
Basilisk and Ignita litter!



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Paleo species

Samhain 2022
06-29-2024, 04:29 PM (This post was last modified: 07-03-2024, 07:14 PM by Seadragoness. Edited 2 times in total.)
[Image: RGbtiO0.png%5D]

Basilisk and Ignita 

The extensive bloodline of the Fatalis continues! This is Basilisk and Ignita’s first litter, and Bas’s first as Alpha of Armada. There will be a lot of IC pressure on these puppies, and they will be raised as royalty in the oldest pack on the site. What their future will look like is yet to be determined! Born from the former slave Ignita.

ACTIVITY - As a general rule we don’t want to reclaim any puppies, we only want to ensure that the pups fall into the right hands. We want the pups to feel like they belong to you rather than to us. With that said, the Fatalis family as a whole is very active and we’d like it to stay that way. I cannot stress how important it is to us that these pups see play and do not become abandoned. Choosing players is already hard enough, please do not apply if you are not excited about (and feel like you can remain active with) your potential puppy, We will only look to reclaim a pup if we feel the pup has been abandoned, or if you leave the site or vanish without letting us know what's going on, and in that scenario we reserve the right to give an IC reason for your pup being gone. 

Because OOCly on Ardent, pup applications are required to have clear guidelines on when a pup will and will not be reclaimed for activity, we are putting down some loose ‘rules’ for clarity. We would like to see every mandatory thread attended (barring exemptions given for IRL things) while your pup is still young, and hope to see a pup reach somewhere around 100 posts in their first IC year on-site. If we have to give a number of consecutive months without play (and without warning/discussing it with us) to reclaim, it is fair to say we reserve the right after 2 months without posts. This is mostly legal jargon to protect us and our pups should a player vanish off the face of the earth,  We’re pretty reasonable, just talk to us and let us know if you’re going to be going through a slow period, we all have ‘em. 

ALIGNMENT - So far the Fatalis family is fairly spread out around the alignments, and while any alignment will be accepted, they will not be risking raising an uncontrollable child who may shame the name and it's likely that as soon as any psychopathic/bloodthirsty/overly cruel characteristics began to show, that the pup would be simply put down. It's for that reason that we won't be accepting a pup who falls really far on the Chaotic Evil alignment. If this sort of thing develops naturally ICly we will understand, but players should be aware that they are not above culling a potential problem. However, between Ignita and Basilisk, there is some variety to be found. Ignita is a more gentle and friendly wolf, while Basilisk can have some darker tendencies. 

COLOURS - Ignita’s line is known for its whites, golds, tans, browns and less commonly rust/ginger. Basilisk brings blues, silvers and blacks, his father has browns and blue also, and his grandfather is black and silver In saying that, we are pretty open on what colours can be picked for this litter. The Fatalis line certainly has a lot of color in it! If you can not afford colors/markings you like, feel free to talk to us. We may hand out some passes

MUTATIONS - As we are rolling a cursed litter pass, there is a possibility of themed mutations or disabilities in this litter. In the scenario that we roll more than one positive mutation we may place one up for grabs. This might be rolled, or decided upon on the apps we like the most. (Purchasing your own mutation will not affect this either way) Mutations are common in this line, but not having them won’t hurt your chances, we know most people can't afford them. For anyone with an inheritance pass, you can choose between Basilisk’s Bone spurs, Elongated fangs, feline claws, or perception-based eyes. Outside of these there is a wide variety of mutations within the Fatalis family, we are pretty open about them. Dire height is another thing commonly seen so far in their pups, but feel free to go as big or as small as you’d like. 

DISABILITIES - As we are rolling a cursed litter pass, there is the possibility of disabilities in this litter. In the event we roll more than one there is a chance one might be up for grabs, or that we might be forced to ask a player to accept a disability. This is a Halloween themed disability, and there could be some fun to be had with it. Please keep in mind that while OOCly we have nothing against disabilities, ICly your character may (or may not!) get a lot of flak from the family for being visibly disabled. We can’t say for certain, but it’s a possibility. If it bothers you to have family members who may look down on your character as lesser or broken in some way, you may want to apply for a healthy pup over a cursed-disabled one. (This also heavily depends upon the disability in question.)

FAMILY RELATIONS - Basilisk and Ignita will be integral in the puppy stages of their lives. You can assume they will be there at night, in the morning, and frequently throughout the day, once they are old enough to have periods without their parents there. The Fatalis family tree is extremely extensive, and they have relations all across the Ardent map, which Basilisk may encourage them to visit We are always happy to work things out ooc, if you want to check with us how much or what you want your pup to know about what's going on in the family around them. We want everyone to feel included and a part of any ongoing plots. If you feel your character needs more IC interactions feel free to hit us up. We are both always open to working on character development IC whenever you need and are active writers.

