
Eyes in the sky



The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (105)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

Dire wolf
07-06-2024, 11:52 PM

Walking beneath the canopy of pines, Zagan quickly notices he is being followed. Not by a wolf, a predator, or even a herbivore- no, his pursuer was watching him from the sky, swooping from one branch to the next, tracing his movements with beady, black eyes. It’s sharp gaze was fixated on him with an intensity that felt knowing, as if it could depict his actions before he made them. It seemed to mirror his movements, a silent companion intent on accompanying him in his journeys.

Zagan remembered Absinth offering a Raven to each of her children, himself included. Was this the bird she assigned to him? Or did it choose him on its own? Stopping, Zagan shifts his attention to the sky, narrowing his bi-colored gaze at the large, obsidian bird watching him from the pines. Its sleek, dark feathers glimmered beneath the morning light, intelligent eyes honing in on him with a look of interest. Like it wanted him to notice it.


As his parents, Sephiran, Absinth, & Aresenn may enter his threads while he is under one year old.


"I'll be a good Girl in Hell"

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (405)

Master Intellectual (375)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years

TeacherWinnerHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Pride - DemisexualPride - BisexualPride - Demisexual
Double MasterWordyStudentBest BudsHomebodyRapid Poster - Rainbow
07-09-2024, 11:48 PM

Absinth moved silently through the dense forest, her sharp eyes scanning the surroundings with practiced ease. The early morning light filtered through the canopy, casting dappled shadows on her sleek, ivory fur. Her movements were fluid and precise, each step deliberate as she patrolled the borders of the territory without her antlers atop her head. The ravens, her ever-watchful companions, flitted from tree to tree, their black feathers glimmering like obsidian in the soft light. Many more, the ones she had raised and trained, flew nearby as always. Each raven had its own territory, its own set of tasks, and Absinth relied on their keen senses to alert her to any disturbances for the pack's safety. Their caws and rustling feathers were a language she understood intimately, a symphony of sounds that painted a vivid picture of the forest around her. She paused, listening to the subtle shifts in their calls, her ears twitching as she interpreted their messages.

Her mind was always in motion, analyzing, calculating, planning. The forest was her domain, and she knew every inch of it, every hidden path and secret glade. Her patrols were more than mere routines; they were a dance of dominance and control, ensuring that no threat went unnoticed and unchallenged. As she neared a familiar grove, the ravens' calls shifted, signaling the presence of someone ahead. Absinth’s ears perked up, recognizing the subtle changes in their tone. A smile played at the corners of her lips as she moved forward with renewed purpose. She knew who it was before she saw him.

There, beneath the canopy of pines, she spotted Zagan. He was walking with a determined gait, his bi-colored eyes sharp and alert. Above him, a raven followed, its beady black eyes fixated on him with an intensity that spoke of a deeper connection. Absinth watched for a moment, her heart swelling with a rare tenderness. She had offered a raven to each of her children, a gift that symbolized both protection and companionship. But that raven was not one she had chosen. It was a bond forged in trust and understanding, one that transcended the ordinary.

With a swift, fluid movement, she approached him, her presence almost ethereal under the canopy of pines. “Zagan,” She began, her voice carrying a mixture of affection and a hint of mischief, “I see you’ve met your companion.” She tilted her head towards the raven, its beady black eyes still fixated on him. “These birds are not just mere creatures of the sky. They are our eyes, our ears, and in many ways, our guides.”

She moved closer, her gaze shifting between Zagan and the raven. “This one, it chose you. There is a bond here, deeper than what you see on the surface. It mirrors your movements because it understands you, perhaps even better than you understand yourself.” Her tone grew softer, more contemplative. “Ravens are creatures of wisdom and foresight. They see what we cannot, know what we have yet to realize. This one will be your silent sentinel, your watcher in the shadows. Trust it, Zagan. It is a part of you now, as you are a part of it.”

With a playful smirk, she added, “And besides, it’s always good to have someone watching your back, even if they do it from the treetops.” Her gaze softened as she looked at him, a rare tenderness in her eyes. “You’re never truly alone, my son. Not as long as you have the raven and me.” This, she was sure of. This, she promised.

"Absinth Artemisia Inferos"

m o o d b o a r d 
Absi is a mature character. She's very vulgar and volatile. Discretion advised.


The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (105)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

Dire wolf
07-12-2024, 02:32 PM

As Zagan studied the raven, he noticed the subtleties in its movements, and the way its beady eyes tracked his every move. It was fixated on him, choosing him as its object of interest but Zagan didn’t understand why. His mind traveled to Absinth again, his head cocking slightly, the bird mimicking him before cawing. Shortly after, the sound of paws crunching through snow caught his attention, movement occurring in his peripheral which took his attention away from the bird.

