
What Lurks in the Shadows?


The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Intellectual (80)

06-29-2024, 03:09 AM

With the last traces of daylight waning, Sericea found herself in a part of Polar Sound she didn't recognize. Her heart drummed in her chest as she padded on through the short grasses and lichens, weaving her way between the shadows cast by towering slate cliffs. Her pale green eyes darted from side to side, picking up the smallest of movements even in the looming darkness. A rustle behind her caused her fur to bristle, and she whipped around, but there was nothing but the whispering breeze and the occasional drip of melting snow from the cliff face.

"Who's there?" she barked out into the biting winter air, her voice echoing off the steep rock faces and rippling across the still waters of the inlet. The only response was her own echo dying away and the hushed murmurings of nightfall. Against her better judgment, she carried on, her paws crunching softly against the frosty grass. She was certain that if she went on long enough, she was bound to run into a familiar landmark. But the darkness of the late winter night had erased any trace of familiarity from the landscape, leaving her with nothing but a vast expanse of unbroken shadows. Yet, she could not shake off the feeling of being watched, of being followed. Her ears twitched at every sound: the howl of a distant wind, the soft rustling of the grass, the skittering of a tiny creature in the underbrush. It all fed into her growing sense of unease. “Hello!?” She called out again, her voice hoarse. Once more, the only answer she received was her own echo bouncing off the towering cliffs. She cocked her ears, straining to hear anything over the thunderous pulse of her own heartbeat.

292 / 1500 words
"Sericea Praetor-Inferos"



Master Intellectual (240)

Advanced Fighter (90)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - Polysexual
06-29-2024, 12:40 PM
Setekh's eyes, molten and unblinking, fixed on the small slender figure weaving through the twilight shadows of the Polar Sound. Her pale green eyes, so reminiscent of her mother's, darted nervously from side to side. Setekh moved silently through the short dead bushes and snowbanks, his ivory form melding seamlessly with the winter landscape.

He had been watching her, her mother, for weeks, memorizing her routines, the places she visited, the people she spoke with. Every detail was etched into his mind with an intensity that bordered on mania. How dare Absinth, his treacherous daughter, keep her children from him? The thought gnawed at him like a ravenous beast, fueling the cold fire of his rage. He had been watching her for hours, unseen and unnoticed, just beyond the border. His albino raven however, was not currying much favor with Absinth’s midnight ones. The rustle of his movements was masked by the whispering breeze and the occasional drip of melting snow from the trees and cliffs. He watched as she whipped around, her fur bristling, her voice cutting through the biting winter air.

Her voice, filled with fear and uncertainty, only served to heighten his sense of satisfaction. She was lost, both physically and metaphorically, wandering in a landscape that held no familiarity, no comfort. Too far from home.

As he watched the girl, he marveled at how little she knew of the darkness that lingered just beyond her sight. Setekh had always been meticulous, ensuring that his presence remained undetected, his intentions cloaked in shadows. He had bided his time, waiting for the perfect moment to reclaim what was rightfully his. But if he could not have Absinth…

She pressed on, her paws crunching softly against the frosty grass. Setekh's lips curled into a thin smile. She was driven by the hope of finding something familiar, something safe, yet the darkness of the late winter night had erased any such possibilities. Especially for a child so young. Every step she took led her deeper into the unknown, where he controlled the narrative, the very air she breathed. This granddaughter of his, with her bloodfire coat.

The girl moved on, and he followed, silent as a wraith. Memories of Absinth flashed through his mind – her beauty, her betrayal. She had dared to defy him, to run from him, to curse him, and now to take away his legacy. But now, her daughter was within his reach, a living breathing extension of Absinth herself. The girl called out again, her voice hoarse with desperation, ‘Hello!?’ The echo mocked her, bouncing off the cliffs, returning her call with a hollow emptiness. Setekh's heart quickened, not with fear or trepidation, but with the thrill of the hunt. He reveled in her unease, the way her ears twitched at every sound, the way her heartbeat must have been thunderous; if only he were close enough to hear it. To feel it.

Setekh's mind churned with plans and possibilities. He envisioned the day when his granddaughter would look up at him with those same wide, innocent eyes, finally understanding who he was. She would see the strength and power that she could obtain, the same power that Absinth had foolishly rejected.

