
Never was there ever a girl so pretty

widow - fight seasonal



Master Intellectual (240)

Intermediate Fighter (45)


1 Year

Pride - Polysexual
07-12-2024, 05:58 PM

Illusion moved through the forest with a sinister grace, her movements as fluid as the shadows that danced around her. Her golden and slate fur blended seamlessly with the dappled sunlight filtering through the dense canopy above. Her ears flicked at every subtle sound, her sharp eyes scanning the surroundings with a predatory intensity. Her mind was a cold, calculating machine, always searching for the next thrill, the next victim to dissect and understand.

A sudden rustle in the underbrush snapped her attention to a nearby thicket. Her ears perked up, and she crouched low, her muscles coiling with a readiness born of instinct and a love for a fight. She imagined it might be her brother, perhaps attempting to play one of his tiresome pranks on her. A smirk tugged at her lips at the thought of turning the tables on him.

But it was not her brother who emerged. Instead, a large buck burst through the foliage, its eyes wild and frantic, nostrils flaring as it caught her scent. The creature's antlers were formidable, sharp and deadly, glinting menacingly in the fractured light. The buck charged at Illusion with a desperate fury, its powerful legs pounding the forest floor.

Illusion's eyes widened momentarily in surprise, but her instincts quickly took over. With a swift, agile leap, she dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the buck's deadly charge. The beast skidded to a halt, its hooves kicking up dirt and leaves, and turned to face her again, its breath heavy and labored.

She could see the fear and confusion in its eyes, mingled with a desperate determination. Stupid creature, she thought, a cruel smile curling her lips. Her mind already calculating her next move, she bared her teeth, a low growl rumbling from her throat.

The buck lowered its head, preparing for another charge. Illusion's eyes glinted with amusement as she watched the animal, her body language exuding confidence. She crouched lower, her muscles tensing like a coiled spring.

As the buck lunged forward again, Illusion danced to the side, her movements a blur of motion, her fur a streak of glittering gold and blue-black. She circled the buck, her sharp eyes searching for a weakness, a way to bring the beast down. Her mind raced with cold precision, every movement exact, every step measured. Where? Why was it so aggressive? There.

The buck stumbled slightly, its right leg betraying a weakness. Illusion's eyes narrowed, focusing on that vulnerability. With a burst of speed, she lunged at the buck, her jaws closing around its injured leg. The beast let out a pained bellow, thrashing wildly in an attempt to shake her off.

Illusion held on with a grim determination, her teeth sinking deeper into the buck's flesh. She felt a twisted pleasure in the creature's pain, a dark satisfaction in its struggle. Her wicked tendencies thrived in moments like these, where control and dominance were hers to wield.

Wc; 489

"Illusion Nightwing"

Illu lacks general emotions, be warned her brain isn't wired right.


Queen of Hell

Master Fighter (263)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
07-22-2024, 06:32 PM

She missed her children that didn't accompany her to Auster. Howl, Terror, Gruesome, and Cryptis- all followed her to their new home. Cadaver and Illusion, however, were their own. She missed them, so terribly bad, so much so that she was about willing to drag them back with her. She had to remind herself that they were a year old now, almost full on adults. She was left virtually alone by this age, though perhaps that was the reason she strove to keep her children close. Widow didn't want to be her mother, abandoning one litter for the next. Her children would always need her, even if they felt that they didn't... So Widow allowed them their freedom, with the hope that they would never fully leave her.

Where her two children were now was beyond her, but their scents were scattered around left and right and so she knew she had to be close. It was when she picked up Illusions scent that she perked up, so fresh and close, but then... there were some disheartening sounds. A brawl, the scent of a buck and her daughter. She had faith in her, yes, but alone against a massive animal? Where was Cadaver?

Her pace changed from a slow trot to a full on sprint, ears perked towards the sounds of the battle. As she grew closer, she could see the massive antlers of the buck through the trees and soon her daughter attached to a leg. She looked fine, sure, but Widow wasn't giving herself time to assess the situation. All she knew what that her daughter was facing this massive buck alone.

Breaking through the trees with a snarl, Widow launched towards the bucks shoulder, seeking to sink teeth until the flesh and sever the muscle, limit it's ability to even walk but the buck was fast. It swung it's massive head around as if it had expected her arrival and shoved her out of the way with it's sharpened antlers. She winced feeling them scrape against her side but she'd been so lucky to not have been penetrated, as the scrapes down her side would have certainly punctured a lung had they broken past her flesh.

She hissed and landed upon her four feet, snarling at the hooved animal. It was only now that she saw the crazed look in its eyes and she wondered, briefly, if it was alright. It was about to not be, so it hardly mattered.

