
could you be my savior? [Dhiren]


12-15-2013, 02:00 AM

The oracles words rang in the depths of her mind. ?Do you seek a higher guidance Amevia.? It haunted her mind. She shook her head as she walked threw the territory to find her way out. Her ears fell backward as she looked towards the star kissed sky. Where was her savior? Hadn?t her mother said he would guide her? Hadn?t she said he would protect her! Rage sang threw her heart at the thought. He was nothing. No god that loved her unconditionally. He was a weightless being that held no merit to her heart. This so-called god had abandoned her and even if the words of the new Sol struck a cord in her heart she would feel no different. They were her enemy. All of them, they all let it happened, they all let her kingdom burn.

She was careless. Her mind was reeling with her mixed emotions. She hadn?t noticed the sound of crunching paws. She missed the sound of heavy breathing with the cold air filling another?s lungs. The sea of chaos in her mind had missed all all the signs that stated she was being followed. She wanted to leave. To turn her back on this wretched place and watch it burn, and watch them all burn with it. Every last one of those fucking wolves that let her family die. That let that bitch take it all away. And yet?. She couldn?t help but hear the words haunt her mind. She sighed and finally heard the sound of crunching snow. She turned around sharply. Her fur on end and her lips curled back with her aggression as her eyes were filled with the vision of a male.

?Do you have a fucking death wish maggot?? She growled. Her violet eyes were filled with the heat of her rage as she looked at him. Her tail rose upright to show her hostility and yet she was the outcast in their land. He belonged and she did not.



12-15-2013, 02:19 AM (This post was last modified: 12-15-2013, 02:22 AM by Dhiren.)

The fact that Syn struck Dhiren's interest was definitely an odd one. He had been enthralled by the emotion that spewed from her lips, particularly when she spoke to his mother. Song had struck a chord attached to Syn's beating core and the way she had responded made his eyes twinkle. Dhiren didn't tend to show interest for many things -- or people -- outside of his family circle. Having the sparkling, purple volcano of feelings tug at his gut was something new indeed.
He patiently waited for the meeting to end before he went to search for her. The black and white boy was a bullet across the lands kissed with snow. His paws caressed the ground with each miniature scoop while he lightly panted along the way. Gold and silver eyes searched for any signs of her presence recently in the area and he wasn't disappointed. Dhiren's tongue slipped back into his mouth and a smirk crossed his young features as he approached the female slowing down ahead of him.
Her reaction was what he had expected: angry with a mixture of hurt and a slight bit of paranoia? Dhiren stopped a respectable distance from the gargantuan woman, but his eyes still sparkled amidst the negativity that freely flowed into the night air. His tail curled its tip behind him as he lightly chuckled and said, "Only if I would be able to look into those eyes before everything went black." He raised an eyebrow above his silver opt, but didn't make another motion to step forward. Dhiren was young, but he wasn't stupid.
Dhiren then snorted lightly and changed gears as he spoke again. "I only came to see that you were all right, but obviously, that wouldn't appeal to you, I am guessing?" He side-stepped to the left, paws once again enjoying the feel of cold snow beneath them. "My mother spoke of the higher guidance and you ran off...what kind of reasoning do you have for leaving when it seemed you were rather intrigued by her inquiry?" As for her calling him 'maggot', Dhiren didn't mind. She was pissed off about something, obviously, and it wasn't him. Why would it matter?



12-15-2013, 02:39 AM

The male had a sharp tongue, just as she had, and his first response had made her breathe catch. What had he said to her? Her eyes were filled with confusion. And.. embarrassment. What was she feeling? Why did she feel the need to look away and blush at the words? Her ears twitched to recover from feeling taken aback and she took a guarded step backwards.

The male before her wasn?t exactly what she would call her type. Well, he wasn?t exactly unattractive. He was dark coated and his white ear, much like the male that stood beside song. Her eyes narrowed. So was this their child? Did the new Sol send her son after her! She felt her anger rising up again as she watched him carefully. Anger was something she understood. It was a welcome amongst all the other conflicting emotions. Her tail slashed behind her as he spoke of uncaring and he was damn right. She didn?t need him to follow her. She was leaving anyway. This wasn?t where she belonged. She belonged nowhere.

He had the audacity to question why she had left. Her heart seemed to burn deep inside her chest as she stood her full 42 inches of height upright. She was a behemoth like her mother and it was best that she remembered that. She had been so lost in her rage, in her revenge, that she had forgotten that she was a young woman. She was almost a full-fledged adult and she would not be questioned by a mere youth. He was barely a yearling so what right did he have to question her?