He took a deep breath, savoring the moment. Soon, he would make his move, revealing himself not as a monster, but as a savior. The landscape, with its vast expanse of unbroken shadows, was his canvas, and she, his unwitting subject. He had spent years honing his skills, perfecting the art of observation, of control. Absinth had tried to protect her children, to hide them away from him, but blood called to blood, and here was the living proof.

As he watched her, a twisted sense of satisfaction settled over him. Absinth had underestimated him, but her daughter would not. She would come to understand the depth of his love, the lengths he would go to protect his blood and their bond. And when the time came, she would stand by his side, a willing participant in the grand design he had so meticulously crafted. The girl was close now, so close he could almost feel her fear, taste her anxiety.

As she continued her cautious journey through the darkness, Setekh moved with her, a silent stalker. He would bide his time, waiting for the perfect moment to reveal himself, to claim his place in her life.

wc; 734

"speaking" | voices

Rated R for mature themes, gore, violence, and abuse.


The Syndicate

Beginner Healer (0)

Advanced Fighter (60)

Extra large
06-29-2024, 12:42 PM (This post was last modified: 06-29-2024, 12:43 PM by Ravana. Edited 1 time in total.)

Finally free to explore, Ravana was beside herself with glee. Her bright purple eyes drank in every detail of the world around her, darting from one fascinating sight to another. She had taken to skulking about, her keen nose leading her to the strange, decaying plants scattered across the landscape. Each new discovery thrilled her, feeding her insatiable curiosity.

Occasionally, she stumbled upon a small critter the ravens had left behind, its lifeless form lying amidst the dead foliage. While another pup might have recoiled in disgust, Ravana was different. She poked at the carcass with unabashed fascination, her sharp eyes gleaming with a mix of mischief and delight. She grabbed it with her jaws, tossing it into the air and catching it, treating it like a ragdoll – a morbid toy in her playful, yet sinister, games. But she was a mere pup, so what true malice was there to be had in her actions? None.

Ravana had been following Sericea's scent trail through the dimming light of Polar Sound, her curiosity piqued by the unusual path her sister had taken. The dark brown and caramel girl moved with an almost feverish energy, her sharp amethyst eyes scanning the landscape for any sign of her sibling. The scent of Sericea’s stress hung in the air, mingling with the cold bite of winter, intriguing Ravana’s senses. What was going on with her dear sister?

As she neared the towering slate cliffs, she finally spotted Sericea, her sister’s pale green eyes darting nervously from side to side. Ravana felt a twisted thrill at Sericea’s visible anxiety, a smirk curling at the edges of her lips. The tension in the air was almost palpable, feeding her wild excitement. She stalked closer, her movements deliberate and predatory, savoring the moment before revealing herself. Though these urges were not ones she could label, she simply felt them.

Just as Ravana was about to call out, a sudden flash of movement in the shadows caught her eye. Her smirk vanished, replaced by a fierce snarl. Something was out there, lurking, watching them. She didn’t like that.

“Seri! Run!” Ravana’s voice cut through the biting winter air with a sharp, commanding bark. She lunged forward, her body a blur of dark fur and youthful energy as she positioned herself protectively in front of Sericea. Her fur bristled, and her eyes gleamed with a mix of madness and determination. Baring her growing dagger teeth, she growled menacingly at the unseen threat, her ears flicking back and forth to catch any sound. Like a cornered wolverine.

A wild intensity flashing in her gaze. Her tail flicked as she ushered her sister away, to heed her words. Ravana was not scared like her, afterall.

Ravana remained for a moment, her eyes locked on the shadows. Her little muscles were taut, ready to spring into action. The rustling in the underbrush grew louder, but she stood her ground, a low, guttural puppy growl emanating from within her chest. Her fur stood on end, and her lips curled back to reveal sharp, gleaming fangs.

“Who is it?” She muttered under her breath, a deranged glint in her eye. “Show yourself.”

After what felt like an eternity, the rustling stopped, and the eerie silence of the night returned. Ravana’s breath came in sharp, uneven gasps, her heart pounding with adrenaline. She took a step back, her eyes still scanning the shadows, before finally turning to follow Sericea’s trail.