BORDER ALLOWANCES - We really encourage threads/skill grinding, and we also understand that there are times you would like to write with a character that does not live in the Armada. Because of this, for this litter, we are allowing the pups to thread outside pack lands under the assumption that they are fully supervised. This could be supervision from one of the many Fatalis family companions, or PPing that mom or dad agreed to come along and stay in the background (for something like The Battlefield.) Please do not abuse this privilege and make us regret it. It is not realistic to think that they could travel 5 territories away, nor that they could sneak out unnoticed by the many critters belonging to the Fatalis family who patrol. Try to be reasonable with it, Basilisk will not hesitate to restrict the movements of a pup who is crossing Boreas a week after it's playable, but a trip to a neighboring territory for a skill thread is acceptable. When in doubt, ask! You may power play that one of their parent's companions are watching them in your thread, and assume that should anyone try to harm your pup that said companion would be calling for their parents without hesitation. The companions are as listed: Falcon, Reindeer, Wyrm via Basilisk Golden possum via Ignita. Generally just assume that while they're pups there's something sentient stealthily babysitting, but don't feel like you need to let it ruin your threads. 

SEXUAL ORIENTATION & INCEST - The orientation of your character does not matter ICly or OOC to us, though a character willing to further the bloodline is a very slight bonus to the application. We will be disallowing any and all incest plots in this litter. Basilisk’s Fatalis line ICly is incredibly against incest of any kind. ICly and OOCly we'd like the Fatalis line to grow, and preferably not into a wreath! While we cannot reclaim a pup for reasons outside activity (nor would I want to) I’d like to request that players stray away from topics including underage (below 2 years old) sex and rape with these kids. There is also an IC component to this, as their parents, and by extension most of the Armada would absolutely be dragged into retaliation in these sorts of plots. 

All free-to-use adopts (for this litter):


(Or feel free to bring your own)


<b>Out-of-Character Name</b>:

<b>Character's Name</b>:

<b>Adult Height</b>: (25% discount on height up to 42”)




<b>Appearance Description</b>: 100 words

<b>Personality</b>: 150 words



<b>Mutations</b>: (Do you intend to buy a mutation, if so, state it here)(Optional)

<b>Themed Mutation or Disability</b>: (There is a slim possibility of a free rolled themed mutation, if you want a chance for it state it here((Optional)

<b>Intended plots / other</b>: (Optional)
[Image: 2yUYF9E.png]
As his Consort, Ignita can enter any of his threads without warning


06-29-2024, 08:16 PM (This post was last modified: 07-30-2024, 03:49 PM by TrenRanu. Edited 21 times in total.)

Out-of-Character Name: TrenRanu

Character's Name:  Iskandor Fatalis

Adult Height: 45”

Size: Dire

Gender: Male

Build: Balanced

Design: [Image: dhkso1z-c6f20564-9362-45fe-86b1-ec763efd...Snoh21y9cw]


Coat: Iska is characterized by a blend of dark and light fur. The primary color of his coat is a deep, charcoal black, interrupted with lighter gray markings. Most distinctively, vibrant turquoise and blue streaks run along his body. These bright markings stand out against the darker backdrop, giving him an otherworldly quality. 

Build: He has a sleek yet muscular build, suggesting both agility and strength. His movements are fluid and graceful, indicative of a creature that is both a powerful predator and a nimble explorer. His legs are long and sturdy, capable of swift and enduring runs, while his body is lean with defined musculature, suggesting a balance between speed and power. A demi-god in the making.

Posture: His posture is confident and commanding. He holds his head high, ears perked forward, and shoulders squared, exuding an air of authority and vigilance. His stance is relaxed yet ready, always prepared to react swiftly to any situation.

Eyes: His piercing blue eyes are not just visually striking but also deeply expressive. They often reflect sharp intelligence and observation, constantly scanning his surroundings. There's a depth to his gaze that suggests wisdom and experience, making it hard for anyone to hide their true intentions from him. He reads you, and everything you do — because he wants to know why you do it; always.

Voice: His voice is a deep, resonant baritone with a smooth, commanding rumble. It carries a melodic quality, rich and soothing yet firm and assertive. 

Scent: His distinctive scent is reminiscent of a crisp, winter morning. There are notes of fresh pine needles and cool, frosty air, mingled with a hint of earthiness. The scent is both calming and invigorating, leaving a lasting impression on those who encounter him.


Regal/Compassionate: From an early age, Iskandor carries himself with an air of royalty, embodying the dignity expected of a Fatalis. His posture is always upright, his gaze steady and commanding, and he instinctively knows how to conduct himself in a manner befitting his noble lineage. He exudes a natural authority that commands respect from those around him. But he is also his mother's son. Taking after Ignita, Iskandor shows a gentle and friendly disposition, valuing connections and empathy within his pack. He is often the first to offer a comforting word or a helping paw to those in need, and he takes great joy in fostering strong bonds with his family and packmates.