She stormed towards him her paw shooting out to shove into his chest. ?Your pack destroyed everything that I held dear to me. Your old Sol murdered my father for false reasons. She said he had raped her, he did no such thing, it was attempted rape but nothing succeeding.? The whore probably wanted it, At least she thought, she was unsure what the truth was but she had faith her father had committed no act to the sol, at least, that she hadn?t asked for in some way. ?She then had her little bitch minion attack my mother at the same time, preventing her from protecting her mate.. And we.. I was to young to do anything but watch!? she snapped. Her heart was beating furiously in her chest and she was breathing heavy.

His spicy aroma filled her lungs and she felt her face flush. She was grateful her coat was mainly dark violet to hide the tinge that would have shown on a lighter coat. What was wrong with her? What the hell was with his aroma that was distracting? She stood for a moment battling with staying where she was and backing up again. She wanted to give herself space, away from him. ?My mother lost her kingdom while my father lost his life. Everything came crashing down around us and for what? Our home was fine. It didn?t need a new ruler. My mother was a great alpha, and she cared about her people. Every single last one of them she cared and that cunt stole it all away!? she snapped, she felt tears shinning in her eyes and her nose scrunched up with frustration. She would not cry! She would not fucking cry in front of a fucking Lud wolf! She turned her head before the first could fall down her cheek. She would not let him see her cry. She wouldn?t give him the satisfaction of knowing how badly she was broken.



12-15-2013, 03:09 AM

Dhiren was usually prepared for anything life threw at him. What he didn't expect was for the raging gargantuan to storm up and poke him hard in the chest. He was slightly caught offguard, so his steps back were from the slackness of not being ready for anything then. His brows furrowed and he was about to yell out in protest, but then Syn began to break down her emotional walls. He remained silent and listened as she told him what happened.
The story was heartbreaking even before the physical signs started to show. Syn had lost her parents to Jupiter and her lover, all because of a misunderstanding? His furrow deepened as his ears slipped back against his black crown. How could something like that happen? It seemed out of character for his Sol, but then again, he didn't know her that well to begin with.
He was still not stupid, but bravery was something he clung to with pride. Slowly, he rose to the full height his growth had attained in his short life and padded towards her. She had shied away from him, to make sure the tears wouldn't be seen by his gold and silver opts. Dhiren didn't know why. His sisters always cried freely in front of him, but then again, they did that to get him in trouble. He figured these tears weren't from plotting his demise, but from the heart that her anger was seeping from. Such a weird concept to a six-month-old pup.
Dhiren tried to figure out what to say, for his lashing tongue was eager to whip the air with the words that circled in his chest. They would only make the situation worse and he didn't want that. Instead, he used a different tone as he padded two steps forward, closer to Syn before reclining to his haunches. "My family is not like that, Syn. Jupiter and her woman did that on their own accord; their decision was not ours. I wasn't even alive when they decided to tag team your parents. What they did does not show how my parents and our family act in the same situation." His ears slowly rose and his eyes lost a bit of their twinkle. "I can't begin to imagine how it feels to have Mom and Dad taken from me, let alone my sisters..." He wasn't sure that helped at all, but it was all he could do. "If you decide to stay, you will have some type of foundation...I don't know if you would want that at all. Our Ludicael is not the same one Jupiter ran. Mom is completely different and she isn't the type to seek out others to slay them." In reality, that was how his old Sol sounded.



12-15-2013, 11:10 AM

The tears were a painful reminder of the grief that still infected her. Her rage had become her armor. How did she peel it back, scale by scale, if she knew nothing other then this? She closed her eyes as his voice filled her ears. Something was odd about her reactions. Was it because she was so close to being an adult? Would every male affect her the same way? She couldn?t think into it, her mind was still blinded by her rage to notice the small things. The insignificant and yet magnificent things that life could bring. She knew nothing but angst. Even her brother suffered from the rage like some family plague that followed them, haunting them, and consuming who they were individually.

Her ear pulled backwards, towards his voice, and she turned to look at him. Her violet eyes were alight with her past anger. Her fur bristled as she eyed him, suspicion in her gaze, as her teeth bared at him. A part of her, some long ago burned but sweet part, wanted to laugh and enjoy the feelings that lingered inside her but the darkness didn?t want to be set free. No. It would take her and she would forget who she was and be what it wanted her to be.