She found her sister a short distance away, panting heavily but safe. Ravana’s fierce expression softened slightly, though the wild glint never fully left her eyes. She nuzzled Sericea briefly, a display of affection tinged with an almost manic intensity. She didn’t want her sister to be taken away, not like the critters had been taken by the ravens and left to rot.
wc; 639
total; 1,665

Viewer discretion is advised.


The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Intellectual (80)

07-03-2024, 03:34 PM

Sericea cowered behind a tuft of tall grass, her heart pounding in her chest. Her small frame shivered, partly from the biting cold and partly from the fear that had taken hold of her. The fresh scent of Ravana's trail reached her sensitive nose, and despite the chaotic rush of adrenaline, she felt a flicker of relief. Ravana was okay. She lifted her head, eyes straining in the pale moonlight. Her sister's figure gradually became visible through the tall grass, moving towards her with a steady, deliberate pace. Sericea's fluffy tail wagged slightly, though her body remained tense, ready to spring into action at the slightest hint of danger.

As Ravana pushed her way through the undergrowth, her caramel coat glistening under the glow of the moonlit sky, Sericea's heart began to settle back into a steady, rhythmic beat. She stepped out from her hiding place, shaking off the debris that hung in her coat. “Let’s get out of here.” She pleaded lightly to her sister, gesturing in the direction she believed home to be. There was no telling what else they could run into out here.

"Sericea Praetor-Inferos"


The Syndicate

Beginner Healer (0)

Advanced Fighter (60)

Extra large
07-04-2024, 02:21 AM
Ravana emerged from the undergrowth, her sharp eyes instantly finding Sericea’s form. The sight of her sister, shivering and tense, ignited a fierce… something within her. She moved closer, her caramel and purple coat gleaming under the moonlight. “Seri,” Ravana's voice was a small and low, reassuring growl, “I’m here.” Her gaze softened as she nuzzled Sericea’s cheek, a gesture both comforting and possessive in many ways.

“We’re fine, I think.” The girl continued, her tone firm yet laced with a strange excitement. The thrill of the unknown, the lurking danger – it all invigorated her in ways she couldn’t quite understand. But seeing Sericea so fearful tempered her wild energy, if only slightly.

Ravana glanced in the direction her sister pointed, then back at the undergrowth, a defiant spark in her amethyst eyes. She wanted to go hunt down that damn stalker, that predator in the night…. but.

“All right,” She relented, though the thought of leaving the mysteries of the night unexplored gnawed at her. Still, she nudged Sericea, urging her to move as she trotted ahead. “We’ll make it back together. Or else I’ll leave you to the ravens, hmm?” A wicked smirk, one that was all play and promise.

At that, Ravana led the way, her senses alert for any sign of danger. She was not afraid, but the protective instinct for her sister overrode her curiosity for the moment.

[exit ravana]

Viewer discretion is advised.


The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Intellectual (80)

07-04-2024, 09:59 AM

Sericea leaned into the touch, her own worries momentarily forgotten as she was enveloped by her sister's scent. It had a calming effect on her frayed nerves, reminding her of shared warmth and safety. But she knew better than to let herself get lulled into complacency. She pulled away gently, her green eyes locking onto Ravana's amethyst gaze. "We can't be sure," she stated plaintively. Her nose twitched, picking up the unsettling scent of something lingering in the cold wind that rustled the sparse grass around them.

Sericea scowled at Ravana's jest, her tail twitching in irritation. The hint of joviality in her sister's voice did little to ease the tension that had settled between her shoulders. "You'd miss me too much," she retorted, but there was an amused glint in her eyes that belied her gruff demeanor. A soft huff of laughter escaped her, the sound sweeping through the stillness. And it was then she watched Ravana stride ahead, her sister's confidence unshaken despite their brush with danger. The playful threat hung in the air between them, a familiar jest that served to lighten the mood and reassure Sericea that Ravana was there to protect her. Yet even as she took a step forward, following Ravana's lead, her mind was a whirlpool of thoughts.

Her heart pounded in her chest as she tried to shake off the unease that had settled deep within her bones. Yet despite the fear, there was an undeniable curiosity that tugged at her, a burning desire to understand what had transpired. It was this curiosity that led her to cast one last lingering glance back towards the undergrowth, her acidic green eyes straining to pierce the veil of darkness and perceive what lay beyond. The shadows danced and swirled in response, a tantalizing labyrinth of uncertainty.