Oh. Absinth. She appeared from the forest like a phantom, approaching him and the bird with a look of mischief in her eyes. “Mother Absinth,” He said, his hardened expression melting away in the presence of his adoptive mother. Gravitating towards her, Zagan presses his head against one of her forelegs before looking back up at the raven.

Absinth confirmed it- the bird was his companion, having chosen him to serve as a second pair of eyes and ears. He would never be alone, so long as his raven and Absinth were alive.

His head cocked inquisitively, his long ears flopping to the side. “But why?” He questioned, looking up at Absinth. “Father- The Sultan,” He corrected himself. “He assigned a panther to me. It follows me around but-“ The bird's presence felt different. “But the raven follows me because it wants to?” It's an odd concept for him to understand. “Do I have to feed it? Give it things?” He had so many questions for her.


As his parents, Sephiran, Absinth, & Aresenn may enter his threads while he is under one year old.


"I'll be a good Girl in Hell"

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (405)

Master Intellectual (375)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years

TeacherWinnerHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Pride - DemisexualPride - BisexualPride - Demisexual
Double MasterWordyStudentBest BudsHomebodyRapid Poster - Rainbow
07-13-2024, 03:10 AM

Absinth's eyes twinkled with a mix of amusement and pride as she gazed down at Zagan. She observed the curiosity and confusion playing across his features, the questions swirling in his mind evident in his expressive eyes. The raven, perched nearby, watched them both with an intense focus, its beady eyes glittering like dark gems. She hums as the boy comes close, leaning against her fore so comfortably.

“Listen, Zagan.” Absinth began, her voice sly and melodic, her head tilting slightly as she spoke. “Ravens are unique among creatures. They are not assigned or commanded; they choose their companions. Their friends.” She paused, allowing her words to sink in, and her eyes never left Zagan's, ensuring he grasped the importance of what she was saying.

As she spoke, Absinth's tail flicked lightly, a sign of her thoughtful consideration. “The Sultan's panther is a guardian, a protector assigned to you. It follows orders but does not understand you the way this raven does.” She explained, her tone patient and firm, her ears twitching to emphasize her point. “The raven chose you because it saw a kindred spirit in you. It will not follow you out of duty, but out of a bond it perceives with you.”

She smirked, her eyes intensifying as she continued, a gentle nudge of her muzzle against his. “You do not need to feed it or give it things to earn its loyalty. It is already loyal to you, by its own choice. Treat it with respect and trust, and it will be your eyes and ears in ways you cannot yet imagine.”

Her gaze shifted to the raven, which cawed softly in response, as if acknowledging her words. “This bond is a gift, Zagan. Cherish it, nurture it, and it will grow stronger with time. You may feed it, give it shiny things, tell it your thoughts. The raven will be there for you, not because it has to, but because it wants to. They are so intelligent. So devoted. That is why they are my favorite.”

Absinth leaned down, nuzzling him affectionately, her touch filled with warmth and reassurance. She could feel the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, a reminder of the life and potential within him.

"Absinth Artemisia Inferos"

m o o d b o a r d 
Absi is a mature character. She's very vulgar and volatile. Discretion advised.


The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (105)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

Dire wolf
07-17-2024, 01:04 PM

Zagan’s tall, elongated ears perked forward with interest, bi-colored eyes looking up into the emerald hues of Absinth’s gaze, sparkling with curiosity and interest as he listened to her words, her teachings. Ravens were friends, they were not things to command. That was the primary difference between the bird and his panther companion, who Sephiran had commanded to protect him until its last breath. He and the bird would share a symbiotic relationship, one built on trust and devotion. A complex creature with an understanding of his actions and emotions. It chose him because it saw a kindred spirit in him. The thought brought a sly smile to Zagan’s lips, his eyes shifting to the bird with a look of admiration.

His attention shifts back to Absinth when she nudges him, teaching him that he does not need to feed it or give it things. Zagan nods, absorbing the information, vowing to treat the bird with respect, as Mother Absinth instructed. “I will be good to it.” He says, voicing his vow, wanting to make her proud. With time, maybe he could build a bond with his panther too. “And what about my panther? You think I can make it bond with me?” He asks, genuinely curious. She knew a lot about the ravens and their dynamics. Maybe she knew how to bond with panthers too.

When she leans down into him, he nuzzles her back, craning his smaller neck across hers, allowing himself to be enveloped by her embrace. She may have been his adoptive mother, but Zagan could feel her love- it was profound, unconditional, and powerful, just like her.


As his parents, Sephiran, Absinth, & Aresenn may enter his threads while he is under one year old.


