan Fatalis"
[Image: lQqyuza.png]
As his 'companion' Krakarak may enter any of Wylan's threads without warning



Expert Fighter (195)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

1 Year
07-02-2024, 12:32 AM
Whatever it was that this moose had found here he definitely was not intent on sharing it! As she scrambled back to her paws and spun around to face the moose, it was also in the process of turning around to go in for another charge. Their only saving grace was the fact that the first charge had separated them so the moose couldn't immediately pick out a target and was currently looking between the two of them as Wylan called to her, questioning whether they were going to fight or run. Ultimately, she didn't have faith that the two of them could take it down on their own unless they were very, very lucky, but she wasn't sure they would be able to get away if all they did was run. This thing was big, angry, and surprisingly fast! Whatever they did they had to decide something and quickly. Before she could respond, the moose decided she was its prime target and it went barreling right for her. She lunged out of the way just in time, tumbling a bit before managing to get back to her paws.

What she hadn't realized was how close she had been to a large pine tree when she ducked out of the way and that let the moose run head first into the tree. She managed to get back to Wylan's side and as she turned back toward the moose she realized that it was staggering back a bit and shaking his head before turning back toward them again. "That's it!" she said excitedly, putting together a quick plan in her head. "If we can get it to run into the trees a couple more times we can disorient it enough to get away!" Of course that also meant using themselves as bait to do that, but they had successfully dodged it twice already, right? What was a few more times? "Stay here and yell at it, I'll go get back the other tree," she said quickly before darting away to get to another tree on the other side of the clearing, trying to be quiet and move fast so she wouldn't draw attention away from Wylan yet. She braced herself in front of a tree truck and waited for her turn in this unusual fight.

WC: 384
Total: 1019

"Wynter Fatalis"


Heir Apparent

Master Fighter (300)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

1 Year
Dire wolf
07-02-2024, 12:41 AM

Wylan was watching his sister, and waiting for an answer. He no longer noticed the lush grass beneath his paws, or the hint of the wind back the way they had come. If he had more than a moment to think about it, the healer in him would have been fascinated by all the growth around them and the scent of herbs hidden in the beautiful foliage. But today he wasn’t a healer, he was a fighter, and his sister was in trouble.

Before she could respond to him, the moose suddenly charged. When it turned on his sister the mostly peaceful Wylan growled and started to move forward. Unfurling his wings on either side of him as he attempted to make himself look big and threatening.

Before he had a chance or needed to attack the backside of the moose, its charge led it to a tree which it smacked with abundance. It wasn’t a very clever creature, was it? This clearly gave his sister a clever if dangerous idea. “ careful!” he called after his sister, who didn’t stick around long enough to hear any criticism on her plan. Truthfully, he hadn’t thought of any yet. It also looked like he wasn’t really going to have time. The moose was shaking of its daze and was looking at him. He flicked his unfurled wings a couple times. “Come and get me, dumbo!” he called out, buying his sister whatever time she needed to get into position. “Uh oh…”he said when it kicked a hoof, and started to charge. “Ahhh!!” he said helpfully as he turned, and ran. Leading it towards a tree, and folding in his wings as he did so. It wasn’t easy to fold in wings when he was running, the draft fought against him. But he got them tucked away right before he would collide with the tree. He rolled away, and ducked under it, trying to be small and quiet as it smashed into the tree. That way, its dazed state, Wynter could have her turn next.

WC: 353
Total: 1372

"Wylan Fatalis"
[Image: lQqyuza.png]
As his 'companion' Krakarak may enter any of Wylan's threads without warning



Expert Fighter (195)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

1 Year
07-02-2024, 01:32 AM
Wynter watched from where she was waiting by another tree as Wylan got the moose' attention and drew it in toward him, wincing a bit as she hoped that her brother wouldn't get caught in the crossfire. Luckily, Wylan ducked out of the way just in time and the moose rammed into the tree full force instead of her brother. She was able to breathe a sigh of relief at that, but that relief was short lived because she quickly remembered that she was up next. The moose stumbled back, taking longer to recover this time and that gave her hope that her plan would work. As the moose began to right itself she puffed herself up with her hackles raised. She didn't have big, flashy wings like Wylan, but with how disoriented the moose already was she hoped that wouldn't matter. "Hey! Hey big guy! Over here!" she yelled, making as much noise as she could.

Luckily it was enough to pull the dazed moose' attention and it swung its big head her way. "Yeah! Come on! Come get me!" she taunted one more time before she finally got the moose charging. She coiled her legs under her and waited as long as she dared before she jumped clear out of the way, letting the moose get one more good whack into the thick tree trunk. When she looked back over her shoulder she saw the moose stagger a bit before sinking to the ground and she knew then that her plan had worked. She grinned and immediately ran to join back up with Wylan, saying, "Lets get out of here!" She darted back the way they came, wanting to get out of there before the moose came to. She definitely wasn't going to tangle with a moose again any time soon!

WC: 303
Total: 1675

"Wynter Fatalis"


Heir Apparent

Master Fighter (300)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

1 Year
Dire wolf
07-02-2024, 12:29 PM
Wylan watched anxiously as his sister lured the moose to her next. He tensed from his place under the tree as the creature charged at her. His sister rolled away, and the angry moose hit the tree. This time, the hit clearly did some lasting damage and sank to the ground.

“Good idea!” He agreed, racing to his sister's side. “So, good day for a quiet walk?” He teased before they hit the loud wind funnel. This day had not gone at all as they had expected. Was it terrible that he'd actually had fun? “We should do it again some time!” He teased, but he meant it too. His siblings were growing up around him and he was desperate to hold them close.
[Image: lQqyuza.png]
As his 'companion' Krakarak may enter any of Wylan's threads without warning

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1. Who said food can't also be foe? Gale Gorge 11:48 PM, 07-01-2024 03:08 PM, 07-18-2024