Eventually she was able to break her attention free, looking back in the place that Ravana had disappeared. She heard her sister tearing through the brush ahead, and with the realization that she was being left behind, she launched herself after- eager to get caught up.

"Sericea Praetor-Inferos"



Master Intellectual (240)

Advanced Fighter (90)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - Polysexual
07-04-2024, 04:50 PM
It was a thrill to watch them run. Setekh's senses blazed, his mind alight with the instinct to chase, to hunt, to capture. The God reveled in the intoxicating surge of predatory desire. But he was patient, graceful even. It was not a sprint; it was a dance, a calculated pursuit. He kept his distance, his lithe form gliding silently after the pair, his gaze fixed on the crimson girl. How he yearned to know her name. On this night, let the hunt sing with pure delight!

Opportunity came as it always did. His eyes glittered with an avaricious gleam as the girls lost each other in the snowy expanse. His claws braved the icy earth, propelling him forward with lethal precision. He aimed to cut the girl off, limbs pivoting, wind sweeping across his pelt. In an elegant maneuver, he rounded on his dearest granddaughter.

“Little one,” Setekh's voice was a velvety whisper, each word dripping with a calm, almost soothing menace he was quickly gaining control of. “You are too far from home, aren’t you?” He must take caution, maintain his control. He could not frighten his granddaughter now, not when she did not know him. Not when his mother would keep her from him if this girl went crying wolf.

Setekh watched her intently, noting the tremble in her frame, the darting of her eyes as she sought an escape. He had pursued her relentlessly, his silent steps unyielding as he closed the distance between them. The other girl, the one that felt… foreign, had been swift, a fleeting shadow through the underbrush, but this one – she was slower, more cautious. And now, she was his. See how she quivers, a moth to flame, fear as her crown, a whispered name.

“Do not be afraid,” Setekh continued, his molten eyes boring into hers with a disarming intensity. She was perfect. A perfect mix of his daughter and that brute who’d caught her fancy. He wanted to nurture the girl, to do a better job than he had with Absinth. Perhaps.. He had been too lenient; nothing like his eldest children… A mistake. This meant a new project, a new middle ground to be found and tested. “I am not here to harm you. Quite the opposite, in fact.” His lips curled into a thin smile, one that did not reach his eyes. “I am Setekh Inferos,” He declared, his voice a symphony of authority and contentment, molten orbs shining down at the girl, adoration and kindness overtaking the intensity of his visage. “I have watched over you and your mother, ensuring your safety from the shadows. Do you know who I am?”

Setekh's gaze never wavered, his presence a looming, inescapable force. The thrill of the hunt, the anticipation of the capture, and the sweet, twisted joy of reunion filled him. She will love you. As stars love dark, as chaos loves light. He would savor every moment, every heartbeat of this encounter.

"speaking" | voices

Rated R for mature themes, gore, violence, and abuse.


The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Intellectual (80)

07-04-2024, 10:20 PM

Her breath hitched in her throat as a sudden, bone-chilling dread washed over her. She skidded to a stop, her green eyes wide as she turned to face the new threat. A figure was emerging from the shadows, its ivory fur a ghostly contrast against the darkness. Her heart thundered in her chest as the figure approached, his molten eyes never leaving her face. The world around them stilled for a moment, their gazes locked in silent confrontation. But of course, it wouldn’t remain silent for long.

As his words echoed through the silent night, Sericea's heart tightened in her chest. She swallowed hard, raising her head higher as she met his gaze with a fiery determination that belied her fear. Her voice was soft yet steady amidst the biting wind. "I am not lost," she retorted, her tail bristling out behind her like a banner of defiance. "I am exactly where I need to be." Words were tumbling off her tongue before she could think to speak them. Did they make sense- not exactly. But she had a point to convey- that was she knew exactly where she was, and she wasn’t going let herself feel threatened.

But each word he spoke slid over her like an oily promise - slick and insidious, designed to tempt and deceive. She could taste the treacle in his tone, the sweet assurances that coated the bitter pill of his intent. “Why should I trust you?” Sericea challenged, her green eyes glinting defiantly in the pale moonlight. She stood her ground, her tail still held high as she faced the ghostly figure before her.