Curious/Obsessive: Iskandor possesses a sharp intellect and a relentless curiosity, always eager to explore and learn about the world around him. He is particularly fascinated by the histories and traditions of his family, often found engrossed in stories of old or investigating the relics of his heritage. He is equally fascinated by the tales of other families and packs, seeking to know all that he can in his lifetime. Good or bad history, he wants to lock it into his memory forever more.

Determined/Stubborn: Like Basilisk, Iskandor has a strong will and determination, especially when it comes to protecting his family and pack. He is unwavering in his commitments and faces challenges head-on with a steadfast resolve. Whether it's defending his pack from threats or achieving a personal goal, Iskandor's determination is a driving force in his life. Immovable. Indomitable.

Strategic/Composed: Iskandor has an inherent knack for strategy, always trying to think several steps ahead in any situation, ensuring the best outcome. He is adept at analyzing complex scenarios and devising effective plans, whether in times of peace or conflict. He tends to be quiet, often preferring to listen and observe rather than speak. This does not stem from shyness but rather from a thoughtful nature. He carefully considers his words and actions, understanding the weight they carry. His silence is often mistaken for aloofness, but those who know him well understand it is a sign of his deep contemplation.

Imperfect/Volatile:  While Iskandor generally maintains a balanced demeanor, he has a habit of exhibiting darker tendencies when under too much pressure or emotional distress. In moments of intense stress, his steady and compassionate facade can crack, revealing a more ruthless and aggressive side. This darker aspect of his personality manifests as an unyielding drive to eliminate threats and/or assert control, sometimes leading him to make harsh decisions that he later reflects upon with regret.

Alignment: True Neutral

Skills: Fighting & Hunting

Mutations: I’ll get 2-3 regardless of the roll, reinforced bones, tough skin

Themed Mutation or Disability: if it’s meant to be~ ill go for crystal teeth or crystal cat claws

Intended plots / other:

I imagine him being diplomatic, taking an interest in the workings of the Armada and its relationships with other packs. He’d like to help his mother and father with their duties, though maybe as a sort of right hand or an advisor in the future; depending on how worldly he becomes. He’s the slightly strange, silent and observant type for the most part, but pretty manic about his pursuit of knowledge. Probably ties in with his insatiable curiosity, he’ll wanna know everything there is to know - like a walking library, beware: info dumps will be imminent. I think it would be funny if he gets his nose into some books and just says the weirdest facts at random. It’ll be an obsession, and I think it’s a pretty good one to have. I could foresee it having a dangerous edge when he’s older though, like there’s nothing he wouldn’t do at least once just to know what it’s all about.

I can see him being a sort of warrior prince type when he’s not being a massive scholar, driven to prove himself and uphold his family’s name in more ways than one. I reckon it’s gonna be important to him to try and be a Jack of all trades. I may change his skills to fighting and intel so he can eventually professor it up, or I’ll keep him hunter; I haven’t decided yet! He may develop an inner monologue of just “I should have known that. I need to know that. I need to know. I have to know.” Hopefully that doesn’t sound super crazy XD I just know he'll be obsessive and compulsive to a great degree.

Above all I’m gonna let him develop organically, so whatever interactions he’ll have or experiences can completely diverge what I THINK he’ll be like. I can pretty well promise I’m not gonna go to the dark side with him though.

Aspen OOC

06-30-2024, 12:43 PM (This post was last modified: 06-30-2024, 05:45 PM by Aspen OOC. Edited 1 time in total.)
Out-of-Character Name: Aspen

Character's Name: Irys Fatalis

Adult Height: 36"

Size: Large

Gender: Male

Build: Balanced

Appearance Description: Irys was blessed with a white coat dappled with rainbow flecks, giving him a near ethereal glow in the sunlight. Unfortunately, he was also "blessed" with signature traits of albinism carried through his bloodline, making it hard for him to stay in full sunlight for extended periods. His eyes and skin are pale in color, his flesh a blossom pink while his eyes are a shimmering sky blue.

As an adult, he is an imposing size, large enough to be intimidating yet not quite as large as his father. He is well-muscled and well-fed, maintaining a balanced figure that many consider to be quite handsome.

Personality: Irys, the ethereal son of Basilisk and Ignita, is vain, self-serving, and arrogant. Being raised as a potential heir to the pack leadership has its perks, and needless to say, Irys thrives in his role. He is well-spoken and diplomatic amongst his parents' colleagues but often looks down upon others his age should they be a lower rank than him... even if that is a perceived lower rank.

As a pup he often paraded about as the best in his litter, getting it into his head that he was the best. The most handsome, the smartest, the perfect child. He would be known to throw fits if he didn't get his way or if someone said a bad word against him. His general attitude borders dangerously on narcissism.