"I'll be a good Girl in Hell"

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (405)

Master Intellectual (375)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years

TeacherWinnerHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Pride - DemisexualPride - BisexualPride - Demisexual
Double MasterWordyStudentBest BudsHomebodyRapid Poster - Rainbow
07-18-2024, 11:16 PM

Absinth’s gaze softened as she looked into Zagan’s eager eyes, catching the spark of understanding and the budding pride in his expression. His curiosity was tangible, his commitment to learn evident in every word he spoke. She felt a sense of satisfaction watching him absorb her teachings about the raven's unique bond. She took the time to look him over, scanning him for scratches and ruffled fur alike – ready to fix any stray hairs. He was such a distinct-looking child, and though she was not his true-born mother, she felt no difference between him and, say, Ludovic of her blood-borns.

“The panther is different. Felines are ruled by different laws. Fear is one, which I assume is what yours is controlled by.” She began, her voice carrying a sharp note of thoughtful consideration. Her paw moved to run through his fur, through the quills that poked at her fingers but did nothing to change her expression. He was so small now, and she knew with time he would grow, larger than life. Larger than she herself. Maybe then, he will have become a formidable brute. She hoped to be there when it happened. Would he be the Sultan? Would Sephiran snuff him out before then? She bristled at the thought. “While it was given to you, it can still learn to understand and respect you. Or, you can continue to keep it with fear as it’s only motivator.”

She paused, her tail flicking as she thought of the best way to explain. To tell him of the drawbacks of such a bond. “Do you think being scared of someone is true loyalty? If you were injured, would you still trust your panther with your life, if push came to shove?” A moment of pause, her eyes searching his as her neck craned to meet his eyes. No. It would leave you for fucking dead at your weakest moment. For something that spends so much time with you, so closely – You must show it now that you are worthy of its devotion, not just its obedience. Spend time with it, speak to it, and let it learn your scent and your voice. Your mind. One day, it may even take your orders without so much as a glance from you.” She breathes in his scent, that sweet familiar scent, her ears folding back out of reminiscence as she continues. “Show it why it should be utterly devoted to you. Not by fear alone. Fear should only be used on the weak and worthless. I’m not telling you to cuddle up with it, or whisper sweet words to it – but manipulation, my son, goes a long way. That means to control how someone sees you, and how you can change the way they think with your resolve alone. I can teach you more if you like.”

Absinth tilted her head slightly, a smirk capturing her lips, her eyes never leaving his. “But remember, the bond won’t form overnight, but with consistency and attentiveness, the panther will come to respect you. Truly. It will be your true ally. It may never be the same as with the raven, but it can be a useful and loyal companion in its own right.”

She nuzzled him gently, feeling the warmth of his affection and the sincerity in his earlier vow. Her eyes shimmered with pride and mischief, her muzzle moving to kiss the top of his head with a rugged, devious chuckle bubbling up from her chest. “Every bond is unique, Zagan. Know it, nurture it, and it will grow in its own way. Then you may change it, evolve it as you see fit. You have the resolve and the will to make it happen.” She purred, her tail thumping in the snow behind her.

"Absinth Artemisia Inferos"

m o o d b o a r d 
Absi is a mature character. She's very vulgar and volatile. Discretion advised.


The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (105)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

Dire wolf
07-19-2024, 05:39 PM

Mother Absinth went on to explain that panthers were… different. They performed beneath different laws, they operated methodically and were creatures of devotion out of power, or fear. His mind conjured images of Sephiran’s panther- the larger, more ferocious beast that lived in the Sultan’s shadow, fiercely devoted to him but it was not out of mutual respect.

Zagan was a young pup, and had minimal knowledge of the world around him- but he knew fear. He felt it crawl down his spine every time the Sultan was near. The innate bristling of his pelt, the sense of alarm that coursed through him, the instinct to fight or flee. Surely the Sultan’s companions felt the same rush of adrenaline in the presence of their master. But did that make them faithful companions? Would they protect the Sultan until their last breath? With Absinth's teaching, Zagan wasn't so sure.

As her paw ran through his sprouting fur, caressing the sharp quills that poked into her paw pad, Zagan raised into her touch, enjoying her warmth. He kept his eyes on her, absorbing her teachings, storing every concept, every detail, every word in the labyrinth of his growing mind. Fear was a powerful motivator- his own father was the embodiment of the concept. But Absinth was right- fear couldn’t produce passion - and if push came to shove, a creature trained out of fear would turn on its master.

Zagan swallowed down the lump that was growing in his throat, his mind whirling, scenarios of the Sultan’s companions turning on him forming in his head. He wondered how it would feel to be ripped apart by the claws and teeth of a panther.