Her heart pounded against her ribcage, each beat a question, an echo of his name. Inferos. The same name that was hers. The earlier defiance that she held on to so tightly was replaced with confusion as she tried to make sense of his words. Watched over her? From the shadows? A sort of unease coursed through her, prickling the fur along her spine. But there was no denything the underlying intrigue. “No … I don’t know you … but … my name is Sericea Praetor-Inferos.” She said quietly to herself as she drew the conclusion of how it could be possible that she shared a name with the ghostly brute. “How do you know me and my mother?” She asked lightly, her ears perking in anticipation of the answer.

"Sericea Praetor-Inferos"



Master Intellectual (240)

Advanced Fighter (90)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - Polysexual
07-05-2024, 03:16 PM
Setekh's molten eyes glinted with a mix of amusement and satisfaction as he watched Sericea's defiance flicker to life. Her brave stance, the way her green eyes challenged him, reminded him of a time long past. Her mother, there on full display within her. Oh, Absinth. A surge of possessive pride swelled within him, his gaze unwavering, fixated on every detail of her form. She would be perfect, a reflection of his own greatness. Oh she will! She will be your reflection, for you are perfection!

Her breath hitched, the determination in her voice both pleasing and amusing. “I am not lost,” She retorted, her voice so small and yet attempting to assert herself even still as she trembled. “I am exactly where I need to be.” A lie. This was not her home, and she was but a weeks-old pup.

He took in her every movement, every flicker of fear and defiance. Every similarity to her mother, every hint of himself within the canvas of red and black. “Ah, the paths we walk are seldom clear. You stand where fate has led you, but do you know the true purpose of your steps?” His words -- designed to confuse and disarm her. He moved closer now, his sleek ivory form circling the girl, his movements so similar to that of his daughter, her mother; exactly by design. To comfort her, to lull her into a sense of security that his otherwise unsettling aura would have destroyed. In these shadows deep, secrets she must keep. She will. She will!

The tension stretched between them, she asked a question. Why would she trust him? Setekh savored it, more of that unsteady voice, so similar to her mother’s tone as a child. The God’s blood fire gaze never leaves her, his tail lashing behind him. Careful now, this clever child, she needed... a delicate touch. “Because, Sericea Praetor-Inferos, the blood that courses through your veins is mine as well. It’s what brought you to me.” Blood ties that bind, destiny she will find. A path to be walked, a fate that cannot be stopped!

His voice dropped low, the predatory edge giving way to something more tender. He stopped his circling, taking a step closer as he aligned their chests again, relishing the mix of fear and curiosity in her eyes now. “You carry my name, my legacy in part. It is time you learned what that truly means. Trust me not out of blind faith, but out of the understanding that we are connected, bound by blood and destiny… You may not know me yet, but you will. I am your grandfather, your mother’s father.” He paused, letting his words sink in, the rhythmic hum of his chaotic mind growing louder, more insistent. O’ God, In the dance of fate, it's never too late.

Setekh’s obsession with the girl grew with each passing moment, his thoughts consumed by the need to mold her, to make her understand her place. She was his, bound by her mother’s shortcomings, and he would ensure she realized it. “You can trust me, little one. I am here to guide you, to teach you.”

"speaking" | voices

Rated R for mature themes, gore, violence, and abuse.


The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Intellectual (80)

07-05-2024, 07:44 PM

Sericea’s heart pounded in her chest, drumming a furious rhythm that echoed in her ears. She fixed her gaze on Setekh, her defiance refusing to wane under his looming presence. Her fur prickled as he circled her, the scent of him curling around her like an unwelcome shroud. His words swirled in her mind, a mixture of riddles and half-truths that prodded at the edges of her understanding. Every instinct screamed at her to flee, to escape the strange wolf and his cryptic messages. Still, she stood her ground, a burgeoning flame sparked by both defiance and curiosity.