As an adult, I imagine he will be a bit tougher-skinned, although still maintains his pride and vanity. A prince among paupers is he, and he expects others to follow suit. He would have worked for his skills however, as I doubt Bas or Iggy would have let him get away with slacking off.

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Skills: Fighting, Navigation

Mutations: Albinism

Themed Mutation or Disability: Themed mutation (saber teeth if applicable)

Intended plots / other: I can see Irys' "gifted child" upbringing coming to a head in his young adulthood, sending him crashing down into supposed mediocrity. He wouldn't go down without a fight, though...

Also, his albinism. Perhaps as a pup he is a little too sheltered and spoiled due to having sensitivity to bright light and the sun's rays.

Otherwise, I'm interested in seeing where things go naturally through RP!


06-30-2024, 06:37 PM (This post was last modified: 07-30-2024, 09:35 PM by MalBelle. Edited 2 times in total.)
Out-of-Character Name: MalBelle

Character's Name: James Ignita Fatalis

Adult Height: 42”

Size: Extra-large

Gender: Female

Build: Medium

Appearance Description:


both parents come together in a volatile clash, their war splayed across her pelt for everyone to see. a child of compromise, she’s the physical manifestation of two worlds merging, the culmination of a king and his former slave. a careful hand paints blue and orange across a charcoal backdrop, mimicking fire in their shape.

one golden eye and one sapphire, a dual-coloured gaze capable of both her father’s ferocity and her mother’s doe-eyed inquisition. and across that sapphire eye, the Fatalis marking stands stark against her dark fur, a perpetual reminder of her proud heritage.

she’s an admirable height - though she’ll come nowhere close to her father’s mountainous form - and rigorous training grants her visible muscle, making for a formidable opponent. indeed, she’ll be no dainty thing. she is not without her beauty, however; a womanly softness will cling to her hips as an adult, and a slight vanity will encourage thorough grooming.


she wants the world

quick-witted, ambitious, volatile, jealous, changeable, witty, stubborn, studious
the girl has a fire under her ass the moment she’s born. ambitious, stubborn, and sharp as a whip, there’s something almost greedy about her, an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and status. she wants respect and infamy, to be known and envied and coveted and craved, hated and love. to have the eyes of the world on her. but though she may harbour lofty appetites, she’s got the drive to back it up. as a child she is always moving, always studying and training and clamouring for more, more, more, a girl of ever changing ideas and topics and questions.

this is further exacerbated by her poor immune system, which will render her a sick child and prevent her from physically keeping up with her littermates. unsurprisingly, Jamie will quickly grow to resent her condition, and will work even harder to make up for what she perceives a personal shortcoming. her condition will fluctuate, and while some days she’ll have as much energy as her siblings, other days will be spent curled up next to Mama in recovery. once she’s a teen her condition will stabilise and she’ll live a relatively healthy life, but times of stress and change will cause flare ups.

though at times she can be rather brilliant, there’s a certain volatility that comes with it, a tendency toward snap decisions and fits of passion, positive or otherwise. she’s not a forgiving creature; grudges are easily formed and long held, and she has a petty streak a mile wide. additionally she can be rather jealous, growing angry at the tiniest slight - imagined or not. in truth, the girl doesn’t mean to create the drama that will inevitably dog her every step; she likes to imagine herself fair and practical, the perfect candidate for an authoritative role. but she’s inclined to loose her temper and dole out punishment, which will likely brand her a bit of a ticking time bomb - even her own family might find her a bit prickly. and yet, while she might not be the easiest to love, no one’s harder on her than herself.

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Skills: Fighting & Intellect

Mutations: possibly elongated fangs

Themed Mutation or Disability: if chosen, a pair of small crystal horns

Intended plots / other: all the family stuff! She’ll wanna climb the ranks and further the greatness of her family line. Room for internal angst!!



Easter Egg Hunt 2023Pride - BisexualEaster 2022Toys for Tots
07-04-2024, 07:23 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Lolaf

Character's Name: Granite Fatalis

Adult Height: 40"

Size: Extra Large

Gender: Female

Build: Heavy

Appearance Description:
[Image: qGXUKfG.png]

Granite comes by her name naturally, even from a young age she'll be at least one thing. Sturdy. While stocky is maybe not a typical word to describe a newborn it is one that certainly could be used for her. Though she'll never reach quite as tall as her father, in fact landing solidly middling for a Fatalis if not even a little short. Granite is built like a wall and it shows. By adolescence her form will be easy to see below coarse fur. But she won't lumber like one could assume of her size, her movements are careful, deliberate, she is actively aware of not hurting others.

Granite is something of a black sheep when it comes to her colouration. Where her parents and most of her siblings showcase bright colours Granite is muted. There's not a speck of blue, orange or red to be found on her. Instead her pelt is largely an ashy black, broken by a single other shade: White. Which streaks across her form, largely seeming random as it marks her whole torso, legs, tail and head. The only notable marking is one that will tell her lineage to anyone who recognizes it, the white making a familiar claw like pattern across her left eye.

