
My Trusty Steed




Intermediate Fighter (30)

Beginner Healer (0)

5 Years
07-05-2024, 07:59 AM
Rinoa wasn't sure where life was taking her. She had joined back with the Hallows after taking some time to discover herself. She was back with her family but she couldn't say she felt quite right. The Hallows was a great community, her own family was a part of the roots there. But she just couldn't find a place she fit in. She wondered if she needed more time to wander as a loner, if she would be one forever, or if she would find another pack one day. Maybe she'd even come back to The Hallows. She didn't really know. Her time was wearing thin, but she didn't feel that way at least.

She had remained around Auster, maybe just to see some of her family from time to time. She liked the warmer climate too, but that wasn't what was keeping her here. She was edging to go to Boreas sometime soon. She had the natural desire for adventure, and staying in one place too long just didn't make her satisfied. So she started moving to the more northern lands of Auster, closer to The Hallows. Maybe she'd say goodbye before she was on her way out.

She walked through the more dense area of the golden trees, the canopy providing a slight relief from the fall rains. She would be unexpecting to the sound of thundering hooves approaching her nearby. She paused in her steps as the beating grew louder, realizing it wasn't the sound of thunder over head. She'd be turning to meet her match. A large white stallion just a few feet away, ready to pounce on her. She skidded out of the way just in time, spinning to keep her eyes on the creature. It was making the turn too, dancing it's hooves along the soft ground in some form of dominance. It reared up throwing it's legs in the air, letting out a snort and ready to charge again. It must have thought she was invading it's territory.

Total Word Count: 335 words




Expert Fighter (210)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

4 Years
Dire wolf
07-06-2024, 05:46 PM

Quill prowled through the long grass that stretched alongside the river, his senses alert. Aspen Dam was nearby, its familiar scent mingling with the aroma of pine and earth. He'd been taking refuge in the long grass, having been assaulted earlier by some huge, angry horse. Things still felt off. There was a tension in the air, a disturbance that prickled his instincts. Ge was glad that he'd left Talyssa home with her family.

As he crept out of the long grass, the sound of a struggle reached his ears. A series of growls, snarls, and the unmistakable thud of hooves against the ground. Quill's pace quickened, muscles coiling and releasing with powerful strides. What was the bastard attacking now?

In the clearing by the dam, a massive white stallion was rearing and kicking, its hooves lashing out with lethal force. Beneath the towering beast, a grey female wolf was trapped, dodging and weaving to avoid the deadly strikes. Her movements were desperate, each narrowly escaping the hooves that threatened to crush her.

Being the man that Talyssa would want him to be, Quill launched himself into the fray. His powerful legs propelled him forward, and he aimed straight for the stallion. His teeth bared, he clamped down on the horse's flank with the ferocity of a tiger. The stallion whinnied in pain and fury, its attention momentarily diverted from the fae.

The horse bucked and twisted, trying to shake Quill off, but Quill's grip was relentless. His jaws remained locked on the stallion's flesh, even as it thrashed and kicked. One of the horse's hooves connected with Quill's hip, slicing through his flesh with a sharp, burning pain. He growled through the agony, refusing to let go.

Finally, the stallion twisted away, its eyes rolling in fear and pain. It broke free of Quill’s grip, its white coat now stained with blood. The horse snorted and stamped, then bolted away through the long grass, its thunderous hooves growing fainter with each step.

Quill staggered slightly, feeling the sting of the wound on his hip. Blood trickled down his leg, but he pushed the pain aside. His eyes sought out the woman, his chest heaving with exertion. She stood a few paces away, her eyes wide and wary. She was panting, her body tense and ready for another attack.

He dipped his head slightly, acknowledging her presence. "Are you alright?" he asked? Quill could feel the blood working its way down his hip to pool between the toes on his back, left paw. More stitches, no doubt. The wolves of The Hallows were going to love him. At least they'd be getting good practice in, right?

Far off in the distance, he could hear the infuriated whinnies of the stallion. It was thoroughly pissed at having been bested by the wolf. What it had been protecting, Quill had no idea, but why else would it have fought so fervently against the pair of predators?

Quill needed to rest and he told the woman as much. As he limped away, the adrenaline began to fade, and the pain in his hip grew more pronounced. He winced with each step, but he kept moving. The forest closed in around him once more, the shadows deepening as he sought out a safe place to rest. He found a large hollow beneath an ancient aspen, the ground soft with moss and leaves.

Quill lowered himself carefully, his body protesting with each movement. He licked at the wound on his hip, cleaning it as best he could. The cut wasn’t deep, but it would need time to heal. He settled down, his body curling protectively around the injured leg. His thoughts drifted back to the woman, wondering if she had followed him.

As the forest around him fell silent, Quill closed his eyes. He needed just a little rest before trekking back to The Hallows. Fighting off the ungulate hadn't been much different than fighting off anything else. It still had teeth. The power in those hooves... that was a killer. No doubt the horse would have been happy if it had bashed Quill's brains in with those hooves.

So, Quill would be left with more stitched and yet another scar as a testament to his bravery and prowess and all that good stuff. Talyssa would probably chastise him for getting hurt again, but he'd been all chivalrous and whatnot with her in mind. What a pity it would be if she had to care for him just a little longer. With a soft huff and a chuckle, Quill sprawled out on his side. The hollow beneath the tree was big enough for both him and the grey fae if she wished to join him. It had started raining again, after all. She was welcome.

WC- 800
"Quill Klein"



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Beginner Healer (0)

5 Years
07-07-2024, 05:51 PM
As Rinoa was ready to face off with the nasty beast, legs splayed and ready to dive in at least before the chance to run, a large male came swooping in from behind, launching himself onto the stallion with a vicious bite. The four legged equine roared in response, throwing itself all around the clearing under the trees. All four of it's legs were coming off the ground at one point as it was desperate to get the predator off it's back. It calmed somewhat, or at least started focusing on throwing it's back end up rather than it's front. That was when she took her shot. Slinging forward, grabbing a bite around it's knee as it was distracted by the brute on the back. She swung her butt around as it instinctively dove to bite her standing under it's head. Soon the stallion was able to throw the large man off, Rinoa releasing her grasp on it's leg as it showed signs of being ready to flee. It would be galloping off between the trees, Rinoa not evening knowing it had bothered the brute earlier that day. There must have been a herd nearby, or the Stallion was just a loner like her trying to protect what land it thought was his.

The man was turning to her after the battle, checking to see if she was okay. There was not a scratch on her luckily, but as for him, "I'm fine, you don't look so good yourself." Half joking, half serious. "I can help you with that." The brute seemed pretty adamant that he had been treated at the Hallows before, and without much more pushing she would leave him to it. She wouldn't be one to crash his party. If he got the help or not, that was his choice. She knew if he went to The Hallows, they would mend him properly. That was enough for her to go their separate ways.

She could sense when the brute had lingered nearby, but she would still make for her own camp somewhere else. She liked the company of others and to be friends, but she wouldn't pester if he was having a bad day. It seemed he was. So she would finish making her place for the night by the river. Perhaps they would meet again one day.

Total Word Count: 1526 words