A chill ran down Sericea's spine at Setekh's words. Blood? Hers and his? Her mind whirled, and for a moment, all she could do was stare at him, her acidic green eyes wide and unblinking. But even as fear gnawed at her, something akin to fascination began to weave its way through her shock. She looked at Setekh again, not as a threat now, but as a puzzle; a complex, swirling enigma wrapped in an ivory fur coat. Her blood pulsed through her veins, pounding the rhythm of a half-understood truth into her ears. If what Setekh said was true, if their blood was indeed shared, then she was not only bound to him in some unfathomable way but also bound to understand him.

A shiver of anticipation coiled in her belly, cold and hot all at once. She found herself stepping closer, drawn to the enigma that was Setekh with an intensity that left her breathless. Her gaze held his, transfixed. Her mother’s father? He was claiming to be kin of Absinth. She didn’t know any better to argue the information he had presented her. Her brows furrowed, her mind buzzing with questions. Trust? Trust was earned, not given. And yet... there was a pull, a nagging sense of familiarity that curled around her heart, making it beat faster. Her mother and father always said that they want their pups to be better prepared than they were. And if her grandfather wanted to teach her … wouldn’t that be what her parents wanted? To be able to learn more? "What is there to learn?" she questioned, her voice a mere whisper against the hum of the tundra wind.

"Sericea Praetor-Inferos"



Master Intellectual (240)

Advanced Fighter (90)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - Polysexual
07-05-2024, 08:27 PM
He admired her bravery, her determination to stand her ground despite the overwhelming urge to flee in the face of the unknown. This was the fire of Absinth, the spark of defiance that he had seen before, now flickering within this young pup. Ah, little ember, destined to burn bright.

He sensed the shift in her, the contemplation. It was a look he knew well, the spark of fascination that had led many before her to uncover truths they had not yet imagined. “Oh, my dear Sericea,” He purred, his voice low and soothing, wrapping around her like a familiar embrace. “There is much to learn, much to understand about who you are and what you are capable of.” His words were a melodic dance, designed to captivate and enthrall, a thing practiced and refined over his years alive. He put it to full use now, warping the child’s cognition with his own, Godly hand. The path of fate, you cannot escape!

Molten orbs burning with the intensity of his conviction locked unto her and he lowered himself down into his belly to meet her level. “What you will learn, my darling, are the skills and knowledge to navigate this world, to understand and harness your strengths. Things your mother has not taught you yet.” And the things he failed to instill into that rogue daughter of his as well. Blood ties that bind, destiny she will find.

Setekh's voice softened, taking on a more paternal tone as he spoke. He lifted a paw, gently brushing it against her cheek, a mockery of tenderness in the gesture. “Your parents want you to be prepared, do they not? I am but the instrument of that preparation.” He paused, letting his words sink in, watching her closely, scanning her bright green gaze. His tail swayed lazily behind him, a calculated display of calm and control. “Together, we will unlock the potential that lies within you, and you will rise to become something greater than you ever imagined. I made your mother who she is, I can make you even better. A grand design of… evolution. Won’t she be thrilled?”

Setekh's gaze softened, his voice a whisper of promise and power. He leaned in closer, his breath warm against her ear. “Will you let me teach you, Sericea? But you mustn't tell a soul about me, not until you are ready. Absinth could not know of his influence on the girl, or she would be ripped away from him. His eyes gleamed with a predatory light, every inch of his body language designed to draw her in, to make her feel safe, even as his true intentions remained hidden beneath a facade of care.

"speaking" | voices

Rated R for mature themes, gore, violence, and abuse.


The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Intellectual (80)

07-05-2024, 09:08 PM

His words washed over Sericea like a calming river, threading through her consciousness and causing her heart to skip a beat. His voice was so similar to the whispering winds of the tundra she loved so much; it carried a sort of hypnotic cadence that she couldn't resist. She was held captive by his gaze and his words, her instincts battling with her curiosity in a desperate tug of war. "Who am I?" she asked, her voice tentative as she met his gaze, that curious fire in her eyes burning brighter with every word he spoke. "What am I capable of?" She needed to know, her need for understanding overriding any doubts she might have had.

A thrumming anticipation awakened in Sericea's veins, her heart pounding a rhythmic beat in her chest that seemed to echo across the desolate stretch of the tundra. Setekh's words coiled around her thoughts like mesmerizing tendrils, weaving a tantalizing exploration of what was and what could be. The hunger for knowledge seeped from her gaze as she quietly contemplated. She couldn't deny this desire consuming her, a need that surged like a ravenous beast.