The single pop of colour Granite has is her light blue eyes, nearly identical to those Basilisk himself possesses.

Personality: Real middle child syndrome happening here. Granite sees herself as just not quite as good. She's not the biggest, she's not the smartest or the strongest or quickest or anythingest. From an early age the pressure of her family's status will manifest in Granite as anxiety that she's never quite good enough. Sure she's passable, she'll always make sure of that but there will be a deep seeded doubt in herself and her abilities. Internally she's always comparing herself to those around her, especially her siblings or other family. Far as she's aware she's also the only one that feels this way which only makes it worse. Though she'll do her best to hide it, wouldn't do to show her weakness would it?

Pushing everything down isn't exactly healthy so shouldn't come as a surprise that Granite will regularly be irritable, especially if she feels she's been struggling more than usual. Though it'll be easy to see the anger building it may still come on quickly and seem somewhat sudden to others, though she doesn't physically lash out her tongue is sharp and she'll not hesitate to tell others off. Well she'll never lash out physically at others, it'll be quite common to see Granite taking her anger out on various training dummies, trees, maybe a pillow or two.

When Granite is in a good mood though she's a social wolf with an eagerness to learn. For all her self doubt her mind is a sponge and she'll eagerly cling to anything that gives her a connection to her family, her parents especially. Granite has very little ego to speak of as a result of the anxiety but that can be a boon as she's less prone to retaliation and can take a joke at her own expense, before she'll just as easily dish one out.

Ultimately where Granite will find her calling is in protecting others, she'll see herself as being most useful in maintaining the safety of others. Her family, her pack. The lucky few outside those groups that'll earn her loyalty will find she's quite soft, sensitive and obviously, a worrier. Those that know Granite best will have the best chances at really hurting her. Broken trust will be a deep hurt for Granite, one she'll never forgive or forget but that will simply mean being more walled off rather than violence.

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Skills: Fighting, Healing

Mutations: -

Themed Mutation or Disability: I'm passing this time ;)

Intended plots / other: Mostly open, nothing concrete for sure. Obviously do her best to make her parents proud, work on skills  Eventually become a mother but that's like a million years in the future. If any of her siblings have disabilities or other health issues she'll likely struggle for a while to combat bitterness at the attention that gives them.



Rapid Poster - Silver
07-04-2024, 10:19 PM (This post was last modified: 07-17-2024, 12:04 PM by Sinchanted. Edited 8 times in total.)
Hoping to change his eyes to amber if accepted!

Balrog "Bal" Fatalis
Out-of-Character Name Sin
Character's Name Balrog "Bal" Fatalis
Adult Height 42"
Size Extra Large
Gender Male
Build Heavy
Appearance Description

An imposing and intensely wild figure, the male commands attention with his striking appearance. His coat, as black as the deepest night, exudes an aura of mystery and power. The black fur is sleek and dense, a perfect camouflage in the shadows of the forest. However, what truly sets him apart are the golden accent markings that adorn his body, reminiscent of glowing lava veins coursing through his form.

These luminous markings streak across his fur in intricate patterns, starting from his muzzle and extending down his neck and along his spine. They branch out like the molten rivers of an active volcano, creating a mesmerizing contrast against the inky darkness of his pelt. The golden hues seem to flicker and glow with an inner fire, especially under the moonlight, giving him an almost otherworldly appearance.

His eyes, a deep amber, burn with an intensity that matches the fiery accents of his fur. They are sharp and perceptive, constantly scanning his surroundings with a predatory gaze. His ears, tall and pointed, are always alert, swiveling to catch the slightest sounds. His powerful build is accentuated by the thick fur around his neck and shoulders, which gives him an even more formidable presence.

His tail, long and bushy, is tipped with the same golden glow, swaying behind him with a life of its own. Each step he takes is measured and deliberate, a display of both grace and raw strength. He moves with the confidence of a predator who knows his place at the top of the food chain, his every motion a testament to his dominance and prowess.
Personality As a Puppy:
From a young age, Balrog will be a force of nature, displaying a fierce independence and a curiosity that knows no bounds. Although not the largest of his litter, he will be a hulking figure even as a pup. His golden markings will begin to show early, hinting at the striking appearance he will grow into. He will often wander away from the safety of his den, driven by an insatiable need to explore and understand his surroundings.

Balrog's independence will not make him aloof; rather, he will be intensely observant, watching the behaviors of those around him with a keen eye. He will quickly learn the dynamics of the pack, understanding the balance of power and the nuances of social interactions. Playful yet assertive, he will engage in rough-and-tumble games with his siblings, often fiercely passionate to ensure he emerges as the leader in their mock battles. His natural charisma will start to shine through, drawing others to him even in his earliest days.