Manipulation versus fear. Zagan wanted to become a powerful wolf, a man driven by the insatiable need to dominate, similar to his father- but could he foresee himself using fear as his primary motivator? He wasn’t so sure.

His gaze shifted from Mother Absinth for a moment, glancing at his panther standing in the shadows, watching, assessing, waiting. What was it thinking? Did it agree with Absinth’s teachings? Or would it disregard her wisdom, and function out of servitude? Always an arms length from Zagan, emotionally stoic and unable to form a bond? The thought left a sour taste in his mouth.

“Yes, I want to learn more.” He says, turning back to Absinth, eager to learn, to absorb, to grow. “I want the panther to respect me. I…” His voice trails off, his face contorting into a contemplative expression that gives insight into his brain's musings. “I don’t want to be like the Sultan- like my father.” Yes, fear could be a motivator. But he didn't want fear to be the only reason why he rose to power. The only reason why he became the next Saxe Sultan.


As his parents, Sephiran, Absinth, & Aresenn may enter his threads while he is under one year old.


"I'll be a good Girl in Hell"

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (405)

Master Intellectual (375)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years

TeacherWinnerHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Pride - DemisexualPride - BisexualPride - Demisexual
Double MasterWordyStudentBest BudsHomebodyRapid Poster - Rainbow
07-20-2024, 02:53 AM

Absinth pulled back slightly, her gaze hardening as she locked eyes with Zagan. Her lips curled into a snarl, eyes narrowing into sharp slits. "Understand this, Zagan," She hissed, her voice cold and yet unconditionally affectionate. "The world is brutal.”

With a fluid, deliberate motion, Absinth rose to her feet, her muscles rippling beneath her fur. "I will never lie to you. So listen close. Fear can control, but it also breeds resentment. And that, my son, leads to mutiny." Her eyes flickered with the intensity of her conviction. "The paranoia of a king, of being betrayed or outshone, can ruin any empire, no matter how powerful." She flicked her tail sharply, emphasizing her point. "Fear is a necessary thing, but it’s easily grasped and enforced. An idiot can brutalize anyone smaller than they themselves, and gain fear from them. Respect, however, must be earned through strength and cunning. Show your panther that you are not just its master, but a force to be reckoned with. Prove to it that your strength surpasses any fear it might have… much like the followers or underlings you will have in the future. That is how you sow the seeds of.. devotion."

Absinth began to pace, her movements graceful yet charged with intensity. Her mind churned through the lessons she needed to impart, the lessons Sephiran seemed to lack. She wanted her son to surpass that madman. Her paw reached out to him, caressing his cheek with a smirk of inky lips. Oh, she loved those eyes of his. So expressive. "The weak will fall, and the strong will rise. You must be the strongest; you must be brutal. But stay your hand to those who are truly loyal to you. Even a king of demons will find comfort in generals ready to lay their lives down for him."

Her eyes bore into his, a fierce intensity blazing within them. Watching his eyes focus on the cat waiting in the shadows. "Do not seek its approval; demand it through your actions. Show it that you are unyielding, that your will is indomitable. Show them all. And if they do not appreciate you, make them suffer. If they betray you, even after all your efforts. Make them regret the air they breathe." It’s what she would do. She stopped directly in front of him, her presence towering and commanding. "Prove that you can lead through more than fear. Show that you can command respect. But never forget, respect without strength is hollow. Just as hollow as fear without loyalty. You must be both feared and respected. Strong and ruthless. This balance is what will make you a powerful leader."

Absinth leaned down, her muzzle close to his ear, her breath warm against his fur. "You will make mistakes, and you will face failures. But each one is a lesson. Learn from them, grow from them, and become stronger. That is life. That is survival. Do you think I became what I am by blood or by reputation? Fuck no. I made myself, I fucking carved myself with every bite and claw my body has ever felt. Every drop of blood, every bruise I’ve ever been given. No one but me has ever decided the path my life has taken." She straightened, a graceful, intense, powerful stance about her. Absinth was as she had created herself as. A fucking warrior of a woman.

She rolled her muscular shoulders then, her voice carrying a note of finality. “I know you possess the will to become a powerful man. Show me. The monochromatic fae knew he had the potential to rise above his father, to become a leader worthy of loyalty, respect, ruthlessness, and fear. But it would be a hard path, filled with challenges and harsh truths. And she would be there, guiding him with the tough lessons he needed to learn, ensuring that he would emerge stronger and more formidable than ever.

"Absinth Artemisia Inferos"

m o o d b o a r d 
Absi is a mature character. She's very vulgar and volatile. Discretion advised.