The touch of Setekh's paw against her cheek was a strange sensation, comforting and yet disconcerting. His words washed over her, filling her young mind with visions of power and greatness. But there was a hint of something else lurking beneath the surface, a shadowy specter in the corner of her mind's eye. Yet, she pushed those thoughts aside, focusing on the promise of knowledge and growth. She did not relent her gaze from Setekh, watching him with a fervent intensity as she nodded. “If it will make them proud of me …” She trailed off, her voice tapering into a faint whisper that danced on the breeze.

The hot breath against her ear prickled her skin, and Sericea's heart pounded in her chest, mirroring the cadence of the unknown. It was startling, the abrupt intimacy of his voice so close to her, whispering secrets and promises. Her mind was abuzz with thoughts - the promise of knowledge, the thrill of secrets. She was confused on why her grandfather had to remain a secret. Wouldn’t her mother be excited to know that she had met him? Yet she swallowed her trepidation, her young spirit intoxicated by the lure of potential and power that lay ahead. “Oh, please Grandfather? Won’t you teach me? I want to be strong.” She declared, Sericea pulling back from him to plea with her large, acidic gaze. “I want to be strong like Momma.” It was the only thing in the world that she wanted. Really wanted. She just hoped that Setekh could help her achieve that.

"Sericea Praetor-Inferos"



Master Intellectual (240)

Advanced Fighter (90)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - Polysexual
07-06-2024, 12:50 AM
Setekh's gaze softened further, his molten orbs reflecting the fervent intensity of Sericea’s plea. How he adored her prayers, like worship to his altar. His voice, now a low, soothing rumble, wrapped around her like a comforting blanket. He rose up, pulling her close with one great ivory paw, his touch lingering possessively on her crimson coat. Each movement was deliberate, his obsession evident in the way he held her. This endearing granddaughter of his.

“Ah, my dear Sericea, it is all within your grasp, I promise. I will not abandon you. Never.” Not like Absinth had done unto him. He let his words linger, each one meticulously crafted to ensnare her young mind as he drew warm circles into her fur. It was winter, and the cold made his touch feel all the more intimate, a false sense of warmth and security. Her prayers, her worship, all yours to control.

“But there is much to learn, and it cannot all be done in a single meeting,” The God continued, his tone imbued with a sense of urgency and promise. “We must meet regularly, every three days.” Of course, he would need to use an old method to wipe his scent from her own, or remove his own entirely. Her soul, a canvas for your dark designs, painted with shadows, and twisted lines!

Setekh's nose moved gently against her cheek, exuded a mock tenderness, his touch a calculated mix of affection and domination. “Your mother will be proud, more than you can imagine. But for now, this must remain our secret. The journey to power is fraught with challenges, and there are those who may not understand our path, understand?”

He pulled back slightly, his gaze piercing into hers, searching for the submission he craved. “Are you ready to embark on this journey with me, my little ember?” His words were a whisper of promise, a tantalizing offer of power and knowledge that he knew she could not resist. She will follow, she will bend, her will, yours to rend.

His heart raced with the thrill of control, the anticipation of molding her to his will. Every subtle shift in her expression, every hesitant breath, was a symphony of compliance. He relished the power he held, the way he could twist her thoughts and feelings with mere words. Her mind, her soul, all yours to control, in shadows deep, her secrets you'll keep.

"speaking" | voices

Rated R for mature themes, gore, violence, and abuse.


The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Intellectual (80)

07-08-2024, 07:27 PM

The warmth of his promise enveloped her, chasing away the chill that had settled on her young bones. Sericea leaned into Setekh's touch, a hopeful spark kindling in her eyes. "I trust you, Grandfather," she affirmed with a softness that belied the strength burgeoning within. She was eager to prove her worth, to harness the power she knew hid latent within her slender frame. "I am ready to learn.” She held her anxious breath, her green eyes searching Setekh's for any sign of hesitation or withdrawal. But all she saw was molten determination, an unyielding promise that steeled her resolve.