As an Adolescent:
As he grows into adolescence, Balrog's meticulous nature will become more pronounced. He will start to spend more time on his own, patrolling the edges of the Armada territory and honing his hunting skills. His golden markings will become more vivid, glowing with an almost otherworldly light that sets him apart from his peers. He will begin to understand his own strength and capabilities, moving with a confidence that belies his age.

His intelligence will become one of his defining traits. He will be quick to learn and adapt, showing a remarkable ability to think several steps ahead in any situation. His strategic mind will make him a valuable asset during hunts and conflicts, as he will be able to anticipate the actions of both prey and rivals. His dedication to the Armada's strength will also become more apparent, as he starts to host raids and protect his parents with unwavering loyalty.

Despite his solitary nature, he will form deep bonds with a select few pack members outside of his immediate family. His loyalty to these individuals will be fierce and unwavering, and he will protect them and his family with a ferocity that matches his fiery appearance. He will begin to revel in challenges and conflicts, seeing them as opportunities to prove his strength and cunning.

As an Adult:
By the time he reaches adulthood, Balrog will have fully come into his own as a dominant and formidable presence. His black coat and glowing golden markings will be at their most striking, making him a fearsome sight in the wilderness. His body will be a perfect blend of muscle and agility, moving with the grace of a predator at the peak of his power.

His personality will be a complex tapestry of traits that have developed over the years. Balrog will be fiercely loyal and family-oriented, valuing his pack and family above all else. His intelligence and strategic mind will make him a natural leader, and his charisma will draw others to him, inspiring loyalty and admiration. He will work tirelessly to keep the Armada strong, often taking the initiative to organize raids and defend his pack from threats.

Balrog will continue to be a creature of conflict and challenge, thriving in situations that test his abilities. However, he will also possess a deep well of empathy and compassion for those he cares about. His loyalty to his chosen few will be unwavering, and he will go to great lengths to protect them. His sense of justice, while not always aligning with conventional norms, will be a guiding force in his decisions.
Alignment Lawful Neutral
Skills Fighting and Intellect
Mutations I do not have any mutation passes, sadly!
Themed Mutation or Disability If by some chance he were to be granted the free mutation pass given away in this litter, I would love to either add crystal fangs or crystal additions to his hide for either offensive or defensive mutations, depending on which you prefer!
Intended plots / other I am eager to explore plotlines that challenge his parents' limits during his adolescence. Ultimately, my goal is for him to become a reliable and strong presence within Armada. While he will push boundaries to discover their extent, he will always ensure he avoids actions that could lead to exile or execution. I am particularly interested in incorporating elements of familial dysfunction and drama, coupled with a shared passion for maintaining the strength of the Armada.



Rapid Poster - Rainbow
07-05-2024, 11:16 AM (This post was last modified: 07-29-2024, 11:32 PM by Indie. Edited 9 times in total.)


Potential Names (I don't know, pick for me ^^;): Avani, Chanae (Shuh-nay), Chione (She-oh-nee), Sabini, Sentry, Vanari
Gender: Female
Size & Build: 32" | Light
Mutations: I don't anticipate her having mutations at this time.
Themed Mutation: I'm open to it. She doesn't have to have a mutation if someone else wants it- though if she were selected, she would likely have crystal retractable claws or something of the sort.
Appearance: This girl will have a a slender, light-build- standing at 32 inches tall. Her fur is predominantly a creamy white with light yellow and soft beige markings. She has intricate patterns of these colors that blend harmoniously across her body, giving her a delicate appearance. Her face is framed with a creamy white fur that highlights her striking pinkish-red eyes, adding a touch of vividness to her gentle palette. Her ears are lined with a soft beige hue, matching the lighter shades on her body. Her tail is bushy, predominantly creamy white with light yellow accents that seamlessly transition into her fur's overall coloration. The lightness of her build and the gentle colors of her fur give her an elegant and graceful look.


Skills; Intellect [???] & Navigating [???]


Subject to change as she develops. As a child, she will exhibit a captivating blend of curiosity, ambition, and inventiveness that hints at the remarkable individual she will become. Even at a young age, her drive to prove herself is evident. She constantly seeks out new challenges and takes great pride in her accomplishments, often pushing herself to be the best in everything she does. Her fierce loyalty manifests early, as she becomes a devoted friend and protector to those she cares about, although gaining her trust remains a significant challenge.

Her insatiable curiosity fuels her every move. She is always asking questions, exploring her surroundings, and tinkering with anything she can get her paws on. Her inventive spirit shines through in her ability to create simple yet ingenious solutions to everyday problems, often surprising those around her with her resourcefulness. However, her restless energy means she struggles to sit still or focus on one task for too long, frequently bouncing from one project to another.