Trusting Illusion to be smart, and too stuck in the moment of protect to find words, Widow launched again but this time aimed for the back of the same leg she had tried to attack prior. Wrapping her teeth around the wrist of the buck, the animal bellowed and tried to rip it's leg free but Widow only tightened her grip more and yanked the leg closer to her, seeking to send the animal crashing down to it's chest, or at least putting it at a horrible and painful angle, limiting it to only two legs to stand on that didn't have fangs wrapped around them.

519 + 489 = 1008
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PSA: I own widow's design as of 2/25/2022



Master Intellectual (240)

Intermediate Fighter (45)


1 Year

Pride - Polysexual
08-01-2024, 10:45 PM

The scent of her mother was as familiar as it was unexpected. Illusion's mind, already alight with the thrill of the hunt, registered Widow's presence even before she saw her. She believed, in some twisted way, that she trusted her mother, but now, with the buck's blood on her tongue and its pain coursing through her senses, she felt a new, fierce desire to prove that theory true. Widow's appearance was a sudden thing, her snarl cutting through the air as she lunged at the buck. Illusion saw her mother's determination, the instinct to protect her young, but she also saw the danger. The buck, driven by its own survival instincts, reacted with surprising swiftness, its antlers catching Widow and sending her back.

A low growl rumbled in Illusion's throat. This was her prey, her battle, and the buck's crazed defiance only fueled her resolve. She adjusted her grip, her teeth sinking deeper, her muscles straining as she held fast against the buck's frantic movements. Widow's attack had weakened it, the thought of two wolves to fight stressing the buck, but the creature's will to fight was still formidable. As Widow regrouped and launched another assault, this time targeting the buck's leg, Illusion saw her chance. The animal's attention was split, its movements more desperate. She could see the moment its strength wavered, the slight falter in its stance.

With a calculated movement, Illusion shifted her weight and released her hold, only to snap her jaws around the buck's ankle. An attempt to sever the tendons there. Her teeth clamped down hard, her body twisting with a savage intensity as she sought to unbalance the beast further. The buck's bellow of pain echoed through the forest, as the two vicious females tore into its flesh. The creature staggered, its legs no longer able to support its massive weight. Illusion felt a grim satisfaction as it began to collapse, its body crumpling under the assault.

As the buck collapsed to the ground, its breath rasping in agonized gasps, Illusion's claws retracted, releasing the dying creature. She stepped back, her chest fur matted with blood and her muscles screaming from exertion. Despite the fatigue, her eyes gleamed with a triumphant light. She loomed over the fallen beast, her chest rising and falling heavily with each breath. Slowly, she turned to Widow, her lips curling into a soft, devilish smile that spread across her blood-smeared face. "My hero. Thank you, Mother!" She purred, her voice dripping with a twisted sweetness. Illusion moved closer, her smaller frame pressing against her mother's side, her steps light and filled with glee as she placed a kiss to Widow's cheek. Her eyes never left the buck as she brushed by Widow, savoring the moment. Maybe she had forgotten to hide her true nature, maybe her mother would assume it was a spur of the moment wickedness. No matter.

With a graceful yet predatory motion, Illusion lowered her jaws to the buck's throat. Her teeth sank into the jugular, and she reveled in the sensation as the life drained from the creature. Her eyes remained fixed on her mother, a gleam of satisfaction and ruthlessness evident in her gaze, as she divested the beast of its right to live.

wc; 529, total: 1500+

"Illusion Nightwing"

Illu lacks general emotions, be warned her brain isn't wired right.


Queen of Hell

Master Fighter (263)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
08-05-2024, 03:19 AM


Soon enough, the raging buck was brought down by their joint efforts and Illusion was as sweet and friendly as ever. Her beloved daughter, the miniature version of her. How she wished she could hold her close, carry her by the scruff to their new home, back down to Auster where she had made them a home. Only Illusion and Cadaver strayed from her and it hurt, but she understood. Like her own mother had been absent (although a choice Widow is certain she made for herself), Widow had forged her own way. She, too, had to be absent from her children's lives. That left a lasting mark, she was certain- even if Illusions friendly facade didn't make it obvious.

"I'm no hero, my love," she purred and reached down to meet her daughters kiss so she wouldn't have to strain so much to reach. "You've gotten strong, I bet you could've taken this buck down all by yourself if my maternal need to protect hadn't gotten in the way," she ended with a laugh and watched as her daughter ended the bucks life once and for all, never breaking the eye contact Illusion held with her.

Blended with beauty and blessed by the divine
─ by Skelle !
Commissions are open! Check out my shop here!

PSA: I own widow's design as of 2/25/2022

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1. Never was there ever a girl so pretty Soulless Forest 05:58 PM, 07-12-2024 05:57 AM, 08-21-2024