?You say that but didn?t she follow her before? She had been apart of the pack when it all happened. The blood of my family might not be on your paws but what of your mother? I wonder if she knew. If that bitch sol told the pack what she had done to my family. How could they stand by her after that?? she asked, she wanted answers so badly. Truly they could not all be bad? She truly wanted something to believe in. She looked at him and her ears fell back. ?What if she comes back? What if she wants to take the crown from your mother and be the Sol again? What then?? she demanded, her anger was rising inside her again. She couldn?t be let down again. Everything had burned and if she put faith in something, someone, what if it failed her?

He had spoken of foundation but whom did she know? She had met no one really. Except for him. And her violet eyes flickered with her sassy disposition. ?Tsk, you just want me to stick around and entertain you Maggot.? She said with a laugh. Yet part of her wondered if he really did want her to stay. Did he want her to stay to better her situation or for him? She found it amusing he knew her name but she didn?t know his and it seemed her nickname was sticking in her mind for him. It was amusing how fowl her names were for others, her brother Salamander was Fairy Fart but she used that term as a term of endearment most times. She wondered where he was, where Bas was.



12-15-2013, 08:05 PM (This post was last modified: 12-15-2013, 08:06 PM by Dhiren.)

Syn began to ask Dhiren about where his mother stood when Jupiter had broken their family. He didn't know himself, but he knew his mother was not the type who wanted bloodshed to take place over a misunderstanding. His ears flattened against his head and he growled at the mere thought of the purple female questioning his mother's loyalties. "My mother was more devoted to this pack than our recent Sol was," he said gruffly, eyes of silver and gold showing the heavy impact of his words. "She would never let that kind of thing happen and I am sure as hell she wouldn't have encouraged Jupiter's actions." If he was wrong, then he was sure he would pay for it.
His fur started to rise around his hackles as he curled back his upper lip. "If the heart-faced Sol tries to come back and take her crown, I will defend my mother with every fiber of my being. She deserves it, after all she has been through. No one has the right to try and take it from her, especially after she has worked so hard for Ludicael as our Beta." By now he had approached Syn, unafraid and unabashed by her anger and pent up rage. "To question my mother's grip on the crown is not a smart thing to do, Syn." His eyes flashed and a smirk crossed his features. "Lucky for you that you are smart, otherwise, I wouldn't be too happy now, either."
When she stated that he only wanted her there for pure entertainment, he laughed and warmth seeped in through his gaze. "Perhaps, but if you didn't want to be the star of my eye, then you wouldn't have lingered here like you have." Of course, what he was saying was utter bull, for Dhiren knew she had stayed longer than possible because of her confusion. At six - almost seven - months, the male was mentally developing faster than his sisters, but he didn't want his parents to be aware of it yet. In time, he knew it would work to his advantage, so with his mind set on the future as well as the present, he 'let the events unfold'. (Like Professor Snape said in the fourth Harry Potter movie!)
Dhiren then took a step back and reclined to his haunches once more. "I suppose that not many people know how bad it affected you, my Starry Syn. Otherwise, there would be more at your side now...but, sometimes having all those wolves around can be overwhelming when you are surrounded by your own starry darkness..." He thought about how Lakota was at times. Ohhh, she could be so mean. His personal experience with his little sister was one he didn't speak freely on, for the times he witnessed her evil natures were private and no one knew about them except those involved. His tail delicately wrapped itself around his hind paws as he waited for an answer.



12-17-2013, 07:59 PM

Her ears twitched to his words. The only reaction she gave to her internal thoughts. So, he thought she wouldn?t have given her blessing to the massacring of her family. She never would have stood up for her father. His past was filled with hunting demons that many knew and loathed. They wanted his head and his actions had caused the pack so much grief. She had learned to resent him for who he had been and who he still was. His false loyalty to her mother hadn?t clouded her vision and though she had come from his loins that didn?t make her loyal to him. Jupitors actions towards her father weren?t what she had found unforgivable. It was destroying and empire that didn?t need to be overthrown.

She listened to his words about Jupitors return. Something in her rushed at that. Her face remained blank but her heart had increased in speed. What was going on? Why was she feeling this way? She needed to get a grip on herself and the only way she knew how was to hold on to her rage. She took in a deep breath and close her eyes for a moment. She focused all her hatred in her words. It was the strangest feeling, to hate, to want more then anything to see the one that had caused her all her anguish to suffer and lose everything just as she had. She wanted to destroy everything that had ever been precious to Jupitor . ?If she comes back. I will kill her.? She said hotly. The honesty was so raw in her eyes as she looked at him. She had meant it with every fiber of her being.