Socially, this girl will be awkward and somewhat shy. She finds it challenging to navigate the complexities of social interactions and often feels out of place in larger groups. Her eagerness to please sometimes leads her to interrupt conversations or forget social niceties, which can cause misunderstandings. Despite these social struggles, she deeply craves acceptance and validation from her peers and mentors, driving her to seek out opportunities to prove her worth.

Her pride in her abilities can sometimes verge on vanity, and she is not immune to moments of frustration and volatility, particularly when she feels her efforts are not recognized or when she faces setbacks. Her emotions can be intense, leading to occasional outbursts of anger or disappointment. However, these moments are balanced by her inherent kindness and a genuine desire to do good for those she cares about.

Overall, her childhood will be characterized by a blend of ambition and creative drive. Her journey will likely involve learning to harness her curiosity and inventive nature, tempering her impulsive tendencies, and navigating the complexities of social interactions. As she grows, she will begin to understand the value of patience and consideration for others, setting the stage for the remarkable individual she is destined to become.


+ + + I'm all about that stat grind. Love to try and double master my guys as early as I can so I can focus on story oriented stuff as a yearling!

+ + + I would love for her to become renowned for something- I DON'T KNOW FOR WHAT yet. But a unique craft or skill that could become highly specialized for her. She is going to be super crafty, so, constantly seeking help from mom and dad to "fix" things and help her achieve her intended result ... however impossible they may be.

+ + + I don't know if it will be a self-discovery thing, or a diplomatic thing, but I think she is going to be drawn to learning about other "cultures" and their creations. So I could see her setting out to expose herself to stuff like that. Maybe it might be a little self-absorbed to think of it is as such, but maybe an outreach thing? Engineer for hire? xD I don't know. While she may not have diplomatic social graces, she will let her work ethic and creative drive do the speaking for her.

+ + + I'm thinking that arranged marriages aren't really the Fatalis style, but I wouldn't be opposed to her having a uhh ... mutually beneficial diplomatic relationship later on in life- it will honestly probably happen whether it is planned icly or not c:

+ + +



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Paleo species

Samhain 2022
07-11-2024, 10:49 PM
We have successfully rolled three event mutations and will be picking a wolf from these applications to have one of these mutations! If you are interested, please indicate so, and write what mutation you would choose. If you aren't sure what mutations you can get for the event, just ask me!
We also now have our due date, and will be picking 2-4 apps (We can't decide, big or small litter!?) on the 3rd of August

on that note, we also have some more lovely designs that you can also pick from below!

[Image: pSAHoOi.png][Image: qxazLkg.png][Image: pdCL1vy.png][Image: t9oxkoL.png][Image: LapVaW0.png][Image: KbH7QKE.png]
[Image: 2yUYF9E.png]
As his Consort, Ignita can enter any of his threads without warning



Advanced Intellectual (95)

Advanced Hunter (110)

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11K
07-27-2024, 01:19 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Xarae

Character's Name: Pyrite "Pie" Fatalis

Adult Height: 23"

Size: Small

Gender: Male

Build: Light

Appearance Description: Design 3 Variant C

The fact that his father is a massive "paleo" size skipped over this little fella - perhaps a throwback to his Uncle Levi. In fact, he stands even smaller than his mother at the shoulder and takes after her in coloration as well. The base color is that same brilliant white, coupled with stripes and swaths of shimmering gold and light copper. The coloration is most concentrated along his back and and the tops of his back thighs, with whispers of the same on his front legs. Light blue markings occasionally pierce the gold, peeking through just when you thought he was only his mother's son. Pale blue also peeks out in the tufts of his ears and in the striking Fatalis family claw marking covering his left eye. Pie's eyes are such a pale blue that is some lights they appear white. His fur is naturally a bit shorter and packed more densely together than your average wolf, giving him a plush coat that repels water and dirt quite well. It's nearly sleek to the touch.

Personality: Pie will spend most of his young life acting however he thinks he "should" act. He is a little bit needy, a little desperate for approval in a way that can sometimes be off-putting. He is far from the true, stalwart example of a Fatalis - and this will weigh on him heavily. The legacy of his family, of his pack, is a constant source of distant anxiety. He loves the company of his parents' companions and often seeks them out, feeling more at home sometimes with creatures of differing species entirely than other wolves. It somehow makes him feel like his own differences and perceived shortcomings aren't as noticeable. He will busy himself with quiet, solitary tasks like collecting rocks.

As a youngster, he will be soft-spoken but occasionally work himself up into mini-tantrums in private as way to release his anxiety. When his adult teeth begin to grow in as his mutated crystal teeth (if chosen for event mutation), he will finally feel like maybe he, too, can be a big, brave Fatalis. He will throw himself into his training, desperate to prove himself as a fighter despite his smaller stature. At this point, Pyrite will begin to crave the friendship of companions of his own and will scour around for animal friends (ooc, I will work towards Beast Master specialty for him to eventually have three). Once he has his companion(s), he will tend to hide behind them. It's a relief for him to let them speak for him in certain situations. His confidence, however, will slowly grow over the course of his life with the support of his family and companions as he grows his skills. Eventually, he will still be a soft-spoken but now self-assured male with a mouth full of deadly glittering teeth.