At the mention of regular meetings, a thrill rushed through her veins, sharp as the crisp air around them. "Yes, Grandfather, every three days," she echoed, the words imbuing her with a sense of purpose and destiny. Shrouded by Setekh's shadow, she made a silent vow to commit herself to this new path, her mind already reeling with the endless possibilities. But of course, a thought struck her. Wouldn’t her mother notice? That wouldn’t be good if she needed to keep a secret. “How will our meetings be a secret?” She asked lightly, her gaze flicking uncertainly back towards the heart of the territory her sister had likely fled too.

His words were like echoes in her mind, both chilling and reassuring. "I understand," she murmured, a hint of steel creeping into her voice. "I am ready- ready to grow strong.” The words sounded foreign on her tongue, but there was a ring of truth to them that emboldened her. "I will not disappoint you." she affirmed with unwavering conviction, her acidic green eyes locked into his molten gaze. There was fear there, yes, a wary flicker of a fawn stepping onto unsteady ground. But beneath it thrummed an undercurrent of determination. Perhaps even excitement. A new chapter was dawning, her future suddenly awash with unknown potential.

"Sericea Praetor-Inferos"



Master Intellectual (240)

Advanced Fighter (90)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - Polysexual
07-13-2024, 11:04 PM
Setekh's eyes glinted with pride as Sericea leaned into his touch, her trust like a drug to his twisted mind. Blood of his blood. He reveled in her innocence, knowing it was his to shape and corrupt. Her mother was not here to stop it, and he had a practiced hand in his art. “You are wise, my dear. You understand.” He purred, his voice a velvety caress that betrayed the darkness within his immortal, Godly soul. “We shall unlock the power within you. For our bloodline is strong, and it is powerful. His gaze lingered on her, drinking in the sight of her unquestioning faith. Her faith is a tool, a path to control, her strength in your hands, her destiny foretold!

The mention of secrecy brought a cunning smile to his lips, his mind already spinning webs of deceit. “Fear not, my sweet.” He reassured, his tone dripping with false tenderness. His paws coming to gently hold her face, bringing it close to his own molten gaze. “I have my methods. Your mother will remain unaware of our meetings. I will teach you the art of deception, how to mask our interactions from prying eyes. Until the time is right. Until we can face her with pride.” He could almost taste the thrill of their hidden alliance, a secret shared only between them. “We shall head to where the river flows, and you will plunge into its depths. The water will carry away your scent, the longer you stay submerged. It will be cold, but I trust you can endure it. I will dive in beside you.” His fingers still entwined within the fur of her cheeks, watching as his ivory paws briefly stained with deep crimson. Secrecy and shadows, the path of the sly, her trust to gain, her mind to defy.

He inhaled the scent of her naivety; and her mother’s fiery scent. “You will grow strong, and rise above the rest. In time, you will surpass even your own wildest dreams.” His voice was a seductive promise, a heavy manipulation down unto the girl. If she shared the same blood as he, she would be insatiable for power. This, he was certain of. He felt her shiver under his touch, her trust and eagerness intoxicating.

Her affirmation, her unwavering conviction, sent a thrill of satisfaction through him. This little ember would combust into a fire that would consume all in her path. He savored her innocence, eager to see what she became. “You will not disappoint me.” The Ivory God declared, his gaze boring into hers with a predatory intensity, an unfailing obsession. “Your potential is boundless, and I shall be there every step of the way to guide you.” His words were like chains, meant to bind her tighter to his will.

Setekh's heart raced with anticipation, his fixation tightening around her like an unseen vice. “I promise you, my darling Sericea, I will teach you all that you could ever wish to know. You need only listen to me, obey me.” His words were a dark promise, a path laid out before her, shrouded in mystery and power. He relished the thought of her transformation, molded by his hand into something powerful yet utterly his.

With a final, lingering touch, he let her go, his eyes never leaving hers. “Always remember, our meetings must remain a secret. Trust in me. And know this: I love you, Sericea, my granddaughter. I will never wish you harm, only your ascent.” His voice was a hypnotic whisper, weaving its way into her very soul. She was his, a puppet on strings he controlled with a master's precision. He pressed his lips to her forehead, offering her a brief kiss and a gentle twinkle of his molten orbs. Come closer, come deeper, into the labyrinth of his making.

"speaking" | voices

Rated R for mature themes, gore, violence, and abuse.