?It?s not that I question your mothers grip on the crown. I witnessed the deviousness that Jupitor is capable of. Something about your mother..? she couldn?t think how to express her emotions. She felt drawn to her. She felt purpose to be close and her words had truly touched her. Her mother had been one of the few to ever speak of the gods, or rather god, but she wasn?t certain the world was created by merely one being. ?Her words touched a nerve and I don?t know why. But if I stay here, if I live here,? with you, near you,?Then I will protect her too.? She said softly. She needed something in her life to help ease the rage inside her, anything to put even the smallest damper on the fire inside her, she knew if she didn?t she would lose what was left of her mind and her sanity. Mother has proven often to be insane, she isn?t too far gone. She mused to herself. She was worse when her life held no meaning. When the memories faded and the flowers grew voices and when the rabbit came out to haunt her again. That?s when her mother vanished and the ?other? blank persona broke free.

She turned her head from her thoughts and focused them back on him. His bold words made her laugh. She couldn?t help it. What arrogance he held to think she lingered because of him. Maybe he was half right but she would never admit that. No, and he had called her his star. She couldn?t help but swoon inside her head. God if he could hear the girly excitement that was radiating deep inside her she would die. Instead she looked at him pointedly and allowed her laugh to breathe free from her lips. When was the last time she laughed like that? ?Oh please. In your dreams Maggot.? She teased, yet he wasn?t so far aware from her emotions. She snapped at him playfully to that, enjoying the fact that he was attempting to lighten the mood. It had turned a dark path and she hadn?t truly shared her past with anyone. When the world broke she had lost her path. She had gone renegade and left everything behind. Including her brothers and new siblings, she didn?t even know her sisters, only Neios.

His last words made her ears fall back. Yes, many did know what had happened. Those that still followed her mother. They knew what had happened. Zara and Champion, and all those that had once been close to her family. ?I..? she said softly, ?I left once our kingdom fell. All those wolves counting on my mother had stayed with her. They had faith but I lost mine.? She said honestly, her mother had failed to defend the pack; she had failed to keep the kingdom. She had been the queen slayer and had been defeated by a serpent. If her mother, the largest wolf that she knew of, the strongest and the kindest couldn?t keep her home then what was there to have faith in? Her brother had abandoned her, Basilisk had been her everything. Her hero. Yet where was he now? Sure they had talked about revenge but he had truly abandoned her and she was tired of being on the lamb.

?You know Maggot, you never did tell me your real name. Or do you enjoy my term of endearment for you?? she said with a smile. She wanted to let go of her sorrow for a little while. If he wanted to convince her to stay here, with him, and belong then they needed to talk about other things. Other, less depressing things. Her tail flicked back and forth behind her to show her subtle playfulness.


Santa Claws

12-18-2013, 08:13 PM

Santa Claws does not appreciate Ameiva's foul language!

He has filled her stocking with 30 pieces of coal.

Merry Christmas!



12-19-2013, 03:36 AM

Syn said that she would protect his mother alongside him and Dhiren's expression brightened. His tail wagged as he briefly imagined the two of them, side by side, fighting against the world to defend his home. Silver and gold eyes shimmered from the thought and he couldn't help but smile. "That makes me all the more eager to have you here," he said, not pulling a front in that moment. Song meant everything to him, especially since she was so fragile when she had been sick. To have her recover and end up taking the reins as Alpha was indeed a miracle.
The starry girl talked about leaving her mama's pack once the empire fell and he couldn't blame her. When Newt stood for everything she believed in, only to have it taken from her paws, it was no surprise for her children to have their cores shaken down to the bottom of their souls. The heartbreak that Syn must have gone through...Dhiren couldn't even imagine it. Instead of voicing anything about it, he only nodded to agree and push through it to a different topic.
At her inquiry about her nickname for him, Dhiren raised an eyebrow. He wasn't a fan of being considered a fly's spawn, but he considered the fact that there could be worse names. Slowly, he shook his head and gently laughed. "I don't think I could get excited about being called 'maggot' for the rest of my time knowing you, but whatever. My real name is Dhiren, Dhiren Destruction. I prefer Dhiren, though, not my full name unless I get in trouble." It ws then he rolled his eyes and shook out his body fur, introducing his hidden fluff. "I'm the only boy in a litter of five...I don't know how I have survived this long."