And he'll still collect rocks. Because shiny.

Alignment: True Neutral

Skills: Fighting & Hunting
Specialties: Knight & Beast Master

Mutations: N/A

Themed Mutation or Disability: Crystalline teeth that grow continuously and must be broken off/sharpened down to prevent them from cutting into his gums and jaw. These will appear at first as small, winking crystals on his baby teeth and then as he loses them, his adult teeth will grow in as full crystals that must be maintained.

Intended plots / other: I would LOVE for him to be a big time momma's boy!! Would also love lots of shenanigans with parents' companions as a kid. I'm open to just about anything - his personality would definitely make him a target for bullying when he's young.

Dragon Mod


13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - RainbowPride - DemisexualEaster 2022Toys for Tots
07-27-2024, 06:35 PM (This post was last modified: 07-30-2024, 10:08 PM by Dragon Mod. Edited 6 times in total.)

Out-of-Character Name: Dragon

Character's Name: Cobalt Fatalis

Adult Height: 42"

Size: Medium

Gender: Male

Build: Balanced

Appearance Description: Averaging about 42", Cobalt is a decent balance between mother and father. Although he's nowhere near as large as his father, his size fits in well enough with the rest of the Fatalis. He's neither bulky nor thin, but a good balance in between. His coat is bathed in shades of blue much like many in the Fatalis line, ranging from dark shades of blue and lightening in some areas. On closer inspection and dependent on lighting, you can even see a bit of darker blue striping across his form. The more notable markings on him, however, is the gold striping on his forelegs, and the flecking on the back of his neck. He also carries a gold strip on the bridge of his muzzle, as well as the infamous Fatalis marking etched in gold over his left eye.

Personality: Cobalt takes after both mother and father. He is headstrong, passionate, strong-willed, and can sometimes be impulsive. That's not to say the latter is a bad thing. Often it can make or break a decision that he needs to make on the fly. As a child, his passion and strong-will will emerge with a fury! He looks up to his father and those that came before him, pushing himself to great lengths to please him and uphold the Fatalis name. He wants nothing more than to be the apple of his parents' eye, and prove to himself (and them), that he's worthy of the name and title. Cobalt is determined and a hard worker, seldom will he be seen slacking and instead, potentially working himself to the bone. As a child, this will be displayed in his lack of wanting to play "childish games" and will instead, prefer to want to be around his parents or other pack members in a bid to learn all that he can as quick as he can.

Knowledge is power, after all, but so is strength. And the more he learns, the more he'd be able to use his strength to protect his family and pack, and there's no telling what lengths he'd go to in order to accomplish this. One might claim he might even risk death if it came down to it, and even though he might appear selfish...he does have a bit more of a soft spot for his family.

As he ages, Cobalt's lack of...self-restraint may become evident. While he generally does his best to remain calm and collected, he does have his limits and he does tend to have a temper which can often lead him into trouble if he's not careful. When his temper flares, he may act recklessly or say things he doesn't mean out of anger, which again, may get him into trouble. But he isn't perfect, after all, nobody is.

Another thing Cobalt may struggle with is his view of the world. He has the tendency to see the world as black and white, and may fail or struggle to see anything in between without some guidance. Although he does have compassion for others, it's just not given to those that he feels are unfit to be left alive (rapists, slavers, murderers, etc). That being said, he does have great compassion for others, especially the weak and innocent. but on the same side of the coin, he struggles in the way of empathy and is prone to taking things at face value, evaluating situations or ideas based solely on his own perspective and may rarely think deeper about it unless someone else points it out to him.

(Will add more to personality if I get him c:)

Alignment: Chaotic good (or maybe take after Bas as chaotic neutral)

Skills: Fighting x tba

Mutations: I don't expect to have any mutations unfortunately due to limited income at the moment :')

Themed Mutation or Disability: If chosen, crystal fangs for mutation, am also open to a disability (just gotta figure out what)

Intended plots / other: (Optional)

(Workin on it now)



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Paleo species

Samhain 2022
07-30-2024, 11:19 PM
Thank you all for applying! after a great deal of struggling we have decided on Mal's James, TR's Iskandor, and Sin's Balrog.
Mal and TR get free pup passes (And Elin), and congratulations Sin, you get the event mutation! If anyone needs help with color or height passes let me know
[Image: 2yUYF9E.png]
As his Consort, Ignita can enter any of his threads without warning

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1. Basilisk and Ignita litter! Adoptions 04:29 PM, 06-29-2024 12:07 AM, 08-24-2024